monf 9cf070e5f7 [Fix] country on openweathermap 8 年之前
.. 9cf070e5f7 [Fix] country on openweathermap 8 年之前 c6057b2601 8 年之前 884b11745c 8 年之前

OpenWeatherMap API


Give the today and tomorrow weather with the related data (humidity, temperature, etc ...) for a given location.


parameter required default choices comment
api_key YES None User API key of the OWM API
location YES None The location
lang No en multiple First 2 letters cf : section Multilingual support in : lang
temp_unit No Kelvin Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit
country No US multiple Frist 2 letters of the country cf API doc

Return Values

Name Description Type sample
location The current location String Grenoble
weather_today Today : The weather sentence String cloudy
sunset_today_time Today : The sunset time (iso) String 2016-10-15 20:07:57+00
sunrise_today_time Today : The sunrise time (iso) String 2016-10-15 07:07:57+00
temp_today_temp Today : Average temperature float 25
temp_today_temp_max Today : Max temperature float 45
temp_today_temp_min Today : Min temperatue float 5
pressure_today_press Today : Pressure float 1009
pressure_today_sea_level Today : Pressure at the Sea level float 1038.381
humidity_today Today : % of humidity float 60
wind_today_deg Today : Direction of the wind in degree float 45
wind_today_speed Today : Wind speed float 2.66
snow_today Today : Volume of snow float 0
rain_today Today : Rain volume float 0
clouds_coverage_today Today : % Cloud coverage float 65
weather_tomorrow Tomorrow : The weather sentence String sunny
sunset_time_tomorrow Tomorrow : The sunset time (iso) String 2016-10-16 20:07:57+00
sunrise_time_tomorrow Tomorrow : The sunrise time (iso) String 2016-10-16 07:07:57+00
temp_tomorrow_temp Tomorrow : Average temperature float 25
temp_tomorrow_temp_max Tomorrow : Max temperature float 45
temp_tomorrow_temp_min Tomorrow : Min temperatue float 5
pressure_tomorrow_press Tomorrow : Pressure float 1009
pressure_tomorrow_sea_level Tomorrow : Pressure at the Sea level float 1038.381
humidity_tomorrow Tomorrow : % of humidity float 60
wind_tomorrow_deg Tomorrow : Direction of the wind in degree float 45
wind_tomorrow_speed Tomorrow : Wind speed float 2.66
snow_tomorrow Tomorrow : Volume of snow float 0
rain_tomorrow Tomorrow : Rain volume float 0
clouds_coverage_tomorrow Tomorrow : % Cloud coverage float 65

Synapses example

  - name: "get the weather"
      - openweathermap:
          api_key: "fdfba4097c318aed7836b2a85a6a05ef"
          lang: "en"
          temp_unit: "celsius"
          - "Today in {{ location }} the weather is {{ weather_today }} with a temperature of {{ temp_today_temp }} degree and tomorrow the weather will be {{ weather_tomorrow }} with a temperature of {{ temp_tomorrow_temp }} degree"
          - location
      - order: "what is the weather in {{ location }}"

You also can define the "location" args directly in neuron argument list.

  - name: "get the weather"
      - openweathermap:
          api_key: "fdfba4097c318aed7836b2a85a6a05ef"
          lang: "fr"
          temp_unit: "celsius"
          location : "grenoble"
          country: "FR"
          - "Aujourd'hui a {{ location }} le temps est {{ weather_today }} avec une température de {{ temp_today_temp }} degrés et demain le temps sera {{ weather_tomorrow }} avec une température de {{ temp_tomorrow_temp }} degrés"
      - order: "quel temps fait-il "

Templates example

    Today in {{ location }} the weather is {{ weather_today }} with a temperature of {{ temp_today_temp }} degree


Note: You need to create a free account on to get your API key.