@@ -31,34 +31,34 @@ The google STT is based on the [Google Speech Recognition API](https://cloud.goo
| parameter| required | default | choices | comments |
| key | No | None | | |
-| language | No | en-US | fr-FR | |
+| language | No | en-US | [lang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Voice_Search#Supported_languages) |LCID string|
### Bing
-The google STT is based on the [Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition API](https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/speech-api)
+The Bing STT is based on the [Microsoft Bing Voice Recognition API](https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/speech-api)
| parameter| required | default | choices | comments |
| key | YES | None | |User info |
-| language | No | en-US | fr-FR | |
+| language | No | en-US | [lang](https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/speech-api)|7 languages|
### wit.ai
-The google STT is based on the Microsoft [Wit.ai API](https://wit.ai/)
+The wit.ai STT is based on the Microsoft [Wit.ai API](https://wit.ai/)
| parameter| required | default | choices | comments |
| key | YES | None | |User info |
-| language | No | en-US | | |
+| language | No | en-US |[lang](https://docs.api.ai/docs/languages)| |
### api.ai
-The google STT is based on the [api.ai API](https://api.ai/)
+The api.ai STT is based on the [api.ai API](https://api.ai/)
| parameter| required | default | choices | comments |
| key | YES | None | |User info |
-| language | No | en-US | fr-FR | |
+| language | No | en-US |[lang](https://docs.api.ai/docs/languages)| |
### Houndify
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Not working yet ... in coming
| key | YES | None | |User info |
| client_id| YES | None | |User info |
-| language | No | en-US | fr-FR | |
+| language | No | en-US | en-US | |
## Full Example