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+# Kalliope quick start
+Kalliope needs two files to works, a `settings.yml` and a `brain.yml`.
+As files are written on YAML syntax, we strongly recommend you to use an editor(IDE) like [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) or [Atom](https://atom.io/).
+If you are using kalliope from a Rpi, the idea would be to configure your assistant from your main computer with an IDE and then push your config folder into your Rpi.
+We made starter kits that only needs to be cloned, placed into the Rpi and launched.
+- [French starter kit](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_starter_fr)
+- [English starter kit](https://github.com/kalliope-project/kalliope_starter_en)
+Those repositories provide you a structure to start playing and learning basics of Kalliope.
+Download the starter kit of your choice and open the folder with your IDE.
+When you start kalliope using the CLI (`kalliope start`), the program will try to load your `settings.yml` and `brain.yml` in the following order:
+- From your current folder, E.g `/home/pi/my_kalliope/settings.yml`
+- From `/etc/kalliope/settings.yml`
+- From the default `settings.yml`. You can take a look into the default [`settings.yml`](../kalliope/settings.yml) file which is located in the root of the project tree.
+This a common tree of a Kalliope configuration folder:
+├── brains
+│ └── included_brain.yml
+├── brain.yml
+├── files
+│ └── kalliope-EN-13samples.pmdl
+└── settings.yml
+Let's open the main brain file. You'll see there are some included sub brains file.
+- includes:
+ - brains/say.yml
+If you open the `say.yml` file from the brains folder, you'll see a basic synapse that uses the [neuron](../neurons.md) "[Say](../../kalliope/neurons/say)" and make Kalliope speaks out loud "Hello sir" when you say "hello".
+Move into the folder and then start Kalliope:
+cd /path/to/the/starter_kit
+kalliope start
+> **Note:** Do not start Kalliope as root user or with sudo
+Kalliope will load settings and brain, the output should looks the following
+Starting event manager
+Events loaded
+Starting Kalliope
+Press Ctrl+C for stopping
+Starting REST API Listening port: 5000
+Waiting for trigger detection
+Then speak the hotwork out loud to wake up Kalliope (with the right pronunciation depending on your starter kit. "Kalliopé" in french, "Kalliopee" in English).
+If the trigger is successfully raised, you'll see "say something" into the console.
+2016-12-05 20:54:21,950 :: INFO :: Keyword 1 detected at time: 2016-12-05 20:54:21
+Say something!
+Then you can say "hello" and listen the Kalliope response.
+Say something!
+Google Speech Recognition thinks you said hello
+Order matched in the brain. Running synapse "say-hello"
+Waiting for trigger detection
+That's it! You are ready to customize your assistant!
+## What next?
+- See what you can customize in your [settings](../settings.md) like changing the hotword, the STT or TTS engine.
+- Create your [brain](../brain.md)
+- See the list of [available neurons](../neuron_list.md)