@@ -11,6 +11,51 @@ if brother >= 40 and brother < 60:'You and your brother normal relations.'
if brother >= 60 and brother < 80:'You and your brother good relationship.'
if brother >= 80:'You and your brother a great relationship.'
+if cumbelly > 0 and nude = 1:
+ '- Go wash yourself, you look disgusting covered in all that cum.'
+ if brothersex = 0:
+ brother -= 1
+ act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+ end
+if cumface > 0 :
+ '- Wash your face, looking disgusted at all this cum.'
+ if brotherSex = 0:
+ brother -=1
+ act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+ exit
+ end
+if cumass > 0 and nude=1 and tanga =0:
+ '- Go wash yourself, all the ass in concho.'
+ if brotherSex = 0:
+ brother -=1
+ act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+ exit
+ end
+if cumfrot > 0 and nude = 0:
+ '- You have all the clothes are dirty. Wash, or mother ask.'
+if spanked > 1 and nude=1 and tanga=0:
+ 'What`s with booty? Punished for that-then?'
+if nude=1 and lobok>2 and tanga = 0:
+ '- You would have shaved, - brother makes you a comment, - or not Demetriou all your thickets'
+elseif nude=1:
+ if brotherSex >= 1:
+ '"<<$nickname>>, you have an amazing body"'
+ else
+ '"Very best look. You what,nudism decided to do?'
+ brother += 1
+ end
if cumface > 0 or cumfrot > 0 or cumlip > 1:
if GorSlut > 0:
@@ -43,12 +88,15 @@ if $loc = 'gschool':
'Brother frowns "Get off me pridurochnaya!"'
+ if evgenQW >= 4 and BJBeerQW >= 3:
+ 'Brother grins "Hi <<$nickname>>. But why do you want this football, better go with us to watch porn?'
- if evgenQW >= 4:
+ act 'Go watch porn':minut += 5 & gt'seeporn'
+ elseif evgenQW >= 4:
'Guys poshushukavshis together tell you "Yup, Well it this Soccer, Let''s go watch porn."'
act 'Go watch porn':minut += 5 & gt 'seeporn'
- else
+ elseif evgenQW < 4:
'Brother grins "Hi <<$nickname>>. Play football?"'
act 'Play football':
@@ -83,7 +131,8 @@ if $loc = 'gschool':
- elseif rand(0, 1) = 0 and seepornofut >= 1:
+ end
+ if seepornofut >= 1:
'Guys poshushukavshis together tell you "<<$nickname>>, go look porn?"'
act 'Go watch porn':minut += 5 & gt 'seeporn'
@@ -95,4 +144,314 @@ if $loc = 'gschool':
+if $loc = 'sitrPar' and indorf = 0 and nude = 0 and brothersawpirsF=0 and father_go = 1 and brother > 85 and hour >= 18 and hour < 21 and pirsF > 0:
+ act 'Show pierced nipples':
+ cls
+ gs'stat'
+ minut+=1
+ horny+=3
+ brothersawpirsF=1
+ brother += 3
+ '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/placer/9vh2v.jpg" ></center>'
+ '- Look, I have, - you come to the Kolka closer and bare chest, showing my brother the decoration in your nipple,- do not be shy, you can touch.
+ Brother, dumbfounded by your suggestion, hesitantly touches of piercing in your nipple, calling a relaxed moan.'
+ if brotherSex = 0:
+ 'Kolka abruptly withdraws his hand and apologizes for his rudeness. You have no choice, how to assure, it wasn`t his fault and to hide the chest.'
+ else
+ 'Seeing, that manipulation nipple pleasure, Kolka begins harder to play with piercings, sometimes squeezing the exposed Breasts.'
+ 'After playing, he lets go of your breast, and says that such decoration he really likes'
+ end
+ horny+=10
+ act '<B>Move away</B>':gt $loc, $metka
+ end
+if $loc = 'sitrPar' and indorf = 0 and nude=1 and pirsF>0 and brothersawpirsF =0:
+ if brotherSex = 0:
+ if brother>=70:
+ '- Good on you, - brother, wink, indicates your pierced nipples.'
+ brother += 1
+ brothersawpirsF=1
+ act '<B>Move away</B>':gt 'sitrPar'
+ exit
+ else
+ '-Don`t understand, why would you do that to yourself,- Kolka noticed your pierced nipples.'
+ brothersawpirsF=1
+ act '<B>Move away</B>':gt 'sitrPar'
+ exit
+ end
+ else
+ if father_go = 1 and hour >= 18 and hour < 21:
+ '-How lovely, - Kolka plays with your pierced nipples'
+ brother += 3
+ brothersawpirsF=1
+ horny+=10
+ act '<B>Move away</B>':gt 'sitrPar'
+ exit
+ elseif father_go = 0 and hour >= 18 and hour < 21:
+ '-Beauty, - Kolka quietly puts his hand on your Breasts and stroking pierced nipple.'
+ brother += 3
+ brothersawpirsF=1
+ horny+=10
+ act '<B>Move away</B>':gt 'sitrPar'
+ exit
+ end
+ end
+dynamic $brotherSexCount
+if $loc = 'sitrPar' and indorf = 0 and brotherSexCount > 0 and brotherDay = day:
+ brotherRand = rand(0,10)
+ if hour >= 5 and hour < 7 and brotherSex > 0 and brotherMorningSex ! day and brotherRand < 2:
+ 'Going up in the morning to the sleeping brother, you saw the mound under the blanket.'
+ act 'On-quiet morning to solve the problem of his brother':
+ cls
+ minut += 5
+ horny += 10
+ bj += 1
+ cumlip += 1
+ swallow += 1
+ brotherSex += 1
+ brotherSexCount -= 1
+ brotherMorningSex = day
+ gs'stat'
+ '<center><img src="images/qwest/alexey/bj6.jpg"></center>'
+ 'Approaching a brother, you gently pulled back the covers and began to suck it <<brotherDick>> inch dick. After a few minutes, he moaned softly in his sleep, his cock jerked and jet of sperm flew between your lips into your mouth.'
+ 'Your mouth quickly filled with warm sperm and you feel its sharp taste.'
+ 'Swallowing semen, you gently trimmed blanket and, looking at a slight smile sleeping brother, gone.'
+ act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+ end
+ end
+ if hour >= 21 and hour < 24 and brotherSex > 0 and brotherNightSex ! day:
+ 'When you come closer, he suddenly opened his eyes and said,:'
+ if sub > 0 or (evgenQW >= 4 and BjBeerQW>=3):
+ '"<<$nickname>>, help me sleep." Then he threw a blanket, and you saw him strut.'
+ brotherSexCount -= 1
+ brotherNightSex = day
+ dynamic $brotherSexStart
+ else
+ '"<<$nickname>>, I did not get to sleep, can you tell me how-the help?" Then he looks pointed mound under the blanket.'
+ cla
+ act 'Help him':
+ '"Yes, I know, what to do" Then he pulled back the blanket and saw him strut.'
+ brotherSexCount -= 1
+ brotherNightSex = day
+ dynamic $brotherSexStart
+ end
+ act 'Let him solve his problem':
+ '"I`m not going to help with this!" Then you turned around and left.'
+ cla
+ act 'Escape':gt $loc
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if father_go = 1 and hour >= 18 and hour < 21 and brotherSex > 0 and brotherEvSex ! day:
+ 'When you come closer, He turned to you and said,:'
+ if sub > 0 or (evgenQW >= 4 and BjBeerQW>=3):
+ '"<<$nickname>>, Come on you-quiet here you will work, to ancestors have not heard." Then he dropped his pants, and you have seen his hard <<brotherDick>> inch dick.'
+ brotherSexCount -= 1
+ brotherEvSex = day
+ dynamic $brotherSexStart
+ else
+ '"<<$nickname>>, I`ve got a problem, can you tell me how-something to help solve it?" Then he looks pointed hump in his pants.'
+ cla
+ act 'Help him':
+ '"I know, which will help solve this problem, only-quiet and take your pants off." Once your words Kolka smiled and took off his pants, exposing his standing <<brotherDick>> inch dick.'
+ brotherSexCount -= 1
+ brotherEvSex = day
+ dynamic $brotherSexStart
+ end
+ act 'Let him solve his problem':
+ '"I can not help" Then you turned around and left.'
+ cla
+ act 'Escape':gt $loc
+ end
+ end
+ end
+$brotherSexStart = {
+ cla
+ if brotherSex = 0:brotherSex = 1 & guy += 1
+ act 'Jerk brother':
+ cls
+ minut += 5
+ dick = brotherDick
+ hj += 1
+ gs'stat'
+ '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/artom/hj.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You took it hard and hot cock in his hand and began to masturbate him. Finally brother strangled groan and you saw how his cock flies sperm.'
+ dynamic $brotherSexEnd
+ end
+ if brotherSex > 4:
+ act 'Suck my brother':
+ cls
+ minut += 5
+ horny += 10
+ bj += 1
+ dick = brotherDick
+ gs'stat'
+ '<center><img src="images/nigma/gor/ш0,'+rand(0,6)+'.gif"></center>'
+ 'You sit down in front of bratm and brought his face to his cock.'
+ dynamic $dinrandbj
+ 'Soon groaned Kolka "<<$nickname>>, I`ll finish."'
+ act 'Suck on':
+ cls
+ minut += 5
+ horny += 10
+ cumlip += 1
+ swallow += 1
+ gs'stat'
+ '<center><img src="images/nigma/gor/с0,'+rand(0,11)+'.gif"></center>'
+ dynamic $dinrandswallow
+ dynamic $brotherSexEnd
+ end
+ act 'Remove from the mouth':
+ cls
+ minut += 5
+ horny += 10
+ cumface += 1
+ facial += 1
+ gs'stat'
+ '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/Ev/cocksuckerFacial.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You took out his dick and then your face hit the hot jet of sperm, then another and another, and finally stopped brother cum on your face.'
+ dynamic $brotherSexEnd
+ end
+ if brotherSex > 6:
+ act 'Surrender':
+ if brotherSex > 10: brotherSex = 10
+ cls
+ minut += 5
+ horny += 10
+ $boy = 'Kolka'
+ dick = brotherDick
+ silavag = 0
+ gs'stat'
+ '<center><img src="images/nigma/gor/ш1,'+rand(0,11)+'.gif"></center>'
+ 'You lay on the sofa and brother lay on you from above.'
+ dynamic $sexstart
+ dynamic $sexstart2
+ dynamic $sexcum
+ dynamic $brotherSexEnd
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if brotherSex > 6:
+ act 'Give yourself to brother':
+ if brotherSex > 10: brotherSex = 10
+ cls
+ minut += 5
+ horny += 10
+ $boy = 'Kolka'
+ dick = brotherDick
+ silavag = 0
+ gs'stat'
+ '<center><img src="images/nigma/gor/ш1,'+rand(0,11)+'.gif"></center>'
+ 'You lay on the sofa and brother lay on you from above.'
+ dynamic $sexstart
+ dynamic $sexstart2
+ dynamic $sexcum
+ dynamic $brotherSexEnd
+ end
+ end
+$brotherSexEnd = {
+ brotherSex += 1
+ if sub > 0 or (evgenQW >= 4 and BjBeerQW>=3):
+ if $loc = 'sitrPar' and father_go = 1 and hour >= 18 and hour < 21:
+ minut += 15
+ gs'stat'
+ 'Kolka gave you a break, and then saying,: "Good for, <<$nickname>>, good job, And now let`s wali!", She continued to go about their business.'
+ act 'Escape':gt $loc
+ elseif $loc = 'sitrPar':
+ minut += 15
+ gs'stat'
+ 'Kolka gave you a break, and then saying,: "Good for, <<$nickname>>, well-tried, And now let`s wali!", asleep.'
+ act 'Escape':gt $loc
+ else
+ 'Kolka said: "Good for, <<$nickname>>, well-tried, And now let`s wali!", gone.'
+ end
+ else
+ if $loc = 'sitrPar' and father_go = 1 and hour >= 18 and hour < 21:
+ minut += 15
+ gs'stat'
+ 'Kolka gave you a break, and then saying,: "Many thanks, <<$nickname>>, You helped me a lot", She continued to go about their business.'
+ act 'Escape':gt $loc
+ elseif $loc = 'sitrPar':
+ minut += 15
+ gs'stat'
+ 'Kolka gave you a break, and then saying,: "Thank you, <<$nickname>>, You rescued me very, Now I can finally sleep.", asleep.'
+ act 'Escape':gt $loc
+ else
+ 'Kolka said: "Thanks for all, Sis. Well, I went.", gone.'
+ end
+ end
+$brotherSexCount = {
+ if brotherDay = day - 1 and brotherSexCount > 0:brotherSexCount = 5
+ if brotherMorningSex < day or brotherMorningSex > day:brotherMorningSex = day - 1
+ if brotherEvSex < day or brotherEvSex > day:brotherEvSex = day - 1
+ if brotherNightSex < day or brotherNightSex > day:brotherNightSex = day - 1
+ if brotherSexCount < 1:
+ brotherDay = day + 1
+ brotherSexCount = 5
+ else
+ brotherDay = day
+ end
+ if month = 1 or month = 3 or month = 5 or month = 7 or month = 8 or month = 10 or month = 12:
+ !31
+ if brotherDay > 31:brotherDay -= 31
+ elseif month = 2:
+ !28
+ if brotherDay > 28:brotherDay -= 28
+ else
+ !30
+ if brotherDay > 30:brotherDay -= 30
+ end
+ if brotherDay = 0:brotherDay = 1
--- brother ---------------------------------