nico 0806e571b7 8 жил өмнө
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Push notification


Send broadcast communications to groups of subscribers.

Available client are:

  • Android phone
  • iOS phone/
  • Windows Phone
  • Chrome Browser

This neuron is based on Pushetta API. You need to create a free account and a chanel before using it. You need to install a client App on the target device.


parameter requiered default choices comment
message yes Message that will be send to the android phone
api_key yes Token API key availlable from Pushetta dashboard
channel_name yes Name of the subscribed channel

Return Values

No returned value

Synapses example

The following synapse will send a push message to device that have subscribed to the channel name "my_chanel_name" when you say "push message".

 - name: "send-push-message"
      - order: "push message"
     - android_pushetta:
         message: "Message to send"
         api_key: "TOEKENEXAMPLE1234"
         channel_name: "my_chanel_name"    


Note: You must install a client App on the target device.

Note: You must create a channel an get a token key on Pushetta website before using the neuron.