Browse Source

add bottle.svg

Jandor 8 years ago
1 changed files with 790 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 790 0

+ 790 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
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+ <!-- 
+ -->
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+			<text
+			   xml:space="preserve"
+			   x="400"
+			   y="-10"
+			   class="component-text"
+			   transform="translate(0,16)">Wasser &amp; Kohlensäure (2)</text>
+	</g>
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+			   points="0,-10 50,-10 150,-35 400,-35"
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+			   xml:space="preserve"
+			   x="400"
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+		   >Koffein (0,5)</text>
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+			<polyline
+			   class="component-line"
+			   points="0,-30 50,-30 150,-85 400,-85"
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+			   xml:space="preserve"
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+		   >Grundstoff (3,6)</text>
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+		   >Zutaten <tspan class="set-num">(8,1)</tspan></text>
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+		       transform="translate(560,-85)"
+		   		>
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+			 <text class="sub-total-num"
+			  x="35"
+			  y="22"
+			 >0,081€</text>
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+       <g>
+       		<polyline
+			   class="component-line"
+			   points="25,-35 50,-35 150,-110 400,-110"
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+			   xml:space="preserve"
+			   x="400"
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+			>Kronkorken (1)</text>
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+       <g>
+			<polyline
+			   class="set-line"
+			   points="25,-97.5 50,-97.5 150,-145 550,-145"
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+			   xml:space="preserve"
+			   x="550"
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+		   >Abfüller <tspan class="set-num">(13,4)</tspan></text>
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+		       transform="translate(560,-145)"
+		   		>
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+			  />
+			 <text class="sub-total-num"
+			  x="35"
+			  y="22"
+			 >0,215€</text>
+		  </g>
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+   <g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="0,-102.5 50,-102.5 150,-170 400,-170"
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+		 <text
+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
+		   y="-170"
+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >Rest (1,3)</text>
+   </g>
+   <g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="0,-105 50,-105 150,-195 400,-195"
+		/>
+		 <text
+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
+		   y="-195"
+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >Etiketten (0,5)</text>
+   </g>
+   <g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="0,-107.5 50,-107.5 150,-220 400,-220"
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+		 <text
+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
+		   y="-220"
+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >KMR (0,5)</text>
+   </g>       
+   <g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="0,-116.5 50,-116.5 150,-245 400,-245"
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+		 <text
+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
+		   y="-245"
+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >Struktur (1,8)</text>
+   </g>                 
+   <g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="0,-117 50,-117 150,-270 400,-270"
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+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
+		   y="-270"
+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >Sprecherkisten (0,1)</text>
+   </g>      
+   <g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="0,-117.5 50,-117.5 150,-295 400,-295"
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+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
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+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >Dankeskisten (0,1)</text>
+   </g>  
+   <g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="0,-120 50,-120 150,-320 400,-320"
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+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
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+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >Rücklagen (0,5)</text>
+   </g>
+   <g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="0,-121 50,-121 150,-345 400,-345"
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+		 <text
+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
+		   y="-345"
+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >Umweltcent (0,2)</text>
+   </g>
+   <g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="0,-131 50,-131 150,-370 400,-370"
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+		 <text
+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
+		   y="-370"
+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >Orga (2)</text>
+   </g>
+   <g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="25,-141 50,-141 150,-395 400,-395"
+		/>
+		 <text
+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
+		   y="-395"
+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >Buchhaltung (2)</text>
+   </g>
+   <g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="0,-161 50,-161 150,-420 400,-420"
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+		 <text
+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
+		   y="-420"
+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >Sprecher (4)</text>
+   </g>
+   <g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="0,-176 50,-176 150,-445 400,-445"
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+		 <text
+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
+		   y="-445"
+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >Regler (3)</text>
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+   <g>
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+		   class="set-line"
+		   points="0,-176 50,-176 150,-445 550,-445"
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+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="550"
+		   y="-445"
+		   class="set-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,20)"
+	   >Premium <tspan class="set-num">(16)</tspan></text>
+	   <g
+		   transform="translate(560,-445)"
+			>
+		  <rect class="sub-total-bg"
+			x="0"
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+			ry="5"
+		  />
+		 <text class="sub-total-num"
+		  x="35"
+		  y="22"
+		 >0,375€</text>
+	  </g>
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+	<g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="component-line"
+		   points="0,-213.5 50,-213.5 150,-470 400,-470"
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+		 <text
+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="400"
+		   y="-470"
+		   class="component-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,16)"
+	   >Spedition (7,5)</text>
+    </g>
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+		<polyline
+		   class="set-line"
+		   points="25,-243.5 50,-243.5 150,-500 550,-500"
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+		 <text
+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="550"
+		   y="-500"
+		   class="set-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,20)"
+	   >Großhändler_innen <tspan class="set-num">(13,5)</tspan></text>
+	   <g
+		   transform="translate(560,-500)"
+			>
+		  <rect class="sub-total-bg"
+			x="0"
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+			rx="5"
+			ry="5"
+		  />
+		 <text class="sub-total-num"
+		  x="35"
+		  y="22"
+		 >0,51€</text>
+	   </g>
+	</g>  
+	<g>
+		<polyline
+		   class="set-line"
+		   points="25,-298.5 50,-298.5 150,-550 550,-550"
+		/>
+		 <text
+		   xml:space="preserve"
+		   x="550"
+		   y="-550"
+		   class="set-text"
+		   transform="translate(0,20)"
+	   >Händler_innen <tspan class="set-num">(11)</tspan></text>
+	   <g
+		   transform="translate(560,-550)"
+			>
+		  <rect class="sub-total-bg"
+			x="0"
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+			rx="5"
+			ry="5"
+		  />
+		 <text class="sub-total-num"
+		  x="35"
+		  y="22"
+		 >0,62€</text>
+	  </g>
+   </g>  
+			 <text
+			   xml:space="preserve"
+			   x="550"
+			   y="-650"
+			   class="set-text"
+			   transform="translate(0,20)"
+		   >Gastronom_innen<tspan class="set-num"></tspan></text>
+			 <text
+			   xml:space="preserve"
+			   x="400"
+			   y="-875"
+			   class="set-text"
+			   transform="translate(0,-5)"
+		   >UST<tspan class="set-num"></tspan></text>
+		   <polyline points="0,-875 400,-875" class="dashed-line"/>
+		   <text
+			   xml:space="preserve"
+			   x="400"
+			   y="-875"
+			   class="component-text"
+			   transform="translate(0,16)"
+		   >(D 19%, CH 2,2% A20%)</text>
+		   <text
+			   xml:space="preserve"
+			   x="400"
+			   y="-1055"
+			   class="set-text"
+			   transform="translate(0,-5)"
+		   >Pfand inkl. Kiste</text>
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+			<!-- 40 < x < =870 -->
+		   <text
+			 x="400"
+			 y="-1220"
+			 class="title"
+			 transform="translate(0,0)"
+		   >Anteile pro Flasche</text>
+		   <text
+			x="400"
+			y="-1189"
+			class="subtitle"
+			transform="translate(0,-5)"
+			>premium Cola - 0,33l</text> 
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+			   xml:space="preserve"
+			   x="400"
+			   y="-1189"
+			   class="component-text"
+			   transform="translate(0,16)"
+			   >1 Millimeter = 1 Cent</text>
+   </g>
+   <g
+   		transform="translate(50, 1210)">
+   <image height="20" width="100" x="0" xlink:href="by-sa.svg" y="0"/>
+  <text
+			   xml:space="preserve"
+			   class="author"
+			   transform="translate(85,15)"
+			   >Premium Kollektiv</text>
+   </g>