test_brain_loader.py 11 KB

  1. # coding: utf8
  2. import os
  3. import unittest
  4. from kalliope.core.Models import Singleton
  5. from kalliope.core.ConfigurationManager import BrainLoader
  6. from kalliope.core.Models import Event
  7. from kalliope.core.Models import Neuron
  8. from kalliope.core.Models import Synapse
  9. from kalliope.core.Models import Order
  10. from kalliope.core.Models.Brain import Brain
  11. from kalliope.core.Models.Settings import Settings
  12. class TestBrainLoader(unittest.TestCase):
  13. def setUp(self):
  14. # be sure the brain haven't been instantiated before
  15. Singleton._instances = dict()
  16. if "/Tests" in os.getcwd():
  17. self.brain_to_test = os.getcwd() + os.sep + "brains/brain_test.yml"
  18. else:
  19. self.brain_to_test = os.getcwd() + os.sep + "Tests/brains/brain_test.yml"
  20. self.expected_result = [
  21. {'signals': [{'order': 'test_order'}],
  22. 'neurons': [{'say': {'message': ['test message']}}],
  23. 'name': 'test'},
  24. {'signals': [{'order': 'test_order_2'}],
  25. 'neurons': [{'say': {'message': ['test message']}}],
  26. 'name': 'test2'},
  27. {'signals': [{'order': 'order_for_int'}],
  28. 'neurons': [{'sleep': {'seconds': 60}}],
  29. 'name': 'testint'},
  30. {'includes': ['included_brain_test.yml']},
  31. {'signals': [{'order': 'test_order_3'}],
  32. 'neurons': [{'say': {'message': ['test message']}}],
  33. 'name': 'test3'}
  34. ]
  35. def tearDown(self):
  36. Singleton._instances = dict()
  37. def test_get_yaml_config(self):
  38. """
  39. Test we can get a yaml config from the path
  40. """
  41. brain_loader = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
  42. self.assertEqual(brain_loader.yaml_config, self.expected_result)
  43. def test_get_brain(self):
  44. """
  45. Test the class return a valid brain object
  46. """
  47. neuron = Neuron(name='say', parameters={'message': ['test message']})
  48. neuron2 = Neuron(name='sleep', parameters={'seconds': 60})
  49. signal1 = Order(sentence="test_order")
  50. signal2 = Order(sentence="test_order_2")
  51. signal3 = Order(sentence="test_order_3")
  52. signal4 = Order(sentence="order_for_int")
  53. synapse1 = Synapse(name="test", neurons=[neuron], signals=[signal1])
  54. synapse2 = Synapse(name="test2", neurons=[neuron], signals=[signal2])
  55. synapse3 = Synapse(name="test3", neurons=[neuron], signals=[signal3])
  56. synapse4 = Synapse(name="testint", neurons=[neuron2], signals=[signal4])
  57. synapses = [synapse1, synapse2, synapse4, synapse3]
  58. brain = Brain()
  59. brain.synapses = synapses
  60. brain.brain_file = self.brain_to_test
  61. brain.brain_yaml = self.expected_result
  62. brain_loader = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
  63. self.assertEqual(brain, brain_loader.brain)
  64. def test_get_neurons(self):
  65. """
  66. Test to get neurons from the brainLoader
  67. scenarii:
  68. - 1/ get a simple neuron from the brainloader
  69. - 2/ get a neuron with global variables as parameters
  70. - 3/ get a neuron with int as parameters
  71. """
  72. # 1/ get a simple neuron from the brainloader
  73. st = Settings()
  74. neuron_list = [{'say': {'message': ['test message']}}]
  75. neuron = Neuron(name='say', parameters={'message': ['test message']})
  76. bl = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
  77. neurons_from_brain_loader = bl._get_neurons(neuron_list,
  78. settings=st)
  79. self.assertEqual([neuron], neurons_from_brain_loader)
  80. # 2/ get a neuron with global variables as parameters
  81. neuron_list = [{'say': {'message': ['bonjour {{name}}']}}]
  82. variables = {
  83. "author": "Lamonf",
  84. "test_number": 60,
  85. "name": "kalliope"
  86. }
  87. st = Settings(variables=variables)
  88. bl = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
  89. neurons_from_brain_loader = bl._get_neurons(neuron_list,
  90. settings=st)
  91. neuron = Neuron(name='say', parameters={'message': ['bonjour kalliope']})
  92. self.assertEqual([neuron], neurons_from_brain_loader)
  93. # 3/ get a neuron with int as parameters
  94. st = Settings()
  95. neuron_list = [{'sleep': {'seconds': 60}}]
  96. neuron = Neuron(name='sleep', parameters={'seconds': 60})
  97. bl = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
  98. neurons_from_brain_loader = bl._get_neurons(neuron_list,
  99. settings=st)
  100. self.assertEqual([neuron], neurons_from_brain_loader)
  101. def test_get_signals(self):
  102. signals = [{'order': 'test_order'}]
  103. signal = Order(sentence='test_order')
  104. bl = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
  105. signals_from_brain_loader = bl._get_signals(signals)
  106. self.assertEqual([signal], signals_from_brain_loader)
  107. def test_get_event_or_order_from_dict(self):
  108. order_object = Order(sentence="test_order")
  109. event_object = Event(hour="7")
  110. dict_order = {'order': 'test_order'}
  111. dict_event = {'event': {'hour': '7'}}
  112. bl = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
  113. order_from_bl = bl._get_event_or_order_from_dict(dict_order)
  114. event_from_bl = bl._get_event_or_order_from_dict(dict_event)
  115. self.assertEqual(order_from_bl, order_object)
  116. self.assertEqual(event_from_bl, event_object)
  117. def test_singleton(self):
  118. bl1 = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
  119. bl2 = BrainLoader(file_path=self.brain_to_test)
  120. self.assertTrue(bl1.brain is bl2.brain)
  121. def test_replace_global_variables(self):
  122. """
  123. Testing the _replace_global_variables function from the NeuronLauncher.
  124. Scenarii:
  125. - 1/ only one global variable
  126. - 2/ global variable with string after
  127. - 3/ global variable with int after
  128. - 4/ multiple global variables
  129. - 5/ parameter value is a list
  130. - 6/ parameter is a dict
  131. """
  132. # 1/ only one global variable
  133. parameters = {
  134. 'var1': '{{hello}}'
  135. }
  136. variables = {
  137. "hello": "test",
  138. "hello2": "test2",
  139. }
  140. st = Settings(variables=variables)
  141. expected_parameters = {
  142. 'var1': 'test'
  143. }
  144. self.assertEqual(BrainLoader._replace_global_variables(parameter=parameters,
  145. settings=st),
  146. expected_parameters,
  147. "Fail to assign a single global variable to parameters")
  148. # 2/ global variable with string after
  149. parameters = {
  150. 'var1': '{{hello}} Sispheor'
  151. }
  152. variables = {
  153. "hello": "test",
  154. "hello2": "test2",
  155. }
  156. st = Settings(variables=variables)
  157. expected_parameters = {
  158. 'var1': 'test Sispheor'
  159. }
  160. self.assertEqual(BrainLoader._replace_global_variables(parameter=parameters,
  161. settings=st),
  162. expected_parameters,
  163. "Fail to assign a global variable with string after to parameters")
  164. # 3/ global variable with int after
  165. parameters = {
  166. 'var1': '{{hello}}0'
  167. }
  168. variables = {
  169. "hello": 60,
  170. "hello2": "test2",
  171. }
  172. st = Settings(variables=variables)
  173. expected_parameters = {
  174. 'var1': '600'
  175. }
  176. self.assertEqual(BrainLoader._replace_global_variables(parameter=parameters,
  177. settings=st),
  178. expected_parameters,
  179. "Fail to assign global variable with int after to parameters")
  180. # 4/ multiple global variables
  181. parameters = {
  182. 'var1': '{{hello}} {{me}}'
  183. }
  184. variables = {
  185. "hello": "hello",
  186. "me": "LaMonf"
  187. }
  188. st = Settings(variables=variables)
  189. expected_parameters = {
  190. 'var1': 'hello LaMonf'
  191. }
  192. self.assertEqual(BrainLoader._replace_global_variables(parameter=parameters,
  193. settings=st),
  194. expected_parameters,
  195. "Fail to assign multiple global variables to parameters")
  196. # 5/ parameter value is a list
  197. parameters = {
  198. 'var1': '[hello {{name}}, bonjour {{name}}]'
  199. }
  200. variables = {
  201. "name": "LaMonf",
  202. "hello2": "test2",
  203. }
  204. st = Settings(variables=variables)
  205. expected_parameters = {
  206. 'var1': '[hello LaMonf, bonjour LaMonf]'
  207. }
  208. self.assertEqual(BrainLoader._replace_global_variables(parameter=parameters,
  209. settings=st),
  210. expected_parameters,
  211. "Fail to assign a single global when parameter value is a list to neuron")
  212. # 6/ parameter is a dict
  213. parameters = {'from_answer_link': [{'synapse': 'synapse2', 'answers': ['absolument', '{{ name }}']},
  214. {'synapse': 'synapse3', 'answers': ['{{ name }}']}], 'default': 'synapse4'}
  215. variables = {
  216. "name": "nico"
  217. }
  218. st = Settings(variables=variables)
  219. expected_parameters = {
  220. 'from_answer_link': [
  221. {'synapse': 'synapse2', 'answers': ['absolument', 'nico']},
  222. {'synapse': 'synapse3', 'answers': ['nico']}], 'default': 'synapse4'
  223. }
  224. self.assertEqual(BrainLoader._replace_global_variables(parameter=parameters,
  225. settings=st),
  226. expected_parameters,
  227. "Fail to assign a single global when parameter value is a list to neuron")
  228. def test_get_global_variable(self):
  229. """
  230. Test the get_global_variable of the OrderAnalyser Class
  231. """
  232. sentence = "i am {{name2}}"
  233. variables = {
  234. "name": "LaMonf",
  235. "name2": "kalliope",
  236. "name3": u"kalliopé",
  237. "name4": 1
  238. }
  239. st = Settings(variables=variables)
  240. expected_result = "i am kalliope"
  241. self.assertEqual(BrainLoader._get_global_variable(sentence=sentence,
  242. settings=st),
  243. expected_result)
  244. # test with accent
  245. sentence = "i am {{name3}}"
  246. expected_result = u"i am kalliopé"
  247. self.assertEqual(BrainLoader._get_global_variable(sentence=sentence,
  248. settings=st),
  249. expected_result)
  250. # test with int
  251. sentence = "i am {{name4}}"
  252. expected_result = "i am 1"
  253. self.assertEqual(BrainLoader._get_global_variable(sentence=sentence,
  254. settings=st),
  255. expected_result)
  256. if __name__ == '__main__':
  257. unittest.main()