location |
The current location |
String |
Grenoble |
weather_today |
Today : The weather sentence |
String |
nuageux |
sunset_today_time |
Today : The sunset time (iso) |
String |
2016-10-15 20:07:57+00 |
sunrise_today_time |
Today : The sunrise time (iso) |
String |
2016-10-15 07:07:57+00 |
temp_today_temp |
Today : Average temperature |
float |
25 |
temp_today_temp_max |
Today : Max temperature |
float |
45 |
temp_today_temp_min |
Today : Min temperatue |
float |
5 |
pressure_today_press |
Today : Pressure |
float |
1009 |
pressure_today_sea_level |
Today : Pressure at the Sea level |
float |
1038.381 |
humidity_today |
Today : % of humidity |
float |
60 |
wind_today_deg |
Today : Direction of the wind in degree |
float |
45 |
wind_today_speed |
Today : Wind speed |
float |
2.66 |
snow_today |
Today : Volume of snow |
float |
0 |
rain_today |
Today : Rain volume |
float |
0 |
clouds_coverage_today |
Today : % Cloud coverage |
float |
65 |
weather_tomorrow |
Tomorrow : The weather sentence |
String |
ensoleillé |
sunset_time_tomorrow |
Tomorrow : The sunset time (iso) |
String |
2016-10-16 20:07:57+00 |
sunrise_time_tomorrow |
Tomorrow : The sunrise time (iso) |
String |
2016-10-16 07:07:57+00 |
temp_tomorrow_temp |
Tomorrow : Average temperature |
float |
25 |
temp_tomorrow_temp_max |
Tomorrow : Max temperature |
float |
45 |
temp_tomorrow_temp_min |
Tomorrow : Min temperatue |
float |
5 |
pressure_tomorrow_press |
Tomorrow : Pressure |
float |
1009 |
pressure_tomorrow_sea_level |
Tomorrow : Pressure at the Sea level |
float |
1038.381 |
humidity_tomorrow |
Tomorrow : % of humidity |
float |
60 |
wind_tomorrow_deg |
Tomorrow : Direction of the wind in degree |
float |
45 |
wind_tomorrow_speed |
Tomorrow : Wind speed |
float |
2.66 |
snow_tomorrow |
Tomorrow : Volume of snow |
float |
0 |
rain_tomorrow |
Tomorrow : Rain volume |
float |
0 |
clouds_coverage_tomorrow |
Tomorrow : % Cloud coverage |
float |
65 |