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Text edits

Edits by Lantera
KevinSmarts 9 роки тому
9 змінених файлів з 639 додано та 605 видалено
  1. 20 20
  2. 2 2
  3. 73 75
  4. 44 42
  5. 29 31
  6. 173 150
  7. 241 252
  8. 1 1
  9. 56 32

+ 20 - 20

@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
 # dinmother
 	!scandal with my mother
-	'You try talking to your mom, but she refuses to speak with you.'
+	'You try having a talk with your mother, but she dislikes you way too much to even pretend to be interested in what you have to say. After a while, you give up and leave her alone. Maybe she''ll be in a better mood later.'
 	if mothersorryday!daystart:
-		act'Apologize':
+		act 'Apologize':
-			'You apologize to your mother and it seems that she has partially forgiven you.'
-			act '<B>Move away</B>':gt $loc, $metka
+			'You profusely apologize to your mother and promise you''ll try to be a better person. Even though she''s still upset with you, you can tell her attitude towards you is slightly milder than before.'
+			act 'Move away from her':gt $loc, $metka
 	!strained relations
-	'You try talking to your mom, but she is terse and cuts the conversation short.'
+	'You try to have a talk with your mother, but her answers are really short and she sounds kind of annoyed. After a few minutes she cuts the conversation short, saying she has other things to do now.'
 	if mothersorryday!daystart:
-		act'Trying to smooth relations':
+		act 'Try to get on her good side':
-			'You suck up to your mother and it seems that she thinks a bit better of you and is starting to apply herself to the conversation.'
-			act '<B>Move away</B>':gt $loc, $metka
+			'You cling onto your mother and try to butter her up a little, talking about things she enjoys. This actually gets her to engage in conversation with you and after a while she seems to be a bit friendlier towards you.'
+			act 'Move away from her':gt $loc, $metka
@@ -31,36 +31,36 @@ $d_mother[3]={
 	!good relationship
 	motherTalk = rand (1,10)
 	if motherTalk = 1:
-		'You chat with mom and she tells you how, in her youth her friends made fun of the teachers at school.'
+		'You have a chat with your mom, and she talks about how she and her friends used to make fun of the teachers at school when she was young.'
 	if motherTalk = 2:
-		'You ask your mother about your real father. Mother pulls a face and disgruntled, says. "I have no idea where he is and what he does. We were at school together, he got me pregnent with your sister Anya. Our parents made us get married.'
-		'Michael, your father and I had you and we loved you and Anya, but we never really loved each other. We divorced and I married Vovka. Vovka and I had your brother Kolka, but Vovka raised you and Anya like you were his own daughters.'
-		'He looked after you, bathed you, took you for walks, read you bedtime stories, everything a father would do."'
+		'You barely have any memories of your real father, and are curious about him. When you see your mother in the kitchen you decide to ask: "Mom... about my real father... what was he like? What happened between you two?"'
+		'You seem to have struck a sore spot. Your mother''s face saddens, and after a few seconds she replies: "I have no idea where Mikhail is and what he does now, I haven''t seen him in many years. We went to the same school when we were young, and were dating back then... nothing serious. Things weren''t great between us, but then I got pregnant with your sister Anya. Our parents forced us to get married. We tried to make the most of it, and for a while things didn''t seem so bad. A few months after I had you, we got into a huge argument though. We decided we couldn''t live together any more, and got divorced." You can''t help but notice she won''t tell you what the argument was about, but you don''t interrupt her. It''s rare enough to get her to talk about your real father as it is.'
+		'"A year later I married Vladimir, your stepfather. We had Kolka together, but Vladimir always treated you and Anya as if they were his own daughters too. He looked after you, bathed you, told you stories at night and took you for walks whenever he could." Those memories seem to have cheered her up, and she has a serene smile on her face. "Vladimir really is a wonderful man..." she adds, while you thank her for the story and let her get back to what she was doing.'
 	if motherTalk = 3:
-		'You chat with mom and she tells you how to properly apply makeup and care for your skin.'
+		'You have a chat with your mom, and she talks about how to properly apply and remove make-up and how to care for your skin.'
 	if motherTalk = 4:
-		'You chat with mom and she tells you how she likes to go to the village, and see the countryside.'
+		'You have a chat with your mom, and she tells you how she likes to go to the village and see the countryside.'
 	if motherTalk = 5:
-		'You chat with mom and she tells you that the market is a great place to find a lot of cheap and useful things.'
+		'You have a chat with your mom, and she tells you that the market is a great place to find a lot of cheap and useful things.'
 	if motherTalk = 6:
-		'You chat with mom and she tells you that she previously worked as a salesgirl at the market, but the small earnings and constant harassment of Caucasians was too much to bear.'
+		'You have a chat with your mom, and she tells you that she previously worked as a salesgirl at the market. The wages were rather poor however, and when she got harrassed by Gopniks during her work one too many times she quit.'
 	if motherTalk = 7:
-		'You chat with mom and she tells you how she misses her youth.'
+		'You have a chat with your mom, and she tells you how she misses her youth and envies you.'
 	if motherTalk = 8:
-		'You chat with mom and she tells you how she was angry with Anna, when she did not go to university.'
+		'You have a chat with your mom, and she tells you how she was angry with Anya, when she decided not to go to university.'
 	if motherTalk = 9:
-		'You chat with mom and she tells you how important it is to get an education.'
+		'You have a chat with your mom, and she tells you that education is very important and that she hopes you won''t make the same mistake your sister made by not going to university.'
 	if motherTalk = 10:
-		'You chat with your mom and she tells you she had to go to the tailors at the Garment Factory to get some clothes adjusted.'
+		'You have a chat with your mom, and she tells you she had to go to the tailor at the garment factory to get some clothes adjusted after she had went up a few sizes. She proudly added that she had to go back and have them readjusted again when she lost the weight a few months later.'
 --- dinmother ---------------------------------

+ 2 - 2

@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ minut = 0
 gs 'stat'
 minut += 60
 gs 'stat'
-'You get into the car and an hour later reach the village Gadyukino, where your grandparents live.'
+'When the clock strikes noon, your stepfather goes to get the Volga out of its garage. A few minutes later he arrives at your house and you and your mother get in. You quietly sit in the back of the car, watching the surroundings zip by. After roughly an hour you reach the village of Gadyukino, where your grandparents live.'
-act 'Go into the house':gt 'Gadhouse'
+act 'Enter your grandparents'' house':gt 'Gadhouse'
 --- famdorfride ---------------------------------

+ 73 - 75

@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ if sound = 0:PLAY 'sound/shop.mp3',30
 gs 'stat'
 gs 'time'
-'<center><B><font color="maroon">Drugstore</font></B></center>'
+'<center><B><font color="maroon">Pharmacy</font></B></center>'
 '<center><img src="images/etogame/aptek.jpg"></center>'
-act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok'
+act 'Leave the pharmacy':gt 'gorodok'
 if hour < 8 or hour > 20:
-	'Pharmacy is closed'
+	'The pharmacy is currently closed. There''s a sign on the door, that says it''s open between 8:00 and 20:00 every day.'
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ if StoryLine = 0:
 	FUNC ('$stock_item', 28, 'birth control pills', 500, 'tabletki', $CURLOC) + _
 	FUNC ('$single_stock_item', 1, 'enema kit', 500, 'klisma', $CURLOC) + _
 	FUNC ('$stock_item', 10, 'antibiotics', 500, 'lekarstvo', $CURLOC) + _
-	FUNC ('$stock_item', 20, 'vitamin drinks', 500, 'vitamin', $CURLOC) + _
-	FUNC ('$stock_item', 10, 'ointments for corns', 600, 'mosolmaz', $CURLOC) + _
+	FUNC ('$stock_item', 20, 'vitamin tablets', 500, 'vitamin', $CURLOC) + _
+	FUNC ('$stock_item', 10, 'soothing ointment for chafed skin', 600, 'mosolmaz', $CURLOC) + _
 	FUNC ('$stock_item', 25, 'lip balm', 100, 'lipbalm', $CURLOC) + _
 	FUNC ('$stock_item', 1, 'weight loss pill', 2000, 'fatdel', $CURLOC) + _
@@ -36,18 +36,18 @@ else
 	'Pregnancy test - 200 rubles'
 	'Lubricant - 300 rubles'
 	'Birth control pills - 500 rubles'
-	if klisma = 0:'Enema - 500 rubles'
-	'Medicine - 500 rubles'
-	'Vitamins - 500 rubles'
-	'Ointment for corns - 600 rubles'
-	'Moisturizing Lip Balm - 1000 rubles'
+	if klisma = 0:'Enema kit - 500 rubles'
+	'Antibiotics - 500 rubles'
+	'Vitamin drinks - 500 rubles'
+	'Soothing ointment for chafed skin - 600 rubles'
+	'Moisturizing lip balm - 1000 rubles'
 	'Fat burners - 1500 rubles'
-	if KandidNapr = 1:'Cure pills for yeast infection - 1,500 rubles'
-	'Behind the counter, as always, sits aunt Luda. "Hi <<$name>>. How are you?"'
+	if KandidNapr = 1:'Cure for yeast infection - 1,500 rubles'
+	'Aunt Luda is sitting behind the counter, as usual. She gives you a friendly nod when she sees you: "Hi <<$name>>! How are you?"'
 if motherQW >= 2:
-	act 'Garden':
+	act 'Ask about the ''garden''':
 		gaptekfirst = 1
@@ -59,25 +59,24 @@ if motherQW >= 2:
 			if gaptekfirst = 0:
 				gaptekfirst = 1
 				minut += 5
-				'You are considering showcases c drugs and are considering how to talk to my aunt. She notices your confusion and releasing the last buyer contacts you.'
-				'- <<$name>>, what are you doing here trash? It should be what?'
-				'- Yes, as if looking for a vegetable garden.'
-				'- Niece, you''re not wrong store? We''ve got a pharmacy, you know - it is to laugh.'
-				'- Know aunts. Mom asked you to buy everything for the garden.'
-				'- Mom, so ... Horticultural ...'
-				'She gravely examines you and brings the shop window with contraceptives.'
-				'- Here we have all "for the garden." Choose.'
+				'You pretend to look at the goods positioned on the shelves, while you consider how to best approach your aunt. Your aunt notices you staring at the shelves, and comes from behind the counter when she''s done helping her last customer.'
+				'"Hi <<$name>>, are you looking for something?"'
+				'You take a deep breath and say: "Erm... yes aunt. My mother needs some things for her ''garden''?" putting extra emphasis on the word.'
+				'Your aunt pretends to be confused, and teases you: "<<$nickname>>, are you sure you''re in the right store? This is a pharmacy, not a gardening center!"'
+				'You''re slightly confused now, and try again: "I know, aunt... my mom said I should say ''garden''."'
+				'She just laughs: "Just teasing, <<$nickname>>. Your mother has such green thumbs, she comes here all the time! Come on, I''ll show you what we have." She takes you by the hand and takes you to the counter holding the contraceptives.'
+				'"Here you go. All of your gardening needs, right here. What can I get you?"'
 				minut += rand(5, 15)
 				if gaprezikday ! daystart or gatabletkiday ! daystart:
-					'You wait until the last buyer leaves from the pharmacy, and then speak to my aunt.'
-					'- Aunts, my mom would have it ... for a vegetable garden ...'
-					'- Yes, I have understood, you go here, trash - she grins.'
-					'- Thank you, aunty.'
-					'- But not for that, and tell Natasha that she has time to finish with gardens.'
+					'You wait until the last customer leaves the pharmacy, and quickly dart over to the counter.'
+					'"Hi aunt Luda, my mom needs a few more items for her garden."'
+					'"Your mom, huh? Sure, sure... it''s right here, take your pick!" she chuckles, as you try to hide your blush.'
+					'You intently stare at the items, avoiding her gaze as you mutter: "Thank you, Aunt..."'
+					'"No problem, <<$nickname>>. But seriously, tell Natasha she shouldn''t spend so much time gardening. We keep running low on stock."'
 					minut += RAND(5,15)
-					'You have decided to wait until my aunt is free, but every minute shoppers at the pharmacy became more and more. You just wasted your time.'
+					'You linger around the pharmacy, waiting for your aunt to become available. However, as time passes the pharmacy only becomes more and more crowded, and your aunt has a long line of customers to deal with. You decide you''ve wasted enough time, and to try again later.'
 		elseif motherQW = 2 and ((gaogorod + gaogorodrand) >= 40):
@@ -90,12 +89,12 @@ if motherQW >= 2:
 				if oluuosegunrand = 10 and oluuosegunday ! day:
 				elseif oluuosegunrand < 10 or oluuosegunday = day:
-					'You wait for your turn and went to the counter, nodding to the desired showcase.'
+					'You wait for your turn and move to the counter, discretely nodding at the counter with the contraceptives. Your aunt gives you a small smile and asks what she can do for you today.'
 			elseif gaprezikday = day and gatabletkiday = day:
 				minut += RAND(5,15)
-				'You wait for your turn and went to the counter, nodding to the desired showcase. "All sold out, <<$name>>, - said Aunt. And with malice added almost in a whisper, - Have your stud wait until tomorrow."'
+				'You wait for your turn and move up to the counter, discretely nodding at the counter with the contraceptives. She apologizes: "I''m sorry <<$name>>, those are all sold out." With some malice in her voice, she whispers: "Your stud will have to wait until tomorrow, unless you plan on entertaining him in some other way." Giving you a lewd grin, she ushers you away from the counter so she can help the next customer.'
 		elseif motherQW >= 3 and galubri = 1:
 			if gaprezikday ! day or gatabletkiday ! day or galubriday ! day:
@@ -104,16 +103,16 @@ if motherQW >= 2:
 				if oluuosegunrand = 10 and oluuosegunday ! day:
 				elseif oluuosegunrand < 10 or oluuosegunday = day:
-					'You wait for your turn and went to the counter.'
+					'You wait for your turn and move to the counter, discretely nodding at the counter with the contraceptives. Your aunt gives you a small smile and asks what she can do for you today.'
 			elseif gaprezikday = day and gatabletkiday = day and galubriday = day:
 				minut += RAND(5,15)
-				'You wait for your turn and went to the counter. "All sold out, <<$name>>, - said Aunt. And with malice added almost in a whisper, - Have your stud wait until tomorrow."'
+				'You wait for your turn and move up to the counter, discretely nodding at the counter with the contraceptives. She apologizes: "I''m sorry <<$name>>, those are all sold out." With some malice in her voice, she whispers: "Your stud will have to wait until tomorrow, unless you plan on entertaining him in some other way." Giving you a lewd grin, she ushers you away from the counter so she can help the next customer.'
-		act 'Step away':gt $curloc
+		act 'Move away from the counter':gt $curloc
@@ -121,14 +120,14 @@ end
 if StoryLine = 1:
 	if money >= 100 and motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1 and gaprezikday ! daystart:
-		act 'Buy <b>condoms</b> (100 rubles) <<iif(prezik > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + prezik + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
+		act 'Buy condoms (100 rubles) <<iif(prezik > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + prezik + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
 			portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 5 condoms)")
 			if portion <= 0:portion = 1
-			if portion > 2 and motherQW < 3:portion = 2 & '"Then 2 packages until I have enough. It is better not to buy a lot at once, and then Aunt may become suspicious."'
-			if portion > 5 and motherQW >= 3:portion = 5 & '"<<$name>>, rublesber goods factory does not have time to deliver products."'
+			if portion > 2 and motherQW < 3:portion = 2 & 'You tell yourself: "Two packages should be enough". You shouldn''t buy too many at once, otherwise your aunt might get suspicious.'
+			if portion > 5 and motherQW >= 3:portion = 5 & 'Your aunt laughs and shakes her head. "I''m sorry <<$name>>, I can only give you five. With the amounts you''re buying, the condom factory can barely keep up delivering new stock."'
 			if portion * 100 <= money:
 				prezik += portion * 5
@@ -136,11 +135,11 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 				money -= portion * 100
 				gaprezikday = daystart
 				'<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
-				'You bought condoms and paid the money to the cashier.'
+				'You pay for the condoms and quickly put them in your pocket, before anyone sees you buy them.'
 				if motherQW < 3:gaogorod += portion
-				'You do not have enough money.'
+				'You can''t afford the condoms.'
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
@@ -148,10 +147,10 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 	if money >= 200 and motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1:
-		act 'Buy  <b>pregnancy tests</b> (200 rubles) <<iif(pregtest > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + pregtest + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
+		act 'Buy  pregnancy tests (200 rubles) <<iif(pregtest > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + pregtest + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
-			portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains two testers)")
+			portion = input("How many packages do you want to buy? (One package contains two testers)")
 			if portion <= 0:portion = 1
@@ -160,9 +159,9 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 				minut += 5
 				money -= portion * 200
 				'<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
-				'You bought pregnancy tests and paid the money to the cashier.'
+				'You pay for the pregnancy tests and quickly put them in your pocket, before anyone sees you buy them.'
-				'You do not have enough money.'
+				'You can''t afford to buy the pregnancy tests, and have to put them back on the counter.'
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
@@ -174,10 +173,10 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 		act 'Buy <b>lubricant</b> (300 rubles) <<iif(lubri > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lubri + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
-			portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy? (One tube lasts for 5 uses)")
+			portion = input ("How many tubes do you want to buy? (One tube lasts for 5 uses)")
 			if portion <= 0:portion = 1
-			if portion > 10:portion = 10 & '"<<$nickname>>, I sell only 10 pieces, no longer brought, I''m_sorry."'
+			if portion > 3:portion = 3 & 'Your aunt shakes her head wearily: "Wow <<$nickname>>, you little vixen! You really love this stuff huh? I''m sorry but I can only sell you three, I need to keep a few in stock for other customers too. We don''t want the whole town to wonder where their supply of lubricant went."'
 			if portion * 300 <= money:
 				lubri += portion * 5
@@ -185,9 +184,9 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 				money -= portion * 300
 				galubriday = daystart
 				'<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
-				'You bought some lubricant and paid the money to the cashier.'
+				'You pay for the lubricant and quickly put the tubes in your pocket, before anyone sees you buy them.'
-				'You do not have enough money.'
+				'You can''t afford to buy the lubricant.'
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
@@ -196,12 +195,12 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 	if money >= 500:
 		if gatabletkiday ! daystart:
-			act 'Buy <b>birth control pills</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(tabletki > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + tabletki + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
+			act 'Buy birth control pills (500 rubles) <<iif(tabletki > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + tabletki + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
-				portion = input ("How many packages you want to buy?")
+				portion = input ("How many packages do you want to buy?")
-				if portion < 0 or (portion > 1 and motherQW < 3):portion = 1 & '"First package I still have enough. It is better not to buy a lot at once, and then Aunt may become suspicious."'
+				if portion < 0 or (portion > 1 and motherQW < 3):portion = 1 & 'You quietly think to yourself, while you put most of the packages back on the shelf: "Just the one should be enough. It''s probably better if I don''t buy too many at once, otherwise aunt Luda might become suspicious."'
 				if portion * 500 <= money:
 					tabletki += portion * 28
@@ -209,9 +208,9 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 					money -= portion * 500
 					gatabletkiday = daystart
 					'<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
-					'You bought some lubricant and paid the money to the cashier.'
+					'You pay for the birth control pills and quickly put the strips in your pocket, before anyone sees you buy them.'
-					'You do not have enough money.'
+					'You can''t afford to buy birth control pills.'
 				act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
@@ -219,23 +218,23 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 		if klisma = 0 and motherQW >= 2 and gaptekfirst = 1:
-			act 'Buy <b>enema</b> (500 rubles)':
+			act 'Buy the enema kit (500 rubles)':
 				klisma = 1
 				minut += 5
 				money -= 500
 				'<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
-				'You bought an enema and paid the money to the cashier.'
+				'You pay for the enema kit and quickly ask your aunt to put it in a paper bag, before the other customers see it.'
 				act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
-		act 'Buy <b>medicine</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(lekarstvo > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lekarstvo + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
+		act 'Buy antibiotics (500 rubles) <<iif(lekarstvo > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lekarstvo + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
-			portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 10 pills)")
+			portion = input("How many packages do you want to buy? (One package contains 10 pills)")
 			if portion <= 0:portion = 1
@@ -243,18 +242,18 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 				money -= portion * 500
 				lekarstvo += portion * 10
 				'<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
-				'You bought drugs and paid the money to the cashier.'
+				'You buy some antibiotics, and put the pills in your pocket.'
-				'You do not have enough money.'
+				'You can''t afford to buy the antibiotics.'
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
-		act 'Buy <b>vitamins</b> (500 rubles) <<iif(vitamin > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + vitamin + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
+		act 'Buy vitamin tablets (500 rubles) <<iif(vitamin > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + vitamin + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
-			portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 20 pills)")
+			portion = input("How many packages do you want to buy? (One package contains 20 tablets)")
 			if portion <= 0:portion = 1
@@ -262,9 +261,9 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 				vitamin += portion * 20
 				money -= portion * 500
 				'<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
-				'You bought vitamins and paid the money to the cashier.'
+				'You purchase the vitamin tablets and put them in your pocket.'
-				'You do not have enough money.'
+				'You can''t afford the vitamin tablets.'
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
@@ -272,10 +271,10 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 	if money >= 600:
-		act 'Buy <b>ointment for corns</b> (600 rubles) <<iif(mosolmaz > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + mosolmaz + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
+		act 'Buy soothing ointment (600 rubles) <<iif(mosolmaz > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + mosolmaz + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
-			portion = input("How many packages you want to buy? (One package contains 10 treatments)")
+			portion = input("How many packages do you want to buy? (One package contains 10 treatments)")
 			if portion <= 0:portion = 1
@@ -283,9 +282,9 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 				money -= portion * 600
 				mosolmaz += portion * 10
 				'<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
-				'You bought some oinment packages and paid the money to the cashier.'
+				'You buy some ointment packages and quickly put them in your pocket. The next time your pussy feels sore, these should help.'
-				'You do not have enough money.'
+				'You can''t afford the ointment.'
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
@@ -293,10 +292,10 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 	if money >= 1000:
-		act 'Buy <b>moisturizing lip balm</b> (1,000 rubles) <<iif(lipbalm > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lipbalm + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
+		act 'Buy moisturizing lip balm (1,000 rubles) <<iif(lipbalm > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + lipbalm + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
-			portion = input("How many lip balms you want to buy? (One lip balm is good enough for 25 uses)")
+			portion = input("How many lip balms do you want to buy? (One lip balm is good enough for 25 uses)")
 			if portion <= 0:portion = 1
@@ -304,9 +303,9 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 				lipbalm += portion * 25
 				money -= portion * 1000
 				'<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
-				'You bought some lip balm and paid the money to the cashier.'
+				'You buy the lip balm and put it in your pocket.'
-				'You do not have enough money.'
+				'You can''t afford the lip balm.'
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
@@ -314,10 +313,10 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 	if money >= 1500:
-		act '<b>Buy fat burners</b> (1,500 rubles) <<iif(fatdel > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + fatdel + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
+		act 'Buy fat burners (1,500 rubles) <<iif(fatdel > 0, ''[left:<b>'' + fatdel + ''</b>]'', '''')>>':
-			portion = input("How many fat burners you want to buy?")
+			portion = input("How many fat burners do you want to buy?")
 			if portion <= 0:portion = 1
@@ -325,23 +324,22 @@ if StoryLine = 1:
 				fatdel += portion
 				money -= portion * 1500
 				'<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
-				'You bought some fat burning capsules and paid the money to the cashier.'
+				'You buy some fat burning capsules and read the box; you have to take these with some water.'
-				'You do not have enough money.'
+				'You can''t afford the fat burning capsules. Looks like you''ll have to work for it if you want to lose some weight.'
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'
 		if KandidNapr = 1:
-			act 'Buy cure pills for yeast infection (1,500 rubles)':
+			act 'Buy s cure for your yeast infection (1,500 rubles)':
 				money -= 1500
 				Kandidoz = 0
 				'<center><img src="images/etogame/kassa.jpg"></center>'
-				'You bought tablets and paid the money to the cashier.'
-				'Immediately about cash you swallow the tablet.'
+				'You put the money on the counter and immediately open the package and swallow the tablet. A while later, you feel better.'
 				act 'Move away from the counter':gt 'gaptek', 'start'

+ 44 - 42

@@ -9,37 +9,36 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 	bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
 	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-	'You agreed and went with his uncle from the cafe. He brought you into their home and took you by the hand, started in the bedroom, closing the door with a key. Firmly taking you by the hair, he dropped you on your knees and pulled his pants and took his penis in his hand, jabbed him in your mouth.'
-	'Open your mouth, come on, whore know where you''re going'
-	'You tried to resist, then he slapped you across the face and said that you do not make excuses. You had to open your mouth and take it plump vile smelling dick in your mouth.'
-	'Suck-let''s not shirk'
-	'You started to suck him, constantly nuzzling into his hairy crotch. After some time, he took a member of your mouth, and said:'
-	'-Lie down, play with you'
-	act 'Lie on the bed':
+	'You agree to help, and leave the cafe with uncle Misha. When you reach his apartment, he takes you by the hand and pulls you to his bedroom, locking the door with a key behind him. Roughly grabbing you by your hair, he pulls you down to your knees and unbuttons his pants with his other hand. His erect cock springs to life, which he impatiently pushes against your pursed lips.'
+	'"Open your mouth, whore. You know why you are here", he commands, slapping your cheeks with his hand.'
+	'As you try to resist and keep your mouth shut, he starts rubbing the head of his engorged dick against your lips, spreading his precum over it with a lewd grin on his face. When he realizes you have no intentions of opening your mouth he slaps you harder and harder. After one particularly hard slap he leans over and snarls menacingly: "Stop testing my patience and open up, bitch. I''m not going to ask again."'
+	'Reluctantly you open your mouth, allowing his vile smelling dick access past your lips. He places the head of his dick firmly inside your mouth and continues to pressure you: "Go on bitch, suck it. You''ll regret it if you make me do all the work."'
+	'Thoroughly intimidated by his demands, you begin to suck him off obediently. He can tell your heart is not really into it and decides to help out, shoving his cock further and further down your throat until you''re nuzzling his hairy crotch. He leaves it in a few seconds more than you are comfortable with, making you gag. Watching you struggle puts an evil grin on his face and after a while he pulls his dick out of your mouth, a thick strand of saliva slowly dripping off it.'
+	'"Not bad <<$nickname>>, not bad. Lie down, I''m going to have some fun with you."'
+	act 'Lie down on the bed':
-		'You are no longer resisting, and lost all hope, wearily lay down on the bed. He undressed you, and mash your breasts, I lay down at your feet and spread them, then examined your pussy'
+		'You are no longer resisting, having lost all hope of getting yourself out of this situation. Lying wearily on the bed, he quickly takes your clothes off and sits down at your feet, examining your pussy with his fingers as much as his eyes.'
 		if vagina = 0 and sex = 0:
 			cumprecheck = 1
 			gs 'cum_manage'
-			'-Tselochku yet? Now fix it'
-			'He stood closer to you and put his member in your crotch. He introduced the term in and began to fuck you, breaking your hymen. You were painful and unpleasant. Soon he began to pant, and then he took dick and crawled to your face, forcibly stuck in your mouth his cock and cum in it'
+			'"You''re still a virgin? We''ll have to fix that."'
+			'He mounts you and guides the head of his cock towards your virgin pussy, rubbing it against you for a little while before slamming his cock in all the way, breaking your hymen. It hurts so much! With no concerns for your feelings, he starts hammering his dick in you, while you meekly try to resist but fail to even inconvenience him. After raping your pussy for a few minutes, he pulls his dick out and forcibly thrusts it down your throat. You no longer have the strength to even fight it and just go along with whatever he wants to do, trying to appease him so he doesn''t think of anything worse to do instead. You quietly lick your blood off his dick trying to hide the disgust, and when he cums he pulls back just a bit. You can feel it spasm just as a warm liquid hits your tongue.'
 			cumprecheck = 1
 			gs 'cum_manage'
-			'You already torn-whore? Dai and I''ll popolzuyut'
-			'He stood closer to you and put his member in your crotch. He introduced the term in and began to fuck you.'
+			'"No longer a virgin, eh? No need for me to take it slow, then!"'
+			'He mounts you and guides the head of his cock towards your pussy, rubbing it against your opening for a little while before slamming his cock in all the way. He begins to fuck you with short, intense strokes.'
-			if dick - vagina < 10 and dick - vagina >= 7:'You were very bylno and you prayed that it ran faster'
-			if dick - vagina < 6 and dick - vagina >= 3:'You were painful and unpleasant'
+			if dick - vagina > 10 and dick - vagina <= 7:'The rough handling uncle Misha gives you is feeling quite good, and you wish he''d fuck you even harder.'
+			if dick - vagina > 6 and dick - vagina <= 3:'Uncle Misha''s thrusts hurt a lot, and you wish for it to be over soon.'
-			'Soon he began to pant, and then he took dick and crawled to your face, forcibly stuck in your mouth his cock and cum in it, you feel his hot cum, which swallowed. In the mouth, the bitterness remains disgusting.'
+			'After raping your pussy for a few minutes, he pulls his dick out and forcibly thrusts it down your throat. You no longer have the strength to even fight it and just go along with whatever he wants to do, trying to appease him so he doesn''t think of anything worse to try instead. When he cums he pulls back just a bit, and you can feel it spasm as a warm liquid hits your tongue.'
-		act 'Swallow':
-			cla
+		act 'Swallow his cum':
 			sex += 1
 			bj += 1
@@ -56,14 +55,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img src="images/gevent/1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You swallowed the sperm in your mouth.'
-			'Swallowed-up, girl? - It dramatically mellowed, patted you on the head and gave things - Get dressed. ''ll Give you a present'
-			'You got dressed and waited for the rapist who left the room. He returned, holding a dollar bill hundred rubles, which gave you'
-			'-On, child, buy yourself some ice cream. I know you''re from a poor family, so come in to visit, play, even a present you give. My name is Misha.'
-			'You took the bill from the hands of Uncle Misha and came out of his house'
+			'His sperm tastes quite bitter as it hits your tongue. Nevertheless, knowing it is what he expects you to do, you swallow it and lick your lips clean like an obedient girl.'
+			'"You swallowed it, girl?" he asks, melodramatically patting your head as a sign of approval. He continues: "Very nice. Go ahead and get dressed, I''ll give you a present for your efforts."'
+			'Uncle Misha leaves the room as you get dressed, and while you quickly put your clothes back on you hope that ''present'' is not more punishment in some shape or form. To your surprise, his present is actually a bank note worth 500 rubles.'
+			'"Go on child, go buy yourself some ice cream. I know you''re from a poor family, so if you''re ever in need of money you can can come pay me a visit. There''s more where that came from."'
+			'Having had his fun, he gestures that you should get lost now. You quietly take the money from uncle Misha''s hand, and leave as he says.'
-			act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok'
+			act 'Leave uncle Misha''s apartment':gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_2'
@@ -91,15 +89,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1-1':
 	bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
 	lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
 	'<center><img src="images/gevent/mishasex.jpg"></center>'
-	'You went to visit Uncle Misha. He once closed the door, and began to undress me, touching my body with his rough, hairy arms. Undressed, he sat on the couch and gave me a job. You made him a blowjob, after which he put you on the sofa and began to fuck you.'
+	'You leave the cafe with uncle Misha and go to his apartment. He once again locks the door behind him and then turns towards you. Knowing you''re here of your own volition this time, he is a bit more daring in his demands: "<<$name>>, take off your clothes."'
+	'You know what he wants and give him a quick striptease, taking off your clothes and performing a little dance as you do. It''s not very good, but uncle Misha appreciates the effort anyway. He gets comfortable and watches you slowly reveal your soon to be naked body, and encourages you to do a few erotic poses for him. "Very nice <<$name>>, now suck", he says as he pulls out his cock and pulls your face closer to it. You obediently move over to him and close your lips around his dick, gently sucking him off. From the smell of it, the tongue bath you''re giving it is the first wash it has had in a while.'
+	'You''re doing a good enough job that he doesn''t feel like he needs to take control of you and just leans back to enjoy your ministrations, sometimes giving you directions. After a few minutes, he pulls you down and rubs the head of his cock against your pussy before slamming it in.'
-	if dick - vagina < 10 and dick - vagina >= 7:'You were very bylno and you prayed that it ran faster'
-	if dick - vagina < 6 and dick - vagina >= 3:'You were painful and unpleasant'
+	if dick - vagina > 10 and dick - vagina <= 7:'His cock feels quite good inside your pussy, and you silently wish he would fuck you harder.'
+	if dick - vagina > 6 and dick - vagina <= 3:'His cock is too big for you, and it hurts as he fucks you.'
 	'<center><img src="images/gevent/mishasex3.jpg"></center>'
-	'Finally, Misha puffed and you took out his penis, breathing with wheezing and cum on your belly, then kiss your pussy and gave you fifty rubles for expenses.'
+	'Ultimately, you can tell uncle Misha is close to his orgasm. You try your best to encourage him by squeezing your pussy around his dick, and he rewards you by pulling out and shooting thick ropes of cum on your stomach. Once he recovers from his orgasm, he kisses you on your forehead and drops some crumpled bills worth 200 rubles on the floor for your efforts. You quickly pick them up as you put your clothes back on and get ready to leave.'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok'
+	act 'Leave uncle Misha''s apartment':gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_2'
 if $ARGS[0] = '2':
@@ -113,16 +113,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 	money += 100
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img src="images/gevent/2.jpg"></center>'
-	'You went out with him from the audience, after which he leads you into the men''s room. Having got you in one of the stalls, he closes it and puts you on your knees, then pulls out his penis and practically shoves it down your throat, taking pictures of you with his phone. You suck him until he cums on your face, pulls from his pocket some crumpled notes, which he throws on the floor, then leaves.'
+	'You quietly leave with the guy, who pulls you towards the men''s room rather urgently. After pulling you into one of the stalls, he locks the door and shoves you down to your knees, expecting you to suck his cock as he pulls out his phone. You obediently put your lips around his dick, not wanting to disappoint. Slowly bobbing your head back and forth, you take his dick further and further down your throat until you can lick his balls. He smirks and says: "Nice show. Smile for the camera, baby!", as he pulls his cock out of your mouth and cums all over your face, rubbing his dick against your lips for good measure. After you clean up his cum with your tongue, he quickly pulls up his pants and drops a crumpled bank note. By the time you notice it''s only worth 10 rubles, he is gone. You hope he won''t share the video with his friends, but deep inside you know better.'
-	act 'Wash and leave':
+	act 'Wash up and return to the cinema lobby':
 		cumspclnt = 2
 		gs 'cum_cleanup'
 		minut += 5
 		gt 'gskino'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'gskino'
+	act 'Return to the cinema lobby':gt 'gskver', 'kino'
 if $ARGS[0] = '3':
@@ -183,9 +183,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '4':
 	minut += 50
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img src="images/gevent/4.jpg"></center>'
-	'You came from a guy to his house, where you drank with him and have sex. Fuck your pussy, he pulled out his penis and ended you on the ass, and then he gave you your clothes, you chatted with him, drank tea, and went out.'
+	'You accompany the guy to his house, where you enjoy a few beverages with him. A while later you find yourself on your back, getting pounded by this stranger. He rides you with his hairy body and pulls out right before he orgasms, draping his load all over your buttocks. Not bothering to clean it up, you simply get dressed. You sit back down and chat with him for a while, drinking some tea in an attempt to sober up before leaving. You still feel rather drunk when you close the door behind you, returning to the streets.'
-	act '...':gt 'gorodok'
+	act 'Return to Pavlovsky':gt 'gorodok'
 if $ARGS[0] = '5':
@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '5':
 	money += 100
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img src="images/gevent/5.jpg"></center>'
-	'The guy has got you into the woods, where a section of the tree and put in quick fuck, Cum on ass, and then gave you a hundred rubles, and left.'
+	'The guy quickly pulls you into the bushes, separated enough from the main roads to get a quick fuck in without being noticed. Not even bothering to undress you, he simply pulls your clothes to the side and thrusts his dick inside you. Within minutes, his breathing grows heavier and he growls as he shoots his load onto your ass cheeks. He pants: "Nice, babe... you''re definitely worth the money", as he hands you 100 rubles and leaves.'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok'
+	act 'Straighten your clothes':gt 'gorodok'
 if $ARGS[0] = '6':
@@ -253,10 +253,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '6':
 	gs 'time'
 	'<center><img src="images/gevent/6.1.jpg"></center>'
-	'You vaguely remember what happened. Someone was groping you but you were too drunk to stop them, then you were giving some guy a blowjob, and when he finished, you went to a different place. Someone was filming you, there were guys standing in line, you might have sucked and fucked them all.'
-	'It''s the middle of the next day, you are lying in a ditch covered in the semen and naked. you find your clothes in a pile next to you, get dressed and find your way back to town.'
+	'You barely remember what happened. You were standing against the wall at the disco, quietly enjoying the admittedly rather outdated music when a guy approached you. He started groping you, but you were too drunk to stop him. It also felt kind of nice to be wanted, so you just went along with it.'
+	'The next thing you remember: you were on your knees, sucking him off in the bathroom stalls. After he came in your mouth he took you away from the disco to a different place, where several of his friends had already gathered. "Dude, nice!" they praised his catch, while you unsteadily tried to move to the couch to sit down. You never made it to the couch, the guys immediately surrounded you and started to maul you from all sides.'
+	'Taking their turns fucking your mouth and pussy mercilessly, some even came back for seconds while one of them made sure to capture all of it on camera. The last thing you remember is him taking some close-ups of your cum-covered face, saying: "Man look at this whore, no inhibitions whatsoever! This video is going to be a huge hit on the internet!"'
+	'By the time you wake up again it''s the middle of the next day, and you are lying naked in a ditch somewhere just outside of town, covered in semen. Luckily they were decent enough to at least give you your clothes back, which you find in a pile next to you with your other belongings. As you quickly get dressed you silently pray they reconsidered and didn''t share the video, but at the same time know better. As you make your way back to Pavlovsky you realize this probably hurt your reputation in town as a result, since many people will have seen the video by now.'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok'
+	act 'Return to the Pavlovsky streets':gt 'gorodok'
 if $ARGS[0] = '7':
@@ -282,9 +284,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '7':
 	gs 'cum_manage'
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img src="images/gevent/7.jpg"></center>'
-	'You guys brought to the apartment, where you stripped and fucked in all holes, having finished on your face and prevent wash, kicked out of the apartment.'
+	'The guys bring you back to their apartment, where they swiftly strip you of your clothes and subsequently fuck you in all holes, taking turns spitroasting you. When they''re close to cumming, they force you down on your knees and they both release their loads onto your face. Before you even get a chance to wash up they kick you out, leaving you to get dressed on the streets. You desperately grab your clothes from the ground and quickly hide behind a car as you put them on, hoping no random passers-by spotted you. One of the guys is watching you through the window the whole time, and you can hear his laughter while you run away as quickly as you can.'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'gorodok'
+	act 'Return to the Pavlovsky streets':gt 'gorodok'
 --- gevent ---------------------------------

+ 29 - 31

@@ -7,63 +7,63 @@ gs 'time'
 fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
 bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
 lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
-'<center><b><font color="maroon">A cafe</font></b></center>'
+'<center><b><font color="maroon">Pavlovsky''s train station cafe</font></b></center>'
 if mother_go = 1 and hour = 16:
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/gkafe.jpg"></center>'
-	'little bedraggled, station cafe.'
-	'Door closed on the lock and the door hangs a plaque "records".'
+	'A small cafe, attached to the train station. It looks rather shabby.'
+	'The door is currently locked, and the sign on the door says "Closed". That''s strange, the cafe is supposed to be open at this time.'
-	act 'Wander around the cafe':
+	act 'Walk around the cafe':
 		minut += 15
 		gs 'stat'
-		'You walked around the cafe and suddenly you have come to the weak voices, closer to the wall cafe, you heard what that poor women moaning. Go behind the cafe you see old crates and on the wall a small window in which you can look if you stand on boxes.'
+		'Being locked outside of the cafe, you walk around it to try and figure out why it is closed. Suddenly, you hear weak voices through the wall. It sounds like some poor woman is screaming! You quickly look around and notice a stack of old crates. If you stand on it, you think you can reach a small window and see what is happening inside.'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'vokzalG'
-		act 'Peep through the window':
+		act 'Leave, it''s probably none of your business':gt 'vokzalG'
+		act 'Get up there and peek through the window':
 			minut += 5
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/placer/momslut.jpg"></center>'
 			if momslut >= 1:
-				'You climbed on the boxes and looked through the small window. Behind the glass you noticed, your mom does blowjob cafe owner. You have come to see, Mom enthusiastically sucks dick swallowing it up to the eggs.'
+				'You carefully climb on top of the boxes, and stand on your toes to reach the small window. It gives you a view into the back room of the cafe. Through the window you see your mother on her knees, giving the cafe owner a blowjob. She''s very enthusiastic about it, and alternates between sucking his dick and licking his balls. Then she begins to deepthroat him, sliding his dick further and further down her mouth until his balls rest on her chin.'
 			elseif momslut=0:
 				momslut = 1
-				'You climbed on the boxes and looked through the small window. Behind the glass as you notice what that woman squatting in front of a man . And then before you came, it''s your mom does blowjob cafe owner. You surprise goggled, and my mother .'
+				'You carefully climb on top of the boxes, and stand on your toes to reach the small window. It gives you a view into the back room of the cafe. Through the window you see a woman on her knees, giving the cafe owner a blowjob. She''s very enthusiastic about it, and alternates between sucking his dick and licking his balls. Then she begins to deepthroat him, sliding his dick further and further down her mouth until his balls rest on her chin. When you look closer, you realize... that''s your mother!'
-			act 'Leave':gt 'vokzalG'
+			act 'Leave, you don''t want to see this':gt 'vokzalG'
-			act 'View more':
+			act 'Keep looking':
 				minut += 5
 				mother_go = 0
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/placer/momslut2.jpg"></center>'
-				'Your mother got to her feet and turned his big bare ass to the owner of the cafe. He came up from behind and abruptly drove his cock in her pussy. His movements were strong and flourish, your mother moaned and held on to the wall. Finally the owner of the cafe ass grabbing your mother groaned and finished it in her pussy.'
+				'The cafe owner abruptly pulls his groin away from your mother''s mouth, a string of saliva still attached to his dick as he roughly pulls your mother up by her shoulders and tells her to lean against the wall. You can''t hear them talking but he definitely seems to be in charge, and your mother is all too willing in following up his every demand. Your mother lewdly turns her back to him and gently wiggles her ass, and he immediately drove his cock in her pussy. His thrusting is fast and furious and you figure he doesn''t intend to stay here much longer, knowing he has to open the cafe again before too many people notice. Your mother is moaning loudly as she is getting her pussy roughly pounded by her boss, you can easily hear it despite the window between you and them. And sure enough, a few moments later he grabs her ass as his body spasms, dumping his load deep inside her. Your mother drops to her knees quickly without needing a prompt and cleans him up with her tongue, after which he pulls up his pants and goes to re-open the cafe. Your mother sits on the ground for a while to recuperate, licking her lips with a dreamy look in her eyes. You quickly get off the crates, before she sees you.'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'vokzalG'
+				act 'Go back to the train station':gt 'vokzalG'
 	if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/gkafe2.jpg"></center>'
-		'Little bedraggled, station cafe.'
+		'A small cafe, attached to the train station. It looks rather shabby.'
-		if StoryLine > 0:'Since your mom works here, you can eat for free.'
+		if StoryLine > 0:'Since your mom works here, you can eat here for free.'
 		if week < 6:
 			if hour >= 6 and hour < 16 and StoryLine > 0:
-				'The cafe bar for your worth <a href="exec:gt ''mother''">Mom</a>.'
+				'Your <a href="exec:gt ''mother''">mother</a> is currently working at the cafe bar.'
-				'The bar should cafe owner <a href="exec:GT ''motherkafeboss''">glory</a>'
+				'The bar owner <a href="exec:GT ''motherkafeboss''">Borislav</a> is currently taking orders in the bar. Most people call him Slava.'
-		act 'Eat':
+		act 'Have a meal at the cafe':
 			frost = 0
@@ -76,24 +76,24 @@ else
 			if energy >= 30:
 				fat += 5
-				'You can no longer eat.'
+				'You try to eat, but are too full to enjoy the meal and can''t finish it.'
 			elseif energy >= 20 and energy < 30:
 				fat += 3
 				energy += 10
-				'You pushed through the power of a meal.'
+				'You''re not all that hungry, but have a meal anyway. Half-way through, you''re starting to regret it but feel bad throwing it out so you finish it anyway.'
 			elseif energy < 20:
 				energy += 20
 				fat += 1
-				'You gladly ate the food.'
+				'You order a meal at the cafe. Since your mom works here, it''s free. The food tastes good.'
 			if water >= 20:
-				'You don''t need any more tea.'
+				'You''re not thirsty, so you don''t drink the tea.'
 			elseif water < 20:
 				water += 20
 				cumlip = 0
 				fbreath = 0
-				'You gladly drank a mug of tea.'
+				'You enjoy a nice cup of tea with your meal.'
 			razvrand = rand(1, 10)
@@ -101,24 +101,22 @@ else
 			! WD: Allpw event to trigger even after talking to mum about fucking her boss
 			if razvrand > 7 and hour > 16 and hour < 20 and age < 18 and dyadyamishaevent = 0 and momslut >= 1:
-				'Past your table is going to release an adult male, where you will find Uncle Misha, who lives in the house next door, who see you, suddenly stops and tells you:'
-				'Oh, <<$name>>, hello. I learned? See, what yes. Listen, here it is... We are your stepfather as it repaired the car late, and then lay down with me to overthrow ryumashki, and I stayed at the apartment of his luggage with tools. Help him to return? I''ll give a money for ice cream.'
+				'A male figure walks closely by your table. You look up and recognize uncle Misha, your neighbor. He stops and recognizes you as well, and sits down with you. He gives you a friendly smile as he says: "Oh, <<$name>>, hello. Listen, me and your stepfather were working late in the garage yesterday, and went for a nightcap at my place when we were finished. When your stepfather left, he accidentally left some of his tools behind. I''m fairly sure he needs them again today, and I could use a hand bringing them back to the garage. Could you help me out? I''ll give you money so you can get some ice cream for your troubles."'
-				act 'Agree':$boy = 'Uncle Misha' & sexpartkno = 1 & gt 'gevent', '1'
+				act 'Agree to help uncle Misha':$boy = 'Uncle Misha' & sexpartkno = 1 & gt 'gevent', '1'
 			elseif razvrand > 7 and hour > 16 and hour < 20 and dyadyamishaevent = 1 and dmishaday ! daystart:
-				'Suddenly you at the table sits Misha, that strips you look, looking greedy and oily eyes on your chest, and says,:'
-				'Hello, <<$name>>.. can now look within me for tea..? Have fun as last time, Yes, and the donations will not hurt, and?'
+				'Suddenly, a man slides in the seat next to you while you eat your meal. You look up and see it''s uncle Misha. He has a greedy look in his eyes, the kind that is already stripping you naked in his thoughts. His eyes are fixated on your boobs as he says: "Hey, <<$name>>. Would you like to join me for some tea at my place? We can have a bit of fun just like last time, and you can earn some more money..."'
-				act 'agree':$boy = 'Uncle Misha' & sexpartkno = 1 & gt 'gevent', '1-1'
+				act 'Agree to go ''drink tea'' with uncle Misha':$boy = 'Uncle Misha' & sexpartkno = 1 & gt 'gevent', '1-1'
 			act 'Get up from the table':gt 'gkafe'
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/gkafe.jpg"></center>'
-		'Little bedraggled, station cafe.'
-		'The cafe is closed.'
+		'A small cafe, attached to the train station. It looks rather shabby.'
+		'The cafe is closed right now, it''s usually open between 8:00 and 20:00.'

+ 173 - 150

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ gs 'stat'
-'<center><b><font color="maroon">Mama</font></b></center>'
+'<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$surname>></font></b></center>'
 '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
 'Your mother Natasha is still quite young and attractive. She''s only <<motherAge>> years. She works at the station cafe.'
@@ -19,96 +19,96 @@ if mother >= 40 and mother < 60:'You have a normal relationship with your mother
 if mother >= 60 and mother < 80:'You have a good relationship with your mother.'
 if mother >= 80:'You have a great relationship with your mother.'
-act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+act 'Move away from her':gt $loc, $metka
 if motherWorry = 1 and indorf = 0:
 	motherWorry = 0
 	mother -= 1
-	'Mama is awake and stands in the hallway waiting for you. "Where the hell have you been? You know what time it is?"'
+	'Your mother is still awake, waiting for you to come home. Hearing the front door, she comes to the hallway and scolds you: "Where the hell have you been <<$name>>? You shouldn''t be out this late!"'
 elseif motherWorry = 1 and indorf > 0:
 	motherWorry = 0
+!!while at work at the train station cafe
 if $loc = 'gkafe':
-	'Mom saw you and frowned: "Why come? I said many times, Do not go to my job. There`s nothing to do young girls!"'
-	act '<B>Move away</B>':gt 'gkafe'
+	'Your mom sees you and frowns: "<<$nickname>>, how many times have I told you: don''t come visit me at work! I have no time for you right now, and there is nothing to do here for young girls like you."'
+	act 'Move away from her':gt 'gkafe'
 !check hair color
 if hcolfronce=0:hcolmotherremember=hcol&hcolfronce=1
 if hcolmotherremember!hcol:
-if hcol=0:$texthcol='I decided to become a burning brunette?'
-if hcol=1:$texthcol='I decided to get my natural hair color?'
-if hcol=2:$texthcol='I decided to become a redhead-shameless?'
-if hcol=3:$texthcol='I decided to become a blonde?'
-'Mother with interesoma looked at your hair: "Ooh-you, Repainted! <<$texthcol>>"'
+if hcol=0:$texthcol='I see you decided to become a brunette?'
+if hcol=1:$texthcol='I see you decided to go back to your natural hair color?'
+if hcol=2:$texthcol='I see you decided to become a redhead?'
+if hcol=3:$texthcol='I see you decided to go blonde?'
+'Your mother immediately notices you dyed your hair and says: "Wait a minute, you dyed your hair! <<$texthcol>>"'
 if $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and pregTalkFamily = 0 and pregTalkMom = 0 and pregtime > 150:
-	'Mother is looking at your clothes clearly acting under the belly-"<<$name>>, I flew all-yet, Mount thou my. Look, do not try to do an abortion!".'
+	'Your mother looks at your belly, which is clearly visible through your clothes now. She''s upset, but supportive: "Oh no <<$nickname>>, you''re pregnant? How far along are you? I know this is a difficult time for you, but please don''t have an abortion okay? We''ll figure this out."'
 	pregTalkFamily = 1
 	pregTalkMom = 1
-	act '<B>Move away</B>':gt $locM, $metkaM
+	act 'Thank her and move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
 if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and pregTalkFamily = 0 and pregTalkMom = 0 and pregtime > 90:
-	'Mother is looking at your belly-"<<$name>>, I flew all-yet, Mount thou my. Look, do not try to do an abortion!".'
+	'Your mother looks at your belly, which is clearly visible since you''re naked. She''s upset, but supportive: "Oh no <<$nickname>>, you''re pregnant? How far along are you? I know this is a difficult time for you, but please don''t have an abortion okay? We''ll figure this out. And go put on some clothes!"'
 	pregTalkFamily = 1
 	pregTalkMom = 1
-	act '<B>Move away</B>':gt $locM, $metkaM
+	act 'Thank her and move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
 $mother_clothes[1] = {
 	if motherKnowWhore = 0 and motherKnowSpravka = 0 and motherQW = 0:
 		if momslut < 2:
-			'The mother looks at you eyes wide:'
-			'- "<<$name>>, Here is the number of, Are not you ashamed to go in such a? Well dressed jogging!"'
+			'Your mother looks at you, here eyes open wide in shock:'
+			'"<<$name>>, people live here! Aren''t you ashamed, walking around naked like that? Go get dressed right now!"'
-			'His mother shook her head sadly:'
-			'- "You would have your ass-is closed, and then another , and everyone will know the house, you whore"'
+			'Your mother sees you walking around naked and shakes her head sadly:'
+			'"<<$name>>, come on... everyone will know you''re a whore if they see you like this."'
 	elseif (motherKnowWhore > 0 or motherKnowSpravka > 0) and motherQW = 1:
 		if momslut < 2:
-			'The mother looked at you glare:'
-			'- "Even at home, his bare ass shine, His infant whore! I went I dressed quickly and do not get caught in my eyes!"'
+			'Your mother looks angrily at you:'
+			'"Even at home, my whore of a daughter doesn''t have the decency to get dressed when people are around! <<$name>>, you better go get dressed right now, I never want to see this again!"'
-			'His mother shook her head sadly:'
-			'- "You would have your ass-is closed, and then another , and everyone will know the house, you whore"'
+			'Your mother sees you walking around naked and shakes her head sadly:'
+			'"<<$name>>, come on... everyone will know you''re a whore if they see you like this."'
 	elseif motherQW >= 2:
-		'Mother looked sternly at you:'
-		'- "<<$name>>, I certainly understand it all, but could you at least not at home dress, like you used to have their fancy man pacing? You have the floor asses out-towels for video!"'
+		'Mother looks sternly at your naked figure:'
+		'"<<$name>>, I certainly understand it all, but could you at least put some clothes on while you''re at home? If you want to impress some fancy man, go do it at his place."'
 $mother_clothes[2] = {
 	if motherKnowWhore = 0 and motherKnowSpravka = 0 and motherQW = 0:
 		if momslut < 2:
-			'Your mother looks at you, her eyes wide.'
-			'"<<$name>>, you''re not a kid anymore, you don''t walk around my home naked. Now go and get dressed!"'
+			'Your mother looks at you, here eyes open wide in shock:'
+			'"<<$name>>, people live here! Aren''t you ashamed, walking around naked like that? Go get dressed right now!"'
 			'Your mother shakes her head sadly.'
-			'"You could atleast dress at home, do you want all the family to know that you''re a whore?"'
+			'"You could atleast dress at home, do you want the whole family to know that you''re a whore?"'
 	elseif (motherKnowWhore > 0 or motherKnowSpravka > 0) and motherQW = 1:
 		if momslut < 2:
-			'Your mother glares at you.'
-			'- "Even his home by a pussy all over the world, His infant whore! I went I dressed quickly and do not get caught in my eyes!"'
+			'Your mother looks angrily at you:'
+			'"Even at home, my whore of a daughter doesn''t have the decency to get dressed when people are around! <<$name>>, you better go get dressed right now, I never want to see this again!"'
 			'Your mother shakes her head sadly.'
-			'"You could atleast dress at home, do you want all the family to know that you''re a whore?"'
+			'"You could atleast dress at home, do you want the whole family to know that you''re a whore?"'
 	elseif motherQW >= 2:
 		'Your mother looks at you sternly.'
-		'"<<$name>>, I certainly understand, but could you at least dress at home? If you want to impress some fancy man, do it at his place!"'
+		'"<<$name>>, I certainly understand it all, but could you at least put some clothes on while you''re at home? If you want to impress some fancy man, go do it at his place."'
@@ -127,21 +127,21 @@ if pirsA >= 1 and pirsAmother=0 and motherpirsadaytalk!daystart:
 	if pirseerand>=75:
-	'Mother looks you in the mouth: "<<$name>>, and what have you got there in the language shines?"'
-		act'Nothing':
+	'Your mother sees the glimmer of metal in your mouth and asks: "<<$name>>, what''s that in your mouth? I thought I saw something shiny..."'
+		act'Nothing!':
-			'You shake my head: "Nothing." and then turn away ,that the mother had not noticed tongue piercing.'
-			act '<B>Move away</B>':gt $locM, $metkaM
+			'You shake my head: "N-nothing mom! Just a piece of gum I guess, I accidentally swallowed it". You quickly turn and walk away, before your mother has time to second guess you.'
+			act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
-		act'Show pierced tongue':
+		act'Show her your pierced tongue':
 			'<center><img src="images/picb/pirsA.jpg" ></center>'
-			'You open your mouth and draw out the tongue showing the mother tongue piercing.'
-			'Mother shakes her head "<<$name>>, tongue piercing made lewd women, serving men mouth."'
-			act '<B>Move away</B>':gt $locM, $metkaM
+			'You open your mouth and stick out your tongue, showing her your shiny new piercing.'
+			'Your mother clearly disapproves, and shakes her head "Oh <<$name>>, you know those things are only worn by slutty women, who serve men with their mouths..."'
+			act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
@@ -150,14 +150,15 @@ end
 if pirsB = 1 and pirsBmother=0 and motherpirsbdaytalk!daystart:
 !Mother says lip piercing
-'Mother looks at your lips that appeared piercing "And this is why?"'
-	act'I just liked':
+'Mother looks at your lips, noticing your new lip piercing. She doesn''t seem very happy about it. "And this is why?"'
+	act'I just think it looks pretty':
 		'<center><img src="images/body/pirsB.jpg" ></center>'
-		'You shrug your shoulders and say,, just you like, So you decided to make a lip piercing.'
-		act '<B>Move away</B>':gt $locM, $metkaM
+		'You shrug and answer with a sweet smile on your face: "I like it, I think it looks cute. Don''t you agree?"'
+		'She clearly doesn''t, and walks away without even bothering to answer.'
+		act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
@@ -165,29 +166,30 @@ end
 if pirsC = 1 and pirsCmother=0:
 !mother notices earrings
-'Mother is looking at your ears noticing earrings: "I look at you decided to wear earrings? Very cute, suits you."'
+'Your mother is looking at your ears, noticing your new earrings. She seems to like them and smiles at you: "I see you decided to wear earrings? They''re nice, they look very cute on you."'
 if pirsD = 1 and pirsDmother=0:
 !mother notices a nose ring
-'Mother looks a bit shocked at your nose ring: "Jesus, <<$name>>, and this is why else? I understand, bulls ring is inserted into the nose, that would be for them to carry the ring, but you-why?"'
+'Your mother looks a bit shocked at your nose ring: "Jesus, <<$name>>, what is- why?! I understand putting a ring in a bull''s nose to lead them by, but on a person? There''s no reason to do that!"'
 if pirsE = 1 and pirsEmother=0:
 !mother notices eyebrow piercing
-'Mother shakes her head looking at your eyebrow piercing: "<<$name>>, Well, what do you need that stuff in eyebrow?", - then sadly shakes his head - "Oh youth, youth..."'
+'Your mother doesn''t understand why you go an eyebrow piercing: "<<$name>>, why would you want that thing in your eyebrow?" She shakes her head in exasperation. "Kids these days..."'
 if mother > 65 and mesec > 0 and preg = 0 and tampon = 0:
 	act 'Ask for a tampon':
-		'You tell your mother about, what you are menstruating and ended tampons. She looks at you knowingly, brings some of his and recommends you next time take care of this in advance.'
+		'You tell your mother you''re menstruating and ran out of tampons, but really need one right now. She looks at you knowingly, gives you three from her own supply and sternly tells you to next time take care of this in advance.'
 		mother -= 15
 		minut += 3
-		act '<B>Move away</B>':gt $locM, $metkaM
+		act 'Thank her and move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
@@ -197,15 +199,15 @@ act 'Chat':
-	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Mom</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Your mother, Natasha <<$surname>></font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
 	'Your mother Natasha is still quite young and attractive. She is only <<motherAge>> years. She works in the station cafe.'
-	if mother<20:'You have a terrible row with my mother.'
-	if mother>=20 and mother<40:'You and mom tensions.'
-	if mother>=40 and mother<60:'You have a normal relationship with his mother.'
-	if mother>=60 and mother<80:'You have a good relationship with his mother.'
-	if mother>=80:'You have a great relationship with my mother.'
-	act '<B>Move away</B>':gt $locM, $metkaM
+	if mother<20:'Your mother can''t stand you, and she avoids you as much as she can.'
+	if mother>=20 and mother<40:'You and mom have a tense relationship.'
+	if mother>=40 and mother<60:'You have a normal relationship with your mother.'
+	if mother>=60 and mother<80:'You have a good relationship with your mother.'
+	if mother>=80:'You have a great relationship with your mother.'
+	act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
 	if mother<20:
 	dynamic $d_mother[1]
@@ -221,57 +223,62 @@ if SchoolAtestat = 1 and SAtestatGift = 0:
 	SAtestatGift = 1
 	money += 5000
 	gs 'stat'
-	'Mama was delighted, "Now that you graduated from high school I want to give you five thousand rubles. Go buy yourself a gift."'
+	'Your mother is delighted you graduated. "I''m so happy right now <<$nickname>>! All I want to do is see you succeed in life, and graduating from high school is a very important step. Please, take these 5000 rubles. Go buy yourself something nice, you''ve earned it." You thank her and give her a hug.'
 if hour > 5:
 	if abort = 1 and pregTalkFamily = 1:
 		pregTalkFamily = 2
 		mother = 0
-		'Mother looked sadly at you "You are a fool! You already had an abortion, what if now you can not have children? Do you think you will be forever young and your whole life will be happy?"'
+		'Your mother looks at you through teary eyes, stricken with sadness. "You are such a fool, <<$name>>! Getting an abortion... what if you can''t have any more children? Do you think you''ll be young and healthy forever? You''re going to regret this, I just know it..."'
 	if momslut = 1:
-		act 'Say, you saw your mother fucking her boss in the cafe':
+		act 'Tell her you saw her fucking her boss':
 			minut += 5
 			momslut = 2
 			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><b><font color="maroon">Mama</font></b></center>'
+			'<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$surname>></font></b></center>'
 			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
-			'You said to your mother, you''ve seen her in the back room of the cafe with her boss. Your mother got noticeably pale and sat down on a stool. "And what did you see?" You answered, you saw as she sucked her boss, and then he fucked her doggy style. Your mother lowered her eyes "Well yes, I sleep with Slava. But I want to warn you, don''t try to blackmail me." The mother looked into your eyes "All you can do, is to destroy our family."'
+			'You tell your mother about the time you saw her in the back room of the cafe with her boss. Your mother got noticeably pale and sat down on a stool. With her head cast down in shame, she softly asks: "And what exactly did you see?", hoping you didn''t see anything too bad.'
+			'You tell her about how you saw her on her knees deepthroating her boss, and then getting roughly fucked from behind. You decide to leave out the part about how she willingly licked him clean and seemed to be very much into it, when you notice the distraught look on her face. Your mother sits on the stool, speechless. After carefully mulling over her words at least a dozen times in her mind, she confesses: "Well yes, I sleep with Slava. Times are tough, you know? I really need that job and he likes me. But please <<$nickname>>, don''t try to blackmail me. If any of this comes out, it would destroy our family."'
+			'You''ve never seen your mother this devastated before. She''s really afraid of the consequences. You understand and nod reassuringly: "Don''t worry Mom, your secret is safe with me." She smiles at you gratefully and returns to what she was doing.'
-			act 'Leave':gt $locM, $metkaM
+			act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
 	if preg = 1 and pregTalkFamily = 0 and knowpreg = 1:
-		act 'Tell your mother that you are pregnant':
+		act 'Tell your mother you are pregnant':
 			minut += 5
 			mother = 20
 			pregTalkFamily = 1
 			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><b><font color="maroon">Mama</font></b></center>'
+			'<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$surname>></font></b></center>'
 			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
-			'You told your mother  you are pregnant. Your mother, shocked, sat on a stool. She said sadly "Well. I was afraid of this. Now do not try to have an abortion, if you do, it will be difficult to have children in the future. You''ll have to have the child."'
+			'You tell your mother you''re pregnant. Your mother gasps and nearly falls on the ground, managing to sit down on a stool right on time. Tears are slowly forming in her eyes. "<<$nickname>>, oh no... I was afraid this would happen... Why did this happen..."'
+			'She stares at you for a good ten seconds through her tears, trying to think of what to say next. She then realizes that you need her to be on your side, and remembered how difficult it was for her when she was in your situation. "I know it will be difficult, but you must have this child <<$name>>. If you have an abortion now, it will be much more difficult to have children in the future. You can''t risk ending up barren, do you understand?"'
+			'You''re not quite sure about that just yet, but you see the concern on her face and figure the best thing you can do right now is just nod and give her a hug. "I understand, Mom... is it okay if I come to you for advice from time to time?"'
+			'"Of course you can sweetie, we''ll get through this together", she reassures you, returning your hug. Despite her supportive attitude, you can tell she''s very disappointed in you. You''ll have to put in some work if you want to get back on her good side.'
-			act 'Leave':gt $locM, $metkaM
+			act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
-	act 'Asking for money':
+	act 'Ask for some money':
 		minut += 5
 		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Mama</font></b></center>'
+		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$surname>></font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
-		'You asked your mother for money.'
+		'You ask your mother for some money.'
 		if SchoolAtestat = 0:
 			if mother >= 80:
 				if motherPayDay = daystart:
-					'Mother frowned "Daughter, I already gave you money!"'
+					'Your mother frowns: "Again, <<$nickname>>? Did you forget I already gave you money today? Don''t be greedy!"'
 					mother -= 1
@@ -280,26 +287,26 @@ if hour > 5:
 					if Suspeh >= 70:
 						if Suspeh < 90:
 							money += 150
-							'Frowning mother gave you 150 rubles, "When you do better in school, I will give more. Meanwhile, it''s all that you deserve!"'
+							'Your mother reluctantly gives you 150 rubles: "When you do better in school, I will give you more. In the meantime, this is all you deserve!"'
-							act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
+							act 'Thank her and move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
 							money += 300
-							'Your mother smiled and gave you 300 rubles, "Okay, here is your money."'
+							'Your mother smiles and gives you 300 rubles: "Okay <<$nickname>>, you''ve earned it. I''m glad you''re doing such a good job in school."'
-							act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
+							act 'Thank her and move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
-						'Mother frowned "When you do better in school, there will be money, as long as you only deserve the belt, you get nothing!"'
+						'Your mother scoffs, and shakes her head: "Money? No way, <<$nickname>>. With how poorly you are doing in school, the only thing you deserve is the belt. You can have some money when you improve your grades, until then you get nothing."'
 			elseif mother >= 60 and mother < 80:
 				if motherPayDay = daystart:
-					'Mother frowned "No daughter. I already gave you money. Enough for today."'
+					'Your mother frowns: "Again, <<$nickname>>? Did you forget I already gave you money today? Don''t be greedy!"'
 					mother -= 1
 					motherPayDay = daystart
@@ -307,26 +314,26 @@ if hour > 5:
 					if Suspeh >= 70:
 						if Suspeh < 90:
 							money += 100
-							'Frowning mother gave you $ 100, "When you are a better student, I will give more. Meanwhile, it''s all that you deserve!"'
+							'Your mother reluctantly gives you 100 rubles: "When you do better in school, I will give you more. In the meantime, this is all you deserve!"'
-							act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
+							act 'Thank her and move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
 							money += 250
-							'The mother smiled and gave you 250 rubles, "Okay, have some money."'
+							'Your mother smiles and gives you 250 rubles: "Okay <<$nickname>>, you''ve earned it. I''m glad you''re doing such a good job in school."'
-							act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
+							act 'Thank her and move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
-						'Mother frowned "When you are a better student, I will give you money, as long as you deserve only the belt, you get nothing!"'
+						'Your mother scoffs, and shakes her head: "Money? No way, <<$nickname>>. With how poorly you are doing in school, the only thing you deserve is the belt. You can have some money when you improve your grades, until then you get nothing."'
 			elseif mother >= 40 and mother < 60:
 				if motherPayDay = daystart:
-					'Mother frowned "Stop pestering me. You will get nothing!"'
+					'Your mother frowns: "Again, <<$nickname>>? Did you forget I already gave you money today? Don''t be greedy!"'
 				elseif motherPayDay ! daystart:
 					mother -= 1
 					motherPayDay = daystart
@@ -334,68 +341,71 @@ if hour > 5:
 					if Suspeh >= 70:
 						if Suspeh < 90:
 							money += 50
-							'Frowning mother gave you 50 rubles, "Do better in school and I will give more. Meanwhile, it''s all that you deserve!"'
+							'Your mother reluctantly gives you 50 rubles: "When you do better in school, I will give you more. In the meantime, this is all you deserve!"'
-							act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
+							act 'Thank her and move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
 							money += 200
-							'Your mother smiled and gave you 200 rubles, "Okay, take some money."'
+							'Your mother smiles and gives you 200 rubles: "Okay <<$nickname>>, you''ve earned it. I''m glad you''re doing such a good job in school."'
-							act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
+							act 'Thank her and move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
-						'Mother frowned "Until you get better in school, there''s no money for you!"'
+						'Your mother scoffs, and shakes her head: "Money? No way, <<$nickname>>. With how poorly you are doing in school, the only thing you deserve is the belt. You can have some money when you improve your grades, until then you get nothing."'
 			elseif mother < 40 and motherKnowWhore = 0 and motherKnowSpravka = 0:
-				'Mother frowned, "You do not you deserve any money!"'
+				'Your mother scowls, shaking her head: "Why should I give you anything? Go get a job, you''ll get nothing from me." She really doesn''t like you very much.'
 			elseif (motherKnowWhore >= 1 or motherKnowSpravka >= 1) and mother < 40:
-				'"You ask for more money, whore? Get out of here, run to your stud and beg him for money"'
+				'Your mother can''t believe you would even ask, and shouts angrily: "Whores don''t get money from me! Get out of here, run to your stud and go ask him!"'
 		elseif SchoolAtestat > 0:
-			'You''re old enough, earn your own money.'
+			'Your mother shakes her head: "You are old enough to earn your own money <<$name>>, you can''t keep depending on me forever. Get a job."'
-		act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
+		act 'Move away from her':gt $locM, $metkaM
-	act 'Ask about this father':
+	act 'Ask about your biological father':
 		minut += 5
 		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Mama</font></b></center>'
+		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$surname>></font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
 		if mother < 80:
-			'You asked your mother about your real father. She pulled a face and unhappily said. "<<$name>>, I am not going to discuss this topic now. Just know that Vova, your stepfather raised you and Anya as his own daughters."'
+			'You barely have any memories of your real father, and are curious about him. When you see your mother in the kitchen you decide to ask: "Mom... about my real father... what was he like? What happened between you two?"'
+			'You seem to have struck a sore spot. Your mother''s face saddens, and after a few seconds she replies: "<<$name>>, I don''t want to talk about him, it brings back too many bad memories. Just know that Vladimir, your stepfather, raised you and Anya as if they were his own daughters."'
 		elseif mother >= 80:
-			'You asked your mother about your real father. She pulled a face and unhappily said. "I have no idea where he is and what he does. We were at school together. We had your sister, Anka. Our parents made us marry. Michael, your father, and you made me thumped. We divorced and I married Vovk. Vova already had Kolka. But he brought you and Anya up as his own daughters. He looked after you, and bathed you, and took you for walks. And told you tales at night. "'
+			'You barely have any memories of your real father, and are curious about him. When you see your mother in the kitchen you decide to ask: "Mom... about my real father... what was he like? What happened between you two?"'
+			'You seem to have struck a sore spot. Your mother''s face saddens, and after a few seconds she replies: "I have no idea where Mikhail is and what he does now, I haven''t seen him in many years. We went to the same school when we were young, and were dating back then... nothing serious. Things weren''t great between us, but then I got pregnant with your sister Anya. Our parents forced us to get married. We tried to make the most of it, and for a while things didn''t seem so bad. A few months after I had you, we got into a huge argument though. We decided we couldn''t live together any more, and got divorced." You can''t help but notice she won''t tell you what the argument was about, but you don''t interrupt her. It''s rare enough to get her to talk about your real father as it is.'
+			'"A year later I married Vladimir, your stepfather. We had Kolka together, but Vladimir always treated you and Anya as if they were his own daughters too. He looked after you, bathed you, told you stories at night and took you for walks whenever he could." Those memories seem to have cheered her up, and she has a serene smile on her face. "Vladimir really is a wonderful man..." she adds, while you thank her for the story and let her get back to what she was doing.'
-		act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
+		act 'Move away from her':gt $locM, $metkaM
-	act 'Ask for new clothes':
+	act 'Ask for some new clothes':
 		minut += 5
 		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Mama</font></b></center>'
+		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$surname>></font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
-		'You asked for new clothes.'
+		'You wait until your mother is in a good mood, and then quickly swoop in: "Mom, I have nothing nice to wear. Can I please have some new clothes?"'
 		if gorslut = 6:
-			'Mother outraged: "<<$name>>, you have a lot of customers and you`re still asking me clothes? It`s me you should ask. Buy myself."'
-			act '<B>Move away</B>':gt $locM, $metkaM
+			'Your mother is outraged by the suggestion. "Really <<$name>>? You have lots of customers, and you''re still asking me for clothes? You should have plenty of whore money, you can afford them yourself. Besides, I don''t know where to buy clothes for a whore."'
+			act 'Move away from her':gt $locM, $metkaM
 		if SchoolAtestat = 0:
 			if mother >= 80:
 				if motherClotheMonth ! month:
-					'Mom sighed, "Here we go again. You''ve got nothing to wear. Let''s go to the store, grief onion."'
+					'Your mother lets out an exasperated sigh, and throws her hands in the air. "Here we go again... "Mommy, I have nothing to wear!"" he says, mocking your voice in a high pitch. You both laugh. "Alright then <<$name>>, let''s go see if we can find something."'
 					act 'Go to the store':
@@ -403,9 +413,9 @@ if hour > 5:
 						motherClotheMonth = month
 						minut += 30
 						gs 'stat'
-						'You went to the store with your mother and began to try out clothes. Shopping with your mom is quite interesting, she never lets you choose your own but buys clothes that would suit you.'
+						'Going clothes shopping with your mother is always an interesting experience. You never get to pick your own clothes, but she brings you clothes that she thinks would suit you and lets you try them on. You would argue but her taste in clothing is actually very good, always picking out cute outfits for you to wear that are quite trendy too. You directly go towards the changing booths, wondering what she''ll bring you this time.'
-						act 'choose clothes':
+						act 'Try on the clothes she brings you':
 							gs 'stat'
@@ -420,21 +430,21 @@ if hour > 5:
 								jump 'markbuyclomother'
-							'Mom bought you clothes.'
+							'You enter a changing booth and spend 30 minutes trying on various outfits: short ones, long ones, light ones, dark ones... Then finally her eyes light up, and she beams: "This one! This one is perfect!" She buys the outfit for you, and you go back home together. You thank your mother and give her a hug.'
-							act 'Leave':gt $locM, $metkaM
+							act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
-					'Your mother shook her head "My daughter, our budget is limited, this month we already bought you clothes. Now wait for the next month."'
+					'Your mother sadly shakes her head: I''m sorry <<$nickname>>, our budget is limited and we already went clothes shopping this month. You''ll have to manage with what you have in your closet for a little while, maybe we can go again next month."'
-				'Mom shook her head "no money."'
+				'Your mother shakes her head: "I''m sorry <<$name>>, money is tight. We just can''t afford it right now."'
-			'Mom shook her head, "You''re an adult, you should earn your own money."'
+			'Your mother shakes her head: "No <<$name>>, you''re old enough to earn your own money and buy your own clothes. Get a job if you want new clothes."'
 		act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
@@ -442,7 +452,7 @@ if hour > 5:
 if $loc = 'kuhrPar':
-	act 'Offer help':
+	act 'Offer to help around the house':
 		minut += 60
 		mother += rand(1, 5)
@@ -450,25 +460,27 @@ if $loc = 'kuhrPar':
 		TotalMomPom += 1
 		MomPom += 1
 		gs 'stat'
-		'You offered to help your mother with the housework.'
+		'You offer to help your mother out around the house.'
 		if MomPom = 1:
-			'Mom asked you to wash the dishes. You spend an hour washing the dishes in the kitchen.'
+			'Your mother asks you to do the dishes. You spend an hour washing the dishes in the kitchen.'
 		elseif MomPom = 2:
-			'Mom asked you to peel the potatoes. You spend an hour in the kitchen peeling potatoes.'
+			'Your mother asks you to peel potatoes for tonight''s meals. You spend an hour in the kitchen peeling potatoes.'
 		elseif MomPom = 3:
-			'Mom asked you to clean the floor. You spend an hour washing the floors in the apartment.'
+			'Your mother asks you to clean the floor. You spend an hour scubbing the floors of the apartment.'
 		elseif MomPom = 4:
-			'Mom asked you to do your laundry. You spend an hour washing clothes in the bathroom.'
+			'Your mother asks you to do a load of laundry. You spend an hour washing clothes in the bathroom.'
 		elseif MomPom = 5:
-			'Mom asked you to iron the clothes. You spend an hour in the hall ironing clothes.'
+			'Your mother asks you to iron some clothes. You spend an hour in the hallway ironing clothes.'
 		elseif MomPom = 6:
 			sdacharand = rand(10, 50)
 			money += sdacharand
 			gs 'stat'
-			'Mom asked you to run to the store for groceries. You walked for an hour for food, you spent <<sdacharand>>rubles.'
+			'Your mother asks you to run to the store, and buy some groceries. You head to the store and purchase the food, hauling the heavy bags home. The groceries cost you <<sdacharand>> rubles, and she gives you the money back when you return home.'
 		elseif MomPom = 7:
-			'Mom asked you to run to the pharmacy for medicines. Mom''s sister, Lyudmila, works there and she will give medicine for free, then she finds mom and aunt Luda. Mom wrote you a list and you went to the pharmacy, behind the counter as always sat aunt Luda. "Hi <<$nickname>>. How are you? How are you feeling?" You greeted your aunt and gave her a piece of paper with the list of what your mother needs. Aunt Luda quickly gathered the necessary drugs and gave them to you. You came back to the apartment and gave your mother the medication.'
+			'Your mother asks you to go to the pharmacy, to get some medicine. Your mother''s sister, Lyudmila, works there and always gives your family the medicine you need for free. Your mother gave you a list of the items you need, and when you enter the pharmacy you see your aunt Luda behind the counter as always. She smiles when she recognizes you. "Hi <<$nickname>>! How are you? I hope everything is okay?"'
+			'"Hello aunt!" You greet her back, and have a chat with her before you give her list your mother made. Aunt Luda quickly gathers the items your mother wrote down, gathers them in a paper bag and hands the bag over to you. "Here you go, <<$nickname>>! Have a nice day, tell your mother I said hi!"'
+			'You say you will and wave her goodbye. When you come home, you give your mother the bag. After a few minutes you realize you forgot to pass on aunt Luda''s regards to your mom, but decide to not bother now.'
 		elseif MomPom = 8:
 			MomPom = 1
@@ -481,30 +493,30 @@ if SchoolAtestat = 0:
 	if GspravkaT = 0 and GspravkaTimes >= 3 and hour >= 6 and hour <= 21:
 		mother -= 1
-		'Mother frowned "How long can you avoid getting tested? Let''s go to the gynecologist right now!" Mother took you by the hand and led you to the clinic.'
+		'Your mother frowns and gets her handbag: "<<$name>>, why haven''t you been to the gynaecologist like I asked you to? You don''t have anything to hide, do you? Come on, we''re going there right now." Your mother takes you by the hand and leads you to the clinic, ushering you into the gynaecologist''s office.'
-		act 'Go to the gynecologist for help':
+		act 'Get a referral from the gynaecologist':
 			minut += 15
-			'You lay on the examination table and spread your legs. The gynecologist examined your vagina.'
+			'You lie on the examination table and spread your legs. The gynaecologist examines your vagina.'
 			if vagina > 0:
 				Gspravka = 7
 				GspravkaT = 2
-				'The gynecologist wrote that you are not a virgin.'
+				'The gynaecologist notices you are not a virgin any more, and gives you a written referral to give to your mother.'
 				Gspravka = 7
 				GspravkaT = 1
-				'The gynecologist wrote that you are a virgin.'
+				'The gynaecologist verifies you are a virgin and gives you a written referral to give to your mother.'
-			act 'Leave':gt $locM, $metkaM
+			act 'Leave the office':gt $locM, $metkaM
 	elseif GspravkaT = 0 and GspravkaTimes < 3:
 		GspravkaTimes += 1
-		'"You need to go to the clinic. The gynecologist must give you a referal for school."'
+		'"<<$name>>, you need to go to the clinic. We need a written referral from the gynaecologist for school."'
 	elseif GspravkaT = 2 and motherKnowSpravka = 0:
@@ -515,19 +527,19 @@ if SchoolAtestat = 0:
 			if motherQW = 0:motherQW = 1
 			if momslut < 2:
-				'Your mother grabbed you by the ear "Oh you slut,  We worked hard with your father, to raise you as a worthwile person and find a good husband, and you''re a whore who has already put her pussy to work. Get out of my sight!"'
+				'Your mother is furious and grabs you by the ear, pulling you out of the clinic and onto the street. "Oh, you slut! Your father and I worked so hard to raise you as a decent person, hoping you would find a good husband some day... and now it turns out you''re a whore who has already put her pussy to work. Get out of my sight!" She storms off, leaving you to find your own way home. When you return home, you make sure you do it quietly so she can''t give you another earful.'
-				'Mother shook her head sadly "Well. Look no zalet."'
+				'Your mother shakes her head sadly when she reads the referral. "Well... I guess I shouldn''t be surprised."'
 		elseif motherKnowWhore > 0 and motherQW < 2:
 			mother -= 10
 			motherKnowSpravka = 1
 			if motherQW = 0:motherQW = 1
-			'Your mother looked at the results "It is not even surprising. Fuck with someone-in the alley, and even home all hahalskih "gifts" come. B my eyes have not seen you."'
+			'Your mother reads the referral and closes her eyes for a second, trying to suppress her anger. "To be honest, it''s not even a surprise to me. Don''t think that I haven''t seen you sneaking around the house at weird times, and all the guys loitering near our apartment."'
 		elseif motherQW >= 2:
 			motherKnowSpravka = 2
-			'"And why do you bring that to me? You can even make photocopies and hand them out at school. I doubt it will change your reputation" -  your mother said coldly.'
+			'"Why are you showing me this, <<$name>>, do you think this is funny? Are you trying to rub it in my face? Even if you made photocopies of it and handed them out at school, I doubt it would change your reputation at all... everyone already knows." your mother says coldly.'
 		act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
@@ -541,7 +553,7 @@ if motherQW = 1 and mother >= 20 and $loc = 'kuhrPar':
 	act 'Try to reconcile':
-		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Mama</font></b></center>'
+		'<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$surname>></font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
 		mqwtRand = rand(1, 10)
@@ -549,15 +561,15 @@ if motherQW = 1 and mother >= 20 and $loc = 'kuhrPar':
 		if mqwtRand <= 2:
 			mother -= rand(1, 5)
 			minut += 30
-			'You tried to talk with your mother and make up. Whether you are too aggressive, or she is in a bad mood, but your attempt for "reconciliation" becomes yet another scandal.'
+			'You try to have a talk with your mother, to hopefully patch up your horrible relationship. You''re not sure whether you said something wrong, or whether she''s just in a bad mood, but your attempt to reconcile backfired horribly; within moments the conversation turns into a screaming contest, and your mother ends up disliking you even more.'
-			act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
+			act 'Leave her be for now':gt $locM, $metkaM
 		elseif mqwtRand > 2 and mqwtRand <= 8:
 			mother += rand(0, 1)
 			minut += 30
-			'You tried to talk with your mother and make up. Despite that, the whole half-hour conversation consists mainly of a fairly aggressive monologue from your mother about morality, diseases and about what awaits you in the future, if you do not change your ways. Still, there is some improvement in your relationship.'
+			'You try to have a talk with your mother, to try and patch up your horrible relationship. Despite your best efforts, the whole half-hour conversation consists mainly of a fairly aggressive monologue from your mother about morality, diseases and what awaits you in the future, if you do not change your ways. Still, there is some improvement in your relationship.'
-			act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
+			act 'Leave her be for now':gt $locM, $metkaM
 		elseif mqwtRand > 8:
@@ -567,7 +579,7 @@ end
 if alko > 0 and alkomday ! daystart:
 	alkomday = daystart
 	mother -= 1
-	'Mom sniffed "<<$name>> you smell of alcohol, what is this mess? You''re still too young to drink that!"'
+	'Your mother can smell you have been drinking alcohol, and gives you a lecture: "<<$name>>, why do you smell of alcohol? You''re still too young to drink, you could get into all sorts of trouble!"'
 if (cumface > 0 or cumfrot > 0) and whoremday ! daystart:
@@ -578,47 +590,58 @@ if (cumface > 0 or cumfrot > 0) and whoremday ! daystart:
 		if motherKnowWhore = 0:motherKnowWhore = 1
 		if momslut < 2:
-			'Your mother looked at you, rolled her eyes and blushed. You had noticeable cum stains.'
-			'"Oh, you''re a juvenile whore, what is that to you? I tell everyone that my daughter is decent, but she fucks around. Slut! Go away, get out of my sight!"'
+			'When you approach her, your mother looks concerned at you and then sighs exasperatedly, rolling her eyes in disgust. When you look down to see what got her so angry, you realize you forgot about the cum stains on your face. They''re quite large, and very recognizable as such.'
+			'"I tell everyone my daughter is decent, and meanwhile it turns out she fucks around like a common whore and then proudly displays the stains for the whole town to see. Slut! Get out of my sight!" You can tell your mother is struggling to resist the urge to slap you.'
+			'You try to calm her down and tell her that''s not true, but she''s too upset right now and not interested in listening to you.'
-			'Mother shook her head sadly "When you do not even wipe the sperm off you, then the whole town will know you are a  whore."'
+			'When you approach her, your mother looks concerned at you and quickly pulls you to the side, giving you a wet washcloth. "Come on <<$name>>, if you don''t even wipe the sperm off your face, the whole town might find out you''re a whore. At least be a little discrete about your sexual activities, will you?"'
+			'Deeply embarrassed, you apologize to your mother and scrub yourself with the washcloth until the stains are no longer visible.'
+			cumspclnt = 6
+			gs 'cum_cleanup'
+			cumspclnt = 9
+			gs 'cum_cleanup'
+			cumspclnt = 13
+			gs 'cum_cleanup'
+			minut += 5
 		act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
 	elseif (motherKnowWhore > 0 or motherKnowSpravka > 0) and motherQW = 1:
-		monther -= 20
+		mother -= 20
 		if motherKnowWhore = 0:motherKnowWhore = 1
 		if momslut < 2:
-			'Your mother glared at you. There were obvious sperm stains on you.'
-			'- Again, you fucking little whore? I was already ashamed of you! Get out of here, get out of my sight!'
+			'Your mother glares at you. You realize she must have noticed the cum stains on your face, and feel terrible.'
+			'"Again, you fucking little whore? I was already so ashamed of you! Get out of my sight!"'
+			'Knowing there is nothing you can say to make it better right now, you simply mumble an apology and leave quickly.'
-			'Mother shook her head sadly "You do not even wipe the sperm off you. Must the whole town must know, you whore?"'
+			'Your mother shakes her head sadly and says: "Come on <<$name>>, we''ve talked about this. The whole town will know you''re a whore if you don''t even bother washing the sperm off you. Have some decency, I''m begging you."'
 		act 'Move away':gt $locM, $metkaM
 	elseif motherQW >= 2:
-		monther -= 10
+		mother -= 10
 		if motherKnowWhore = 0:motherKnowWhore = 1
-		'Mother looked sternly at you. There was sperm all over you.'
-		'- <<$nickname>>, I certainly understand it all, but could you at least clean up the artwork of your fancy man? Quickly to the bathroom, maybe you have not been seen yet!'
+		'Your mother notices the sperm you''re wearing on your face, and looks at you with a tinge of concern.'
+		'"<<$nickname>>, I can certainly understand that you want to keep your man happy. Believe me, I do, but you should at least clean up his mess after he finishes on your face, before you go out the door. Quickly, go wash up in the bathroom, hopefully no one has seen you like this!'
+		'Your face turns beet red, and you quietly nod and mumble an apology as you head for the bathroom.'
-		act 'Move away':gt 'vanrPar'
+		act 'Go to the bathroom':gt 'vanrPar'
-if glamur > 0 and hour > 9:'Mom looked at you, "Why are you so dressed up?"'
+if glamur > 0 and hour > 9:'Your mother looks a bit puzzled at your fancy clothes: "Well well, look at you... why are you so dressed up? Big plans today?"'
 if week = 5 and dostupindorf = 1:
-	if hour > 9:'Mom continued to go about her business and told you "<<$nickname>>, tomorrow we will go to the village, at 12 o''clock. If you want to come with us, then come to me before 12."'
+	if hour > 9:'While your mother is working on some meals in the kitchen, she remembers something and looks at you: "Oh <<$nickname>>, while you''re here... we''re going to visit your grandparents in Gadyukino tomorrow. We leave at noon (12:00) tomorrow, so if you want to come along you should meet me in the kitchen before then."'
 elseif week = 6 and dostupindorf = 1:
 	if hour > 9 and hour < 12:
-		'Mom asks you "<<$nickname>>, well? Will you come with us to the village?"'
+		'Your mother is finishing up on some meals before leaving for Gadyukino and puts down her work for a second. "<<$nickname>>, well? Do you want to come with us to Gadyukino or would you rather stay home with Anya?"'
-		act 'Go to the country':hour = 12 & minut = 0 & indorf = 1 & gt 'famdorfride'
+		act 'Go to Gadyukino':hour = 12 & minut = 0 & indorf = 1 & gt 'famdorfride'

+ 241 - 252

@@ -7,78 +7,76 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'motherQW_2':
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Mom</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
-	'You tried to talk to his mother and make peace. All the half-hour conversation mainly a fairly aggressive monologue your mother about morality, diseases and future. In which-one point all this you are very tired tyagomotina.'
+	'You try to have a talk with your mother, to try and patch up your horrible relationship. Despite your best efforts, the whole half-hour conversation consists mainly of a fairly aggressive monologue from your mother about morality, diseases and what awaits you in the future, if you do not change your ways. Still, there is some improvement in your relationship.'
-	act 'Wedge':
+	act 'Tell her she''s in no position to lecture you':
 		'<center><b><font color = maroon>Mom</font></b></center>'
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
-		'- All, What are you saying, Moms, of course, true and correct, but is not that you are the?'
-		'She was taken aback by your sentence, but quickly recovered.'
-		'- What do you mean? I`m not the one...'
-		'- This, such. Same slut! I`ll be even more abruptly!'
-		'- <<$name>>! What are you currently poses...'
+		'You defiantly look her in the eyes when she''s done with her rant, and calmly say: "You know, mom... what you''re saying is all true. No one can argue with that. But... don''t you think you are in no position to be lecturing me about this?'
+		'Your mother doesn''t understand what you''re trying to say, and still tries to talk you down from the superior moral position she thinks he has over you: "What do you mean? We''re talking about you, young lady, and how you are ruining your fut-"'
+		'Getting tired of her hypocritical attitude, you bluntly cut her off: "What I''m saying, mom, is that you did even worse things than I did!"'
+		'Your mother is deeply insulted by your accusation, and tries to protest: "<<$name>>! What has gotten into you, you can''t talk to your mother like that!"'
-		act 'Continue to press':
+		act 'Pressure her further':
 			'<center><b><font color = maroon>Mom</font></b></center>'
 			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
-			'- What did I allow myself? - you will quickly seized the initiative, not letting her finish. - Well, we`re adults, and`re very adult conversation about a topic than adults. And forgive me, but I will say it all in plain text.'
-			'- <<$name>>! Not interrupted...'
-			'- Oh no, mom, Now you do not interrupt. I have half an hour listening to sermons! And from whom?!'
-			'- <<$name>>!..'
-			if age = 15:'- What <<$name>>, that <<$name>>?! Mom, you now <<motherAge>>, Anya <<sisterAge>>. Addition and subtraction are taught in the first grade. Yes, you were just as much as me, when you flew!'
-			if age > 15:'- What <<$name>>, that <<$name>>?! Mom, you now <<motherAge>>, Anya <<sisterAge>>. Addition and subtraction are taught in the first grade. Yes, you were even less, what I, when you flew!'
-			'Unnerving silence. You, red as a lobster, We are trying to catch my breath, and your mother was sitting with a face, at the same time expressing all human emotions at the same time. Most likely she was trying to understand, What the hell`s going on here and why she listens to sermons from his daughter. You even thought, that when-Long ago, she just sat there and argued with your grandmother.'
-			'- But it was your father, - she said softly.'
-			'- So what?'
-			'- And then, I did it out of love and not to expose Mandu first comer of the gate!'
-			'- Who told you, that I do not love, and all in a row?! And besides,, You flew first time?'
-			'- No, but what does this have to talk?'
-			act 'Further':
+			'Before she can get another word in, you continue: "Oh, but I can. We''re both adults, let''s talk this out like adults. Since you don''t seem to understand, I will keep it simple."'
+			'Your mother has never heard you talk back to her like this before, and tries again to silence you: "<<$name>>! Do not interru-'
+			'"No, Mom, now it''s <b>you</b> who needs to stop interrupting <b>me</b>. I just listened to a 30 minute tirade on how a girl should behave... from you!?"'
+			'"<<$name>>!"'
+			if age = 15:'"What, <<$name>>!? Mom, you are now <<motherAge>> years old... Anya is <<sisterAge>> years old. I''ve learned how to add and substract in first grade... you were no older than me when you got pregnant with Anya!"'
+			if age > 15:'"What, <<$name>>!? Mom, you are now <<motherAge>> years old... Anya is <<sisterAge>> years old. I''ve learned how to add and substract in first grade... you were even younger than me when you got pregnant with Anya!"'
+			'Suddenly, there is an unnerving silence. You, as red as a lobster from all the shouting, are trying to catch your breath. Your mother sits down on a stool at the table, all sorts of emotions washing over her. She understands the point you''re making perfectly clear now, and is desperately trying to find a way to talk herself out of it. You can see her posture slowly deflate, when she realizes she can''t.'
+			'"But... it was your father", she whispers softly as you sit down on a stool at the opposite end of the table.'
+			'You simply reply: "So what?"'
+			'Your mother looks up at you, unsure how to continue: "What I mean is, I did it out of love for him! Not with just some random guy who came to our door!"'
+			'You''re definitely not letting her get off the hook this easily, and keep pressuring her: "Who says I don''t love the man I was with? And besides... do you seriously expect me to believe you got pregnant on your very first time?"'
+			'"I didn''t... but what does that have to do with this?"'
+			act 'Continue':
 				'<center><b><font color = maroon>Mom</font></b></center>'
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
-				'- And this, mom: I do not believe in life, fuck that you did not like, and you`re doing it solely out of love for his father.'
-				'- <<$name>>! Do not swear!'
-				'- Okay, okay, having sex. With the rest of you, apparently, I agree.'
-				'- Nuu... - She thought for a moment, lost in memories of his youth, - yes, it was nice, of course, especially when ET...'
-				'- No comments, - with malice you noticed.'
-				'An awkward silence. Now the mother, red as a lobster, I tried to come to his senses. Five minutes later, she is still happen, and you noticed, that she-it considers, Looking now on you, on the wall.'
-				'- Well, my daughter is my.'
-				'- All in mother, - You say you`re smiling.'
-				'- All in mother... - with a nervous laugh she repeated again and stopped for a few minutes.'
-				'- Well, Moms, on-my, we understand each other, and the cry of the situation, Oromo and the scandal is still not correct.'
-				'- Do not fix, yes... - she said slowly, continuing what-something to think about. - I will not say, I approve your behavior, but... - one can see, that the words gave her a hard time, - but understand you.'
-				'You stood, He hugged his mother and went to the door.'
-				act 'Escape':
+				'You smirk and explain it to her clearly: "Everything, mom. I don''t believe for a second that you did not enjoy getting fucked, but only did it out love for my father."'
+				'"<<$name>>! Do not swear!"'
+				'"Okay okay, ''that you did not enjoy having sex''. If that''s the only thing you have issues with, I suppose you agree with everything else I just said then?"'
+				'It takes a while for your mother to respond. She is lost in the memories of her youth, blankly staring at a wall. "It was nice... especially when we went camping that one summer..." she mumbles, her face turning a deep shade of red.'
+				'"No comment", you snort.'
+				'Another awkward silence. Your mother, deeply embarrassed by what you said, is unsure how to continue the conversation now without making it even worse for herself and just keeps staring at the wall. A full minute later, still no word has been said.'
+				'She finally breaks the silence: "Well, you are my daughter.'
+				'You give her a smile: "And you are my mother... I suppose it''s true what they say: like mother, like daughter?"'
+				'Your mother laughs nervously and repeats what you just said: "Like mother, like daughter... I suppose so."'
+				'Yet another uncomfortable silence. You decide to seize the momentum, and drive your point home once and for all: "Well Mom, I think you know what I mean now. It''s really unfair of you to cause a riot every time I come home, while you did the exact same thing years ago. I don''t deserve this."'
+				'Your mother is still not willing to concede, but realizes she has no choice. That doesn''t make the words any less difficult for her to say: "Well... I can''t say I will approve of your behavior. But... I understand."'
+				'You nod approvingly and give your mother a weak smile, getting ready to leave the room after giving her a hug.'
+				act 'Leave the room':
 					'<center><b><font color = maroon>Mom</font></b></center>'
 					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
-					'- Billeting, <<$name>>.'
-					'- Mmm? - you turned at the door. Mother gesture told you to sit back on the kitchen chair.'
-					'- Anka least partly Mishka went, but you just all me, so that the adventure on your ass and find...'
-					'- Maaaam, We just discussed it.'
-					'- Now you do not interrupt me, I did about another today. I do not want, you know?, you to some-a sore or the baby is not clear from whom currently work up.'
-					if prezik > 0 or tabletki > 0:'- Do not worry, I have everything. I go into town and bought. End - I will go again.'
-					if prezik = 0 and tabletki = 0:'- Nuuu... I will go to the city, where there is a pharmacy.'
-					'- The city means. Do you know, Better to buy everything in our pharmacy. And you easier, and I will be quiet for you.'
-					'- And how, tell me, please, madam, I will do it? I`ll tell Aunt Luda, I Gandon for the balls to?'
-					'- Fie on you! If you dig Lyudka, say, pier, I for garden, she will understand. Just do not buy a lot at once.'
-					'- Huh, Horticultural, clear. And what does it mean...'
-					'- Do not, docha! - quickly she interrupted.'
-					'- Okay, okay.'
-					'You stood, They ran up and kissed his mother.'
-					'- Do you know, Moms, and you all-I did the best.'
-					'- Appreciate it, fool, - she replied with a smile.'
-					act 'Escape':gt'korrPar'
+					'Just as you were about to leave the kitchen, your mom calls out for you: "<<$name>>, wait!"'
+					'You turn around and look at her: "Mmmm yes?" Your mother motions for you to come back to the kitchen chair and sit back down.'
+					'"When I had Anya, me and Mikhail made a mistake... but we had each other. When we had you, we were together and knew what we were getting into. You don''t even know if you''ll ever see the guy you had intercourse with again."'
+					'"Mooooom, come on! We just talked about this!"'
+					'Your mother looks serious when she raises her hand, motioning you to not interrupt. Since her attitude towards is you is not as demeaning any more, you decide to listen: "Hear me out <<$name>>, please. I just don''t want you to get pregnant, you know? When you have a baby, it should be with the man you are going to stay with, and when you can support it."'
+					if prezik > 0 or tabletki > 0:'"Don''t worry mom, I have taken precautions. I went to the city and bought things. When they run out, I will go get more, I promise."'
+					if prezik = 0 and tabletki = 0:'"You''re right mom, I will go to the pharmacy in the city and get the pill there, and maybe buy some condoms too."'
+					'"The city is a bad place, don''t do that. You know what, I think it''s better you buy everything at the pharmacy here in Pavlovsky. It''ll be easier for you, and no one has to know."'
+					'You laugh at the notion of this. "And how exactly would I do that? I can''t just ask aunt Luda for them, people might hear! Besides, who knows, she might tell people!"'
+					'Your mother shakes her head and reassures you: "She won''t, trust me. When you go to the pharmacy, tell her you need some things to tend the ''garden''. She will know what it means. Just don''t buy a lot at once."'
+					'"The garden, huh? Okay. Maybe she''ll have something for my bush too..."'
+					'"Come on <<$nickname>>, that''s not funny!" your mom says, but can''t help but laugh despite herself.'
+					'You give her a goofy grin. "Okay okay, I''m sorry. I will go talk with aunt Luda."'
+					'You stand up and give your mother a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks mom, you''re the best."'
+					'"I hope you appreciate it, you doofus!" she replied with a smile.'
+					act 'Return to the hallway':gt'korrPar'
@@ -90,24 +88,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'motherQW_3':
 	motherQW = 3
-	'You wait, while the pharmacy will last buyer, and came to Aunt.'
-	'- Aunts, I have it... mother to the garden...'
-	'- Well, of course mom...'
+	'You linger around in the pharmacy, waiting for the last customer to leave. When you hear the door close behind them, you quickly move over to your aunt. "Hi aunt Luda, I need some things for the... ''garden''?" You put extra emphasis on the word.'
+	'Your aunt Luda chuckes: "Figures... with a mom like yours!"'
-	act 'Further':
+	act 'You don''t know what that means':
-		'- In Terms Of?'
-		'- And you yourself do not understand. <<$name>>, I look like a fool?'
-		'- No...'
-		if gorslut = 0:'- Then do not have to make a fool out of me. Natasha mare, of course, hardy, but it is not 16 years, new "garden" it is unlikely to be mastered.'
-		if gorslut > 0:'- Then do not have to make a fool out of me. All in Pavlovsky informed, you <<$gnikname>>.'
-		'- Well...'
-		'- Bagels wildebeest. "Condom for balls" and that would ring true.'
-		'You stood there and did not know, the answer. You were ashamed to own aunt, although most of the hype, than your immoral behavior.'
-		'- Okay, FIG with you. In the end, I`m not a mother, notation here to read. And with it you, It seems, mutual understanding, - He chuckled Aunt. - In whom you both are sluts? Like the whole family we have always had a decent.'
-		act 'Move away from the counter':gt'gaptek','start'
+		'"What do you mean, aunt?"'
+		'"Surely you understand, <<$name>>. You''re no fool, are you?"'
+		'"I''m sorry, no..."'
+		if gorslut = 0:'"Your mother Natasha is the biggest slut this town has ever had. It only makes sense that you''re already going to the pharmacy to get protection, for when you finally do it for the first time. Surely it''s only a matter of time until you follow in your mother''s footsteps."'
+		'You''re not quite sure what to say, and blush deeply. At least your aunt doesn''t know about your recent adventures yet, you think to yourself. Your aunt motions for you to come over to a smaller counter on the side of the main one, giving you a wink as she does: "Don''t worry <<$nickname>>, I''m not here to judge. Look, we keep the ''gardening'' supplies over here."'
+		if gorslut > 0:'"Your reputation precedes you, <<$nickname>>. Everyone in Pavlovsky knows you''re a <<$gnikname>>. Just like your mother was."'
+		'You''re not really sure what to say now and your words become a blubbering mess: "Well... but I... mom said... garden..." You''re deeply embarrassed that your aunt, and apparently everyone else in town, knows about your immoral behaviour.'
+		'She chuckles at you stumbling over your words, and gives you a reassuring smile: "Don''t worry <<$nickname>>, I''m just teasing you. I''m not here to judge. I guess it runs in the family; maybe we all carry a slut gene or something. Come on, I''ll show you what we have."'
+		act 'Look at what they have':gt'gaptek','start'
@@ -118,115 +114,112 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'motherQW_4':
 	'<center><b><font color=maroon>Mom</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/mother.jpg"></center>'
-	'You come home, and the mother immediately dragged you into the kitchen.'
-	'- Come on, tell, how you got there.'
-	'You told the mother, at first guessed Aunt, what you buy condoms themselves, both begged to help her with Olu, you agree, as the defeated pharmacy.'
-	'- Clear, all in the style of Luda. If you can not push, the right to the floor and tears, well, or money offers.'
-	'- And you yourself-how?'
-	'- But how how. They found that Olu more than a year. She almost from the beginning asked me to help. I agree, Duplicate keys, and occasionally I go to it. Although in recent years not so often. See, he did so wear out, she really forgotten about me and offered you.'
-	'- She heads a little like forgetfulness did not cost.'
-	'- Or an entire pharmacy.'
-	'You both laughed.'
-	'- As I said,, I`m not against, you`re fuckin `with this Olu. It`s your business, but in-the first, be careful, all-he did not really very small.'
-	'- Yeah. I do not understand, he climbed into you. I have it only in the ass.'
-	'- In the ass? - surprised mother. - Huh... it will be necessary to try both-thread. Ugh, so what am I?'
-	'- About pope.'
-	'- Get away with you. But, I remembered. In-Second, Your Aunt - sli bitch. Doubt, it is now that you-thread yet offer, I was afraid, yet-yet. And that will eventually suck some-some bloke for discounts on items for its pharmacy.'
-	'- Did she tell you is offered?'
-	'- Yes, It was the case. I refused. And in-Third, <<$name>>, I understand, you`re a young girl, and the money you need, but not me sex for money. It is better to be a slut or whore, than a prostitute.'
-	'- Hmmm... But there is a difference?'
-	'- There are. While you may not know this, but there.'
-	'- Well, remember. And with the money to do that Aunt?'
-	'- With the money Aunt, speak... On-good it is necessary to reject, of course... On the other hand she offered... And then that bitch gets all at once... Well, can not be punished differently, so at least she was hit on the wallet...'
-	'You have talked a minute 15 Aunt of treachery, Code honest whores and whores and dispersed.'
-	act 'Escape':gt'kuhrPar'
+	'When you come home with your mother, she immediately drags you into the kitchen and closes the door behind you. The two of you sit down at the kitchen table, and talk.'
+	'"Come on, tell me... how did you end up there?" she asks you impatiently.'
+	'You nod, and begin to explain: "Aunt Luda noticed I was buying protection a lot, and figured that I must be at least somewhat experienced sexually. She explained about Olu living in her room, and begged me to help her out. She was almost crying, mom!"'
+	'"Typical Luda. If she has no leverage over you, she begs and cries, or offers money to get what she wants."'
+	'"Wait, how can you know this?" you ask her.'
+	'Your mother smirks: "Oh believe me, I know my sister. Olu has been living with her for more than a year. The man has an incredible sex drive, and she couldn''t keep up with him. She begged me to help her satisfy him almost from the beginning. So I agreed, she gave me a spare key to her apartment, and sometimes I would go up there. Lately I mostly forgot about going up there, so he must''ve been taking it all out on her. Maybe she was too afraid to ask me to go back, so she asked you instead. She must be worn down a lot from taking so much dick from him though, it''s kind of a desperate move to ask you."'
+	'"Maybe she can find something in the pharmacy to help her out", you suggest.'
+	'Your mom smiled at your suggestion, shaking her head: "I don''t think the contents of the entire pharmacy would be enough to get her holes back in shape, after pleasing Olu for so long!"'
+	'You both laugh.'
+	'She continues: "As I said, I''m not against you seeing Olu. It''s your own business, but be careful if he wants to use your pussy. His dick is very big, it might hurt a lot... you''ve seen aunt Luda walk."'
+	'"Yeah, I don''t know how you could do it", you reply. "I''ve only had him in my ass so far."'
+	'"Olu, in your ass? Wow..." your mother replies surprisedly. "Anyway, I should warn you. Your aunt Luda is a shrewd woman, she will probably offer you money. Don''t take it. Once you take money for sex you''re just a common prostitute, and before you know it you''re sucking off some guy behind a market stall just for a discount on his goods."'
+	'"Did she offer you money when she asked you?"'
+	'Your mother nods, and says resolutely: "She did, but I turned it down. Listen <<$nickname>>, I understand that you''re a young girl, and that money can be tight sometimes, but don''t accept money for sex. It''s better to be a slut or whore, than it is to be a prostitute."'
+	'"Uhhh... is there a difference?"'
+	'Your mother seems very adamant about this: "Oh yes, there''s a huge difference. You might not realize it yet, but you will."'
+	'"Okay, I''ll keep it in mind. What should I do with the money aunt Luda gave me?"'
+	'"Well, on the one hand, you should reject it. On the other hand, if you let her keep the money <b>and</b> help her out with Olu, she gets the best of both worlds. You know what, just keep it this time, at least she''ll get some punishment in her wallet for trying to avoid Olu. Just don''t make it a habit, and definitely don''t go there just because aunt Luda offers you money!"'
+	'You spend some more time talking to your mom about the differences between sluts and prostitutes, but still don''t really understand what your mother means. Noticing you have been talking for an hour, your mother stands up from her chair and says she has things to do now.'
+	act 'Move away from her':gt'kuhrPar'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'olu':
 	if tetyafirst = 0:
-		'Aunt as always stood behind the counter and consulted some-the grandmother. Periodically, she kept looking at you, and that-in her view you as strange. Releasing the last customer, Aunt came to the front door, He closed it with a key and hang a sign "Records". It was noticeable, she is nervous.'
-		'- <<$name[3]>>, I wanted to talk to you about something... - Finally she began.'
-		'- What is?'
-		'- You see, I have in my life right now, this situation... there is one problem, although there is no problem of course, although... I do not know who to turn to... even as a-it is strange to say this to you...'
-		'- Aunt, - You interrupted. - Maybe enough to pull the cat`s me... the tail?'
-		'- You`re probably wrong I understand...'
-		'- Teeeeeeetyayayayayaya.'
-		'- Okay, I say as it is. I recently came a man and ...'
-		'- Are wedding? Or you`re pregnant? - joyfully exclaimed you.'
-		'- No, unavailable. Let me finish. So, there was a man, name Oluuosegun.'
-		'- Oluuo... who? Language will break.'
-		'- Oluuosegun, I call him a Ola. He is from-some of Africa.'
-		'- On exotic drawn? - You laughed. Aunt missed your comment on deaf ears.'
-		'- So, he is a good man, hardware and so on, Only very much... how to say... insatiable.'
-		'- Iiiiii... you want me to... I helped you with it... ie tra... - in your voice I felt surprise.'
-		'- Well, she can not, can someone of your friends would agree, - frightened she interrupted. - and certainly not for nothing.'
-		'- Aunts, you`re all in your mind???!!! Nay, that I ask, so still and friends are invited to find???!!! It seems like even for the article is, "inducement to prostitution"!!!'
-		'- Well, <<$name[3]>>, Sorry, - almost crying she said. - I do not want to lose this guy. I really thought he even hire prostitutes, but a whole bunch of them out there with them can be. Help, beg.'
-		act 'Agree':
+		'Your aunt Luda stands behind the counter of the pharmacy as always, She is currently helping some old lady. While you browse the pharmacy you notice your aunt keeps looking at you... something is strange about all this. When the last customer besides you leaves, your aunt quickly walks to the front door, locks it and flips the sign on the door to "Closed". You can tell she is very nervous.'
+		'She finally musters up the courage to say something: "Listen <<$name>>, I need to talk to you about something..."'
+		'"What is it, aunt Luda?"'
+		'She fidgets with her clothes as she talks, clearly very uncomfortable. "You see, I have this situation right now... well... I have this problem... no wait, not a problem. Wait, no... yes there is a problem... I don''t know who to turn to, I feel bad asking you but..."'
+		'You have no clue what she''s trying to say. You interrupt her blubbering and try to get her to focus: "Come on aunt Luda, out with it!"'
+		'Aunt Luda takes a deep breath. "Okay, I''ll explain. I recently met a man and ...'
+		'You gasp and joyfully exclaim: "You''re getting married!? Or you''re pregnant!?"'
+		'"No no, nothing like that. Let me finish. So there is this man, his name is Oluuosegun."'
+		'"Oluuo... wha? That''s quite the tongue twister."'
+		'"Oluuosegun, I call him Olu. He''s from Africa."'
+		'You try to crack a joke to lighten the mood: "Oooo sounds exotic! Are you going on a safari?"'
+		'Your joke falls on deaf ears, your aunt pretends she didn''t hear it. "Anyway, he is a good man, only the problem is... he has some very large... equipment... and he is unsatiable! I can''t satisfy him alone! Mayb-"'
+		'Your mouth falls open when you realize what your aunt is suggesting: "Wha... you want me to... you need my he-"'
+		'She interrupts you and falls to her knees, grasping your waist: "Wait! Well, it doesn''t have to be you! Maybe... maybe you have a friend who could help? It would certainly not be for nothing, I can pay!"'
+		'"Aunt Luda! Are you out of your mind!? How would I ever keep any friends, if I would ask them to go fuck my aunt''s unsatiable boyfriend!? That''s even illegal, it''s soliciting to prostitution!"'
+		'"I''m sorry, <<$name>>. Please I''m begging you, I don''t want to lose this man. I''ve even tried to hire prostitutes to keep him satisfied, but I just can''t find any. Please, I really need your help... please..." You can see the tears forming in her eyes as she sits on her knees in front of you, groveling. Obviously this Olu guy means a lot to her.'
+		act 'Agree to help with Olu':
 			tetyafirst = 2
 			oluuosegunday = day
-			'- Okay, aunt, FIG with you, help, Tea is not an alien. But it is going to be!'
-			'- Of course, of course, <<$name[3]>>, - she said happily. - Come home to me, are the keys.'
+			'You can''t stand seeing your aunt this upset, and talk in a reassuring voice to her as you help her up to her feet: "Okay aunt Luda, please stop crying. I''ll go meet him in your apartment, and I''ll decide then. Is that okay?"'
+			'"Of course <<$nickname>>, of course! Thank you so much!" she says happily. "Here are the keys, you can let yourself in."'
-			act 'Go to Aunt home':gt'motherQW','oluHome'
+			act 'Go to aunt Luda''s home':gt'motherQW','oluHome'
-		act 'Takeout':
+		act 'Decline':
 			tetyafirst = 1
 			oluuosegunday = day
-			'- You really moved, aunt! Niece of litter-the black man want to do!'
-			'- Sorry, - she said sadly. - You`re right, it was not necessary to contact you.'
-			'- "Easy, Masha, I Dubrovsky", - You remember the school hohmu. - I did not say no, but did not say yes. Generally, I think.'
+			'This is not what you thought you would be doing today: "No way, aunt Luda! You cannot seriously be asking me to go be some black guy''s sex toy right now!"'
+			'Aunt Luda has a destitute look on her face. You can see her brains working in full gear, trying to figure out how she''s going to solve this problem now. "I''m sorry <<$name>>, you''re right. I cannot ask this of you."'
+			'You feel bad for not being able to help your aunt, despite the fact that what she''s asking is totally outrageous. You try to make her feel a bit better: "Just relax... okay? I''m not saying yes, but I''m not saying no either. I might help you yet, I just need a while to think about it."'
+			'That returns a glimmer of hope to her face, and she begins to thank you again. "Oh thank you <<$nickname>>, that''s all I can ask. Please come see me when you''ve made your decision."'
-			act 'Escape':gt'gorodok'
+			act 'Leave the pharmacy':gt'gorodok'
 	elseif tetyafirst = 1:
-		'You wait for your turn and went to the counter. Aunt leaned to the window.'
-		'- <<$name>>, Do you remember our conversation? Nuuu... about Ola? - she said in a whisper.'
-		'- Yes, aunts, I remember.'
-		'- So she decided?'
+		'You wait for your turn in line at the pharmacy. Making sure no one is near you, she leans over the counter and whisper in a soft voice:'
+		'"<<$name>>, do you remember our conversation? You know... about Olu?"'
+		'You lean in closer as well and whisper in return: "Yes aunt, I do... what about it?"'
+		'"I don''t want to put you on the spot, but... have you decided yet?" she asks, with that same glimmer of hope in her eyes that you left her with the last time.'
-		act 'Agree':
+		act 'Agree to help with Olu':
 			tetyafirst = 2
 			oluuosegunday = day
-			'- Okay, aunt, FIG with you, help, Tea is not an alien. But it is going to be!'
-			'- Of course, of course, <<$name[3]>>, - she said happily. - Come home to me, are the keys.'
+			'You nod, and your aunt can''t help but smile from ear to ear, clearly relieved. "I''ll try to help you aunt, you can keep your money. I''ll go meet him in your apartment, and I''ll decide then. Is that okay?"'
+			'"Of course <<$nickname>>, of course! Thank you so much!" she says happily. "Here are the keys, you can let yourself in."'
-			act 'Go to Aunt home':gt'motherQW','oluHome'
+			act 'Go to aunt Luda''s home':gt'motherQW','oluHome'
-		act 'Takeout':
+		act 'Decline':
 			oluuosegunday = day
-			'- While nothing is decided. I think.'
-			'- OK then, - she said sadly.'
+			'"I''m sorry aunt Luda, I haven''t decided yet. I need some more time."'
+			'"Oh, okay then..." she says sadly.'
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt'gaptek','start'
 	elseif tetyafirst = 2:
-		'You wait for your turn and went to the counter. Aunt leaned to the window.'
-		'- <<$name[3]>>, then how would it, again need your help... with Olu.'
+		'You wait for your turn and go to the counter. Aunt Luda leans closer to you and motions for you to lean your head in closer. When you do, she whispers: "<<$name>>, I hate to ask, but I need your help again. You know, with Olu..." You can tell from the weary look on her face that she hasn''t had much rest recently.'
-		act 'Agree':
+		act 'Agree to help with Olu again':
 			oluuosegunday = day
-			'- Oh, aunt, You have exactly the grave svedesh.'
+			'After giving it some consideration, you nod: "Alright aunt Luda, I''ll go see him again. You look like you need a break."'
+			Aunt Luda thanks you profusely: "Thank you <<$nickname>>, thank you! You still have the key, right? You can just let yourself in when you''re ready."
-			act 'Go to Aunt home':gt'motherQW','oluHome'
+			act 'Go to aunt Luda''s home':gt'motherQW','oluHome'
-		act 'Takeout':
+		act 'Decline':
 			oluuosegunday = day
-			'- Her, aunts, I can not today.'
-			'- OK then. We`ll have to take the rap today itself, - Having said that, she grimaced.'
+			'You shake your head and apologize: "I''m sorry aunt, I can''t today."'
+			'"Darn, you were my last hope. I guess I will have do it myself again then." She grimaces at the thought.'
 			act 'Move away from the counter':gt'gaptek','start'
@@ -240,24 +233,23 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'oluHome':
 	'<center><b><font color=maroon>Apartment Aunt</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/motherQW/olu.jpg"></center>'
-	'You unlocked the door to the apartment and aunt went inside.'
+	'You unlock the door to your aunt''s apartment with the key she gave you, and enter.'
 	if olufirst = 0:
 		olufirst = 1
 		minut += RAND(5,10)
-		'Taking off shoes, you began to inspect the room for Olu. Quick search returned no results, and you`re already thinking to leave, suddenly felt, what who-or something-what is behind you. Turning, you saw a huge black man, You carefully study. "Good Aunt security system, however... Alarms and angry dog ​​rolled into one. And where he just hid?", flashed through your mind.'
-		'- Who are you? - I asked the black man in broken Russian.'
-		'- Yes, I like it... <<$name>>...'
-		'- <<$name>>? - This name was clearly nothing to say. "Well, Aunt gives, I could at least warn him".'
-		'- Yes, <<$name>>, niece, aunt Luda, it is her apartment.'
-		'Negro`s face was clear, he tries to understand the meaning of your words. Apparently, Russian he really knew bad. Finally it came to the interpretation of the things.'
-		'- Ah, Your lubimaya aunt. Good, good. And that the minute you need?'
-		'- Yes I, how to say... I came to help her... with you... help her with you, - You remember school English lessons.'
-		'- Help with me? - surprised Negro.'
-		'Realizing, Interracial that communicate in a mixture of Russian and English is unlikely that-it will, You nodded at his pants and Ola looked at him. At this time, a long time to ponder the meaning of these actions do not have Negro, and, showing you the famous smile golivudskih, He pulled out his h... He pulled out his x... He took his m...'
-		act 'Wake':
+		'You close the door behind you and take off your shoes, and leave them next to the door in the shoe rack. You search the apartment trying to find Olu, but you don''t see him anywhere. Just as you were getting ready to return to aunt Luda and tell her you couldn''t find him, you hear someone behind you. You turn around and are a bit taken aback by the huge black man standing there, studying you. That must be Olu. "Wow, I feel bad for anyone who would try to burgle this place..." you quietly think, intimidated by his huge muscular body. He seems friendly enough though, and he has a perpetual smile on his face they never seems to leave. Where was he hiding? You were sure you looked everywhere...'
+		'"Who are you?" the man asks you in broken Russian, with a very heavy accent you can''t quite place.'
+		'"Hello, my name is <<$name>>."'
+		'The man looks at you, unsure of what you''re trying to say. "<<$name>>? I don''t know what is <<$name>>." This is going to be difficult.'
+		'You realize you have to keep it as simple as possible, if you want Olu to understand you at all. You give it another try, pointing at things and emphasizing every word as you talk slowly: "Yes, I am <<$name>>. I am aunt Luda''s niece. Aunt Luda? This is her home? Do you understand?'
+		'The black man''s face gave away that you were not getting much closer, but you can tell he really is trying. You wonder how your aunt talks to him. Then his face brightens, as he puts the puzzle pieces together in his mind. "Oh Luda your aunt! You... niece? Good, good. Why are you here?"'
+		'You figure he might speak English, and desperately try to remember the lessons you''ve learned in school: "Erm, how do I say this... I came to help her... with you... help her with you." You give him a friendly nod as you say it, emphasizing every word.'
+		'"Help with me?" he asks, not really sure what you mean. Apparently his English is not very good either. Neither is yours, for that matter.'
+		'Realizing you''re getting nowhere with your awkward mixture of Russian and English, you try a different approach and simply nod down at his pants. Olu looks down at his pants and then back at you, with a questioning look. You have to repeat it several times, but he finally understands why you are here and flashes you a huge teethy grin as he reaches for his pants. He unbuttons them and drops them down, revealing his... oh my God! There is no way... that ca... you feel yourself getting dizzy, and suddenly everything goes black.'
+		act 'Wake up':
 			minut += 30
@@ -275,30 +267,30 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'oluHome':
 			'<center><b><font color=maroon>Apartment Aunt</font></b></center>'
 			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/motherQW/olu1.jpg"></center>'
-			'You woke up from a sharp pain. The pope was burning with fire, you cried, cried, They tried to escape, but Olu gripped you and continued to fuck his monster. Your cries it even more plants.'
-			'After a few minutes, you have ceased to feel her ass, forces in the attempt to escape you have left, and all you can, so it occasionally sobbing. Soon Ola broke down and discharged you right in the ass.'
-			'Catching his breath, Ebony gently lifted you, He helped to dress and accompanied her to the door. Though power is almost gone, anger was rife. Everything you wanted at the moment, so it is strangling aunt.'
+			'You don''t know how long you have been out for, but suddenly a sharp pain wakes you up. As you groggily try to figure out what happened, one thing immediately demands all your attention: your ass feels like it''s on fire... it hurts so bad! You now realize that you are naked on your aunt''s bed, and that Olu is fucking your ass. He''s fucking it with the huge monster cock that was so big, it made you pass out when you first saw it! You gasp in panic and twist and turn your hips, try to moving away from the source of your pain, but Olu firmly holds you down and continues to fuck you with his huge cock. He thrusts it in deeper and deeper, making it hurt even more. Tears stream down your face as you cry and scream, but he is not phased by any of it.'
+			'After a few minutes of trying to escape from him, your body is too tired to fight it any more. You never had a chance anyway, Olu is way stronger than you. The worst of the pain has also subsided, but it still hurts a lot. You just lie there, quietly sobbing, hoping this will all be over soon. Surely, moments later Olu groans and shoots his load right inside your ass, provoking a soft whimper from you.'
+			'After he catches his breath, Olu gently helps you up from the bed and even helps you get dressed. He doesn''t seem to realize there was anything wrong, and just keeps smiling at you like he has been ever since you first met him. After he walks you to the door and lets you out of the apartment, you take a second to lean against the wall in the stairwell. Your body feels exhausted from your attempts to struggle away from Olu, your asshole is on fire and still won''t close normally and you have almost no energy left to do anything. Even though you feel very tired, there is one other emotion that trumps the exhaustion: your anger. If there is one thing you want to do right now, it is to strangle your aunt for getting you into this mess.'
-			act 'Back to Aunt':gt'motherQW','oluEnd'
+			act 'Go back to aunt Luda at the pharmacy':gt'motherQW','oluEnd'
 		olusexrand = RAND(1,100)
 		if olusexrand <= 90:
 			minut += 5
-			'Taking off shoes, you went straight to the big room, where he found Olu.'
-			'- Hi, <<$name>>, - Negro smiled his constant smile golivudskih.'
-			'- Well hello, my black friend, - Olu meaning of the phrase is clearly not understood.'
+			'You take off your shoes and go straight to the living room, where you find Olu resting on the couch.'
+			'He looks at you, that perpetual smile still on his face. "Hi, <<$name>>!"'
+			'"Well hello, my black friend!", you reply. He doesn''t understand what it means and looks at you questioningly, waiting for you to explain yourself. You decide not to bother.'
 			if olufirst = 2:
 				olufirst = 3
-				'- Lubimaya say, I do thee too painfully last time.'
-				'- Yes.'
-				'- Sorry for that... Sorry... - He looked down guiltily.'
-				'- Okay, I hope more of this will not be.'
+				'"Luda say, I hurt you last time." he says, with a slightly concerned look on his face. This is the first time you''ve ever seen him without his usual smile.'
+				'You stop yourself from going off on a rant, knowing he wouldn''t understand it anyway, and just nod. "Yes you did."'
+				'"I am sorry... real sorry." He looks down and avoids your gaze, feeling guilty for making you feel so bad.'
+				'You reach out for him and gently put your hand on his knee: "It''s okay, you didn''t know. It will not happen again."'
-			act 'Further':
+			act 'Have sex with Olu':
 				dick = 23
 				minut += 30
@@ -323,43 +315,41 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'oluHome':
 				picrand = RAND(1,3)
 				'<center><b><font color=maroon>Apartment Aunt</font></b></center>'
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/motherQW/olu<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
-				'Olu undressed himself and helped you. You sucked his little monster, so he took the firing position. When it was done, you lay down on the sofa.'
-				if lubri > 0:lubri -= 1 & 'The Negro took you grease, He choked on his hand and fingers smeared your anus, then his penis.'
-				if lubri = 0:lubri -= 1 & 'Negro gently began to massage your anus, then he introduced the first one, then two, three fingers and began to stretch the ass.'
-				'Finally, he pulled his fingers, and you feel like its a huge instrument rested in your hole.'
-				'You squealed a little pain, when a monster, apart your ass, You entered.'
-				'Olu froze for a moment, giving your ass adapt to hang around in its member, then he began to drive them all the more insistent.'
-				'You were a little hurt, but at the same time pleasant, when a member moves in your ass.'
-				'Negro moaned and you feel like a jet of sperm hit you inside your body.'
+				'Olu gets undressed, and then helps you take off your clothes. You drop to your knees and take his soft cock in your mouth, which is already at a ridiculous size. After second-guessing yourself for a second, you tell yourself you promised aunt Luda to give it a chance. After a few minutes of sucking, you pull away from him and lie down on the sofa.'
+				if lubri > 0:lubri -= 1 & 'You give Olu the lubricant you got from the pharmacy earlier, and get ready to explain to him what you want him to do with it. Apparently he and aunt Luda already had the talk Luda said they would, since he knows exactly what he''s doing. Coating his fingers in the lubricant, he gently rubs his fingers against your butthole and takes his time easing his fingers in... first one, then another and then a third, all the while adding more lube and making sure he''s not hurting you. Eventually he decides you are ready, and puts another generous amount on his huge cock for good measure.'
+				if lubri = 0:lubri -= 1 & 'You silently curse yourself for not bringing any lubricant, even though your aunt so specifically told you that it would help out a lot. Luckily aunt Luda had prepared Olu for that, and he quickly goes to get some butter from the fridge. It''s not as effective as actual lube, but it''ll still be a whole lot better than going without. He puts a dollop on his fingers and gently begins to rub it against your asshole, and takes his time working his fingers in. First one, then another and then a third, all the while applying extra butter when needed and making sure he''s not hurting you. Eventually he decides you are ready, and puts another generous amount on his huge cock for good measure.'
+				'Finally he pulls his fingers away, and you feel the head of his huge cock resting against your sphincter. Taking a deep breath, you try to relax as much as you can.'
+				'You squeal as the head passes your sphincter, which was still not without pain. You beg him to go slow for a second and Olu freezes, giving your ass time to adapt to the size of his huge member. After a few more deep breaths you feel the worst of the pain subside and you nod at him, gesturing to continue slowly.'
+				'It still hurts a bit, but at the same time you feel a pleasant fullness every time he shoves his dick inside you. You still can''t take much more than half of it inside your asshole, but it feels a lot smoother this time around. Thanks to his precautions, it actually feels kind of good despite the pain.'
+				'After a few minutes his strokes get more short and intense, and he deposits his load inside you.'
 				if oluD = 0 and oluDRand = 10:
 					oluD = 1
-					'- By the way, <<$name>>, and five are adults soon go into town? - Olu asked a little later.'
-					'- Well yes, likely, - sluggishly responded to you.'
-					'- The city is now studying my niece Demarcus.'
-					'- Well, not the niece, and nephew, likely. But what are you getting at?'
-					'- I see a real man tee lubit, - Ola said with a smile and nodded to his not yet fallen member.'
-					'- Hmm, clear. And where I can find your nephew?'
-					'- Where usually meet with a girl in the city? Park, cafe.'
-					'- Well yes, may meet with your nephew.'
+					'"By the way, <<$name>>, do you go to city soon?" Olu asks a little later, as you lie on the bed recovering.'
+					'"Erm... I don''t know, probably?" you respond sluggishly, still catching your breath.'
+					'"My niece Demarcus now studies in city."'
+					'You correct him, giving him a smile as you do so: "Nephew, not niece. But why are you telling me?"'
+					'"I know you like real men. Maybe you go see him", he grins, nodding at his still erect cock.'
+					'You chuckle at him, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks: "Heh I see. Where should I meet him?"'
+					'"He usually go where he could meet new girls. Maybe park and cafe."'
+					'You give Olu a sweet smile and nod: "Well okay, I will keep it in mind. Maybe I will go meet your nephew next time I''m there."'
-				'Ola has helped you to get dressed and accompanied her to the door.'
+				'Being a perfect gentleman, Olu tries to make sure every part of this experience is as pleasant as possible for you. After finishing he gently cuddles with you for a moment before helping you up, and then helps you get dressed before he accompanies you to the door. You give him a peck on the cheek as you leave, unintentionally rubbing your hand over your battered butthole.'
-				act 'Back to Aunt':gt'motherQW','oluEnd'
+				act 'Go back to your aunt at the pharmacy':gt'motherQW','oluEnd'
-			'<center><b><font color=maroon>Apartment Aunt</font></b></center>'
+			'<center><b><font color=maroon>Aunt Luda''s apartment</font></b></center>'
 			'<center><img src="images/etogame/korr2.jpg"></center>'
-			'You unlocked the door to the apartment and aunt went inside.'
-			'Taking off shoes, you went straight to the big room, which I was usually Ola. Going to the door, you heard a woman moaning.'
+			'You use the key your aunt Luda gave you to unlock the door, and enter her apartment. You take off your shoes and move towards the living room where you usually find Olu, but when you approach the door you hear a woman moaning.'
-			act 'Come':
+			act 'Sneak a peek':
 				picrand = RAND(1,3)
-				'<center><b><font color=maroon>Apartment Aunt</font></b></center>'
+				'<center><b><font color=maroon>Aunt Luda''s apartment</font></b></center>'
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/motherQW/oluM<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
 				if oluM = 0:
@@ -367,22 +357,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'oluHome':
 					minut += 25
 					horny += 20
-					'You quietly opened the door and looked inside. What he saw surprised you. Your mother writhed on the penis and Ola obviously received a lot of fun. "And it just fits in it, especially not in the pope" flashed through your mind. You looked at it a little porn-Show and went into the corridor. Minutes later 10 your mother came and stared at you.'
-					'- Docha?'
-					'- Mom...'
-					'- Aunt?'
-					'- Aunt...'
-					'You both nervously giggled.'
-					'- <<$name>>, give me 5 minutes, Quoting myself up, and then descend to talk to my sister.'
+					'You quietly open the door and look inside through the narrow gap. What you see insides shocks you: your mother is fucking Olu, writhing her body against him and trying to get as much of his monster cock inside her as possible while she''s doing her best to get Olu off. "Wow, it just fits in... and not even only in her butt", you think to yourself. You''re too horny to look away and just keep watching, fondling yourself through your clothes. A few minutes later they finish, and your mom stands up and moves to the hallway to go wash up. You quickly look around but realize there''s no way you can make it out of the apartment on time. When she pulls the door open, she finds your embarrassed stare:'
+					'She''s taken aback a bit by this, and asks "... <<$nickname>>?"'
+					'You''re so embarrassed right now! With a crimson red face you mutter "Erm... hi mom..."'
+					'Already knowing perfectly well why you''re here, she simply asks "Aunt Luda?"'
+					'You meekly nod: "Aunt Luda..."'
+					'You both giggle nervously. Then she smiles at you and says: "<<$name>>, give me five minutes to go wash up. After that we''ll go have a talk with my sister."'
-					act 'Back to Aunt':gt'motherQW','oluEnd'
+					act 'Go see aunt Luda with your mother':gt'motherQW','oluEnd'
 					minut += 25
 					horny += 20
-					'You quietly opened the door and looked inside. What I saw did not surprise you. Your mother writhed on the penis and Ola obviously received a lot of fun. "And it just fits in it, especially not in the pope" Once again you caught yourself thinking. Mother noticed you and smile. You looked at it a little porn-Show and went into the corridor.'
-					'"I think, she herself cope"'
+					'You quietly open the door and look inside through the narrow gap. You''re no longer surprised by what you''re seeing: your mother is doing everything she can think of to get Ola off, and she''s thoroughly enjoying the experience as well. You''re still impressed: "Wow, it just fits in... and not even only in her butt". While you''re standing there fondling yourself, your mother sees you peeking through the opening in the doorway and gives you a lewd wink before turning her back on you and redoubling her efforts. You watch for a while longer and then leave the apartment, thinking she can handle it just fine by herself.'
-					act 'Escape':gt'gorodok'
+					act 'Leave aunt Luda''s place':gt'gorodok'
@@ -399,18 +387,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'oluEnd':
 	if olufirst = 1:
 		minut += 15
-		'You ran back to the pharmacy and stopped at the door. You look was like a yo-the-box. You looked in the wrong side of the counter.'
-		'My aunt was talking to another customer, What-the guy full years under 40, choosing, what brand of pills to take zhiroszhigatelnye. Seeing you and your opinion, Aunt abruptly cut short, I reflected on the face of fear. The guy looked at her blankly, I followed the direction of her gaze. Behind him in the rest of your face turned buyers in the queue.'
-		'- Pray, aunt, - through clenched teeth you. - KILL fuck!!!'
-		'The first dangerous moment realized just the same guy. Surprisingly agile for his physique, He jumped from the place, where in just a split second, you turned out in an attempt to get to the aunt through the window counter, and, judiciously decided, that running, especially from an angry woman, much more effective than any pill, I beat a hasty retreat from the pharmacy. Then the realization came to rest shoppers, and they quickly began to leave the place of the future hostilities.'
-		'- <<$name>>, let`s talk!'
-		'- At the funeral, YOUR TALK!!!'
-		'You tried to get to his aunt, but every time she managed to dodge and then increase the distance between you.'
-		'- Scum... BITCH... Creature... Crud... SHEEP... HATE... - every word was accompanied by a cast of what was at hand to Aunt.'
+		'You run back to the pharmacy, fueled by your rage. When you arrive there, you see your reflection in the door; you look into your own burning gaze for just a second before throwing the door open, and storming in.'
+		'Your aunt was talking to another customer when she gets startled by the door being thrown open like that, and abruptly stops serving the customer mid-sentence when she spots you. Her face was suddenly very fearful, and the customer is puzzled by her behavior and follows her gaze, spotting you. Everyone behind him in line also turned around to see what the ruckus was all about, and within moments everyone in the pharmacy is focused on you.'
+		'"Aunt Luda, you''d better say your prayers..." you snap at her, through clenched teeth. "Because I am going to FUCKING KILL YOU!"'
+		'The guy who was currently being helped is surprisingly agile for his physique, but still only barely manages to dodge you as you run towards the counter and jump on top of it, trying to grab your aunt behind it by the throat. He decides that his pills can wait and quickly leaves the pharmacy, not wanting to be caught in the pharmacy with someone as out of their senses as you in the same room. The other customers seem to have the same idea, and quickly follow the first man''s plan in leaving the store.'
+		'Your aunt dodges your attack and pleads: "<<$name>> please, let''s talk!"'
+		'"Talk? TALK!? At your funeral, we will talk! Wait til I get my hands on you!"'
+		'You keep trying to get a hold of your aunt, but she dodges your hands every time and then creates some distance between the two of you. In a place as small as the pharmacy, that distance never lasts long though.'
+		'"Bitch, come here! Fucking! Bitch! I hate you!"'
-		act 'An hour later,':
+		act 'Fast forward to 20 minutes later':
-			minut += 75
+			minut += 20
 			if son > 1:son = 1
 			galubri = 1
 			olufirst = 2
@@ -418,31 +406,32 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'oluEnd':
 			'<center><b><font color=maroon>Pharmacy</font></b></center>'
 			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/motherQW/gaptek.jpg"></center>'
-			'"A bull in a china shop" - perhaps, the mildest expression, which you could describe the state pharmacy.'
-			'You aunt sat on the floor in different corners of the room and panting. You have not managed to get to her, although a few shots yet reached the goal, Aunt frowning rubbed sore spots.'
-			'Behind the glass door you notice a crowd of onlookers, that all this time watching the show. Among them you`ll even notice the police, Do not even try to go inside and to separate you. Seeing you look a crowd of onlookers, along with the police quickly resolved.'
-			'- <<$name[3]>>... let`s talk... please... - breathlessly said Aunt.'
-			'- What fucking talk... - you threw a bottle-the colorless liquid, but the forces have already left, so it broke at the feet of Aunt.'
-			'- Sorry... <<$name[3]>>...'
-			'- What, to hell, forgive, aunt?! Your ebyr nearly tore me apart! And you do not even warned me!!!'
-			'- Would you... I agreed to help... if... I knew?'
-			'- Yes... No... I do not know...'
-			'- You see... '
-			'You are thinking. In the words of my aunt was a sense of. Anger, of course, still remained, but the strength to fight and swear was not there. My aunt got up wearily, you came and sat down next.'
-			'- All that bad?'
-			'- Poorly? Yes, such a pain in the ass, that fail to transfer!'
-			'- I see, - aunt winced, remembering his experience. - And why are you, no lubrication or something?'
-			if age < 18 and ssdostup = 0:'- Where do you take it? In store for adults I have not allowed. Besides, I do ofigela of its size and disconnect, and I woke up, when it was too late.'
-			if age >= 18 or ssdostup = 1:'- Yes, I even did not have time to understand. As seen razmerchik, so, we can say, disconnected. And when I came it was too late. In addition to travel far to the city.'
-			'- Clear... Sorry once again. <<$name>>, every day I`m in town, so that I could bring you a little bit.'
-			'- Although this thank you, aunt.'
-			'- And I say Olu, that was more careful next time.'
-			'- What the hell next time?! I look like a masochist?!'
-			'- Well, <<$name>>, well, please, - He pleaded Aunt. - I am alone with him cope. And not just for the.'
-			'- I have already heard.'
-			'- Remember I said, that was willing to hire him even girls? Well, I`d better pay you will, than anyone-then. Oh please.'
-			'- Cool, pancake. If my mother a whore, something for you exactly crying prison! On the first call I will not run, but if other things will not, then, to hell with you, help.'
-			'- Thank you, thank you, thank you, favorite plemyashka, - Aunt nearly strangled you in his arms, she was very happy to answer your.'
+			'The saying ''like a bull in a china shop'' doesn''t even do what you did to the pharmacy justice: the place is a complete mess. In your attempts to get to your aunt you''ve tried to throw things at her, swooped things off shelves and bumped over several racks. By now, most of the pharmacy''s inventory is on the ground, quite a lot of it no longer in one piece.'
+			'You and your aunt sit in opposite corners of the room, panting. Despite your best efforts you have not been able to get a grasp on your aunt, though you did hit her a couple of times when she was slightly too slow to move out of the way on time. Your aunt is rubbing some sore spots on her skin.'
+			'Through the door of the pharmacy you notice a whole crowd has gathered to see what is going on. Among them you even notice a few police officers, who don''t seem to be very keen on the idea of entering the pharmacy to separate the two of you. Feeling caught now that you have spotted them, the crowd quickly disperses. They probably figured the scene was over anyway, with both of you in separate corners of the pharmacy, not moving much any more.'
+			'"<<$name>> please, just hear me out..." your aunt pleads again, still trying to catch her breath.'
+			'"There''s nothing to talk about!" you snarl at her, while you pick up a bottle containing a colorless liquid and throw it at your aunt. Your arm is so weak now that you can''t throw very far any more, and the bottle shatters onto the floor way before it even gets close to her.'
+			'"<<$name>>, I''m sorry..."'
+			'"How could I forgive you, aunt Luda!? Your boyfriend nearly tore me to pieces... and you didn''t even warn me about it!"'
+			'Happy to realize you are at least talking now instead of fighting, your aunt prods: "Would you... would you have helped me if you knew?"'
+			'"Yes... no... I don''t know..."'
+			'"Do you understand now why I didn''t, then..."'
+			'You still feel like your aunt tricked you, but you can at least see why she did what she did. This doesn''t make you any less angry, but after all the ordeals of the day, you no longer have the strength to fight or even swear. Your aunt notices you are completely worn down now and stands up, moving over to you. She sits down and puts her hand on your knee.'
+			'She understands she has to tread lightly, so she tries to sympathize with you: "So, how bad was it?"'
+			'"It was horrible! He kept trying to jam his cock further down my asshole, even though it was already hurting so much..."'
+			'Your aunt winces, remembering that experience all too well herself. "I see... why didn''t you use lubricant, or at least something else to make it go in a bit easier?"'
+			if age < 18 and ssdostup = 0:'"Where would I even buy any? I''m too young to be allowed access to a sex shop. Besides, I got startled by the size of his cock and fainted. When I woke up, it was already too late."'
+			if age >= 18 or ssdostup = 1:'"Even if I had any, I wouldn''t have had a chance to use it. I fainted when I saw how enormous his cock is. Besides... it''s hard for me to buy any lube, I don''t get to go to the city very often."'
+			'"I understand. Once again: I''m sorry. You know what, if you ever need lubricant, you can get some here. No questions asked."'
+			'"Thank you aunt Luda, I do appreciate that."'
+			'She looks at you hopefully: "And you know... maybe if I tell Olu to be more careful next time?"'
+			'"What the hell!? There''s not going to be a next time! Do I look like a masochist to you!?"'
+			'"Please <<$name>>, please! You know I have to pleasure him all by myself now... do you know how difficult it is to go through this every day? I could really use your help! He''ll be careful with you next time, I promise! I''ll tell him!"'
+			'You just shake your head in disbelief. You can''t believe your aunt is asking you to go back, after what just happened. And yet, small part of you cannot help but think about how it would feel if you were properly prepared for his monster. Maybe... maybe it wouldn''t be so bad? Maybe it would even be fun?'
+			'Your aunt notices your stream of protests has stopped and tries to sweeten the deal: "Remember when I said that I was even willing to hire prostitutes for him? I would rather give the money to you instead, <<$name>>. Please help, I will make it worth your while!"'
+			'You mull it over for another few seconds, and then say: "You know what... I will consider it. But I''m warning you: if I do decide to try and it doesn''t go well, I will never help you again."'
+			'Your aunt nearly strangles you when she grips you tightly for a hug: "Thank you <<$nickname>>, thank you, thank you! You were always my favorite niece, did you know that?"'
+			'After you say goodbye and leave the pharmacy, you can''t help but wonder what just happened. That was not how you expected this talk to end at all! Now that your anger has subsided you suddenly remember how tired you feel, and there''s only one thing you can think of right now: sleep.'
 			act 'Go home':gt'korrPar'
@@ -451,30 +440,30 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'oluEnd':
 			minut += RAND(5,10)
 			money += RAND(500,700)
-			'You ran to the pharmacy and wait for Aunt available.'
-			'- Thank you very much, <<$name[3]>>, - she said happily and handed the envelope. - Here are a few, of course, but believe, from the heart. I really appreciate your help.'
+			'You go back to the pharmacy, and wait for a slow moment so you can talk to your aunt undisturbed.'
+			'Your aunt smiles happily as she gives you a small envelope. "Thank you so much <<$name>>, perhaps he will finally let me get some sleep tonight. I really appreciate it. Here, please accept this money, you''ve earned it."'
-			act 'Escape':gt'gorodok'
+			act 'Thank her and leave the pharmacy':gt'gorodok'
 			minut += 15
 			oluM = 2
-			'You went to the pharmacy with his mother and aunt waited until cleared, And while buyers disperse.'
-			'- Well hello, pimp fucking, - start your mother.'
-			'- Natashas, What are you talking about? - tried matted fool Aunt.'
-			'- Lude, do not play. Sama guess where we are faced with Sveta or suggest?'
-			'- Herself...'
-			'- Good, you`re so quick-witted. You would come, sister, yes a good mood.'
-			'- Your daughter has already tried...'
-			'- Yes? - mother stared at you.'
-			'- Well yes, It was the case... after the first time with Olu... - sheepishly told you. - Paul carried the pharmacy.'
-			'- Only half? - Your mother laughed. - So okay, if <<$nickname>> not against your Olu, then I, basically, too. But try it even in that-a draw - buried in the nearest cemetery. Do you know me, I do not look, that the elder sister. All clear?'
-			'- Clear...'
-			'- I can not hear!'
-			'- Yes, I realized, I realized!'
-			'- That`s great, and now, <<$name>>, home. With you we have yet to talk.'
-			act 'Go home':gt'motherQW','motherQW_4'
+			'You go to the pharmacy together with your mother and pretend to be browsing some shelves, while you wait for the other buyers to get what they need and leave.'
+			'As you approach the counter, your mother smirks at Luda: "Well hello there, you pimp!"'
+			'Your aunt is playing dumb, putting up her best surprised face saying: "Natasha, what are you talking about?"'
+			'"Luda, don''t play games. Guess where I ran into <<$nickname>> today?"'
+			'Your aunt pales slightly and looks at the ground. She finally mutters in an embarrassed voice: "My place..."'
+			'"Correct. You''re happy I''m in such a good mood, otherwise I would be tearing this whole place down!"'
+			'Aunt Luda, still not daring to look up, replies: "Your daughter has already tried..."'
+			'Your mother looks at you with a questioning look in her eyes: "Oh?"'
+			'Now it''s your turn to look down in embarrasment, and you sheepisly reply: "Well yes... I might have gone here and made a bit of a mess after Olu first fucked me and put his dick half-way into my ass, without getting any warning."'
+			'"Only half?" your mother laughed. Getting back to business, she turns back to aunt Luda and says in a stern voice: "Anyway. Look, Luda... if <<$nickname>> wants to get involved with Olu, then I am not stopping her. But if you ever pressure her into doing anything against her will, I will personally bury you at the nearest cemetery. You may be my elder sister, but I''d do it in an instant and you know that. Are we clear?"'
+			'"We''re clear", your aunt mutters softly.'
+			'"I can''t hear you!" your mother says, teasingly.'
+			'"We''re clear, we''re clear! I understand!" your aunt says, still kind of embarrassed about your mother finding out about her scheme with you.'
+			'"Good. Come on <<$name>>, let''s go home. You and I still need to have a chat."'
+			act 'Go home with your mother':gt'motherQW','motherQW_4'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # motherkafeboss
 gs 'stat'
-'Cafe owner Glory, a tall, thin man in his forties.'
+'The owner of the cafe, called Borislav. He is a tall, thin man in his forties. Most people call him Slava.'
 act 'Leave':gt $loc, $metka

+ 56 - 32

@@ -15,64 +15,88 @@ end
 gs 'stat'
 gs 'time'
-'<center><h4>Railway station</h4></center>'
+'<center><h4>Pavlovsky''s train station</h4></center>'
 '<center><img src="images/etogame/vokzal.jpg"></center>'
-'Little quiet station. About <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''vokzalGin''">Station</a> worth <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''gkafe''">cafe</a>. Just outside the station is a small hotel, guesthouse, post office and police station.'
-'On the forecourt placed small <a href="exec:minut += 1 & gt ''Grinok''">market</a>'
-'Not great <a href="exec:minut += 1 & gt ''HotelHole''">hotel</a> in which they live travel.'
+'Pavlovsky''s modest train station. You can enter the central hall of the <a href="exec:minut += 3 & gt ''vokzalGin''">train station</a>, in which you can find Pavlovsky''s police station, and a post office. Also attached to the train station is the <a href="exec:minut += 5 & gt ''gkafe''">cafe</a> where your mother works.'
+'The front of the train station has a large square, where you can find a <a href="exec:minut += 1 & gt ''Grinok''">market</a> on most days.'
+'Pavlovsky''s only and rather run-down <a href="exec:minut += 1 & gt ''HotelHole''">hotel</a> is just across the square, where travelers can spend the night. You know they''re often looking for maids.'
-if kidalob = 0:
+if kidaloa = 0:
 	podrand = rand(0, 3)
 	if money >= 5000 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and podrand = 0 and monthKidalo ! month:
 		monthKidalo = month
 		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><h4>Railway station</h4></center>'
+		'<center><h4>Pavlovsky''s train station</h4></center>'
 		'<center><img src="images/etogame/vokzal.jpg"></center>'
-		'You go to the train station and to the right for you girl with a microphone and a man with a camera. The girl turns to you "Hello. We TV. Now passes unprecedented action - show on the distribution of gifts. We have chosen you." Girl pulls beautifully wrapped box with a bow and gives you. "Here laptop last generation."'
-		act 'Leave':minut += 15 & gt $curloc
+		'When you arrive at the train station, it''s impossible to not notice a girl with the microphone and a man with a large camera. They''re coming straight towards you. The girl beckons you to come closer and turns her head towards the man holding the camera, who gives her a nod. She turns back to you and happily exclaims: "Hello! We''re shooting a new pilot for a television series, in which we are making a novel program: it is a show on handing out gifts to random strangers, and filming their response. We have chosen you to be part of our program, congratulations!"'
+		'She grabs hold of a large box the camera man handed to her. It''s beautifully wrapped, with a nice bow to boot. She whispers to you: "This box contains a brand new laptop! Just act surprised when you open it!"'
-		act 'Mark the box':
+		act 'Say you have no time':minut += 15 & gt $curloc
 			gs 'stat'
-			'<center><h4>Station</h4></center>'
+			kidaloa = 1
+			'<center><h4>Pavlovsky''s train station</h4></center>'
 			'<center><img src="images/etogame/vokzal.jpg"></center>'
-			'You took the box and the man began to take you on camera. The girl held up a microphone and proposed to refer greetings relatives and friends. You are standing in front of the box with a heavy camera sends greetings and thanks for the gift handed. Man and woman took all invited you to pay VAT on the value of the gift. This is just what that 5t thousands.'
+			'Even though you definitely wouldn''t mind a new laptop, you simply don''t have time to talk to them right now. You politely decline and walk away before they can protest. A few minutes later you see the two of them hastily running across the square, while some guy opens the fancily packed box only to find a brick in it. By the time he realizes he got scammed, they are long gone.'
+			act: 'Return to the station': :minut += 15 & gt $curloc
+		act 'Accept the box':
+			cls
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><h4>Pavlovsky''s train station</h4></center>'
+			'<center><img src="images/etogame/vokzal.jpg"></center>'
+			'You take the box from the girl as the man starts filming. The girl holds the microphone closer to her mouth, and invites you to give some shoutouts to relatives and friends while you''re on TV. Then she points the microphone at you. You gladly accept the invitation and address your friends and family enthusiastically while looking at the camera, sincerely hoping you did not leave anyone out. Then the man turns the camera away for a second. The girl tells you: "Unfortunately, the government doesn''t just let us give away items for nothing. We''re legally obligated to have our winners pay VAT over the amount of money their gift is worth. In your case, this comes down to 5000 rubles."'
-			act 'Pay Tax':
+			act 'Pay the VAT and check out your new laptop':
 				money -= 5000
-				kidalob = 1
+				kidaloa = 1
 				gs 'stat'
-				'<center><h4>Station</h4></center>'
+				'<center><h4>Pavlovsky''s train station</h4></center>'
 				'<center><img src="images/etogame/vokzal.jpg"></center>'
-				'You gave the money and began to print a gift. When you manage to open the box, you see that there is a brick wrapped in newspaper. You look around in search of men and women, but they were gone.'
-				act 'Leave':minut += 15 & gt $curloc
+				'You quickly give them the money and enthusiastically begin to tear at the bow. When you finally manage to get the wrapping paper off and open the box, you only find a brick packed in a newspaper. You look up trying to find the man and girl to get your money back, but they are nowhere to be found.'
+				act 'Return to the train station':minut += 15 & gt $curloc
+			act: 'Say you can''t afford it right now':
+				cls
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><h4>Pavlovsky''s train station</h4></center>'
+				'<center><img src="images/etogame/vokzal.jpg"></center>'
+				'With some regret in your voice, you apologize to the man and girl and explain that you can''t afford to pay the VAT right now. They try to explain to you that this could very well be a one-time opportunity and that you are missing out on a free laptop, but you have to decline. You simply cannot miss the money you have right now. Sympathizing with you, they promise to look for you if they ever come back to Pavlovsky for another episode of the show.'
+				act: 'Thank them and leave': minut +=15 & gt $curloc
-	elseif money >= 1000 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and podrand = 0 and glamur > 0 and monthKidalo ! month:
+	end
+if kidalob = 0:
+	if money >= 1000 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and podrand = 0 and glamur > 0 and monthKidalo ! month:
 		monthKidalo = month
 		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><h4>Station</h4></center>'
+		'<center><h4>Pavlovsky''s train station</h4></center>'
 		'<center><img src="images/etogame/vokzal.jpg"></center>'
-		'Walking along the station you notice how near the station are two men. They notice you come up to you and talking among themselves. "Well, just the model, well, just kind of ... Claudia Schiffer" One of the guys in a representative suit comes up to you and says. "We are opening a new store your city and we need a woman for advertising. We offer you 30 thousand for the photograph on advertising."'
+		'As you walk across the square towards the station, you notice two well dressed men staring at you. After some brief consideration they come towards you, and you can just about hear what they''re saying: "Wow, she''s just the model we need. She has this... Claudia Schiffer feel to her, don''t you agree?"'
+		'You can see the other man nod just as they get close to you, and one of the men stops you: "Excuse me, miss. We are opening a new fashion store in the city and are looking for a model to feature in our advertisements. We have been looking for just the right girl all day and... I think we just found her!" The second man nods enthusiastically as the first man continues: "We would be able to offer you 10.000 rubles for an extensive photo shoot, featuring our clothing line."'
 		act 'Leave':minut += 15 & gt $curloc
-		act 'Agree':
+		act 'Agree to do the photo shoot':
 			gs 'stat'
-			'You willingly agree to such a tempting offer. Boys took you to build the site near the railway station, one of the guys pulled out a camera and put it in front of a tree with bushes. "Shoot will on natural background. So picturesque. Only here''s the problem, your dress glare. You need to change." The guy pulled out of the car''s trunk, and gave you a dress. "Can change clothes in the car" guy showed you that Audi was not far away.'
+			'Wow, this offer sounds amazing! There is no way you can decline. The guys take you to the back of the railway station, and the guy who hasn''t said anything to you pulls out an expensive looking camera, mounting it on a tripod near some trees. The first guy approaches you and says: "The shoot will be against a natural background. We''ve done market research, and have determined that the picturesque background of the outdoors is by far the most desirable option for our campaign. There is only one problem... your dress is not what we are looking for at all. You''ll have to change." The guy opens the trunk of his car and gives you a rather cheap looking sundress. "You can change your clothes inside the car, no one will notice", he says.'
-			act 'Leave':minut += 15 & gt $curloc
+			act 'Refuse and leave, you didn''t sign up for this':minut += 15 & gt $curloc
-			act 'To change':
+			act 'Change into the sundress':
 				!! ths will either add the sundress or simply set it to a certain damage level
 				sarafan[3] = 1
@@ -80,21 +104,21 @@ if kidalob = 0:
 				gs 'clothing', 'wear', 'sarafan', 3
 				gs 'stat'
-				'You got into the car and took off her dress. Then you put on her dress, which gave you a man.'
+				'You quickly get into the car and take off your dress, and put on the dress the man gave you.'
-				act 'Pose':
+				act 'Pose for the camera':
 					kidalob = 1
 					gs 'stat'
-					'You got out leaving their belongings in the car and went up to the tree. One of the guys stood behind the camera, the second bustles around you, showing you how to stand. The camera clicked. "So, now picture from the back, " You stood with his back to the camera and heard a voice. "Excellent. Tepr slightly raised his head and close your eyes." You have done the instructions but no schelcha camera followed. Instead, the engine suddenly earned machine.'
+					'You get out of the car leaving your possessions in there, figuring it''s easier to just collect them when you change back to your regular clothes. You get out and walk to the tree the camera is aimed at. The guy who hasn''t said a word mans the camera, while the first guy instructs you how to stand in several poses. "Very nice, very nice... now turn your back to the camera!" The camera clicks several times. "Excellent. Now tilt your head backwards and close your eyes." You do as instructed, waiting for the now familiar click of the camera. It never comes.'
-					act 'Turn out':
+					act 'Ask what''s taking so long':
 						money = 0
 						gs 'stat'
-						'You turned around and saw that no camera no. Both men sit in the audit, which began to move and tore through the streets. You frantically realized that her dress and the money you have left in the car. You threw as last lohushku.'
+						'After a while you turn around and open your eyes, wanting to ask the guys what''s taking so long. You open your eyes right on time to see the car, with the guys in it, speed off and zip around a corner. Then you realize: all your stuff is still on the back seat of the car! Slowly realizing you have just been scammed out of your good dress and all of your money, you sit down on a tree stump and hold your head in your hands for a minute or two, pondering how you could''ve been so stupid as to believe them.'
-						act 'Leave':minut += 15 & gt $curloc
+						act 'Return to the train station':minut += 15 & gt $curloc
@@ -106,7 +130,7 @@ end
 gs 'family'
-act 'Go to the town':minut += 15 & gt 'gorodok'
+act 'Return to Pavlovsky':minut += 15 & gt 'gorodok'
 act 'Exit to the northern highway':minut += 15 & nroad = 20 & gt 'road'
 --- vokzalG ---------------------------------