@@ -40,9 +40,6 @@ if stol = 0:set $stol = 'decrepit <a href="exec:gt ''stol'', ''start''">table</a
if stol = 1:set $stol = 'new <a href="exec:gt ''stol'', ''start''">table</a>'
if mishka > 0:'On a shelf is <<mishka>> teddy bear'
-!!!Probably CV edition
-'<<$zal>>, <<$divan>> stands next to the <<$zal2>>. In front of the sofa is <<$TV>>. In front of the window is a <<$stol>> <<$komp>> <<$selfPornvidDVD>>'
if obruch > 0:'<br>A hula hoop stands in corner of the room. '
if skak > 0:'A jump rope is on a shelf. '