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Speech To Text (STT)

This chapter describes how STT engine works.

The STT is a programs or API that converts the speech into text. Each STT has a specific configuration and supports multiple languages.

The configuration of each STT you use must appear in the settings.yml file.


The setting.yml defines the STT you want to use by default

default_speech_to_text: "type default STT here"

Then, still in the settings.yml file, each STT must set up its configuration following the 'speech_to_text' tag :

   - STT1:
      STT1parameter1: "value option1"
      STT1parameter2: "value option2"
   - STT2:
      STT2parameter1: "value option1"

Sometime, an API key will be necessary to use an engine. Click on a TTS engine link in the Current Available STT section to know which parameter are required.

Current Available STT

Full Example

In the settings.yml file :

default_speech_to_text: "google"
  - google:
      language: "fr-FR"
  - wit:
  - bing:
      key: "9e48dert65904838bedc11aea6b36fb0"
  - apiai:
      key: "e0cbff145af44944a6b9f82c0668b527"
      language: "fr"
  - houndify:
      key: "6ej90T7qAV74OYXk4X4vI2Xhk7wPsJu4aEZ0G5Ll-BMmV1JGtFpCxtSH9SmTY4G3bpEJ7a5y_GTQid-CAKI6vw=="
      client_id: "lM2JXeaSticbSo9-llczbA=="