@@ -62,9 +62,6 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
if self.allowed_cors_origin is not False:
CORS(app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": allowed_cors_origin}}, supports_credentials=True)
- # no voice flag
- self.no_voice = False
# Add routing rules
self.app.add_url_rule('/', view_func=self.get_main_page, methods=['GET'])
self.app.add_url_rule('/synapses', view_func=self.get_synapses, methods=['GET'])
@@ -75,6 +72,8 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
self.app.add_url_rule('/shutdown/', view_func=self.shutdown_server, methods=['POST'])
self.app.add_url_rule('/deaf/', view_func=self.get_deaf, methods=['GET'])
self.app.add_url_rule('/deaf/', view_func=self.set_deaf, methods=['POST'])
+ self.app.add_url_rule('/mute/', view_func=self.get_mute, methods=['GET'])
+ self.app.add_url_rule('/mute/', view_func=self.set_mute, methods=['POST'])
def run(self):
self.app.run(host='', port=int(self.port), debug=True, threaded=True, use_reloader=False)
@@ -145,11 +144,11 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
run a synapse without making kalliope speaking
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin:secret -X POST \
- -d '{"no_voice":"true"}'
+ -d '{"mute":"true"}'
Run a synapse by its name and pass order's parameters
curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin:secret -X POST \
- -d '{"no_voice":"true", "parameters": {"parameter1": "value1" }}' \
+ -d '{"mute":"true", "parameters": {"parameter1": "value1" }}' \
:param synapse_name: name(id) of the synapse to execute
@@ -159,8 +158,11 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
logger.debug("[FlaskAPI] run_synapse_by_name: synapse name -> %s" % synapse_name)
synapse_target = BrainLoader().brain.get_synapse_by_name(synapse_name=synapse_name)
- # get no_voice_flag if present
- no_voice = self.get_boolean_flag_from_request(request, boolean_flag_to_find="no_voice")
+ # Store the mute value, then apply depending of the request parameters
+ old_mute_value = self.settings.start_options["mute"]
+ mute = self.get_boolean_flag_from_request(request, boolean_flag_to_find="mute")
+ if mute is not None:
+ self.settings.start_options["mute"] = mute
# get parameters
parameters = self.get_parameters_from_request(request)
@@ -169,6 +171,7 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
data = {
"synapse name not found": "%s" % synapse_name
+ self.settings.start_options["mute"] = old_mute_value
return jsonify(error=data), 404
# generate a MatchedSynapse from the synapse
@@ -176,8 +179,9 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
# get the current LIFO buffer from the singleton
lifo_buffer = LifoManager.get_singleton_lifo()
- response = lifo_buffer.execute(is_api_call=True, no_voice=no_voice)
+ response = lifo_buffer.execute(is_api_call=True)
data = jsonify(response)
+ self.settings.start_options["mute"] = old_mute_value
return data, 201
@@ -194,9 +198,9 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
curl -i --user admin:secret -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
--data @post.json http://localhost:5000/order/
- Can be used with no_voice flag
+ Can be used with mute flag
curl -i --user admin:secret -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
- -d '{"order":"my order", "no_voice":"true"}' http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/order
+ -d '{"order":"my order", "mute":"true"}' http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/order
@@ -204,8 +208,13 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
order = request.get_json('order')
- # get no_voice_flag if present
- no_voice = self.get_boolean_flag_from_request(request, boolean_flag_to_find="no_voice")
+ # Store the mute value, then apply depending of the request parameters
+ old_mute_value = self.settings.start_options["mute"]
+ mute = self.get_boolean_flag_from_request(request, boolean_flag_to_find="mute")
+ if mute is not None:
+ self.settings.start_options["mute"] = mute
if order is not None:
# get the order
order_to_run = order["order"]
@@ -213,15 +222,16 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
api_response = SynapseLauncher.run_matching_synapse_from_order(order_to_run,
- is_api_call=True,
- no_voice=no_voice)
+ is_api_call=True)
data = jsonify(api_response)
+ self.settings.start_options["mute"] = old_mute_value
return data, 201
data = {
"error": "order cannot be null"
+ self.settings.start_options["mute"] = old_mute_value
return jsonify(error=data), 400
@@ -231,13 +241,10 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
Test with curl
curl -i --user admin:secret -X POST http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/audio -F "file=@/path/to/input.wav"
- With no_voice flag
- curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin:secret -X POST \
- http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/audio -F "file=@path/to/file.wav" -F no_voice="true"
+ With mute flag
+ curl -i --user admin:secret -X POST http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/audio -F "file=@path/to/file.wav" -F mute="true"
- # get no_voice_flag if present
- self.no_voice = self.str_to_bool(request.form.get("no_voice"))
# check if the post request has the file part
if 'file' not in request.files:
@@ -254,6 +261,12 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
"error": "No file provided"
return jsonify(error=data), 400
+ # Store the mute value, then apply depending of the request parameters
+ old_mute_value = self.settings.start_options["mute"]
+ if request.form.get("mute"):
+ self.settings.start_options["mute"] = self.str_to_bool(request.form.get("mute"))
# save the file
filename = secure_filename(uploaded_file.filename)
base_path = os.path.join(self.app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'])
@@ -275,11 +288,13 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
data = jsonify(self.api_response)
self.api_response = None
logger.debug("[FlaskAPI] run_synapse_by_audio: data %s" % data)
+ self.settings.start_options["mute"] = old_mute_value
return data, 201
data = {
"error": "The given order doesn't match any synapses"
+ self.settings.start_options["mute"] = old_mute_value
return jsonify(error=data), 400
@@ -349,7 +364,7 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
# find the order signal and call the deaf method
signal_order = SignalLauncher.get_order_instance()
- if signal_order is not None:
+ if signal_order is not None and deaf is not None:
data = {
"deaf": signal_order.get_deaf_status()
@@ -361,6 +376,50 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
return jsonify(error=data), 400
+ @requires_auth
+ def get_mute(self):
+ """
+ Return the current mute status
+ Curl test
+ curl -i --user admin:secret -X GET
+ """
+ # find the order signal and call the deaf method
+ if self.settings.start_options["mute"] is not None:
+ data = {
+ "mute": self.settings.start_options["mute"]
+ }
+ return jsonify(data), 200
+ # if no Order instance
+ data = {
+ "error": "mute status unknow"
+ }
+ return jsonify(error=data), 400
+ @requires_auth
+ def set_mute(self):
+ """
+ Set the Kalliope Core mute status (mute or not)
+ Curl test:
+ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin:secret -X POST \
+ -d '{"mute": "True"}'
+ """
+ if not request.get_json() or 'mute' not in request.get_json():
+ abort(400)
+ # get mute if present
+ mute = self.get_boolean_flag_from_request(request, boolean_flag_to_find="mute")
+ self.settings.start_options["mute"] = mute
+ data = {
+ "mute": mute
+ }
+ return jsonify(data), 200
def audio_analyser_callback(self, order):
Callback of the OrderListener. Called after the processing of the audio file
@@ -376,8 +435,7 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
api_response = SynapseLauncher.run_matching_synapse_from_order(order,
- is_api_call=True,
- no_voice=self.no_voice)
+ is_api_call=True)
self.api_response = api_response
# this boolean will notify the main process that the order have been processed
@@ -385,12 +443,12 @@ class FlaskAPI(threading.Thread):
def get_boolean_flag_from_request(self, http_request, boolean_flag_to_find):
- Get the boolean flag from the request if exist
+ Get the boolean flag from the request if exist, None otherwise !
:param http_request:
:param boolean_flag_to_find: json flag to find in the http_request
:return: True or False if the boolean flag has been found in the request
- boolean_flag = False
+ boolean_flag = None
received_json = http_request.get_json(force=True, silent=True, cache=True)
if boolean_flag_to_find in received_json: