import re class InvalidSynapeName(Exception): pass class NoSynapeName(Exception): pass class NoSynapeNeurons(Exception): pass class NoSynapeSignals(Exception): pass class NoValidSignal(Exception): pass class NoEventID(Exception): pass class NoEventPeriod(Exception): pass class MultipleSameSynapseName(Exception): pass class NotValidSynapseName(Exception): pass class ConfigurationChecker: def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def check_synape_dict(synape_dict): if 'name' not in synape_dict: raise NoSynapeName("The Synapse does not have a name: %s" % synape_dict) # check that the name is conform # Regex for [a - zA - Z0 - 9\-] with dashes allowed in between but not at the start or end pattern = r'(?=[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{4,100}$)^[a-zA-Z0-9]+(\-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$' prog = re.compile(pattern) result = prog.match(synape_dict["name"]) if result is None: raise InvalidSynapeName("Error with synapse name \"%s\".Valid syntax: [a - zA - Z0 - 9\-] with dashes " "allowed in between but not at the start or end" % synape_dict["name"]) if 'neurons' not in synape_dict: raise NoSynapeNeurons("The Synapse does not have neurons: %s" % synape_dict) if 'signals' not in synape_dict: raise NoSynapeSignals("The Synapse does not have signals: %s" % synape_dict) return True @staticmethod def check_neuron_dict(neuron_dict): # TODO check that the Neuron plugin exist return True @staticmethod def check_signal_dict(signal_dict): if ('event' not in signal_dict) and ('order' not in signal_dict): raise NoValidSignal("The signal is not an event or an order %s" % signal_dict) return True @staticmethod def check_event_dict(event_dict): if event_dict is None: raise NoEventPeriod("Event must contain a period: %s" % event_dict) return True @staticmethod def check_order_dict(order_dict): if order_dict is not None: return True return False @staticmethod def check_synapes(synapses_list): """ Check the synapse list is ok: - No double same name :param synapses_list: :type synapses_list: list of Synapse :return: """ seen = set() for synapse in synapses_list: # convert ascii to UTF-8 synapse_name ='utf-8') if synapse_name in seen: raise MultipleSameSynapseName("Multiple synapse found with the same name: %s" % synapse_name) seen.add( return True