Please follow the right link bellow to install requirements depending on your target environment:
You can install kalliope on your system by using Pypi:
sudo pip install kalliope
Clone the project:
git clone
cd kalliope
Install the project:
sudo python install
Install the python-virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
Clone the project:
git clone
cd kalliope
Generate a local python environment:
virtualenv venv
Install the project using the local environment:
venv/bin/pip install --editable .
Clone the project:
git clone
cd kalliope
Install the python dependencies directly:
sudo pip install -r install/python_requirements.txt
To ensure that you can record your voice, run the following command to capture audio input from your microphone:
rec test.wav
Press CTRL-C after capturing a sample of your voice.
Then play the recorded audio file
mplayer test.wav
Your installation is now complete, let's take a look now to the quickstart documentation to learn how to use Kalliope.
We create some starter configuration that only need to be downloaded and then started. Those repositories provide you a basic structure to start playing with kalliope. We recommend you to clone one of them and then go to the next section.
If everything is ok, you can start playing with Kalliope. First, take a look to the default settings.