monf e60d2a8524 [Doc] Docstrings of TTS package il y a 8 ans
.. ed3c5125d2 [Feature] Pico2wave with Doc il y a 8 ans ba806953cd Acapela tts il y a 8 ans e60d2a8524 [Doc] Docstrings of TTS package il y a 8 ans


This TTS is based on the Acapela engine

Parameters Required Default Choices Comment
language YES 34 languages (, example: "sonid15" Language are corresponding to an id plz check the note beside to find yours
voice YES multiple and depending of the language Check available names on the web site
cache No TRUE True / False True if you want to use the cache with this TTS


Corresponding languages to id :

Arabic="sonid0" Catalan="sonid1" Czech="sonid2" Danish="sonid3" Dutch (Belgium)="sonid4" Dutch (Netherlands)="sonid5" English (AU)="sonid6" English (India)="sonid7" English (Scottish)="sonid8" English (UK)="sonid9" English (USA)="sonid10" Faroese="sonid11" Finnish="sonid12" French (Belgium)="sonid13" French (Canada) ="sonid14" French (France)="sonid15" German="sonid16" Greek="sonid17" Italian="sonid18" Japanese="sonid19" Korean="sonid20" Mandarin="sonid21" Norwegian="sonid22" Polish="sonid23" Portuguese (Brazil)="sonid24" Portuguese (Portugal)="sonid25" Russian="sonid26" Sami (North)="sonid27" Spanish (Spain)="sonid28" Spanish (US)="sonid29" Swedish="sonid30" Swedish (Finland) ="sonid31" Swedish (Gothenburg) ="sonid32" Swedish (Scanian) ="sonid33" Turkish ="sonid34"