Kalliope needs the community to improve its Core features and to create new Neurons, STTs, TTSs. Let's join us ! Here is the Todo list if you are looking for some ideas.
The community can contribute to the Core of Kalliope by providing some new features.
How to contribute
git checkout dev
git checkout -b my-new-feature
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
git push origin my-new-feature
Kalliope comes with a community installation command. Your can create a module in you own git repo that will be available to all Kalliope users.
See the dedicated documentation depending on the type of module you want to code.
Respect PEP 257 -- Docstring conventions. For each class or method add a description with summary, input parameter, returned parameter, type of parameter
def my_method(my_parameter):
Description of he method
:param my_parameter: description of he parameter
:type my_parameter: str
Respect PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code We recommend the usage of an IDE like Pycharm
We are maintening a list of all the Neurons available from the community, let us know you've developed your own by opening an issue with the link of your neuron or send a pull request to update the neuron list directly.