# Kalliope Command-line interface ## SYNOPSIS This is the syntax used to run Kalliope from command line ``` kalliope command --option ``` For example, to start Kalliope we simply use ``` kalliope start ``` ## ARGUMENTS ### start Start Kalliope main program Example of use ``` kalliope start ``` To kill Kalliope, you can press "Ctrl-C" on your keyboard. ### gui Launch the Kalliope shell Graphical User Interface. The GUI allows you to test your [STT](stt.md) and [TTS](tts.md) that you have configured in [settings.yml](default_settings.md) file of Kalliope. Example of use ``` kalliope gui ``` ## OPTIONS Commands can be completed by the following options: ### --run-synapse SYNAPSE_NAME Run a specific synapse from the brain file. Example of use ``` kalliope start --run-synapse "say-hello" ``` ### --brain-file BRAIN_FILE Replace the default brain file from the root of the project folder by a custom one. > **Important note:** The path must be absolute. The absolute path contains the root directory and all other subdirectories in which a file or folder is contained. Example of use ``` kalliope start --brain-file /home/me/my_other_brain.yml ``` You can combine the options together like, for example: ``` kalliope start --run-synapse "say-hello" --brain-file /home/me/my_other_brain.yml ``` ### --debug Show debug output in the console Example of use ``` kalliope start --debug ```