@@ -20,6 +20,22 @@ Then, declare it as usual in your settings
default_speech_to_text: "cmusphinx"
- - cmusphinx
- language: "en-US" # [Installing other languages](https://github.com/Uberi/speech_recognition/blob/master/reference/pocketsphinx.rst#installing-other-languages)
+ - cmusphinx:
+ language: "en-US" # [Installing other languages](https://github.com/Uberi/speech_recognition/blob/master/reference/pocketsphinx.rst#installing-other-languages)
+#### Using keywords
+Sphinx usually operates in 'transcription mode' and will return whatever words it recognizes.
+Adding `keyword_entries` to the settings narrows down its search space and is more accurate than just looking for those same keywords in non-keyword-based transcriptions, because Sphinx knows specifically what sounds to look for.
+The parameter `keyword_entries` expects a list of tuples consisting of a phrase and a sensitivity level defining how sensitive to this phrase the recognizer should be, on a scale from 0 (very insensitive, more false negatives) to 1 (very sensitive, more false positives).
+default_speech_to_text: "cmusphinx"
+ - cmusphinx:
+ language: "en-US"
+ keyword_entries:
+ - ["hello", 0.8]
+ - ["stop the music", 0.6]