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Rest API

Kalliope provides the REST API to manage the synapses. For configuring the API refer to the settings documentation.

Synapse API

Curl examples

Note: --user is only needed if password_protected is True

Get Kalliope's version

Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401) Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -X GET  http://localhost:5000/

Output example:

  "Kalliope version": "0.4.2"

List synapses

Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), itemNotFound(404) Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -X GET  http://localhost:5000/synapses

Output example:

  "synapses": [
        "name": "stop-kalliope",
        "neurons": [
            "say": {
              "message": "Good bye"
        "signals": [
            "order": "close"
        "name": "say-hello",
        "neurons": [
            "say": {
              "message": [
                "Bonjour monsieur"
        "signals": [
            "order": "bonjour"

Show synapse details

Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), itemNotFound(404) Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -X GET  http://localhost:5000/synapses/say-hello

Output example:

  "synapses": {
    "name": "say-hello",
    "neurons": [
        "say": {
          "message": [
            "Bonjour monsieur"
    "signals": [
        "order": "bonjour"

Run a synapse by its name

Normal response codes: 201 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), itemNotFound(404) Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -X POST  http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/id/say-hello

Output example:

  "matched_synapses": [
      "matched_order": null,
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "Bonjour monsieur",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
      "synapse_name": "say-hello-fr"
  "status": "complete",
  "user_order": null

The no_voice flag can be added to this call. Curl command:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin:secret -X POST \
-d '{"no_voice":"true"}'

Some neuron inside a synapse will wait for parameters that comes from the order. You can provide those parameters by adding a parameters list of data. Curl command:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin:secret -X POST  \
-d '{"parameters": {"parameter1": "value1" }}' \

Run a synapse from an order

Normal response codes: 201 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), itemNotFound(404)

Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"order":"my order"}' http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/order

If the order contains accent or quotes, use a file for testing with curl

cat post.json 


curl -i --user admin:secret -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data @post.json http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/order

Output example if the order have matched and so launched synapses:

  "matched_synapses": [
      "matched_order": "Bonjour",
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "Bonjour monsieur",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
      "synapse_name": "say-hello-fr"
  "status": "complete",
  "user_order": "bonjour"

If the order haven't match any synapses it will try to run the default synapse if it exists in your settings:

  "matched_synapses": [
      "matched_order": null,
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "Je n'ai pas compris votre ordre",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
      "synapse_name": "default-synapse"
  "status": "complete",
  "user_order": "not existing order"

Or return an empty list of matched synapse

  "matched_synapses": [],
  "status": null,
  "user_order": "not existing order"

The no_voice flag can be added to this call. Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \
-d '{"order":"my order", "no_voice":"true"}' http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/order

Run a synapse from an audio file

Normal response codes: 201 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), itemNotFound(404)

The audio file must use WAV or MP3 extension.

Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -X POST  http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/audio -F "file=@/home/nico/Desktop/input.wav"

Output example if the order inside the audio have matched and so launched synapses:

  "matched_synapses": [
      "matched_order": "Bonjour",
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "Bonjour monsieur",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
      "synapse_name": "say-hello-fr"
  "status": "complete",
  "user_order": "bonjour"

If the order haven't match any synapses it will try to run the default synapse if it exists in your settings:

  "matched_synapses": [
      "matched_order": null,
      "neuron_module_list": [
          "generated_message": "Je n'ai pas compris votre ordre",
          "neuron_name": "Say"
      "synapse_name": "default-synapse"
  "status": "complete",
  "user_order": "not existing order"

Or return an empty list of matched synapse

  "matched_synapses": [],
  "status": null,
  "user_order": "not existing order"

The no_voice flag can be added to this call with a form. Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret -X POST http://localhost:5000/synapses/start/audio -F "file=@path/to/file.wav" -F no_voice="true"

Get mute status

Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), Bad request(400)

Curl command:

curl -i --user admin:secret  -X GET

Output example:

  "mute": true

Switch mute status

Normal response codes: 200 Error response codes: unauthorized(401), Bad request(400)

Curl command:

curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user admin:secret  -X POST -d '{"mute": "True"}'

Output example:

  "mute": true

No voice flag

When you use the API, by default Kalliope will generate a text and process it into the TTS engine. Some calls to the API can be done with a flag that will tell Kalliope to only return the generated text without processing it into the audio player. When no_voice is switched to true, Kalliope will not speak out loud on the server side.

Method URL Action
GET / Get kaliope version
GET /synapses List synapses
GET /synapses/ Get synapse details by name
POST /synapses/start/id/ Run a synapse by its name
POST /synapses/start/order Run a synapse from a text order
POST /synapses/start/audio Run a synapse from an audio sample
GET /mute Get the current mute status
POST /mute Switch the mute status