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[Doc] Add facebook ref

Monf 8 anni fa
1 ha cambiato i file con 3 aggiunte e 2 eliminazioni
  1. 3 2

+ 3 - 2

@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ A neuron is a module that will perform some actions attached to an order. You ca
 | Name                                                                                 | Description                                                                             |
-| [gmail_checker](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_gmail)           | Get the number of unread email and their subjects from a gmail account                  |
+| [facebook](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_facebook)             | Post and Read message on Facebook                                                        |
+| [gmail_checker](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_gmail)           | Get the number of unread email and their subjects from a gmail account             |
 | [google agenda](https://github.com/bacardi55/kalliope-google-calendar)               | Get your next meetings on google calendar                                               |
 | [hue](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_hue)                       | Control the Philips Hue lighting system  |
 | [list available orders](https://github.com/bacardi55/kalliope-list-available-orders) | Let kalliope tell you what she how she can help                                         |
@@ -30,13 +31,13 @@ A neuron is a module that will perform some actions attached to an order. You ca
 | [pushetta](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_pushetta)             | Send a push message to a remote device like Android/iOS/Windows Phone or Chrome browser |
 | [repeat](https://github.com/bacardi55/kalliope-repeat)                               | Make kalliope say whatever you want                                                     |
 | [rss_reader](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_rss_reader)         | Get rss feed from website                                                               |
+| [slack](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_slack)                   | Post and Read message on Slack                                                          |
 | [system_status](https://github.com/bacardi55/kalliope-system-status)                 | Get info about the system (cpu, memory, …                                                               |
 | [tasker](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_tasker)                 | Send a message to Android tasker app                                                    |
 | [twitter](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_twitter)               | Send a Twit from kalliope                                                               |
 | [wake_on_lan](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_wake_on_lan)       | Wake on lan a computer                                                                  |
 | [web scraper](https://github.com/bacardi55/kalliope-web-scraper)                     | Read web pages that don't provide RSS feed or APIs (by scraping html)                   |                            |
 | [wikipedia](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_wikipedia)           | Search for a page on Wikipedia                                                          |
-| [slack](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_neuron_slack)                   | Post and Read message on Slack                                                          |
 Wanna add your neuron in the list? Open [an issue](../../issues) with the link of your neuron or send a pull request to update the list directly.