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Rest API

Kalliope provides the REST API to manage the synapses. For configuring the API refer to the settings documentation.

Synapse API

Curl examples

Note: --user is only needed if password_protected is True

Get Kalliope's version

Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401) Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -X GET  http://localhost:5000/

Output example:

  "Kalliope version": "0.4.2"

List synapses

Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), itemNotFound(404) Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -X GET  http://localhost:5000/synapses

Output example:

  "synapses": [
        "name": "stop-kalliope",
        "neurons": [
            "say": {
              "message": "Good bye"
        "signals": [
            "order": "close"
        "name": "say-hello",
        "neurons": [
            "say": {
              "message": [
                "Bonjour monsieur"
        "signals": [
            "order": "bonjour"

Show synapse details

Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), itemNotFound(404) Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -X GET  http://localhost:5000/synapses/say-hello

Output example:

  "synapses": {
    "name": "say-hello",
    "neurons": [
        "say": {
          "message": [
            "Bonjour monsieur"
    "signals": [
        "order": "bonjour"

Run a synapse by its name

Normal response codes: 201 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), itemNotFound(404) Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -X POST  http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/id/say-hello

Output example:

  "matched_synapses": [
      "matched_order": null,
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "Bonjour monsieur",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
      "synapse_name": "say-hello-fr"
  "status": "complete",
  "user_order": null

The mute flag can be added to this call. Curl command:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin:secret -X POST \
-d '{"mute":"true"}'

Some neuron inside a synapse will wait for parameters that comes from the order. You can provide those parameters by adding a parameters list of data. Curl command:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin:secret -X POST  \
-d '{"parameters": {"parameter1": "value1" }}' \

Run a synapse from an order

Normal response codes: 201 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), itemNotFound(404)

Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"order":"my order"}' http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/order

If the order contains accent or quotes, use a file for testing with curl

cat post.json 


curl -i --user admin:secret -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data @post.json http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/order

Output example if the order have matched and so launched synapses:

  "matched_synapses": [
      "matched_order": "Bonjour",
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "Bonjour monsieur",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
      "synapse_name": "say-hello-fr"
  "status": "complete",
  "user_order": "bonjour"

If the order haven't match any synapses it will try to run the default synapse if it exists in your settings:

  "matched_synapses": [
      "matched_order": null,
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "Je n'ai pas compris votre ordre",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
      "synapse_name": "default-synapse"
  "status": "complete",
  "user_order": "not existing order"

Or return an empty list of matched synapse

  "matched_synapses": [],
  "status": null,
  "user_order": "not existing order"

The mute flag can be added to this call. Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
-d '{"order":"my order", "mute":"true"}' http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/order

Run a synapse from an audio file

Normal response codes: 201 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), itemNotFound(404)

The audio file must use WAV or MP3 extension.

Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -X POST  http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/audio -F "file=@/home/nico/Desktop/input.wav"

Output example if the order inside the audio have matched and so launched synapses:

  "matched_synapses": [
      "matched_order": "Bonjour",
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "Bonjour monsieur",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
      "synapse_name": "say-hello-fr"
  "status": "complete",
  "user_order": "bonjour"

If the order haven't match any synapses it will try to run the default synapse if it exists in your settings:

  "matched_synapses": [
      "matched_order": null,
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "Je n'ai pas compris votre ordre",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
      "synapse_name": "default-synapse"
  "status": "complete",
  "user_order": "not existing order"

Or return an empty list of matched synapse

  "matched_synapses": [],
  "status": null,
  "user_order": "not existing order"

The mute flag can be added to this call with a form. Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -X POST http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/audio -F "file=@path/to/file.wav" -F mute="true"

The neurotransmitter case

In case of leveraging the neurotransmitter neuron, Kalliope expects back and forth answers. Fortunately, the API provides a way to continue interaction with Kalliope and still use neurotransmitter neurons while doing API calls.

When you start a synapse via its name or an order (like shown above), the answer of the API call will tell you in the response that kalliope is waiting for a response via the "status" return.

Status can either by complete (nothing else to do) or waiting_for_answer, in which case Kalliope is waiting for your response :).

In this case, you can launch another order containing your response.

Let's take as an example the simple neurotransmitter brain of the EN starter kit:

First step is to fire the "ask me a question order":

curl -i --user admin:secret -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"order":"ask me a question"}' http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/order

The response should be as follow:

  "matched_synapses": [
      "matched_order": "ask me a question",
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "do you like french fries?",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
      "synapse_name": "synapse1"
  "status": "waiting_for_answer",
  "user_order": "ask me a question"

The "status": "waiting_for_answer" indicates that it waits for a response, so let's send it:

curl -i --user admin:secret -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"order":"not at all"}' http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/order
  "matched_synapses": [
      "matched_order": "ask me a question",
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "do you like french fries?",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
          "generated_message": null,
          "neuron_name": "Neurotransmitter"
      "synapse_name": "synapse1"
      "matched_order": "not at all",
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "You don't like french fries.",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
      "synapse_name": "synapse3"
  "status": "complete",
  "user_order": null

And now the status is complete. This works also when you have nested neurotransmitter neurons, you just need to keep monitoring the status from the API answer.

Get deaf status

Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), Bad request(400)

Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret  -X GET

Output example:

  "deaf": true

Switch deaf status

Kalliope can switch to 'deaf' mode, so she can not ear you anymore, the trigger/hotword is desactivated. However Kalliope continues to process synapses.

Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), Bad request(400)

Curl command:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin:secret  -X POST -d '{"deaf": "True"}'

Output example:

  "deaf": true

Mute flag

When you use the API, by default Kalliope will generate a text and process it into the TTS engine. Some calls to the API can be done with a flag that will tell Kalliope to only return the generated text without processing it into the audio player. When mute is switched to true, Kalliope will not speak out loud on the server side.

Get mute status

Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes : unauthorized(401), Bad request(400)

Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret  -X GET

Output example:

  "mute": true

Set mute status

Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes : unauthorized(401), Bad request(400)

Curl command:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin:secret  -X POST -d '{"mute": "True"}'

Output example:

  "mute": true
Method URL Action
GET / Get kaliope version
GET /synapses List synapses
GET /synapses/ Get synapse details by name
POST /synapses/start/id/ Run a synapse by its name
POST /synapses/start/order Run a synapse from a text order
POST /synapses/start/audio Run a synapse from an audio sample
GET /deaf Get the current deaf status
POST /deaf Switch the deaf status
GET /mute Get the current mute status
POST /mute Switch the mute status