@@ -51,12 +51,10 @@ class OrderAnalyser:
return list()
# test each synapse from the brain
- list_match_synapse = list()
- for synapse in cls.brain.synapses:
- list_match_synapse = cls.get_list_match_synapse(order, list_match_synapse, synapse, synapse_order_tuple)
+ list_match_synapse = cls.get_list_match_synapse(order, synapse_order_tuple)
# create a list of MatchedSynapse from the tuple list
- list_synapse_to_process =cls.get_list_synapses_to_process(list_match_synapse, order)
+ list_synapse_to_process = cls.get_list_synapses_to_process(list_match_synapse, order)
return list_synapse_to_process
@@ -71,35 +69,37 @@ class OrderAnalyser:
return list_synapse_to_process
- def get_list_match_synapse(cls, order, list_match_synapse, synapse, synapse_order_tuple):
- for signal in synapse.signals:
- # we are only concerned by synapse with a order type of signal
- if signal.name == "order":
- # get the type of matching expected, by default "normal"
- expected_matching_type = "normal"
- signal_order = None
- if isinstance(signal.parameters, str) or isinstance(signal.parameters, six.text_type):
- signal_order = signal.parameters
- if isinstance(signal.parameters, dict):
- try:
- signal_order = signal.parameters["text"]
- except KeyError:
- logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] Warning, missing parameter 'text' in order. "
- "Order will be skipped")
- continue
- expected_matching_type = cls.get_matching_type(signal)
- order = cls.order_correction(order, signal)
- if cls.is_order_matching(user_order=order,
- signal_order=signal_order,
- expected_order_type=expected_matching_type):
- # the order match the synapse, we add it to the returned list
- logger.debug("Order found! Run synapse name: %s" % synapse.name)
- Utils.print_success("Order matched in the brain. Running synapse \"%s\"" % synapse.name)
- list_match_synapse.append(synapse_order_tuple(synapse=synapse, order=signal_order))
+ def get_list_match_synapse(cls, order, synapse_order_tuple):
+ list_match_synapse = list()
+ for synapse in cls.brain.synapses:
+ for signal in synapse.signals:
+ # we are only concerned by synapse with a order type of signal
+ if signal.name == "order":
+ # get the type of matching expected, by default "normal"
+ expected_matching_type = "normal"
+ signal_order = None
+ if isinstance(signal.parameters, str) or isinstance(signal.parameters, six.text_type):
+ signal_order = signal.parameters
+ if isinstance(signal.parameters, dict):
+ try:
+ signal_order = signal.parameters["text"]
+ except KeyError:
+ logger.debug("[OrderAnalyser] Warning, missing parameter 'text' in order. "
+ "Order will be skipped")
+ continue
+ expected_matching_type = cls.get_matching_type(signal)
+ order = cls.order_correction(order, signal)
+ if cls.is_order_matching(user_order=order,
+ signal_order=signal_order,
+ expected_order_type=expected_matching_type):
+ # the order match the synapse, we add it to the returned list
+ logger.debug("Order found! Run synapse name: %s" % synapse.name)
+ Utils.print_success("Order matched in the brain. Running synapse \"%s\"" % synapse.name)
+ list_match_synapse.append(synapse_order_tuple(synapse=synapse, order=signal_order))
return list_match_synapse