# wake_on_lan ## Synopsis Allows a computer to be turned on or awakened from the [WOL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wake-on-LAN) protocol by Kalliope. ## Options | parameter | required | default | choices | comment | |-------------------|----------|-----------------|----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | mac_address | yes | | | Mac address of the target PC to wake up. Accepted format: 'ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff', '00-00-00-00-00-00', 'FFFFFFFFFFFF' | | broadcast_address | no | | | Broadcast address where the magic packet will bee sent. By default on most LAN is | | port | no | 9 | | The magic packet is typically sent as a UDP datagram to port 0,6 7 or 9. This parameter must be an integer. Do not add 'quotes' in your configuration | ## Return Values None ## Synapses example Kalliope will send a magic packet to the mac address `00-00-00-00-00-00` ``` - name: "wake my PC" neurons: - wake_on_lan: mac_address: "00-00-00-00-00-00" signals: - order: "wake my PC" ``` If your broadcast address is not, or if your ethernet card does not listen on the standard 9 port, you can override default parameters. In the following example, we suppose that kalliope is on a local areal network The broadcast address would be ``` - name: "wake my PC" neurons: - wake_on_lan: mac_address: "00-00-00-00-00-00" broadcast_address: "" port: 7 signals: - order: "wake my PC" ``` ## Notes > **Note:** The target computer must be on the same local area network as Kalliope. > **Note:** The target computer must has wake on lan activated in BIOS settings and my be in [OS settings](http://www.groovypost.com/howto/enable-wake-on-lan-windows-10/) too.