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Dev environment installation

This documentation aims at explaining step by step manual deployment of Kalliope.

Tested env

  • Ubuntu 16.04


Packages installation

To make Kalliope work, you will have to install a certain number of libraries

On Ubuntu distribution :

sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libsmpeg0 libttspico-utils libsmpeg0 flac dialog libffi-dev portaudio19-dev build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev sox libatlas3-base

Python lib

Install libs

pip install SpeechRecognition
pip install pyaudio
pip install ansible
pip install pygame
pip install python2-pythondialog
pip install jinja
pip install python-crontab
pip install cffi
pip install pygmail
pip install pushetta
pip install wakeonlan
pip install ipaddress
pip install pyowm
pip install flask
pip install python-twitter==3.1

Test your env

Run the following command to capture audio from your microphone

rec test.wav

Then play the recorded audio file

play test.wav


Clone the project

git clone