@@ -222,49 +222,26 @@ var Reveal = (function(){
dom.slides.classList.add( 'no-transition' );
- if( !document.querySelector( '.reveal .backgrounds' ) ) {
- dom.background = document.createElement( 'div' );
- dom.background.classList.add( 'backgrounds' );
- dom.wrapper.appendChild( dom.background );
- }
+ dom.background = createSingletonNode( dom.wrapper, 'div', 'backgrounds', null );
- if( !dom.wrapper.querySelector( '.progress' ) ) {
- var progressElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
- progressElement.classList.add( 'progress' );
- progressElement.innerHTML = '<span></span>';
- dom.wrapper.appendChild( progressElement );
- }
+ dom.progress = createSingletonNode( dom.wrapper, 'div', 'progress', '<span></span>' );
+ dom.progressbar = dom.progress.querySelector( 'span' );
- if( !dom.wrapper.querySelector( '.controls' ) ) {
- var controlsElement = document.createElement( 'aside' );
- controlsElement.classList.add( 'controls' );
- controlsElement.innerHTML = '<div class="navigate-left"></div>' +
- '<div class="navigate-right"></div>' +
- '<div class="navigate-up"></div>' +
- '<div class="navigate-down"></div>';
- dom.wrapper.appendChild( controlsElement );
- }
+ createSingletonNode( dom.wrapper, 'aside', 'controls',
+ '<div class="navigate-left"></div>' +
+ '<div class="navigate-right"></div>' +
+ '<div class="navigate-up"></div>' +
+ '<div class="navigate-down"></div>' );
- if( !dom.wrapper.querySelector( '.state-background' ) ) {
- var stateBackgroundElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
- stateBackgroundElement.classList.add( 'state-background' );
- dom.wrapper.appendChild( stateBackgroundElement );
- }
+ createSingletonNode( dom.wrapper, 'div', 'state-background', null );
- if( !dom.wrapper.querySelector( '.pause-overlay' ) ) {
- var pausedElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
- pausedElement.classList.add( 'pause-overlay' );
- dom.wrapper.appendChild( pausedElement );
- }
+ createSingletonNode( dom.wrapper, 'div', 'pause-overlay', null );
- dom.progress = document.querySelector( '.reveal .progress' );
- dom.progressbar = document.querySelector( '.reveal .progress span' );
if ( config.controls ) {
dom.controls = document.querySelector( '.reveal .controls' );
@@ -279,6 +256,26 @@ var Reveal = (function(){
+ * Creates an HTML element and returns a reference to it.
+ * If the element already exists the existing instance will
+ * be returned.
+ */
+ function createSingletonNode( container, tagname, classname, innerHTML ) {
+ var node = container.querySelector( '.' + classname );
+ if( !node ) {
+ node = document.createElement( tagname );
+ node.classList.add( classname );
+ if( innerHTML !== null ) {
+ node.innerHTML = innerHTML;
+ }
+ container.appendChild( node );
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
* Creates the slide background elements and appends them
* to the background container. One element is created per