@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
var DEFAULT_SLIDE_SEPARATOR = '^\n---\n$',
@@ -218,7 +219,6 @@
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if( xhr.readyState === 4 ) {
if ( xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 ) {
section.outerHTML = slidify( xhr.responseText, {
separator: section.getAttribute( 'data-separator' ),
verticalSeparator: section.getAttribute( 'data-vertical' ),
@@ -268,6 +268,57 @@
+ /**
+ * Check if a node value has the attributes pattern.
+ * If yes, extract it and add that value as one or several attributes
+ * the the terget element.
+ *
+ * You need Cache Killer on Chrome to see the effect on any FOM transformation
+ * directly on refresh (F5)
+ * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5690269/disabling-chrome-cache-for-website-development/7000899#answer-11786277
+ */
+ function addAttributeInElement( node, elementTarget, separator ){
+ var mardownClassesInElementsRegex = new RegExp( separator, 'mg' );
+ var mardownClassRegex = new RegExp( "([^\"= ]+?)=\"([^\"=]+?)\"", 'mg' );
+ var nodeValue = node.nodeValue;
+ if ( matches = mardownClassesInElementsRegex.exec( nodeValue ) ) {
+ var classes = matches[1];
+ nodeValue = nodeValue.substring( 0, matches.index ) + nodeValue.substring( mardownClassesInElementsRegex.lastIndex );
+ node.nodeValue = nodeValue;
+ while( matchesClass = mardownClassRegex.exec( classes ) ) {
+ elementTarget.setAttribute(matchesClass[1], matchesClass[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add attributes to the parent element of a text node,
+ * or the element of an attribute node.
+ */
+ function addAttributes( element, separator )
+ {
+ if ( element.childNodes.length > 0 ) {
+ for ( var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
+ addAttributes( element.childNodes[i], separator );
+ }
+ }
+ var nodeValue;
+ var elementTarget;
+ // From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9178174/find-all-text-nodes
+ if ( element.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE && /\S/.test(element.nodeValue) ) {
+ addAttributeInElement( element, element.parentNode, separator );
+ }
+ if ( element.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && element.attributes.length > 0 ) {
+ for ( iattr=0; iattr<element.attributes.length; iattr++ ){
+ var attr = element.attributes[iattr];
+ addAttributeInElement(attr, element, separator )
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Converts any current data-markdown slides in the
* DOM to HTML.
@@ -289,6 +340,9 @@
var markdown = getMarkdownFromSlide( section );
section.innerHTML = marked( markdown );
+ addAttributes( section, section.getAttribute( 'data-element-attributes' ) ||
+ section.parentNode.getAttribute( 'data-element-attributes' ) ||
// If there were notes, we need to re-add them after
// having overwritten the section's HTML