nico c23eec7c4f update doc for v0.4.0 8 năm trước cách đây
tests a8032d27e0 8 năm trước cách đây c23eec7c4f update doc for v0.4.0 8 năm trước cách đây 7683f70a3d Change the project structure to match the Python package standard. 8 năm trước cách đây 55840b88d6 8 năm trước cách đây



Run an Ansible playbook. Ansible is a free-software platform for configuring and managing computers which combines multi-node software deployment, ad hoc task execution, and configuration management.

Playbooks are Ansible’s configuration, deployment, and orchestration language. They can describe a policy you want your remote systems to enforce, or a set of steps in a general IT process.

This neuron can be used to perform complex operation with all modules available from Ansible.


CORE NEURON : No installation needed.


parameter required default choices comment
task_file YES path to the Playbook file that contains tasks
sudo NO FALSE True False
sudo_user NO The target user with admin privileges. In most of case "root"
sudo_password NO The password of the sudo_user

Synapses example

Playbook without admin privileges

Call the playbook named playbook.yml

  - name: "Ansible-test"
      - order: "playbook"
      - ansible_playbook: 
          task_file: "playbook.yml"
      - say:
          message: "The task is done"

Content of the playbook. This playbook will use the URI module to interact with a webservice on a remote server.

- name: Playbook
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
  connection: local

    - name: "Call api"
          url: ""
          HEADER_Content-Type: "application/json"
          method: POST
          user: admin
          password: secret
          force_basic_auth: yes
          status_code: 201
          body_format: json
          body: >
            {"app_name": "music", "state": "start"}

Playbook with admin privileges

In some cases, a playbook requires sudo right to perform admin operations like installing a package. In this case, you must give to the neuron the login and password of the user which has admin privileges.

  - name: "Ansible-root"
      - order: "playbook"
      - ansible_playbook:
          task_file: "playbook-root.yml"
          sudo: true
          sudo_user: "root"
          sudo_password: "secret"

And the playbook would be. Notice that we use become: True

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
  connection: local
  become: True

    - name: "Install a useful train package"
        name: sl
        state: present


Ansible contains a lot of modules that can be useful for Kalliope

  • Notification: can be used to send a message to Pushbullet, IRC channel, Rocket Chat and a lot of other notification services
  • Files: can be used to perform a backup or synchronize two file path
  • Windows: Can be used to control a Windows Desktop

Shell neuron or script neuron can perform same actions. Ansible is just a way to simplify some execution or enjoy some already made plugin.