Преглед изворни кода

:wrench: podrsex had broken if - elses and removed a sset of Maruda interface.

KevinSmarts пре 8 година
2 измењених фајлова са 54 додато и 205 уклоњено
  1. 45 201
  2. 9 4

+ 45 - 201

@@ -32,176 +32,23 @@ gs'street_event','down' & if streetrand = -1:exit
 if tanwork = 1:act '<b>GO HOME</b> (Tanyas apartment)':gt 'house'
 if student > 0:act '<b>GO HOME</b> (University dorm)':gt 'dorm', 'start'
-if marudatestinterface = 1:
-	!!!!!
-	!!! Transportation
-	'<center>'
-	if hour >= 5 and hour <= 23: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''metro'',''start''">Metro Station</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 5 AM'
-	end
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	!!! General Content Locations / Activities
-	*p '<a href="exec: set minut += 44 & GT ''park'',''start''">The Central Park</a>'
-	*p ' - '
-	if hour >= 9 and hour <= 20:
-		*p '<a href="exec:GT ''fit'',''start''">The Fitness Center</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 9 AM'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if hour >= 9 and hour <= 20:
-		*p '<a href="exec:GT ''bass'',''start''">The Pool</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 9 AM'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if week >= 4 and hour >= 18: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''club'',''start''">Nightclub</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 3 PM and on Mon, Tue and Wed'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if bordel > 0 and hour >= 20 and hour <= 3:
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''bordel''">The Brothel</a>'
-		elseif bordel > 0 and hour <= 20 and hour >= 3: *p 'Closed until 8 PM'
-			else *p 'Location locked'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if week < 6 and hour >= 7: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''univer'',''start''">University</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 7 AM and on weekends'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if hour >= 6 and hour <= 23: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''dorm'',''start''">University''s Dormitory</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 6 AM'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if hour >= 10 and hour <= 22: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''restoran'',''start''">Expensive Restaurant</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 10 AM'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if week < 6 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 18:
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''bank'',''start''">Harvey & Trustee Bank</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 9 AM and on weekends'
-	end
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	!!! Shopping Locations
-	if hour >= 8 and hour <= 22: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: dynamic $kiosksig">Kiosk</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 8 AM'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if hour >= 9 and hour <= 20:
-		*p '<a href="exec:gt ''torgcentr''">The Shopping Mall</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 9 AM'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	*p '<a href="exec:GT ''sexshop'',''start''">Sexshop</a>'
-	*p ' - '
-	if week < 6 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 22: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''agentned'',''start''">Real Estate Agency</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 8 AM and on weekends'
-	end
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	!!! Work Locations
-	if hour >= 6 and hour <= 23: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''burger'',''start''">Diner Bystroeshka</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 6 AM'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if (week = 1 or week = 3 or week = 5) and hour >= 8 and worksalon = 1: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: gt ''salon'',''early''">Work at the beauty salon</a>'
-		elseif (week = 2 or week = 4 or week >= 6) and hour <= 8 and worksalon = 1: *p 'Work on Mon, Wed & Fri at 8 AM'
-			else *p 'Location Locked'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if hour >= 9 and hour <= 20:
-		*p '<a href="exec:GT ''foto'',''start''">Photo Studio</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 9 AM'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if pornstudio >= 1 and hour >= 9: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''pornstudio'',''start''">The Porn Studio</a>'
-		elseif pornstudio >= 1 and hour <= 9: *p 'Closed until 9 AM'
-			else *p 'Location Locked'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if hour >= 15 or hour <= 2: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''stripclub'',''start''">The Strip Clubs</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 3 PM'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if week < 6 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 17: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''office'',''start''">Large Office Building</a>'
-			else *p 'Closed until 8 AM and on weekends'
-	end
-	*nl
-	*nl
-	!!! Locations bound to Characters - Location Locked = Player does not meet requirements yet (obviously)
-	if mainQW >= 1: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''lab'',''start''">Karinas Hideout</a>'
-			else *p 'Location Locked'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if tanya > 0 and tanwork = 0 and hour >= 16 and hour <= 21 and tanday ! day: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: gt ''tanhouse''">Flat-Thani</a>'
-		elseif tanwork = 1: *p '<a href="exec: gt ''house''">Thanis flat</a>'
-			else *p 'Location Locked'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if izoldaWQ >= 1: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''qwIzoldaApp''">Isoldes flat</a>'
-			else *p 'Location Locked'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if yaq = 1: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''yarik'',''start''">Yaroslavs apartment</a>'
-			else *p 'Location Locked'
-	end
-	*p ' - '
-	if peter > 0: 
-		*p '<a href="exec: GT ''peterroom'',''start_door''">Peters apartment</a>'
-			else *p 'Location Locked'
-	end 
-	*nl
-	*nl
-!!!!! End of marudatestinterface
 if shantpopala > 0:
 	hour += 8
 	spafinloc = 14
-gs 'cum_manage'
+	gs 'cum_manage'
 	gs 'cum_manage'
 	spafinloc = 4
-gs 'cum_manage'
+	gs 'cum_manage'
 	spafinloc = 12
-gs 'cum_manage'
+	gs 'cum_manage'
 	spafinloc = 11
-gs 'cum_manage'
+	gs 'cum_manage'
 	spafinloc = 7
-gs 'cum_manage'
+	gs 'cum_manage'
 	spafinloc = 3
-gs 'cum_manage'
+	gs 'cum_manage'
 	fingal += 1
 	guy += 2
 	rape += 1
@@ -242,52 +89,49 @@ end
 gs 'taxi'
-if marudatestinterface = 0:
-	if hour >= 8 and hour <= 22:'A kiosk is selling <a href="exec:dynamic $kiosksig">cigarettes</a>.'
-	if Enable_tablemap = 0:
-		if tanya > 0 and tanwork = 0 and hour >= 16 and hour <= 21 and tanday ! daystart:'<a href="exec:gt ''tanhouse''">Apartment where Tanya lives</a>'
-		if tanwork = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''house''">Tanyas</a> apartment'
-		if izoldaQW >= 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''qwIzoldaApp''">Isoldes</a> apartment'
-		if mainQW >= 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''lab'', ''start''">Karinas</a> secret hideout'
-		if yaq = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''yarik'', ''start''">Yaroslavs</a> apartment'
-		if peter > 0:'<a href="exec:gt ''peterroom'', ''start_door''">Peters</a> apartment'
-	else
-		st_count=0 & $show_table=''
-		if tanya > 0 and tanwork = 0 and hour >= 16 and hour <= 21 and tanday ! daystart:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''tanhouse''">Apartment</a> where Tanya lives','3'
-		if tanwork = 1:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''house''">Tanyas</a> apartment','3'
-		if izoldaQW >= 1:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''qwIzoldaApp''">Isoldes</a> apartment','3'
-		if mainQW >= 1:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''lab'', ''start''">Karinas</a> secret hideout','3'
-		if yaq = 1:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''yarik'', ''start''">Yaroslavs</a> apartment','3'
-		if peter > 0:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''peterroom'', ''start_door''">Peters</a> apartment','3'
-		if st_count > 0 :'<TABLE BORDER=1><<$show_table>></TR></TABLE>'
-	end
-	if hour >= 4 and hour <= 23:'The <a href="exec:gt ''metro'', ''start''">Metro</a> Station is within a 5 minute walk from here.'
-	if week >= 4 and hour >= 18:'The trendy <a href="exec:gt ''club'', ''start''">Nightclub</a>, with it''s shining lights, attracts young people from all over the city.'
-	if hour >= 15 or hour <= 2:'The <a href="exec:gt ''stripclub'', ''start''">Strip Clubs</a> red lights, attracting men from all over the city.'
-	if hour >= 9 and hour <= 20:
-		'In the center is a large <a href="exec:gt ''torgcentr''">shopping center</a>'
-		'There is a <a href="exec:gt ''foto'', ''start''">photo studio</a> next to a popular <a href="exec:gt ''fit'', ''start''">fitness center</a>, where professional athletes can train.'
-		'At the <a href="exec:gt ''bass'', ''start''">swimming pool</a>, people can train for the next beach season.'
-	end
-	'A 30 minute walk away is the <a href="exec:minut += 34 & gt ''park'', ''start''">central park</a>. You can reach all the districts of the town while walking through it. Walking to it''s center should take far less than an hour.'
-	if hour >= 8 and hour <= 22:'Infront of the expensive <a href="exec:gt ''restoran'', ''start''">Restaurant</a> are luxury cars parking.'
+if hour >= 8 and hour <= 22:'A kiosk is selling <a href="exec:dynamic $kiosksig">cigarettes</a>.'
+if Enable_tablemap = 0:
+	if tanya > 0 and tanwork = 0 and hour >= 16 and hour <= 21 and tanday ! daystart:'<a href="exec:gt ''tanhouse''">Apartment where Tanya lives</a>'
+	if tanwork = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''house''">Tanyas</a> apartment'
+	if izoldaQW >= 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''qwIzoldaApp''">Isoldes</a> apartment'
+	if mainQW >= 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''lab'', ''start''">Karinas</a> secret hideout'
+	if yaq = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''yarik'', ''start''">Yaroslavs</a> apartment'
+	if peter > 0:'<a href="exec:gt ''peterroom'', ''start_door''">Peters</a> apartment'
+	st_count=0 & $show_table=''
+	if tanya > 0 and tanwork = 0 and hour >= 16 and hour <= 21 and tanday ! daystart:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''tanhouse''">Apartment</a> where Tanya lives','3'
+	if tanwork = 1:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''house''">Tanyas</a> apartment','3'
+	if izoldaQW >= 1:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''qwIzoldaApp''">Isoldes</a> apartment','3'
+	if mainQW >= 1:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''lab'', ''start''">Karinas</a> secret hideout','3'
+	if yaq = 1:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''yarik'', ''start''">Yaroslavs</a> apartment','3'
+	if peter > 0:gs'show_table','<a href="exec:gt ''peterroom'', ''start_door''">Peters</a> apartment','3'
+	if st_count > 0 :'<TABLE BORDER=1><<$show_table>></TR></TABLE>'
+if hour >= 4 and hour <= 23:'The <a href="exec:gt ''metro'', ''start''">Metro</a> Station is within a 5 minute walk from here.'
+if week >= 4 and hour >= 18:'The trendy <a href="exec:gt ''club'', ''start''">Nightclub</a>, with it''s shining lights, attracts young people from all over the city.'
+if hour >= 15 or hour <= 2:'The <a href="exec:gt ''stripclub'', ''start''">Strip Clubs</a> red lights, attracting men from all over the city.'
+if hour >= 9 and hour <= 20:
+	'In the center is a large <a href="exec:gt ''torgcentr''">shopping center</a>'
+	'There is a <a href="exec:gt ''foto'', ''start''">photo studio</a> next to a popular <a href="exec:gt ''fit'', ''start''">fitness center</a>, where professional athletes can train.'
+	'At the <a href="exec:gt ''bass'', ''start''">swimming pool</a>, people can train for the next beach season.'
+'A 30 minute walk away is the <a href="exec:minut += 34 & gt ''park'', ''start''">central park</a>. You can reach all the districts of the town while walking through it. Walking to it''s center should take far less than an hour.'
-	'A shop for <a href="exec:gt ''sexshop'', ''start''">sex toys</a> is open for perverts from all around the city.'
+if hour >= 8 and hour <= 22:'Infront of the expensive <a href="exec:gt ''restoran'', ''start''">Restaurant</a> are luxury cars parking.'
-	if hour >= 6 and hour <= 23:'Diner <a href="exec:gt ''burger'', ''start''">Bystroeshka</a>.'
-	if bordel > 0 and hour >= 20 or bordel > 0 and hour <= 3:'Inside the courtyard is the entrance to the <a href="exec:gt ''bordel''">brothel</a>.'
-	if pornstudio >= 1 and hour > 5:'At the <a href="exec:gt ''pornstudio'', ''start''">Porn Studio</a>, where a variety of naughty movies are created'
-	if week < 6 and hour >= 7:'At the <a href="exec:gt ''univer'', ''start''">University</a> where you can earn your diploma.'
-	if student > 0 or (hour >= 6 and hour <= 23):'The <a href="exec:gt ''dorm'', ''start''">Hostel</a> offers a small, but cheap, living space, for university students.'
-	if week < 6 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 18:'You can see the most important <a href="exec:gt ''bank'', ''start''">Bank</a> in the city from here.'
-	if week < 6 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 17:'In the largest skyscraper is a huge <a href="exec:gt ''office'', ''start''">Project Organization</a> located.'
-	if hour >= 8 and hour <= 22:'At the <a href="exec:gt ''agentned'',''start''">Real Estate Agency</a> you can buy or rent an apartment.'
+'A shop for <a href="exec:gt ''sexshop'', ''start''">sex toys</a> is open for perverts from all around the city.'
-!!!! End of marudatestinterface
+if hour >= 6 and hour <= 23:'Diner <a href="exec:gt ''burger'', ''start''">Bystroeshka</a>.'
+if bordel > 0 and hour >= 20 or bordel > 0 and hour <= 3:'Inside the courtyard is the entrance to the <a href="exec:gt ''bordel''">brothel</a>.'
+if pornstudio >= 1 and hour > 5:'At the <a href="exec:gt ''pornstudio'', ''start''">Porn Studio</a>, where a variety of naughty movies are created'
+if week < 6 and hour >= 7:'At the <a href="exec:gt ''univer'', ''start''">University</a> where you can earn your diploma.'
+if student > 0 or (hour >= 6 and hour <= 23):'The <a href="exec:gt ''dorm'', ''start''">Hostel</a> offers a small, but cheap, living space, for university students.'
+if week < 6 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 18:'You can see the most important <a href="exec:gt ''bank'', ''start''">Bank</a> in the city from here.'
+if week < 6 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 17:'In the largest skyscraper is a huge <a href="exec:gt ''office'', ''start''">Project Organization</a> located.'
+if hour >= 8 and hour <= 22:'At the <a href="exec:gt ''agentned'',''start''">Real Estate Agency</a> you can buy or rent an apartment.'
 --- down ---------------------------------

+ 9 - 4

@@ -27,10 +27,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'var':
 		act 'Continue':
 			podrand = rand(0,3)
-			if podrand = 0:xgt 'podrsex', 'suck'
-			elseif podrand = 1:xgt 'podrsex', 'pussy'
-			elseif podrand = 2:xgt 'podrsex', 'ass'
-			else xgt 'podrsex', 'voy'
+			if podrand = 0:
+				xgt 'podrsex', 'suck'
+			elseif podrand = 1:
+				xgt 'podrsex', 'pussy'
+			elseif podrand = 2:
+				xgt 'podrsex', 'ass'
+			else
+				xgt 'podrsex', 'voy'
+			end