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Merge pull request #321 from kalliope-project/signals_refacto

Signals refacto
Monf 7 years ago

+ 0 - 587

@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-import unittest
-import mock
-from kalliope.core.OrderAnalyser import OrderAnalyser
-from kalliope.core.Models.Neuron import Neuron
-from kalliope.core.Models.Synapse import Synapse
-from kalliope.core.Models.Brain import Brain
-from kalliope.core.Models.Settings import Settings
-from kalliope.core.Models.Order import Order
-class TestOrderAnalyser(unittest.TestCase):
-    """Test case for the OrderAnalyser Class"""
-    def setUp(self):
-        pass
-    def test_start(self):
-        """
-        Testing if the matches from the incoming messages and the signals/order sentences.
-        Scenarii :
-            - Order matchs a synapse and the synapse has been launched.
-            - Order does not match but have a default synapse.
-            - Order does not match and does not have default synapse.
-            - Provide synapse without any external orders
-            - Provide synapse with any external orders
-        """
-        # Init
-        neuron1 = Neuron(name='neurone1', parameters={'var1': 'val1'})
-        neuron2 = Neuron(name='neurone2', parameters={'var2': 'val2'})
-        neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3'})
-        neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
-        signal1 = Order(sentence="this is the sentence")
-        signal2 = Order(sentence="this is the second sentence")
-        signal3 = Order(sentence="that is part of the third sentence")
-        synapse1 = Synapse(name="Synapse1", neurons=[neuron1, neuron2], signals=[signal1])
-        synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])
-        synapse3 = Synapse(name="Synapse3", neurons=[neuron2, neuron4], signals=[signal3])
-        all_synapse_list = [synapse1,
-                            synapse2,
-                            synapse3]
-        br = Brain(synapses=all_synapse_list)
-        with mock.patch("kalliope.core.OrderAnalyser._start_neuron") as mock_start_neuron_method:
-            # assert synapses have been launched
-            order_to_match = "this is the sentence"
-            oa = OrderAnalyser(order=order_to_match,
-                               brain=br)
-            expected_result = [synapse1]
-            self.assertEquals(oa.start(),
-                              expected_result,
-                              "Fail to run the expected Synapse matching the order")
-            calls = [, {}),, {})]
-            mock_start_neuron_method.assert_has_calls(calls=calls)
-            mock_start_neuron_method.reset_mock()
-            # No order matching Default Synapse to run
-            order_to_match = "random sentence"
-            oa = OrderAnalyser(order=order_to_match,
-                               brain=br)
-            oa.settings = mock.MagicMock(default_synapse="Synapse3")
-            expected_result = [synapse3]
-            self.assertEquals(oa.start(),
-                              expected_result,
-                              "Fail to run the default Synapse because no other synapses match the order")
-            # No order matching no Default Synapse
-            order_to_match = "random sentence"
-            oa = OrderAnalyser(order=order_to_match,
-                               brain=br)
-            oa.settings = mock.MagicMock()
-            expected_result = []
-            self.assertEquals(oa.start(),
-                              expected_result,
-                              "Fail to no synapse because no synapse matchs and no default defined")
-            # Provide synapse to run
-            order_to_match = "this is the sentence"
-            oa = OrderAnalyser(order=order_to_match,
-                               brain=br)
-            expected_result = [synapse1]
-            synapses_to_run = [synapse1]
-            self.assertEquals(oa.start(synapses_to_run=synapses_to_run),
-                              expected_result,
-                              "Fail to run the provided synapse to run")
-            calls = [, {}),, {})]
-            mock_start_neuron_method.assert_has_calls(calls=calls)
-            mock_start_neuron_method.reset_mock()
-            # Provide synapse and external orders
-            order_to_match = "this is an external sentence"
-            oa = OrderAnalyser(order=order_to_match,
-                               brain=br)
-            external_orders = "this is an external {{ order }}"
-            synapses_to_run = [synapse2]
-            expected_result = [synapse2]
-            self.assertEquals(oa.start(synapses_to_run=synapses_to_run, external_order=external_orders),
-                              expected_result,
-                              "Fail to run a provided synapse with external order")
-            calls = [, {"order":u"sentence"}),, {"order":u"sentence"})]
-            mock_start_neuron_method.assert_has_calls(calls=calls)
-            mock_start_neuron_method.reset_mock()
-    def test_start_neuron(self):
-        """
-        Testing params association and starting a Neuron
-        """
-        neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
-        with mock.patch("kalliope.core.NeuronLauncher.NeuronLauncher.start_neuron") as mock_start_neuron_method:
-            # Assert to the neuron is launched
-            neuron1 = Neuron(name='neurone1', parameters={'var1': 'val1'})
-            params = {
-                'param1':'parval1'
-            }
-            OrderAnalyser._start_neuron(neuron=neuron1,params=params)
-            mock_start_neuron_method.assert_called_with(neuron1)
-            mock_start_neuron_method.reset_mock()
-            # Assert the params are well passed to the neuron
-            neuron2 = Neuron(name='neurone2', parameters={'var2': 'val2', 'args': ['arg1', 'arg2']})
-            params = {
-                'arg1':'argval1',
-                'arg2':'argval2'
-            }
-            OrderAnalyser._start_neuron(neuron=neuron2, params=params)
-            neuron2_params = Neuron(name='neurone2',
-                                    parameters={'var2': 'val2',
-                                                'args': ['arg1', 'arg2'],
-                                                'arg1':'argval1',
-                                                'arg2':'argval2'}
-                                    )
-            mock_start_neuron_method.assert_called_with(neuron2_params)
-            mock_start_neuron_method.reset_mock()
-            # Assert the Neuron is not started when missing args
-            neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3', 'args': ['arg3', 'arg4']})
-            params = {
-                'arg1': 'argval1',
-                'arg2': 'argval2'
-            }
-            OrderAnalyser._start_neuron(neuron=neuron3, params=params)
-            mock_start_neuron_method.assert_not_called()
-            mock_start_neuron_method.reset_mock()
-            # Assert no neuron is launched when waiting for args and none are given
-            neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4', 'args': ['arg5', 'arg6']})
-            params = {}
-            OrderAnalyser._start_neuron(neuron=neuron4, params=params)
-            mock_start_neuron_method.assert_not_called()
-            mock_start_neuron_method.reset_mock()
-    def test_spelt_order_match_brain_order_via_table(self):
-        order_to_test = "this is the order"
-        sentence_to_test = "this is the order"
-        # Success
-        self.assertTrue(OrderAnalyser.spelt_order_match_brain_order_via_table(order_to_test, sentence_to_test),
-                        "Fail matching order with the expected sentence")
-        # Failure
-        sentence_to_test = "unexpected sentence"
-        self.assertFalse(OrderAnalyser.spelt_order_match_brain_order_via_table(order_to_test, sentence_to_test),
-                         "Fail to ensure the expected sentence is not matching the order")
-        # Upper/lower cases
-        sentence_to_test = "THIS is THE order"
-        self.assertTrue(OrderAnalyser.spelt_order_match_brain_order_via_table(order_to_test, sentence_to_test),
-                        "Fail matching Upper/lower cases")
-    def test_format_sentences_to_analyse(self):
-        # First capital in sentence
-        order_to_test = "this is the order"
-        sentence_to_test = "This is the order"
-        expected_result = "this is the order", "this is the order"
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._format_sentences_to_analyse(order_to_analyse=order_to_test,
-                                                                    user_said=sentence_to_test),
-                         expected_result,
-                         "Fails formatting the sentences with first capital in sentence")
-        # random uppercase in sentence
-        order_to_test = "this is the order"
-        sentence_to_test = "This IS the ordeR"
-        expected_result = "this is the order", "this is the order"
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._format_sentences_to_analyse(order_to_analyse=order_to_test,
-                                                                    user_said=sentence_to_test),
-                         expected_result,
-                         "Fails formatting the sentences with random in sentence")
-        # random uppercase in order
-        order_to_test = "thiS is THE orDer"
-        sentence_to_test = "this is the order"
-        expected_result = "this is the order", "this is the order"
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._format_sentences_to_analyse(order_to_analyse=order_to_test,
-                                                                    user_said=sentence_to_test),
-                         expected_result,
-                         "Fails formatting the sentences with random in order")
-        # random uppercase in both order and sentence
-        order_to_test = "thiS is THE orDer"
-        sentence_to_test = "THIS is the Order"
-        expected_result = "this is the order", "this is the order"
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._format_sentences_to_analyse(order_to_analyse=order_to_test,
-                                                                    user_said=sentence_to_test),
-                         expected_result,
-                         "Fails formatting the sentences with random in both order and sentence")
-    def test_get_split_order_without_bracket(self):
-        # Success
-        order_to_test = "this is the order"
-        expected_result = ["this", "is", "the", "order"]
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._get_split_order_without_bracket(order_to_test), expected_result,
-                         "No brackets Fails to return the expected list")
-        order_to_test = "this is the {{ order }}"
-        expected_result = ["this", "is", "the"]
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._get_split_order_without_bracket(order_to_test), expected_result,
-                         "With spaced brackets Fails to return the expected list")
-        order_to_test = "this is the {{order }}"    # left bracket without space
-        expected_result = ["this", "is", "the"]
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._get_split_order_without_bracket(order_to_test), expected_result,
-                         "Left brackets Fails to return the expected list")
-        order_to_test = "this is the {{ order}}"    # right bracket without space
-        expected_result = ["this", "is", "the"]
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._get_split_order_without_bracket(order_to_test), expected_result,
-                         "Right brackets Fails to return the expected list")
-        order_to_test = "this is the {{order}}"  # bracket without space
-        expected_result = ["this", "is", "the"]
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._get_split_order_without_bracket(order_to_test), expected_result,
-                         "No space brackets Fails to return the expected list")
-    def test_associate_order_params_to_values(self):
-        ##
-        # Testing the brackets position behaviour
-        ##
-        # Success
-        order_brain = "This is the {{ variable }}"
-        order_user = "This is the value"
-        expected_result = {'variable': 'value'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._associate_order_params_to_values(order_user, order_brain), expected_result,
-                         "Fail to match the order_brain {{ variable }} to the 'value'")
-        # Success
-        order_brain = "This is the {{variable }}"
-        order_user = "This is the value"
-        expected_result = {'variable': 'value'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._associate_order_params_to_values(order_user, order_brain), expected_result,
-                         "Fail to match the order_brain {{variable }} to the 'value'")
-        # Success
-        order_brain = "This is the {{ variable}}"
-        order_user = "This is the value"
-        expected_result = {'variable': 'value'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._associate_order_params_to_values(order_user, order_brain), expected_result,
-                         "Fail to match the order_brain {{ variable}} to the 'value'")
-        # Success
-        order_brain = "This is the {{variable}}"
-        order_user = "This is the value"
-        expected_result = {'variable': 'value'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._associate_order_params_to_values(order_user, order_brain), expected_result,
-                         "Fail to match the order_brain {{variable}} to the 'value'")
-        # Fail
-        order_brain = "This is the {variable}"
-        order_user = "This is the value"
-        expected_result = {'variable': 'value'}
-        self.assertNotEquals(OrderAnalyser._associate_order_params_to_values(order_user, order_brain), expected_result,
-                             "Should not match the order_brain {variable} to the 'value'")
-        # Fail
-        order_brain = "This is the { variable}}"
-        order_user = "This is the value"
-        expected_result = {'variable': 'value'}
-        self.assertNotEquals(OrderAnalyser._associate_order_params_to_values(order_user, order_brain), expected_result,
-                             "Should not match the order_brain { variable}} to the 'value'")
-        ##
-        # Testing the brackets position in the sentence
-        ##
-        # Success
-        order_brain = "{{ variable }} This is the"
-        order_user = "value This is the"
-        expected_result = {'variable': 'value'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._associate_order_params_to_values(order_user, order_brain), expected_result,
-                         "Fail to match the order_brain {{ variable }} in first position "
-                         "ins the sentence to the 'value'")
-        # Success
-        order_brain = "This is {{ variable }} the"
-        order_user = " This is value the"
-        expected_result = {'variable': 'value'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._associate_order_params_to_values(order_user, order_brain), expected_result,
-                         "Fail to match the order_brain {{ variable }} in middle position ins "
-                         "the sentence to the 'value'")
-        ##
-        # Testing multi variables
-        ##
-        # Success
-        order_brain = "This is {{ variable }} the {{ variable2 }}"
-        order_user = "This is value the value2"
-        expected_result = {'variable': 'value',
-                           'variable2': 'value2'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._associate_order_params_to_values(order_user, order_brain), expected_result,
-                         "Fail to match the order_brain multi variable to the multi values")
-        ##
-        # Testing multi words in variable
-        ##
-        # Success
-        order_brain = "This is the {{ variable }}"
-        order_user = "This is the value with multiple words"
-        expected_result = {'variable': 'value with multiple words'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._associate_order_params_to_values(order_user, order_brain), expected_result,
-                         "Fail to match the order_brain {{ variable }} to the 'value with multiple words'")
-        # Success
-        order_brain = "This is the {{ variable }} and  {{ variable2 }}"
-        order_user = "This is the value with multiple words and second value multiple"
-        expected_result = {'variable': 'value with multiple words',
-                           'variable2': 'second value multiple'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._associate_order_params_to_values(order_user, order_brain), expected_result,
-                         "Fail to match the order_brain multiple variables with multiple words as values'")
-        ##
-        #  Specific Behaviour
-        ##
-        # Upper/Lower case
-        order_brain = "This Is The {{ variable }}"
-        order_user = "ThiS is tHe VAlue"
-        expected_result = {'variable': 'VAlue'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._associate_order_params_to_values(order_user, order_brain), expected_result,
-                         "Fail to match the order_brain when using Upper/Lower cases")
-    def test_get_matching_synapse_list(self):
-        # Init
-        neuron1 = Neuron(name='neurone1', parameters={'var1': 'val1'})
-        neuron2 = Neuron(name='neurone2', parameters={'var2': 'val2'})
-        neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3'})
-        neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
-        signal1 = Order(sentence="this is the sentence")
-        signal2 = Order(sentence="this is the second sentence")
-        signal3 = Order(sentence="that is part of the third sentence")
-        synapse1 = Synapse(name="Synapse1", neurons=[neuron1, neuron2], signals=[signal1])
-        synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])
-        synapse3 = Synapse(name="Synapse3", neurons=[neuron2, neuron4], signals=[signal3])
-        order_to_match = "this is the sentence"
-        all_synapse_list = [synapse1,
-                            synapse2,
-                            synapse3]
-        # Success
-        expected_result = synapse1
-        oa_tuple_list = OrderAnalyser._get_matching_synapse_list(all_synapses_list=all_synapse_list,
-                                                                   order_to_match=order_to_match)
-        self.assertEquals(oa_tuple_list[0].synapse,
-                          expected_result,
-                          "Fail matching 'the expected synapse' from the complete synapse list and the order")
-        # Multiple Matching synapses
-        signal2 = Order(sentence="this is the sentence")
-        synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])
-        order_to_match = "this is the sentence"
-        all_synapse_list = [synapse1,
-                            synapse2,
-                            synapse3]
-        expected_result = [synapse1,
-                           synapse2]
-        oa_tuple_list = OrderAnalyser._get_matching_synapse_list(all_synapses_list=all_synapse_list,
-                                                                 order_to_match=order_to_match)
-        self.assertEquals(oa_tuple_list[0].synapse,
-                          expected_result[0],
-                          "Fail 'Multiple Matching synapses' from the complete synapse list and the order (first element)")
-        self.assertEquals(oa_tuple_list[1].synapse,
-                          expected_result[1],
-                          "Fail 'Multiple Matching synapses' from the complete synapse list and the order (second element)")
-        # matching no synapses
-        order_to_match = "this is not the correct word"
-        all_synapse_list = [synapse1,
-                            synapse2,
-                            synapse3]
-        expected_result = []
-        self.assertEquals(OrderAnalyser._get_matching_synapse_list(all_synapses_list=all_synapse_list,
-                                                                   order_to_match=order_to_match),
-                          expected_result,
-                          "Fail matching 'no synapses' from the complete synapse list and the order")
-        # matching synapse with all key worlds
-        # /!\ Some words in the order are matching all words in synapses signals !
-        order_to_match = "this is not the correct sentence"
-        all_synapse_list = [synapse1,
-                            synapse2,
-                            synapse3]
-        expected_result = [synapse1,
-                           synapse2]
-        oa_tuple_list = OrderAnalyser._get_matching_synapse_list(all_synapses_list=all_synapse_list,
-                                                                 order_to_match=order_to_match)
-        self.assertEquals(oa_tuple_list[0].synapse,
-                          expected_result[0],
-                          "Fail matching 'synapse with all key worlds' from the complete synapse list and the order (first element)")
-        self.assertEquals(oa_tuple_list[1].synapse,
-                          expected_result[1],
-                          "Fail matching 'synapse with all key worlds' from the complete synapse list and the order (second element)")
-    def test_get_params_from_order(self):
-        string_order = "this is the {{ sentence }}"
-        order_to_check = "this is the value"
-        expected_result = {'sentence': 'value'}
-        self.assertEquals(OrderAnalyser._get_params_from_order(string_order=string_order, order_to_check=order_to_check),
-                          expected_result,
-                          "Fail to retrieve 'the params' of the string_order from the order")
-        # Multiple match
-        string_order = "this is the {{ sentence }}"
-        order_to_check = "this is the value with multiple words"
-        expected_result = {'sentence': 'value with multiple words'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._get_params_from_order(string_order=string_order, order_to_check=order_to_check),
-                         expected_result,
-                         "Fail to retrieve the 'multiple words params' of the string_order from the order")
-        # Multiple params
-        string_order = "this is the {{ sentence }} with multiple {{ params }}"
-        order_to_check = "this is the value with multiple words"
-        expected_result = {'sentence': 'value',
-                            'params':'words'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._get_params_from_order(string_order=string_order, order_to_check=order_to_check),
-                         expected_result,
-                         "Fail to retrieve the 'multiple params' of the string_order from the order")
-        # Multiple params with multiple words
-        string_order = "this is the {{ sentence }} with multiple {{ params }}"
-        order_to_check = "this is the multiple values with multiple values as words"
-        expected_result = {'sentence': 'multiple values',
-                           'params': 'values as words'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._get_params_from_order(string_order=string_order, order_to_check=order_to_check),
-                         expected_result,
-                         "Fail to retrieve the 'multiple params with multiple words' of the string_order from the order")
-        # params at the begining of the sentence
-        string_order = "{{ sentence }} this is the sentence"
-        order_to_check = "hello world this is the multiple values with multiple values as words"
-        expected_result = {'sentence': 'hello world'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._get_params_from_order(string_order=string_order, order_to_check=order_to_check),
-                         expected_result,
-                         "Fail to retrieve the 'params at the begining of the sentence' of the string_order from the order")
-        # all of the sentence is a variable
-        string_order = "{{ sentence }}"
-        order_to_check = "this is the all sentence is a variable"
-        expected_result = {'sentence': 'this is the all sentence is a variable'}
-        self.assertEqual(OrderAnalyser._get_params_from_order(string_order=string_order, order_to_check=order_to_check),
-                         expected_result,
-                         "Fail to retrieve the 'all of the sentence is a variable' of the string_order from the order")
-    def test_get_default_synapse_from_sysnapses_list(self):
-        # Init
-        neuron1 = Neuron(name='neurone1', parameters={'var1': 'val1'})
-        neuron2 = Neuron(name='neurone2', parameters={'var2': 'val2'})
-        neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3'})
-        neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
-        signal1 = Order(sentence="this is the sentence")
-        signal2 = Order(sentence="this is the second sentence")
-        signal3 = Order(sentence="that is part of the third sentence")
-        synapse1 = Synapse(name="Synapse1", neurons=[neuron1, neuron2], signals=[signal1])
-        synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])
-        synapse3 = Synapse(name="Synapse3", neurons=[neuron2, neuron4], signals=[signal3])
-        default_synapse_name = "Synapse2"
-        all_synapse_list = [synapse1,
-                            synapse2,
-                            synapse3]
-        expected_result = synapse2
-        # Assert equals
-        self.assertEquals(OrderAnalyser._get_default_synapse_from_sysnapses_list(all_synapses_list=all_synapse_list,
-                                                                                 default_synapse_name=default_synapse_name),
-                          expected_result,
-                          "Fail to match the expected default Synapse")
-    def test_find_synapse_to_run(self):
-        """
-        Test to find the good synapse to run
-        Scenarii:
-            - 1/ Find the synapse
-            - 2/ No synpase found, no default synapse
-            - 3/ No synapse found, run the default synapse
-        """
-        # Init
-        neuron1 = Neuron(name='neurone1', parameters={'var1': 'val1'})
-        neuron2 = Neuron(name='neurone2', parameters={'var2': 'val2'})
-        neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3'})
-        neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
-        signal1 = Order(sentence="this is the sentence")
-        signal2 = Order(sentence="this is the second sentence")
-        signal3 = Order(sentence="that is part of the third sentence")
-        synapse1 = Synapse(name="Synapse1", neurons=[neuron1, neuron2], signals=[signal1])
-        synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])
-        synapse3 = Synapse(name="Synapse3", neurons=[neuron2, neuron4], signals=[signal3])
-        all_synapse_list = [synapse1,
-                            synapse2,
-                            synapse3]
-        br = Brain(synapses=all_synapse_list)
-        st = Settings()
-        # 1/ Find synapse
-        order = "this is the sentence"
-        expected_result = synapse1
-        oa_tuple_list = OrderAnalyser._find_synapse_to_run(brain=br,settings=st, order=order)
-        self.assertEquals(oa_tuple_list[0].synapse,
-                          expected_result,
-                          "Fail to run the proper synapse matching the order")
-        expected_result = signal1.sentence
-        self.assertEquals(oa_tuple_list[0].order,
-                          expected_result,
-                          "Fail to run the proper synapse matching the order")
-        # 2/ No Default synapse
-        order = "No default synapse"
-        expected_result = []
-        self.assertEquals(OrderAnalyser._find_synapse_to_run(brain=br,settings=st, order=order),
-                          expected_result,
-                          "Fail to run no synapse, when no default is defined")
-        # 3/ Default synapse
-        st = Settings(default_synapse="Synapse2")
-        order = "default synapse"
-        expected_result = synapse2
-        oa_tuple_list = OrderAnalyser._find_synapse_to_run(brain=br, settings=st, order=order)
-        self.assertEquals(oa_tuple_list[0].synapse,
-                          expected_result,
-                          "Fail to run the default synapse")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()

+ 15 - 32

@@ -2,13 +2,11 @@
 import os
 import os
 import unittest
 import unittest
-from kalliope.core.Models import Singleton
+from kalliope.core.Models import Singleton, Signal
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import BrainLoader
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import BrainLoader
-from kalliope.core.Models import Event
 from kalliope.core.Models import Neuron
 from kalliope.core.Models import Neuron
 from kalliope.core.Models import Synapse
 from kalliope.core.Models import Synapse
-from kalliope.core.Models import Order
 from kalliope.core.Models.Brain import Brain
 from kalliope.core.Models.Brain import Brain
 from kalliope.core.Models.Settings import Settings
 from kalliope.core.Models.Settings import Settings
@@ -57,10 +55,10 @@ class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase):
         neuron = Neuron(name='say', parameters={'message': ['test message']})
         neuron = Neuron(name='say', parameters={'message': ['test message']})
         neuron2 = Neuron(name='sleep', parameters={'seconds': 60})
         neuron2 = Neuron(name='sleep', parameters={'seconds': 60})
-        signal1 = Order(sentence="test_order")
-        signal2 = Order(sentence="test_order_2")
-        signal3 = Order(sentence="test_order_3")
-        signal4 = Order(sentence="order_for_int")
+        signal1 = Signal(name="order", parameters="test_order")
+        signal2 = Signal(name="order", parameters="test_order_2")
+        signal3 = Signal(name="order", parameters="test_order_3")
+        signal4 = Signal(name="order", parameters="order_for_int")
         synapse1 = Synapse(name="test", neurons=[neuron], signals=[signal1])
         synapse1 = Synapse(name="test", neurons=[neuron], signals=[signal1])
         synapse2 = Synapse(name="test2", neurons=[neuron], signals=[signal2])
         synapse2 = Synapse(name="test2", neurons=[neuron], signals=[signal2])
@@ -127,28 +125,13 @@ class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_get_signals(self):
     def test_get_signals(self):
         signals = [{'order': 'test_order'}]
         signals = [{'order': 'test_order'}]
-        signal = Order(sentence='test_order')
+        signal = Signal(name="order", parameters="test_order")
         bl = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
         bl = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
         signals_from_brain_loader = bl._get_signals(signals)
         signals_from_brain_loader = bl._get_signals(signals)
         self.assertEqual([signal], signals_from_brain_loader)
         self.assertEqual([signal], signals_from_brain_loader)
-    def test_get_event_or_order_from_dict(self):
-        order_object = Order(sentence="test_order")
-        event_object = Event(hour="7")
-        dict_order = {'order': 'test_order'}
-        dict_event = {'event': {'hour': '7'}}
-        bl = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
-        order_from_bl = bl._get_event_or_order_from_dict(dict_order)
-        event_from_bl = bl._get_event_or_order_from_dict(dict_event)
-        self.assertEqual(order_from_bl, order_object)
-        self.assertEqual(event_from_bl, event_object)
     def test_singleton(self):
     def test_singleton(self):
         bl1 = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
         bl1 = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
         bl2 = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
         bl2 = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
@@ -184,7 +167,7 @@ class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase):
-                                                                settings=st),
+                                                               settings=st),
                          "Fail to assign a single global variable to parameters")
                          "Fail to assign a single global variable to parameters")
@@ -203,7 +186,7 @@ class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase):
-                                                                settings=st),
+                                                               settings=st),
                          "Fail to assign a global variable with string after to parameters")
                          "Fail to assign a global variable with string after to parameters")
@@ -222,7 +205,7 @@ class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase):
-                                                                settings=st),
+                                                               settings=st),
                          "Fail to assign global variable with int after to parameters")
                          "Fail to assign global variable with int after to parameters")
@@ -241,7 +224,7 @@ class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase):
-                                                                settings=st),
+                                                               settings=st),
                          "Fail to assign multiple global variables to parameters")
                          "Fail to assign multiple global variables to parameters")
@@ -260,7 +243,7 @@ class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase):
-                                                                settings=st),
+                                                               settings=st),
                          "Fail to assign a single global when parameter value is a list to neuron")
                          "Fail to assign a single global when parameter value is a list to neuron")
@@ -280,7 +263,7 @@ class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase):
-                                                                settings=st),
+                                                               settings=st),
                          "Fail to assign a single global when parameter value is a list to neuron")
                          "Fail to assign a single global when parameter value is a list to neuron")
@@ -300,7 +283,7 @@ class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase):
         expected_result = "i am kalliope"
         expected_result = "i am kalliope"
-                                                           settings=st),
+                                                          settings=st),
         # test with accent
         # test with accent
@@ -308,7 +291,7 @@ class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase):
         expected_result = u"i am kalliopé"
         expected_result = u"i am kalliopé"
-                                                           settings=st),
+                                                          settings=st),
         # test with int
         # test with int
@@ -316,7 +299,7 @@ class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase):
         expected_result = "i am 1"
         expected_result = "i am 1"
-                                                           settings=st),
+                                                          settings=st),

+ 6 - 40

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import unittest
 import unittest
-from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager.ConfigurationChecker import ConfigurationChecker, NoSynapeName, NoSynapeNeurons, \
-    NoSynapeSignals, NoValidSignal, NoEventPeriod, NoValidOrder, MultipleSameSynapseName
+from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager.ConfigurationChecker import ConfigurationChecker, NoSynapeName, \
+                                                NoSynapeNeurons, NoSynapeSignals, NoValidSignal, MultipleSameSynapseName
 from kalliope.core.Models import Synapse
 from kalliope.core.Models import Synapse
 from kalliope.core.Utils.Utils import ModuleNotFoundError
 from kalliope.core.Utils.Utils import ModuleNotFoundError
@@ -57,48 +57,14 @@ class TestConfigurationChecker(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_check_signal_dict(self):
     def test_check_signal_dict(self):
-        valid_signal_with_order = {'order': 'test_order'}
-        valid_signal_with_event = {'event': '0 * * * *'}
-        invalid_signal = {'invalid_option': 'test_order'}
+        valid_signal = {'event': {'parameter_1': ['value1']}}
+        invalid_signal = {'non_existing_signal_name': {'parameter_2': ['value2']}}
-        self.assertTrue(ConfigurationChecker.check_signal_dict(valid_signal_with_order))
-        self.assertTrue(ConfigurationChecker.check_signal_dict(valid_signal_with_event))
+        self.assertTrue(ConfigurationChecker.check_signal_dict(valid_signal))
-        with self.assertRaises(NoValidSignal):
+        with self.assertRaises(ModuleNotFoundError):
-    def test_check_event_dict(self):
-        valid_event = {
-            "hour": "18",
-            "minute": "16"
-          }
-        invalid_event = None
-        invalid_event2 = ""
-        invalid_event3 = {
-            "notexisting": "12"
-        }
-        self.assertTrue(ConfigurationChecker.check_event_dict(valid_event))
-        with self.assertRaises(NoEventPeriod):
-            ConfigurationChecker.check_event_dict(invalid_event)
-        with self.assertRaises(NoEventPeriod):
-            ConfigurationChecker.check_event_dict(invalid_event2)
-        with self.assertRaises(NoEventPeriod):
-            ConfigurationChecker.check_event_dict(invalid_event3)
-    def test_check_order_dict(self):
-        valid_order = 'test_order'
-        invalid_order = ''
-        invalid_order2 = None
-        self.assertTrue(ConfigurationChecker.check_order_dict(valid_order))
-        with self.assertRaises(NoValidOrder):
-            ConfigurationChecker.check_order_dict(invalid_order)
-        with self.assertRaises(NoValidOrder):
-            ConfigurationChecker.check_order_dict(invalid_order2)
     def test_check_synapes(self):
     def test_check_synapes(self):
         synapse_1 = Synapse(name="test")
         synapse_1 = Synapse(name="test")
         synapse_2 = Synapse(name="test2")
         synapse_2 = Synapse(name="test2")

+ 4 - 3

@@ -43,10 +43,11 @@ class TestInit(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_main(self):
     def test_main(self):
         # test start kalliope
         # test start kalliope
         sys.argv = ['', 'start']
         sys.argv = ['', 'start']
-        with mock.patch('kalliope.core.MainController.__init__') as mock_maincontroller:
-            mock_maincontroller.return_value = None
+        with mock.patch('kalliope.core.SignalLauncher.SignalLauncher.launch_signal_class_by_name') \
+                as mock_signal_launcher:
+            mock_signal_launcher.return_value = None
-            mock_maincontroller.assert_called()
+            mock_signal_launcher.assert_called()
         # test start gui
         # test start gui
         sys.argv = ['', 'gui']
         sys.argv = ['', 'gui']

+ 17 - 51

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import ast
 import mock
 import mock
 from kalliope.core.Models.Player import Player
 from kalliope.core.Models.Player import Player
+from kalliope.core.Models.Signal import Signal
 from kalliope.core.Models.Tts import Tts
 from kalliope.core.Models.Tts import Tts
 from kalliope.core.Models.Trigger import Trigger
 from kalliope.core.Models.Trigger import Trigger
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ from kalliope.core.Models.Dna import Dna
 from kalliope.core import LIFOBuffer
 from kalliope.core import LIFOBuffer
 from kalliope.core.Models.Settings import Settings
 from kalliope.core.Models.Settings import Settings
-from kalliope.core.Models import Neuron, Order, Synapse, Brain, Event, Resources, Singleton
+from kalliope.core.Models import Neuron, Synapse, Brain, Resources, Singleton
 from kalliope.core.Models.APIResponse import APIResponse
 from kalliope.core.Models.APIResponse import APIResponse
 from kalliope.core.Models.MatchedSynapse import MatchedSynapse
 from kalliope.core.Models.MatchedSynapse import MatchedSynapse
@@ -34,9 +35,9 @@ class TestModels(unittest.TestCase):
         neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3'})
         neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3'})
         neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
         neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
-        signal1 = Order(sentence="this is the sentence")
-        signal2 = Order(sentence="this is the second sentence")
-        signal3 = Order(sentence="that is part of the third sentence")
+        signal1 = Signal(name="order", parameters="this is the sentence")
+        signal2 = Signal(name="order", parameters="this is the second sentence")
+        signal3 = Signal(name="order", parameters="that is part of the third sentence")
         self.synapse1 = Synapse(name="Synapse1", neurons=[neuron1, neuron2], signals=[signal1])
         self.synapse1 = Synapse(name="Synapse1", neurons=[neuron1, neuron2], signals=[signal1])
         self.synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])
         self.synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])
@@ -119,35 +120,6 @@ class TestModels(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_Event(self):
-        event1 = Event(year=2017, month=12, day=31, week=53, day_of_week=2,
-                       hour=8, minute=30, second=0)
-        event2 = Event(year=2018, month=11, day=30, week=25, day_of_week=4,
-                       hour=9, minute=40, second=0)
-        # same as the event1
-        event3 = Event(year=2017, month=12, day=31, week=53, day_of_week=2,
-                       hour=8, minute=30, second=0)
-        expected_result_serialize = {
-            'event': {
-                'week': 53,
-                'second': 0,
-                'minute': 30,
-                'hour': 8,
-                'year': 2017,
-                'day': 31,
-                'day_of_week': 2,
-                'month': 12
-            }
-        }
-        self.assertDictEqual(expected_result_serialize, event1.serialize())
-        self.assertTrue(event1.__eq__(event3))
-        self.assertFalse(event1.__eq__(event2))
     def test_MatchedSynapse(self):
     def test_MatchedSynapse(self):
         user_order = "user order"
         user_order = "user order"
         matched_synapse1 = MatchedSynapse(matched_synapse=self.synapse1, matched_order=user_order)
         matched_synapse1 = MatchedSynapse(matched_synapse=self.synapse1, matched_order=user_order)
@@ -215,20 +187,6 @@ class TestModels(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertDictEqual(ast.literal_eval(neuron.__str__()), ast.literal_eval(expected_result_str))
         self.assertDictEqual(ast.literal_eval(neuron.__str__()), ast.literal_eval(expected_result_str))
-    def test_Order(self):
-        order1 = Order(sentence="this is an order")
-        order2 = Order(sentence="this is an other order")
-        order3 = Order(sentence="this is an order")
-        expected_result_serialize = {'order': 'this is an order'}
-        expected_result_str = "{'order': 'this is an order'}"
-        self.assertEqual(expected_result_serialize, order1.serialize())
-        self.assertEqual(expected_result_str, order1.__str__())
-        self.assertTrue(order1.__eq__(order3))
-        self.assertFalse(order1.__eq__(order2))
     def test_Resources(self):
     def test_Resources(self):
         resource1 = Resources(neuron_folder="/path/neuron", stt_folder="/path/stt",
         resource1 = Resources(neuron_folder="/path/neuron", stt_folder="/path/stt",
                               tts_folder="/path/tts", trigger_folder="/path/trigger")
                               tts_folder="/path/tts", trigger_folder="/path/trigger")
@@ -398,8 +356,8 @@ class TestModels(unittest.TestCase):
         neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3'})
         neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3'})
         neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
         neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
-        signal1 = Order(sentence="this is the sentence")
-        signal2 = Order(sentence="this is the second sentence")
+        signal1 = Signal(name="order", parameters="this is the sentence")
+        signal2 = Signal(name="order", parameters="this is the second sentence")
         synapse1 = Synapse(name="Synapse1", neurons=[neuron1, neuron2], signals=[signal1])
         synapse1 = Synapse(name="Synapse1", neurons=[neuron1, neuron2], signals=[signal1])
         synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])
         synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])
@@ -408,13 +366,14 @@ class TestModels(unittest.TestCase):
         expected_result_serialize = {
         expected_result_serialize = {
             'signals': [
             'signals': [
-                    'order': 'this is the sentence'
+                    'name': 'order',
+                    'parameters': 'this is the sentence'
             'neurons': [
             'neurons': [
                     'name': 'neurone1',
                     'name': 'neurone1',
-                     'parameters': {
+                    'parameters': {
                          'var1': 'val1'
                          'var1': 'val1'
@@ -471,3 +430,10 @@ class TestModels(unittest.TestCase):
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main()
+    # suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+    # suite.addTest(TestLIFOBuffer("test_process_neuron_list"))
+    # runner = unittest.TextTestRunner()
+    #

+ 4 - 4

@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ import unittest
 from kalliope.core.Models import Brain
 from kalliope.core.Models import Brain
 from kalliope.core.Models import Neuron
 from kalliope.core.Models import Neuron
-from kalliope.core.Models import Order
 from kalliope.core.Models import Synapse
 from kalliope.core.Models import Synapse
 from kalliope.core.Models.MatchedSynapse import MatchedSynapse
 from kalliope.core.Models.MatchedSynapse import MatchedSynapse
+from kalliope.core.Models.Signal import Signal
 from kalliope.core.OrderAnalyser import OrderAnalyser
 from kalliope.core.OrderAnalyser import OrderAnalyser
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ class TestOrderAnalyser(unittest.TestCase):
         neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3'})
         neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3'})
         neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
         neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
-        signal1 = Order(sentence="this is the sentence")
-        signal2 = Order(sentence="this is the second sentence")
-        signal3 = Order(sentence="that is part of the third sentence")
+        signal1 = Signal(name="order", parameters="this is the sentence")
+        signal2 = Signal(name="order", parameters="this is the second sentence")
+        signal3 = Signal(name="order", parameters="that is part of the third sentence")
         synapse1 = Synapse(name="Synapse1", neurons=[neuron1, neuron2], signals=[signal1])
         synapse1 = Synapse(name="Synapse1", neurons=[neuron1, neuron2], signals=[signal1])
         synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])
         synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])

+ 98 - 64

@@ -73,51 +73,84 @@ class TestRestAPI(LiveServerTestCase):
         response = self.client.get(url)
         response = self.client.get(url)
         expected_content = {
         expected_content = {
-            "synapses": [{
-                "name": "test",
-                "neurons": [{
-                    "name": "say",
-                    "parameters": {
-                        "message": ["test message"]
-                    }
-                }],
-                "signals": [{
-                    "order": "test_order"
-                }]
-            }, {
-                "name": "test2",
-                "neurons": [{
-                    "name": "say",
-                    "parameters": {
-                        "message": ["test message"]
-                    }
-                }],
-                "signals": [{
-                    "order": "bonjour"
-                }]
-            }, {
-                "name": "test4",
-                "neurons": [{
-                    "name": "say",
-                    "parameters": {
-                        "message": ["test message {{parameter1}}"]
-                    }
-                }],
-                "signals": [{
-                    "order": "test_order_with_parameter"
-                }]
-            }, {
-                "name": "test3",
-                "neurons": [{
-                    "name": "say",
-                    "parameters": {
-                        "message": ["test message"]
-                    }
-                }],
-                "signals": [{
-                    "order": "test_order_3"
-                }]
-            }]
+          "synapses": [
+            {
+              "name": "test",
+              "neurons": [
+                {
+                  "name": "say",
+                  "parameters": {
+                    "message": [
+                      "test message"
+                    ]
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "signals": [
+                {
+                  "name": "order",
+                  "parameters": "test_order"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "test2",
+              "neurons": [
+                {
+                  "name": "say",
+                  "parameters": {
+                    "message": [
+                      "test message"
+                    ]
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "signals": [
+                {
+                  "name": "order",
+                  "parameters": "bonjour"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "test4",
+              "neurons": [
+                {
+                  "name": "say",
+                  "parameters": {
+                    "message": [
+                      "test message {{parameter1}}"
+                    ]
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "signals": [
+                {
+                  "name": "order",
+                  "parameters": "test_order_with_parameter"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            {
+              "name": "test3",
+              "neurons": [
+                {
+                  "name": "say",
+                  "parameters": {
+                    "message": [
+                      "test message"
+                    ]
+                  }
+                }
+              ],
+              "signals": [
+                {
+                  "name": "order",
+                  "parameters": "test_order_3"
+                }
+              ]
+            }
+          ]
         # a lot of char ti process
         # a lot of char ti process
         self.maxDiff = None
         self.maxDiff = None
@@ -129,25 +162,26 @@ class TestRestAPI(LiveServerTestCase):
         url = self.get_server_url() + "/synapses/test"
         url = self.get_server_url() + "/synapses/test"
         response = self.client.get(url)
         response = self.client.get(url)
-        expected_content = {
-            "synapses": {
-                "name": "test",
-                "neurons": [
-                    {
-                        "name": "say",
-                        "parameters": {
-                            "message": [
-                                "test message"
-                            ]
-                        }
-                    }
-                ],
-                "signals": [
-                    {
-                        "order": "test_order"
-                    }
-                ]
-            }
+        expected_content ={
+          "synapses": {
+            "name": "test",
+            "neurons": [
+              {
+                "name": "say",
+                "parameters": {
+                  "message": [
+                    "test message"
+                  ]
+                }
+              }
+            ],
+            "signals": [
+              {
+                "name": "order",
+                "parameters": "test_order"
+              }
+            ]
+          }
         self.assertEqual(json.dumps(expected_content, sort_keys=True),
         self.assertEqual(json.dumps(expected_content, sort_keys=True),
                          json.dumps(json.loads(response.get_data().decode('utf-8')), sort_keys=True))
                          json.dumps(json.loads(response.get_data().decode('utf-8')), sort_keys=True))

+ 4 - 5

@@ -3,13 +3,12 @@ import unittest
 import mock
 import mock
 from kalliope.core import LIFOBuffer
 from kalliope.core import LIFOBuffer
-from kalliope.core.Models import Brain
+from kalliope.core.Models import Brain, Signal
 from kalliope.core.Models.MatchedSynapse import MatchedSynapse
 from kalliope.core.Models.MatchedSynapse import MatchedSynapse
 from kalliope.core.Models.Settings import Settings
 from kalliope.core.Models.Settings import Settings
 from kalliope.core.SynapseLauncher import SynapseLauncher, SynapseNameNotFound
 from kalliope.core.SynapseLauncher import SynapseLauncher, SynapseNameNotFound
 from kalliope.core.Models import Neuron
 from kalliope.core.Models import Neuron
-from kalliope.core.Models import Order
 from kalliope.core.Models import Synapse
 from kalliope.core.Models import Synapse
@@ -25,9 +24,9 @@ class TestSynapseLauncher(unittest.TestCase):
         neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3'})
         neuron3 = Neuron(name='neurone3', parameters={'var3': 'val3'})
         neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
         neuron4 = Neuron(name='neurone4', parameters={'var4': 'val4'})
-        signal1 = Order(sentence="this is the sentence")
-        signal2 = Order(sentence="this is the second sentence")
-        signal3 = Order(sentence="that is part of the third sentence")
+        signal1 = Signal(name="order", parameters="this is the sentence")
+        signal2 = Signal(name="order", parameters="this is the second sentence")
+        signal3 = Signal(name="order", parameters="that is part of the third sentence")
         self.synapse1 = Synapse(name="Synapse1", neurons=[neuron1, neuron2], signals=[signal1])
         self.synapse1 = Synapse(name="Synapse1", neurons=[neuron1, neuron2], signals=[signal1])
         self.synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])
         self.synapse2 = Synapse(name="Synapse2", neurons=[neuron3, neuron4], signals=[signal2])

+ 54 - 8

@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ from kalliope.core import ShellGui
 from kalliope.core import Utils
 from kalliope.core import Utils
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import SettingLoader
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import SettingLoader
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager.BrainLoader import BrainLoader
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager.BrainLoader import BrainLoader
-from kalliope.core.EventManager import EventManager
-from kalliope.core.MainController import MainController
+from kalliope.core.SignalLauncher import SignalLauncher
 from kalliope.core.Utils.RpiUtils import RpiUtils
 from kalliope.core.Utils.RpiUtils import RpiUtils
+from flask import Flask
+from kalliope.core.RestAPI.FlaskAPI import FlaskAPI
 from ._version import version_str
 from ._version import version_str
 import signal
 import signal
@@ -144,17 +145,26 @@ def main():
         if (parser.run_synapse is None) and (parser.run_order is None):
         if (parser.run_synapse is None) and (parser.run_order is None):
-            # first, load events in event manager
-            EventManager(brain.synapses)
-            Utils.print_success("Events loaded")
-            # then start kalliope
+            # start kalliope
             Utils.print_success("Starting Kalliope")
             Utils.print_success("Starting Kalliope")
             Utils.print_info("Press Ctrl+C for stopping")
             Utils.print_info("Press Ctrl+C for stopping")
             # catch signal for killing on Ctrl+C pressed
             # catch signal for killing on Ctrl+C pressed
             signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
             signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
-            # start the state machine
+            # get a list of signal class to load from declared synapse in the brain
+            # this list will contain string of signal class type.
+            # For example, if the brain contains multiple time the signal type "order", the list will be ["order"]
+            # If the brain contains some synapse with "order" and "event", the list will be ["order", "event"]
+            list_signals_class_to_load = get_list_signal_class_to_load(brain)
+            # start each class name
-                MainController(brain=brain)
+                for signal_class_name in list_signals_class_to_load:
+                    signal_instance = SignalLauncher.launch_signal_class_by_name(signal_name=signal_class_name,
+                                                                                 brain=brain,
+                                                                                 settings=settings)
+                    if signal_instance is not None:
+                        signal_instance.start()
             except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
             except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
                 Utils.print_info("Ctrl+C pressed. Killing Kalliope")
                 Utils.print_info("Ctrl+C pressed. Killing Kalliope")
@@ -164,6 +174,9 @@ def main():
                     import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
                     import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
+            # start rest api
+            start_rest_api(settings, brain)
     if parser.action == "gui":
     if parser.action == "gui":
@@ -195,3 +208,36 @@ def configure_logging(debug=None):
     logger.debug("Logger ready")
     logger.debug("Logger ready")
+def get_list_signal_class_to_load(brain):
+    """
+    Return a list of signal class name
+    For all synapse, each signal type is added to a list only if the signal is not yet present in the list
+    :param brain: Brain object
+    :type brain: Brain
+    :return: set of signal class
+    """
+    list_signal_class_name = set()
+    for synapse in brain.synapses:
+        for signal_object in synapse.signals:
+            list_signal_class_name.add(
+    logger.debug("[Kalliope entrypoint] List of signal class to load: %s" % list_signal_class_name)
+    return list_signal_class_name
+def start_rest_api(settings, brain):
+    """
+    Start the Rest API if asked in the user settings
+    """
+    # run the api if the user want it
+    if
+        Utils.print_info("Starting REST API Listening port: %s" % settings.rest_api.port)
+        app = Flask(__name__)
+        flask_api = FlaskAPI(app=app,
+                             port=settings.rest_api.port,
+                             brain=brain,
+                             allowed_cors_origin=settings.rest_api.allowed_cors_origin)
+        flask_api.daemon = True
+        flask_api.start()

+ 4 - 51

@@ -4,15 +4,14 @@ import os
 from six import with_metaclass
 from six import with_metaclass
 import six
 import six
+from kalliope.core.Models.Signal import Signal
 from .YAMLLoader import YAMLLoader
 from .YAMLLoader import YAMLLoader
 from kalliope.core.Utils import Utils
 from kalliope.core.Utils import Utils
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import SettingLoader
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import SettingLoader
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager.ConfigurationChecker import ConfigurationChecker
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager.ConfigurationChecker import ConfigurationChecker
 from kalliope.core.Models import Singleton
 from kalliope.core.Models import Singleton
 from kalliope.core.Models.Brain import Brain
 from kalliope.core.Models.Brain import Brain
-from kalliope.core.Models.Event import Event
 from kalliope.core.Models.Neuron import Neuron
 from kalliope.core.Models.Neuron import Neuron
-from kalliope.core.Models.Order import Order
 from kalliope.core.Models.Synapse import Synapse
 from kalliope.core.Models.Synapse import Synapse
@@ -166,38 +165,12 @@ class BrainLoader(with_metaclass(Singleton, object)):
         signals = list()
         signals = list()
         for signal_dict in signals_dict:
         for signal_dict in signals_dict:
             if ConfigurationChecker().check_signal_dict(signal_dict):
             if ConfigurationChecker().check_signal_dict(signal_dict):
-                event_or_order = cls._get_event_or_order_from_dict(signal_dict)
-                signals.append(event_or_order)
+                for signal_name in signal_dict:
+                    new_signal = Signal(name=signal_name, parameters=signal_dict[signal_name])
+                    signals.append(new_signal)
         return signals
         return signals
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_event_or_order_from_dict(cls, signal_or_event_dict):
-        """
-        The signal is either an Event or an Order
-        :param signal_or_event_dict: A dict of event or signal
-        :type signal_or_event_dict: dict
-        :return: The object corresponding to An Order or an Event
-        :rtype: An Order or an Event
-        :Example:
-            event_or_order = cls._get_event_or_order_from_dict(signal_dict)
-        .. seealso:: Event, Order
-        .. warnings:: Static method and Private
-        """
-        if 'event' in signal_or_event_dict:
-            event = signal_or_event_dict["event"]
-            if ConfigurationChecker.check_event_dict(event):
-                return cls._get_event_object(event)
-        if 'order' in signal_or_event_dict:
-            order = signal_or_event_dict["order"]
-            if ConfigurationChecker.check_order_dict(order):
-                return Order(sentence=order)
     def _get_root_brain_path():
     def _get_root_brain_path():
@@ -221,26 +194,6 @@ class BrainLoader(with_metaclass(Singleton, object)):
             return brain_path
             return brain_path
         raise IOError("Default brain.yml file not found")
         raise IOError("Default brain.yml file not found")
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_event_object(cls, event_dict):
-        def get_key(key_name):
-            try:
-                return event_dict[key_name]
-            except KeyError:
-                return None
-        year = get_key("year")
-        month = get_key("month")
-        day = get_key("day")
-        week = get_key("week")
-        day_of_week = get_key("day_of_week")
-        hour = get_key("hour")
-        minute = get_key("minute")
-        second = get_key("second")
-        return Event(year=year, month=month, day=day, week=week,
-                     day_of_week=day_of_week, hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second)
     def _replace_global_variables(cls, parameter, settings):
     def _replace_global_variables(cls, parameter, settings):

+ 34 - 71

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import imp
 from kalliope.core.Utils.Utils import ModuleNotFoundError
 from kalliope.core.Utils.Utils import ModuleNotFoundError
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager.SettingLoader import SettingLoader
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager.SettingLoader import SettingLoader
 class InvalidSynapeName(Exception):
 class InvalidSynapeName(Exception):
     The name of the synapse is not correct. It should only contains alphanumerics at the beginning and the end of
     The name of the synapse is not correct. It should only contains alphanumerics at the beginning and the end of
@@ -48,15 +49,6 @@ class NoValidSignal(Exception):
-class NoEventPeriod(Exception):
-    """
-    An Event must contains a period corresponding to its execution
-    .. seealso:: Event
-    """
-    pass
 class MultipleSameSynapseName(Exception):
 class MultipleSameSynapseName(Exception):
     A synapse name must be unique
     A synapse name must be unique
@@ -172,72 +164,43 @@ class ConfigurationChecker:
     def check_signal_dict(signal_dict):
     def check_signal_dict(signal_dict):
-        """
-        Check received signal dictionary is valid:
-        :param signal_dict: The signal Dictionary
-        :type signal_dict: Dict
-        :return: True if signal are ok
-        :rtype: Boolean
-        :Example:
-            ConfigurationChecker().check_signal_dict(signal_dict):
-        .. seealso:: Order, Event
-        .. raises:: NoValidSignal
-        .. warnings:: Static and Public
-        """
-        if ('event' not in signal_dict) and ('order' not in signal_dict):
-            raise NoValidSignal("The signal is not an event or an order %s" % signal_dict)
-        return True
-    @staticmethod
-    def check_event_dict(event_dict):
-        """
-        Check received event dictionary is valid:
-        :param event_dict: The event Dictionary
-        :type event_dict: Dict
-        :return: True if event are ok
-        :rtype: Boolean
-        :Example:
-            ConfigurationChecker().check_event_dict(event_dict):
+        def check_signal_exist(signal_name):
+            """
+            Return True if the signal_name python Class exist in signals package
+            :param signal_name: Name of the neuron module to check
+            :type signal_name: str
+            :return:
+            """
+            sl = SettingLoader()
+            settings = sl.settings
+            package_name = "kalliope.signals" + "." + signal_name.lower() + "." + signal_name.lower()
+            if settings.resources is not None:
+                neuron_resource_path = settings.resources.neuron_folder + \
+                                       os.sep + signal_name.lower() + os.sep + \
+                                       signal_name.lower() + ".py"
+                if os.path.exists(neuron_resource_path):
+                    imp.load_source(signal_name.capitalize(), neuron_resource_path)
+                    package_name = signal_name.capitalize()
-        .. seealso::  Event
-        .. raises:: NoEventPeriod
-        .. warnings:: Static and Public
-        """
-        def get_key(key_name):
-                return event_dict[key_name]
-            except KeyError:
-                return None
-        if event_dict is None or event_dict == "":
-            raise NoEventPeriod("Event must contain at least one of those elements: "
-                                "year, month, day, week, day_of_week, hour, minute, second")
-        # check content as at least on key
-        year = get_key("year")
-        month = get_key("month")
-        day = get_key("day")
-        week = get_key("week")
-        day_of_week = get_key("day_of_week")
-        hour = get_key("hour")
-        minute = get_key("minute")
-        second = get_key("second")
-        list_to_check = [year, month, day, week, day_of_week, hour, minute, second]
-        number_of_none_object = list_to_check.count(None)
-        list_size = len(list_to_check)
-        if number_of_none_object >= list_size:
-            raise NoEventPeriod("Event must contain at least one of those elements: "
-                                "year, month, day, week, day_of_week, hour, minute, second")
+                mod = __import__(package_name, fromlist=[signal_name.capitalize()])
+                getattr(mod, signal_name.capitalize())
+            except AttributeError:
+                raise ModuleNotFoundError(
+                    "[AttributeError] The module %s does not exist in the package %s " % (signal_name.capitalize(),
+                                                                                          package_name))
+            except ImportError:
+                raise ModuleNotFoundError(
+                    "[ImportError] The module %s does not exist in the package %s " % (signal_name.capitalize(),
+                                                                                       package_name))
+            return True
+        if isinstance(signal_dict, dict):
+            for signal_name in signal_dict:
+                check_signal_exist(signal_name)
+        else:
+            check_signal_exist(signal_dict)
         return True
         return True

+ 0 - 49

@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
-from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger
-from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import BrainLoader
-from kalliope.core.SynapseLauncher import SynapseLauncher
-from kalliope.core import Utils
-from kalliope.core.Models import Event
-class EventManager(object):
-    def __init__(self, synapses):
-        Utils.print_info('Starting event manager')
-        self.scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
-        self.synapses = synapses
-        self.load_events()
-        self.scheduler.start()
-    def load_events(self):
-        """
-        For each received synapse that have an event as signal, we add a new job scheduled
-        to launch the synapse
-        :return:
-        """
-        for synapse in self.synapses:
-            for signal in synapse.signals:
-                # if the signal is an event we add it to the task list
-                if type(signal) == Event:
-                    my_cron = CronTrigger(year=signal.year,
-                                          month=signal.month,
-                                ,
-                                          week=signal.week,
-                                          day_of_week=signal.day_of_week,
-                                          hour=signal.hour,
-                                          minute=signal.minute,
-                                          second=signal.second)
-                    Utils.print_info("Add synapse name \"%s\" to the scheduler: %s" % (, my_cron))
-                    self.scheduler.add_job(self.run_synapse_by_name, my_cron, args=[])
-    @staticmethod
-    def run_synapse_by_name(synapse_name):
-        """
-        This method will run the synapse
-        """
-        Utils.print_info("Event triggered, running synapse: %s" % synapse_name)
-        # get a brain
-        brain_loader = BrainLoader()
-        brain = brain_loader.brain
-        SynapseLauncher.start_synapse_by_name(synapse_name, brain=brain)

+ 0 - 49

@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-class Event(object):
-    """
-    This Class is representing an Event which is raised by when the System at some defined time.
-    .. note:: Events are based on the system crontab
-    """
-    def __init__(self, year=None, month=None, day=None, week=None, day_of_week=None,
-                 hour=None, minute=None, second=None):
-        self.year = year
-        self.month = month
- = day
-        self.week = week
-        self.day_of_week = day_of_week
-        self.hour = hour
-        self.minute = minute
-        self.second = second
-    def __str__(self):
-        return str(self.serialize())
-    def serialize(self):
-        """
-        This method allows to serialize in a proper way this object
-        :return: A dict of name / period
-        :rtype: Dict
-        """
-        return {
-            'event': {
-                "year": self.year,
-                "month": self.month,
-                "day":,
-                "week": self.week,
-                "day_of_week": self.day_of_week,
-                "hour": self.hour,
-                "minute": self.minute,
-                "second": self.second,
-            }
-        }
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        """
-        This is used to compare 2 objects
-        :param other:
-        :return:
-        """
-        return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__

+ 0 - 32

@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-class Order(object):
-    """
-    This Class is representing an Order which is raised by when an entry (Vocal/REST/ anything ...) is matching it.
-    .. note:: Order are defined in the brain file for each synapse.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, sentence):
-        self.sentence = sentence
-    def __str__(self):
-        return str(self.serialize())
-    def serialize(self):
-        """
-        This method allows to serialize in a proper way this object
-        :return: A dict of order
-        :rtype: Dict
-        """
-        return {
-            'order': self.sentence
-        }
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        """
-        This is used to compare 2 objects
-        :param other:
-        :return:
-        """
-        return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__

+ 51 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+class Signal(object):
+    """
+    This Class is representing a Signal which is corresponding to an input action that should start executing neuron
+    list when triggered
+    """
+    def __init__(self, name=None, parameters=None):
+ = name
+        self.parameters = parameters
+    def serialize(self):
+        """
+        This method allows to serialize in a proper way this object
+        :return: A dict of name and parameters
+        :rtype: Dict
+        """
+        return {
+            'name':,
+            'parameters': self.parameters
+        }
+    def __str__(self):
+        """
+        Return a string that describe the signal. If a parameter contains the word "password",
+        the output of this parameter will be masked in order to not appears in clean in the console
+        :return: string description of the neuron
+        """
+        returned_dict = {
+            'name':,
+            'parameters': self.parameters
+        }
+        cleaned_parameters = dict()
+        if isinstance(self.parameters, dict):
+            for key, value in self.parameters.items():
+                if "password" in key:
+                    cleaned_parameters[key] = "*****"
+                else:
+                    cleaned_parameters[key] = value
+            returned_dict["parameters"] = cleaned_parameters
+        return str(returned_dict)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        """
+        This is used to compare 2 objects
+        :param other:
+        :return:
+        """
+        return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__

+ 1 - 2

@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 from .Singleton import Singleton
 from .Singleton import Singleton
-from .Event import Event
 from .Resources import Resources
 from .Resources import Resources
 from .Brain import Brain
 from .Brain import Brain
-from .Order import Order
 from .Synapse import Synapse
 from .Synapse import Synapse
 from .Neuron import Neuron
 from .Neuron import Neuron
 from .RpiSettings import RpiSettings
 from .RpiSettings import RpiSettings
+from .Signal import Signal

+ 4 - 5

@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
 # coding: utf8
 # coding: utf8
 import collections
 import collections
 from collections import Counter
 from collections import Counter
-import sys
 import six
 import six
 from kalliope.core.Models.MatchedSynapse import MatchedSynapse
 from kalliope.core.Models.MatchedSynapse import MatchedSynapse
 from kalliope.core.Utils.Utils import Utils
 from kalliope.core.Utils.Utils import Utils
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import SettingLoader
 from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import SettingLoader
-from kalliope.core.Models import Order
 import logging
 import logging
@@ -54,12 +52,13 @@ class OrderAnalyser:
         for synapse in cls.brain.synapses:
         for synapse in cls.brain.synapses:
             # we are only concerned by synapse with a order type of signal
             # we are only concerned by synapse with a order type of signal
             for signal in synapse.signals:
             for signal in synapse.signals:
-                if type(signal) == Order:
-                    if cls.spelt_order_match_brain_order_via_table(signal.sentence, order):
+                if == "order":
+                    if cls.spelt_order_match_brain_order_via_table(signal.parameters, order):
                         # the order match the synapse, we add it to the returned list
                         # the order match the synapse, we add it to the returned list
                         logger.debug("Order found! Run synapse name: %s" %
                         logger.debug("Order found! Run synapse name: %s" %
                         Utils.print_success("Order matched in the brain. Running synapse \"%s\"" %
                         Utils.print_success("Order matched in the brain. Running synapse \"%s\"" %
-                        list_match_synapse.append(synapse_order_tuple(synapse=synapse, order=signal.sentence))
+                        list_match_synapse.append(synapse_order_tuple(synapse=synapse, order=signal.parameters))
         # create a list of MatchedSynapse from the tuple list
         # create a list of MatchedSynapse from the tuple list
         list_synapse_to_process = list()
         list_synapse_to_process = list()

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import logging
+from kalliope import Utils
+logger = logging.getLogger("kalliope")
+class SignalLauncher:
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    @classmethod
+    def launch_signal_class_by_name(cls, signal_name, brain=None, settings=None):
+        """
+        load the signal class from the given name, pass the brain and settings to the signal
+        :param signal_name: name of the signal class to load
+        :param brain: Brain Object
+        :param settings: Settings Object
+        """
+        signal_folder = None
+        if settings.resources:
+            signal_folder = settings.resources.signal_folder
+        return Utils.get_dynamic_class_instantiation(package_name="signals",
+                                                     module_name=signal_name,
+                                                     resources_dir=signal_folder)

+ 0 - 2

@@ -10,5 +10,3 @@ from kalliope.core.LIFOBuffer import LIFOBuffer
 from kalliope.core.NeuronParameterLoader import NeuronParameterLoader
 from kalliope.core.NeuronParameterLoader import NeuronParameterLoader
 from kalliope.core.NeuronModule import NeuronModule
 from kalliope.core.NeuronModule import NeuronModule
 from kalliope.core.PlayerModule import PlayerModule
 from kalliope.core.PlayerModule import PlayerModule
-from kalliope.core.MainController import MainController
-from kalliope.core.EventManager import EventManager

+ 0 - 0

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .event import Event

+ 116 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+from threading import Thread
+from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
+from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger
+from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import BrainLoader
+from kalliope.core.SynapseLauncher import SynapseLauncher
+from kalliope.core import Utils
+class NoEventPeriod(Exception):
+    """
+    An Event must contains a period corresponding to its execution
+    .. seealso:: Event
+    """
+    pass
+class Event(Thread):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(Event, self).__init__()
+        Utils.print_info('Starting event manager')
+        self.scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
+        self.brain = BrainLoader().get_brain()
+        self.synapses = self.brain.synapses
+        self.load_events()
+    def run(self):
+        self.scheduler.start()
+    def load_events(self):
+        """
+        For each received synapse that have an event as signal, we add a new job scheduled
+        to launch the synapse
+        :return:
+        """
+        for synapse in self.synapses:
+            for signal in synapse.signals:
+                # if the signal is an event we add it to the task list
+                if == "event":
+                    if self.check_event_dict(signal.parameters):
+                        my_cron = CronTrigger(year=self.get_parameter_from_dict("year", signal.parameters),
+                                              month=self.get_parameter_from_dict("month", signal.parameters),
+                                              day=self.get_parameter_from_dict("day", signal.parameters),
+                                              week=self.get_parameter_from_dict("week", signal.parameters),
+                                              day_of_week=self.get_parameter_from_dict("day_of_week", signal.parameters),
+                                              hour=self.get_parameter_from_dict("hour", signal.parameters),
+                                              minute=self.get_parameter_from_dict("minute", signal.parameters),
+                                              second=self.get_parameter_from_dict("second", signal.parameters),)
+                        Utils.print_info("Add synapse name \"%s\" to the scheduler: %s" % (, my_cron))
+                        self.scheduler.add_job(self.run_synapse_by_name, my_cron, args=[])
+    @staticmethod
+    def run_synapse_by_name(synapse_name):
+        """
+        This method will run the synapse
+        """
+        Utils.print_info("Event triggered, running synapse: %s" % synapse_name)
+        # get a brain
+        brain_loader = BrainLoader()
+        brain = brain_loader.brain
+        SynapseLauncher.start_synapse_by_name(synapse_name, brain=brain)
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_parameter_from_dict(parameter_name, parameters_dict):
+        """
+        return the value in the dict parameters_dict frm the key parameter_name
+        return None if the key does not exist
+        :param parameter_name: name of the key
+        :param parameters_dict: dict
+        :return: string
+        """
+        try:
+            return parameters_dict[parameter_name]
+        except KeyError:
+            return None
+    @staticmethod
+    def check_event_dict(event_dict):
+        """
+        Check received event dictionary of parameter is valid:
+        :param event_dict: The event Dictionary
+        :type event_dict: Dict
+        :return: True if event are ok
+        :rtype: Boolean
+        """
+        def get_key(key_name):
+            try:
+                return event_dict[key_name]
+            except KeyError:
+                return None
+        if event_dict is None or event_dict == "":
+            raise NoEventPeriod("Event must contain at least one of those elements: "
+                                "year, month, day, week, day_of_week, hour, minute, second")
+        # check content as at least on key
+        year = get_key("year")
+        month = get_key("month")
+        day = get_key("day")
+        week = get_key("week")
+        day_of_week = get_key("day_of_week")
+        hour = get_key("hour")
+        minute = get_key("minute")
+        second = get_key("second")
+        list_to_check = [year, month, day, week, day_of_week, hour, minute, second]
+        number_of_none_object = list_to_check.count(None)
+        list_size = len(list_to_check)
+        if number_of_none_object >= list_size:
+            raise NoEventPeriod("Event must contain at least one of those elements: "
+                                "year, month, day, week, day_of_week, hour, minute, second")
+        return True

+ 0 - 0

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# def test_check_event_dict(self):
+#     valid_event = {
+#         "hour": "18",
+#         "minute": "16"
+#     }
+#     invalid_event = None
+#     invalid_event2 = ""
+#     invalid_event3 = {
+#         "notexisting": "12"
+#     }
+#     self.assertTrue(ConfigurationChecker.check_event_dict(valid_event))
+#     with self.assertRaises(NoEventPeriod):
+#         ConfigurationChecker.check_event_dict(invalid_event)
+#     with self.assertRaises(NoEventPeriod):
+#         ConfigurationChecker.check_event_dict(invalid_event2)
+#     with self.assertRaises(NoEventPeriod):
+#         ConfigurationChecker.check_event_dict(invalid_event3)

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .order import Order

+ 33 - 51
kalliope/core/ → kalliope/signals/order/

@@ -1,33 +1,29 @@
 import logging
 import logging
 import random
 import random
+from threading import Thread
 from time import sleep
 from time import sleep
-from transitions import Machine
-from kalliope.core import Utils
-from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import SettingLoader
+from kalliope.core.Utils.RpiUtils import RpiUtils
+from kalliope.core.SynapseLauncher import SynapseLauncher
 from kalliope.core.OrderListener import OrderListener
 from kalliope.core.OrderListener import OrderListener
-# API
-from flask import Flask
-from kalliope.core.RestAPI.FlaskAPI import FlaskAPI
+from kalliope import Utils, BrainLoader
+from kalliope.neurons.say import Say
-# Launchers
-from kalliope.core.SynapseLauncher import SynapseLauncher
 from kalliope.core.TriggerLauncher import TriggerLauncher
 from kalliope.core.TriggerLauncher import TriggerLauncher
-from kalliope.core.Utils.RpiUtils import RpiUtils
+from transitions import Machine
 from kalliope.core.PlayerLauncher import PlayerLauncher
 from kalliope.core.PlayerLauncher import PlayerLauncher
-# Neurons
-from kalliope.neurons.say.say import Say
+from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import SettingLoader
 logger = logging.getLogger("kalliope")
 logger = logging.getLogger("kalliope")
-class MainController:
-    """
-    This Class is the global controller of the application.
-    """
+class Order(Thread):
     states = ['init',
     states = ['init',
@@ -38,16 +34,30 @@ class MainController:
-    def __init__(self, brain=None):
-        self.brain = brain
-        # get global configuration
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(Order, self).__init__()
+        Utils.print_info('Starting voice order manager')
+        # load settings and brain from singleton
         sl = SettingLoader()
         sl = SettingLoader()
         self.settings = sl.settings
         self.settings = sl.settings
+        self.brain = BrainLoader().get_brain()
         # keep in memory the order to process
         # keep in memory the order to process
         self.order_to_process = None
         self.order_to_process = None
-        # Starting the rest API
-        self._start_rest_api()
+        # get the player instance
+        self.player_instance = PlayerLauncher.get_player(settings=self.settings)
+        # save an instance of the trigger
+        self.trigger_instance = None
+        self.trigger_callback_called = False
+        # save the current order listener
+        self.order_listener = None
+        self.order_listener_callback_called = False
+        # boolean used to know id we played the on ready notification at least one time
+        self.on_ready_notification_played_once = False
         # rpi setting for led and mute button
         # rpi setting for led and mute button
         self.rpi_utils = None
         self.rpi_utils = None
@@ -64,22 +74,8 @@ class MainController:
                 logger.debug("[MainController] Switching pin_led_started to ON")
                 logger.debug("[MainController] Switching pin_led_started to ON")
-        # get the player instance
-        self.player_instance = PlayerLauncher.get_player(settings=self.settings)
-        # save an instance of the trigger
-        self.trigger_instance = None
-        self.trigger_callback_called = False
-        # save the current order listener
-        self.order_listener = None
-        self.order_listener_callback_called = False
-        # boolean used to know id we played the on ready notification at least one time
-        self.on_ready_notification_played_once = False
         # Initialize the state machine
         # Initialize the state machine
-        self.machine = Machine(model=self, states=MainController.states, initial='init', queued=True)
+        self.machine = Machine(model=self, states=Order.states, initial='init', queued=True)
         # define transitions
         # define transitions
         self.machine.add_transition('start_trigger', ['init', 'analysing_order'], 'starting_trigger')
         self.machine.add_transition('start_trigger', ['init', 'analysing_order'], 'starting_trigger')
@@ -102,6 +98,7 @@ class MainController:
+    def run(self):
     def start_trigger_process(self):
     def start_trigger_process(self):
@@ -168,7 +165,7 @@ class MainController:
     def stop_trigger_process(self):
     def stop_trigger_process(self):
         The trigger has been awaken, we don't needed it anymore
         The trigger has been awaken, we don't needed it anymore
-        :return: 
+        :return:
         logger.debug("[MainController] Entering state: %s" % self.state)
         logger.debug("[MainController] Entering state: %s" % self.state)
@@ -237,21 +234,6 @@ class MainController:
         logger.debug("[MainController] Selected sound: %s" % random_path)
         logger.debug("[MainController] Selected sound: %s" % random_path)
         return Utils.get_real_file_path(random_path)
         return Utils.get_real_file_path(random_path)
-    def _start_rest_api(self):
-        """
-        Start the Rest API if asked in the user settings
-        """
-        # run the api if the user want it
-        if
-            Utils.print_info("Starting REST API Listening port: %s" % self.settings.rest_api.port)
-            app = Flask(__name__)
-            flask_api = FlaskAPI(app=app,
-                                 port=self.settings.rest_api.port,
-                                 brain=self.brain,
-                                 allowed_cors_origin=self.settings.rest_api.allowed_cors_origin)
-            flask_api.daemon = True
-            flask_api.start()
     def muted_button_pressed(self, muted=False):
     def muted_button_pressed(self, muted=False):
         logger.debug("[MainController] Mute button pressed. Switch trigger process to muted: %s" % muted)
         logger.debug("[MainController] Mute button pressed. Switch trigger process to muted: %s" % muted)
         if muted:
         if muted:

+ 0 - 0

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# def test_check_order_dict(self):
+#     valid_order = 'test_order'
+#     invalid_order = ''
+#     invalid_order2 = None
+#     self.assertTrue(ConfigurationChecker.check_order_dict(valid_order))
+#     with self.assertRaises(NoValidOrder):
+#         ConfigurationChecker.check_order_dict(invalid_order)
+#     with self.assertRaises(NoValidOrder):
+#         ConfigurationChecker.check_order_dict(invalid_order2)