@@ -10,11 +10,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
'"You have become quite the obedient slave, <<$nickname>>. I often get compliments on how well behaved you are", she says.'
'"Thank you, Mistress", you smile. You really do try to please her as much as you can, and you''re happy she notices.'
'"I was looking through our paperwork the other day", she continues, "and I noticed that our contract has expired. Would you like to renew it and serve me for another year?"'
- end
elseif MistressAdoration > 30 and MistressAdoration <= 60:
'"I was looking through our paperwork the other day," she says, "and I noticed that our contract has expired. Would you like to renew it and continue your training?"'
- end
- else MistressAdoration <= 30:
+ elseif MistressAdoration <= 30:
'"I was looking through our paperwork the other day," she says, "and I noticed that our contract has expired."'
'When you want to say something, she interrupts you: "I''m not finished. I have to say... I''m not satisfied with your performance. Your obedience is very lacking. I''m not sure if we should consider renewing it."'
@@ -50,8 +48,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
'Mistress is disappointed of course, but to your surprise she does not object.'
'She simply sighs: "Get up, then. I had a feeling you would say no."'
'When you get up to your feet, Mistress walks over to you and gives you a tender kiss on your forehead. "Take care, <<$nickname>>... maybe I''ll see you again at the club one day."'
- act 'Say goodbye to Mistress and leave':
- end
+ act 'Say goodbye to Mistress and leave': gt 'street'
+ end
!Mistress is underwhelmed with your performance, and fears she might be wasting her efforts on you. You will have to beg her to allow you to stay, or you can agree and just leave. If you beg, MistressObedience = 2 will be set and you will play through an 'unpleasant' scene, but you can renew.
act 'Beg her for another chance':
@@ -73,7 +71,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
'You do as she says, noticing how Mistress'' demeanour suddenly changed a lot. It''s as if she completely lost interest in you, the moment you didn''t speak up when she expressed her doubts.'
'You chat for a few more minutes, reminiscing to the good times of your service. Then she walks you to the door and says: "I guess this is where we part ways, then. Take care, <<$nickname>>."'
'"Farewell, Mistress", you mutter, feeling a bit sad despite knowing it was the only choice.'
- act 'Leave her apartment':
+ act 'Leave her apartment':gt'street'