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List of available TTS

A TTS is a module that Kalliope will use to speak out. You can define them in your settings.yml file. See the complete TTS documentation for more information.

Core TTS

Core TTSs are already packaged with the installation of Kalliope an can be used out of the box.

Name Description Type
Acapela Acapela Cloud based
GoogleTTS GoogleTTS Cloud based
VoiceRSS VoiceRSS Cloud based
Pico2wave Pico2wave Self hosted
Voxygen Voxygen Cloud based

Community TTS

Community TTSs need to be installed manually.

To know how to install a community TTS, read the "Installation" section of the TTS documentation.

Name Description Type
Espeak Espeak Self hosted

Wanna add your TTS in the list? Open an issue with the link of your TTS or send a pull request to update the list directly.