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List of available neuron

A neuron is a module that will perform some actions attached to an order. You can use it in your synapses. See the complete neuron documentation for more information.

Core neuron

Name Description
ansible_playbook Run an ansible playbook
kill_switch Stop Kalliope process
neurotransmitter Link synapse together
say Make Kalliope talk by using TTS
script Run an executable script
shell Run a shell command
sleep Make Kalliope sleep for a while before continuing
systemdate Give the local system date and time
uri Interacts with HTTP and HTTPS web services.

Community neuron

Name Description
gmail_checker Get the number of unread email and their subjects from a gmail account
google agenda Get your next meetings on google calendar
list available orders Let kalliope tell you what she how she can help
openweathermap Get the weather of a location
pi camera Take picture with your picamera
pushetta Send a push message to a remote device like Android/iOS/Windows Phone or Chrome browser
rss_reader get rss feed from website
tasker Send a message to Android tasker app
twitter Send a Twit from kalliope
wake_on_lan Wake on lan a computer
web scraper Read web pages that don't provide RSS feed or APIs (by scraping html)
wikipedia Search for a page on Wikipedia

Wanna add your neuron in the list? Open an issue with the link of your neuron or send a pull request to update the list directly.

To know how to install a community neuron, read the "Installation" section of the neuron documentation.