Эх сурвалжийг харах

EKay's voltrener update

Rewrite of volleyball trainer to improve the flow of events.
KevinSmarts 9 жил өмнө

+ 0 - 1

@@ -674,7 +674,6 @@
             <File name="locations\vokzaltoilet" />
             <File name="locations\vokzaltorg" />
             <File name="locations\volAndGev" />
-            <File name="locations\volley" />
             <File name="locations\VolleyTrenCentr" />
             <File name="locations\VolleyTrenerSpeak" />
             <File name="locations\Voltrener" />

+ 0 - 1

@@ -412,7 +412,6 @@
       <Location name="BMloc1"/>
       <Location name="BMloc2"/>
       <Location name="ugel"/>
-      <Location name="volley"/>
       <Location name="Voltrener"/>
       <Location name="VolleyTrenCentr"/>
       <Location name="VolleyTrenerSpeak"/>

+ 2 - 2

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ gs 'stat'
 if $loc = 'gdksport':
 	'Ivan grinned seeing you "Hello <<$name>>, you''re here too zanimaeshsya sports?" You confirmed his words. Ivan nodded. "I''ve been training for boxing go. Soon the competition."'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+	act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 	!!if kotovVSprohorov = 1:end
 	if kotovVSprohorov = 0:
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ if $loc = 'gdksport':
 									gs 'stat'
 									'You asked an elderly trainer whether you can train too. Coach grinned. "You see, there''s no other girls. Who are you going to stand in sparring? And without sparing it will not stall, and a children''s game." You offered to put you in sparring with guys. Surround you guys giggled. Smiled even coach. "You saw the fight, imagine what will happen to you if some sort Kotov you accidentally hit in full force. I''m not going in my old age, still in jail get for what you in training accidentally injure somebody."'
-									act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+									act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'in':
 	if hour = 19:
 		'Larissa looked at his watch and said,, it`s time to go to the section'
-		act 'Go with Lariska':lariskaTrain += 1 & minut += 20 & gt 'gdksport'
+		act 'Go with Lariska':lariskaTrain += 1 & minut += 20 & gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 		act 'Say goodbye and go home':gt'gorodok'

+ 281 - 68

@@ -1,27 +1,23 @@
 # Voltrener
 gs 'stat'
-gs 'Voltrener_din'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/Tren/VolleyTrener6.jpg"></center>'
-	'You went into the room the coach in which there are cups, balls, sports equipment and a different table where sometimes sitting coach and fills various papers. Coach Mikhail Vlasov does not only lovers but also in the section just coach a professional team volleybolistok.'
+	'You enter the coach''s office in which there are cups, balls, sports equipment, a massage table, and a desk where the coach sometimes sits and does paperwork. Coach Mikhail Vlasov does not only teach amateur volleyball but he also coaches a professional volleyball team.'
 	if trenerepa <= 0:
 		'The coach hates you.'
 		if volleysostav = 1:
-			volleysostav = -1
+			volleysostav = 0
 			'Menacingly he says, "<<$surname>>, I''m sick of you attitude. You''re off the team!"'
-			act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
-			exit
+			act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 	elseif trenerepa < 20:
 		'The coach seems to avoid you.'
 	elseif trenerepa < 40:
-		'Coach tolerates you.'
+		'The coach tolerates you.'
 	elseif trenerepa < 60:
 		'You have a normal relationship with the coach.'
 	elseif trenerepa < 80:
@@ -31,76 +27,75 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	if trenersex > 0:
-		'You are in a sexual relationship with him.'
+		'You are in a sexual relationship with Coach.'
 		if trenerlust >= 80:
 			'Coach can''t take his eyes of you, and he keeps making sexual references in your presence.'
 		elseif trenerlust >= 60:
-			'Coach sometimes makes lewd comments about you and you often catch him ogling your body.'
+			'Coach sometimes makes lewd comments around you and you often catch him ogling your body.'
 		elseif trenerlust >= 40:
 			'Coach seems more interested in watching you practice than the other girls.'
 		elseif trenerlust >= 20:
-			'Sometimes coach looks your body up and down.'
+			'Sometimes Coach looks your body up and down.'
 		elseif trenerlust > 0:
-			'You occasionally catch coach looking at you a second longer than he should.'
+			'You occasionally catch Coach looking at you a second longer than he should.'
 	if lariskaTrenerTalk > 0:gt'Voltrener', 'Lariska'
 	act 'Talk with the coach':gt'Voltrener', 'talk'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+	act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'Lariska':
 	'"Ah, <<$surname>> and Gruzdev, what do you want?"'
 	if lariskaTrenerTalk = 1:
-		'You and Lariska tried to persuade the coach to take Lariska, but he threw all of your arguments to deny you.'
+		'You and Lariska tried to persuade the coach to take Lariska, but he refused to consider your arguements.'
 	elseif lariskaTrenerTalk = 2:
 		if dom >= 10:
 			'You managed to convince the coach to let Lariska join the team.'
 			LariskaProfi = 1
-			'You and Lariska tried to persuade the coach to take Lariska, but he refused you.'
+			'You and Lariska tried to persuade the coach to take Lariska, but he refused.'
 	elseif lariskaTrenerTalk = 3:
 		if dom >= 20:
-			'You take an agressive approach and although he doesn''t like it, you managed to convince the coach to let you both play.'
+			'You take an agressive approach and, although he doesn''t like it, you managed to convince the coach to let you both play.'
 			volleysostav = 1
 			if trenerepa > 30:trenerepa = 30
 			LariskaProfi = 1
-			'You and Lariska tried to persuade the coach to give you both a place in the team, but he threw all of your arguments back in your faces.'
+			'You and Lariska tried to persuade the coach to give you both a place on the team, but he threw all of your arguments back in your faces.'
 	elseif lariskaTrenerTalk = 4:
 		if trenerepa >= 60:
 			'You managed to convince the coach to let Lariska join the team.'
 			LariskaProfi = 1
-			'You and Lariska tried to persuade the coach to take Lariska, but he refused to.'
+			'You and Lariska tried to persuade the coach to take Lariska, but he refused.'
 	if LariskaProfi = 1:
-		$npcText[13] = 'Lariska athletic girl, but it is very dependent on other people''s opinions. Lariska has changed a lot, Her sparkle in the eyes, and almost always in a good mood.  After joining the team quickly went into the main part and is now one of the best players'
-		'When you come out of the coach Lariska hugged you and said,: "Thank you, <<$nickname>>!"'
+		$npcText[13] = 'Lariska is an athletic girl, but she is very dependent on other people''s opinions. Lariska has changed a lot; she has a sparkle in her eyes, and is almost always in a good mood.  After joining the team, she quickly got into playing and is now one of the best players.'
+		'When you came out of the coach''s office, Lariska hugged you and said,: "Thank you, <<$nickname>>!"'
 		grupNPC[13] += 20
 	minut += 10
 	gs 'stat'
 	lariskaTrenerTalk = 0
-	act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+	act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'talk':
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/Tren/VolleyTrener6.jpg"></center>'
 	if volleysostav < 0:
 		if trenerSex = 0:
-			'Coach looked up at you, "<<$surname>>. Did not even come near me. You are no longer in the team!"'
+			'Coach looked up at you, "<<$surname>>. Do not even come near me. You are no longer on the team!"'
-			'Coach looked up at you, "<<$surname>>. Did not even come near me. You''re out of the team!"'
+			'Coach looked up at you, "<<$surname>>. Do not even come near me. You''re off of the team!"'
 			act '"Persude" him':
 				volleysostav = 0
 				gt 'Voltrenersex', 'sex'
@@ -108,96 +103,91 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'talk':
 	elseif volleysostav = 0:
 		if volleyboll < 25:
-			'Coach looks at you "I''m busy girl, do not distract me from my coaching."'
+			'Coach looks at you "I''m busy, girl, do not distract me from my coaching."'
 		elseif volleyboll >= 25 and volleyboll < 50:
-			'Coach looked at you "<<$surname>>. You need to devote more time to training, you are all very bad."'
+			'Coach looked at you "<<$surname>>. You need to devote more time to training, you are a very bad player."'
 		elseif volleyboll >= 50 and volleyboll < 75:
-			'Coach looked at you "<<$surname>>. You certainly did not play bad, not bad for an amateur. With more work you could reach a higher level."'
+			'Coach looked at you "<<$surname>>. You certainly do not play bad, at least not bad for an amateur. With more work you could reach a higher level."'
-			'Coach looked at you "Ah, <<$surname>>. You have the makings of an athlete, though I''m not sure if you are professional level yet."'
+			'Coach looked at you "Ah, <<$surname>>. You have the makings of an athlete, though I''m not sure if you are up to a professional level yet."'
 			act 'Ask to join the team':
 				gs 'stat'
 				if GorSlut = 0:
 					if volleyboll < 100:
-						'You ask the coach about joining the team, but he shakes his head. "<<$surname>> it''s not personal, you have good amateur skill. Just not enough to make the team."'
+						'You ask the coach about joining the team, but he shakes his head. "<<$surname>> it''s not personal, you have good amateur skills. Just not enough to make the team."'
 					elseif trenerSex = 1:
 						volleysostav = 1
 						'You ask the coach about joining the team, he smiles and says, "<<$nickname>>, honey. I can do that, but you''ll have to start as a sub or people might be suspicious."'
 						'You ask the coach about joining the team, the coach thinks for a minute. "I have a spot for a substitute, but I do not know if you have what it takes."'
 						act 'Persuade him':
-							dom -= 1
 							gs 'stat'
-							if dom >= 10:
-								!!if volleysostav > 0:trenerepa -= 1
-								volleysostav = 1
-								if trenerepa > 20:trenerepa = 20
-								'You try to prove the coach that he should include in the team, the coach tries to protest, and you get into an arguement. Eventually you shout him down and he gives up. "Okay <<$surname>>, I''ll put you in the team, but you''re on the bench and any more stunts like this and you''re out."'
+							if dom >= 30:
+								if rand(1,100) < dom: 
+									volleysostav = 1
+									if trenerepa > 20:trenerepa -= 20
+									'You try to prove the coach that he should include in the team, the coach tries to protest, and you get into an arguement. Eventually you shout him down and he gives up. "Okay <<$surname>>, I''ll put you in the team, but you''re on the bench and any more stunts like this and you''re out."'
+								else 
+									dom -= 1
+									trenerepa -= rand(1,5)
+									'You try to force the coach to put you on the team and you end up screaming at him. He just glares at you until you run out of steam then simply points to the door and says, "Out."' 
+									'Your cheeks are burning with embarrassment as you leave the office wondering what you were thinking by saying that if brains were dynamite he couldn''t blow his nose.' 
+								end	
 							elseif trenerepa >= 60:
 								volleysostav = 1
 								'You appeal to the coach and ask him to at least give you a chance to prove yourself. Since he likes you, he decides to give you a break. "Okay, <<$nickname>>, I do have an opening for a sub. You''re on the team as a substitute player.'
-								'You try to prove the coach that he should include in the team, but you are no forceful enough and coach countered all your arguments denying you a place in the team.'
+								'You try to prove the coach that he should let you on the team, but you are not forceful enough and the coach countered all your arguments, denying you a place on the team.'
-							act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+							act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-					'You ask the coach about joining the team, the coach thinks for a minute, "Hey <<$surname>>, I hear loads of rumours about you. Such as you being a <<$gnikname>>. Is this true?"'
+					'You ask the coach about joining the team. The coach thinks for a minute, "Hey <<$surname>>, I hear loads of rumours about you. Such as you being a <<$gnikname>>. Is this true?"'
 					act 'It''s all lies':
 						gs 'stat'
 						if dom > 0:
 							'You convince the coach that it''s all rumors and lies and dismiss them as envy. You speak quite convincingly and coach seems to believe you.'
 							act 'Persuade him to let you join the team':
-								dom -= 1
 								gs 'stat'
 								if dom >= 10:
 									!!if volleysostav > 0:trenerepa -= 1
 									volleysostav = 1
 									if trenerepa > 20:trenerepa = 20
-									'You try to prove the coach that he should include in the team, the coach tries to protest, and you get into an arguement. Eventually you shout him down and he gives up. "Okay <<$surname>>, I''ll put you in the team, but you''re on the bench and any more stunts like this and you''re out."'
+									'You try to prove to the coach that he should put you on the team, the coach tries to protest, and you get into an arguement. Eventually you shout him down and he gives up. "Fine <<$surname>>, I''ll put you in the team, but you''re on the bench and any more stunts like this and you''re out."'
-									'You try to prove the coach that he should include in the team, but you are no forceful enough and coach countered all your arguments denying you a place in the team.'
+									'You try to prove to the coach that he should put you on the team, but you are not forceful enough and the coach countered all your arguments, denying you a place on the team.'
-								act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+								act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-							'You try to convince the coach that it''s all rumors and lies and dismiss them as envy. You are not very convincing and coach does not believe you. "<<$surname>>, stop lying, are you taking me for a fool?"'
+							'You try to convince the coach that it''s all rumors and lies and dismiss them as envy. You are not very convincing and coach does not believe you. "<<$surname>>, stop lying, do you take me for a fool?"'
 							act 'Okay, it''s true, I am a <<$gnikname>>':
 								gs 'stat'
 								gt'Voltrener', 'gorslut'
-						act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+						act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 					act 'It''s true, I''m a <<$gnikname>>':
 						gs 'stat'
 						gt'Voltrener', 'gorslut'
-				act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+				act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+			act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+		act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 		if trenerSex = 0:
 			'Coach looks at you, "<<$surname>>. Here''s your stats, now go out there and work harder."'
@@ -205,11 +195,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'talk':
 			'Coach looks at you "Hey <<$name>>. Checking up on your stats?."'
 			'"Your volleyball skill is <<volleyboll>>, the team has played <<volsesongame>> games: Won - <<volsesonwin>>, lost - <<volsesonloss>>."'
 			act 'Put your hand on coach''s knee':
 				gs 'stat'
-				'You lean forward slightly and put your palm on his knee, coach grins you whisper "That''s not my only skill. Want to score this out of 100?"'
+				'You lean forward slightly and put your palm on his knee. Coach grins when you whisper, "That''s not my only skill. Want to score this out of 100?"'
 				'Coach leans back in his chair, smiling, "I would like to see if you can keep up your perfect record."'
 				gt 'Voltrenersex', 'bj'
@@ -218,13 +207,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'talk':
 				gt 'Voltrenersex', 'masaj'
 		n = 20 - volsesongame
 		'To qualify for the Junior Cup, we need:'
 		r = volsesonloss - volsesonwin
 		if volsesongame < 20:
 			'To play a minimum of 20 games, need to play at least <<n>> more games, and we need to win more matches than we lose.'
 		elseif volsesongame => 20 and volsesonwin => volsesonloss:
@@ -232,13 +217,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'talk':
 		elseif volsesongame => 20 and volsesonwin < volsesonloss:
 			'Win a <<r>> victories, and stop losing, so we need to get it together and to work alot harder.'
 		if rand(0,3) = 0:
-			dynamic $din_trener_speak
+			act 'Try to talk':
+			gt 'Voltrener', 'trener_speak'
+		act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+	act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gorslut':
@@ -251,17 +236,245 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gorslut':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'You shake your head and tell the coach that do not understand the coach sighs, "You''re not the smartest girl in the school are you? Well, I''m a lonely man, and you are a pretty young girl. Do I need to draw you a picture?"'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+		act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 		gt 'Voltrenersex', 'bj'
-	act 'Put your hand on coaches knee':
+	act 'Put your hand on coach''s knee':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'You lean forward slightly and put your palm on his knee, coach grins and you whisper, "I understand, you need a little demonstration of my other skills?" Coach leans back in his chair, "You''re a smart girl, <<$name>>, carry on."'
 		gt 'Voltrenersex', 'bj'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'trener_speak':
+	gs 'stat'
+	cla
+	if trenerepa > 40 and VoltrenerVoyeur = 2:
+		'"Michael, don''t you like me? You like to spy on me in the shower, and cum on me, but do you like me?" You look at coach adoringly, with big enthusiastic eyes.'
+		'Coach takes your hand in his, and says, "<<$name>>, you are very beautiful girl, and will be a great athlete, as long as you stay focused, but I told you I''m a married man, and I am worried about what we have done."'
+		'You angrily frown, not having expected this. "Well, at least he''s not dismissing or patronizing me, maybe he just needs me to nudge him more in my direction? Maybe I should be the one who is jealous?" you think as your mind whirls in confusion.'
+		VoltrenerVoyeur = 3 & ! flag start looking trainer for Ivan and you
+		if horny > 80: trenerepa += 3 & 'You decide to test his resolve.'
+		act 'Test him':
+			cls
+			horny += 10
+			gs 'stat'
+			if Discoclose = 1 and tanga = 1:
+				trenerlust += 3
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak5.jpg"></center>'
+				'"Mikhail, could you please help me?" You wait for a positive nod from coach, then lean over, exposing your panties and say, "Please look it seems to me during training something was rubbing, and it''s all sore."'
+				'Coach tries to look indifferent as he carefully inspects your butt, "Nothing there, generally comfortable and well fitted underwear will prevent rubbing." Despite his efforts to remain objective, you see his dick is straining to escape his pants.'
+			elseif Discoclose = 1 and tanga = 0:
+				trenerlust += 5
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak6.png"></center>'
+				'"Mikhail, could you please help me?" You wait for a positive nod from coach, you rest against the back of a bench and lean over, you aren''t wearing panties and coach has a perfect view of your crotch, you say, "Please look it seems to me during training something was rubbing, and it''s all sore."'
+				'Coach tries to look indifferent as he carefully inspects your holes. "Nothing there, but generally wearing panties and not showing off your bare ass will give you much better protection." Despite his efforts to remain objective, you see his dick is straining to escape his pants.'
+			else
+				trenerlust += 3
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak7.gif"></center>'
+				'"Mikhail, could you please help me?" You wait for a positive nod from coach, you get down on your knees and turning your ass to the coach, lower your shorts: "Please look it seems to me during training something was rubbing, and it''s all sore."'
+				'Coach tries to look indifferent as he carefully inspects your butt, "Nothing there, generally comfortable and well fitted underwear will prevent rubbing." Despite his efforts to remain objective, you see his dick is straining to escape his pants.'
+			end
+			act 'Say goodbye':
+				if Discoclose = 1:
+					Discoclose = 0
+					gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
+				else
+					gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	elseif trenerepa >= 0 and trener_Speak = 0:
+		trener_Speak += 1
+		'You decided to talk to the coach, he is rumoured to have played in the European championship winning team. But the coach as painful response to your inquiries and besieged you: "<<$surname>>, I am not up to satisfy your curiosity".'
+		if horny > 80 or GorSlut > 0:
+			trenerepa += 2
+			'"Not able to satisfy the curiosity? How about just meeting", - Flirty whispered you. Coach only puzzly looked at you, and turned away.'
+		end
+	elseif trenerepa > 10 and trener_Speak = 1:
+		trener_Speak += 1
+		'Seeing what-the irritable condition, Mikhail Nikolaevich you made attempts to cheer him up. Chatting and asking nonsense. Chirping all sorts of nonsense, you, by the way, asked about his girlfriend or wife. On what coach said: "<<$surname>> you do nothing except stuff you don''t to ask concerning?". But you continued to moan and say that you are very interested. Coach, all-still gave up and told: "There are, of course, beautiful and jealous, so will see, what are you hanging around me, get the first number".'
+		if horny > 80 or GorSlut > 0:
+			trenerepa += 2
+			'"And suddenly I''m not afraid, and is prettier to me", - at your words the coach just smiled.'
+		end
+	elseif trenerepa > 20  and trener_Speak = 2:
+		trener_Speak += 1
+		'Studiously avoiding all mention of CHE, you asked the coach to talk about volleyball last. He tells us that before the youth more responsible approach to the competition, did not go to the dance and not guzzled booze, practically belonged to a senior. Are you hoping to hear something more interesting, and got a lecture about that before the grass was greener and the trees above.'
+		if horny > 80 or GorSlut > 0:
+			trenerepa += 3
+			'Quickly bored you decided to interrupt this monologue, a bit provocative actions.'
+		end
+		act 'Interrupt':
+			cls
+			horny += 10
+			gs 'stat'
+			trenerlust += 2
+			if Discoclose = 1:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak1.jpg"></center>'
+				'You spun around yourself, and your skirt hiked, so coach your feet become visible and even a little ass. The look of the trainer chased your ass and legs. "The ball on the court so you don''t watch carefully", - rather you noticed. Michael N., a bit confused, turned away. "Still beautiful legs coach more interesting trees", -  you smiled to himself, and I thought:-" In the main part you will get".'
+			else
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak2.jpg"></center>'
+				'You went to the window and straightening his hair gave the coach the opportunity to admire your flexible figure. "Still young girls coach of interesting trees", -  you smiled to himself, and I thought:-" In the main part you will get".'
+			end
+			act 'Say goodbye':
+				if Discoclose = 1:
+					Discoclose = 0
+					gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
+				else
+					gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	elseif trenerepa > 30 and trener_Speak = 3:
+		trener_Speak += 1
+		'Once again you decided to talk about volleyball with coach. Coach is a bit photoprocesses, lost your head and began his story: "In the next days of sports of the USSR we settled into the hotel. I was not small  194 cm height, and now waiting for the lift was quite impressed by the team of our ordinary Soviet athletes, standing nearby. I felt like a pygmy next to these monumental figures from the great sport. All together we went into the Elevator and began to go upstairs. On the middle floors, the Elevator slows, go two puny Asian growth  "tester with cap" and begin enthusiastically tries to speak, looking on the bottom of our girls. Apparently, they had an argument between themselves on frivolous topic, because when you release the women from the Elevator, one of the Asians playfully slaps the last coming on the ass. The, without turning around, pure reflex, makes a sharp move, elbow hands back, getting sepalika right between the ears. There was a dull thud and unfortunate falls unconscious under the rear wall of the Elevator under the laughter of his friend. Lady lazily turns his head and utters the immortal phrase: - "Oh, exotics wanted..."'
+		'As the coach told this story, with its sexual overtones, you think, "Maybe he''d be more into me if I made him jealous. What if he saw me with one of the other jocks? and if I didn''t wear panties to training he might catch a glimpse of what he really wants."'
+		volleytanga = 1 & ! flag start training without panties in  gdksport - go to coaching
+		act 'Check':
+			cls
+			horny += 10
+			gs 'stat'
+			trenerlust += 2
+			if Discoclose = 1:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak3.jpg"></center>'
+				'Open neckline, so your CECE broke out, you turned to the coach, and arched his back has exhibited her juicy melons forward. the look of the trainer immediately focused on them, swallowing hard, the coach looked up from your Tits. "I''ll have something to tease him, maybe not to wear panties on a workout", - the thought flashed in your head, and the thought of sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach intensified.'
+			else
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak4.jpg"></center>'
+				'You pulled the shorts, like correcting them, and pulled them so hard, that is clearly covered your pussy.  Opinion of the coach staring at you between legs. "The ball on the court so you don`t watch carefully", - rather you noticed. Michael N., a bit confused, turned away. "I''ll have something to tease him, maybe not to wear panties on a workout", - the thought flashed in your head, and the thought of sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach intensified.'
+			end
+			act 'Say goodbye':
+				if Discoclose = 1:
+					Discoclose = 0
+					gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
+				else
+					gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	elseif ShowerIvan = 3 and trener_Speak = 4:
+		trener_Speak += 1
+		'"Michael N. Are you angry with me about Ivan, we''re not serious, he only cares about his competition. Anyway I like you better." Coach, tries to gather himself, only able to stare at you and cough.'
+		'You seize the initiative, "I wanted to ask you, do the coaches of the Junior volleyball teams get paid well? Then I might also want to become a coach, you have a car and you dress up stylishly, but you, as a former international player and European championship winner probably get paid extra." You decided to once again touch on the topic of the championship.'
+		act 'Humbly listen':
+			cla & *clr
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak20.jpg"></center>'
+			'But, It seems, the coach does not like your return to this topic. "<<$surname>>, I will not be drawn into talking about the championship, and coaches don''t get paid a lot, I spend my Sunday mornings training rich women in the fitness center, one lesson there pays more than a month working as a coach in our town." Still got nothing out of him there <<$surname>>, although he did mention about the classes in the fitness center, that''s got to be worth investigating.'
+			trenerepa += 3
+			'Seeing coach is a little upset by your questions, you decide to cheer him up.'
+			ShowerIvan = 4 & ! the flag on the emergence of Turner in the centre
+			act 'Kiss':
+				cla & *clr
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak8.jpg"></center>'
+				'Clasping the neck of the Coach''s hands, you stared at his lips with a kiss. The coach stood dumbfounded, rolling his eyes. Deciding not to stop local success, you have got to pants coach...'
+				act 'To get member':
+					cla & *clr
+					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak9.jpg"></center>'
+					'Without wasting time, you pulled standing stake member, squeezed it into a fist, and several times walked upside down on the trunk...'
+					act 'Take in the mouth':
+						cla & *clr
+						horny += 10
+						gs 'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak10.jpg"></center>'
+						'But as soon as your lips wrapped standing stake member, as a coach pushed your head and hastily tucked in the pants member: "<<$nickname>>, stop trying to molest me. I those explained everything, be good.  And then who knows-something I never make excuses, especially after what happened in the championship", - you pretended pie girl, and myself decided that we must go to the fitness center can get there what to learn something about the damn championship.'
+						act 'Say goodbye':
+							if Discoclose = 1:
+								Discoclose = 0
+								gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
+							else
+								gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+							end
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	elseif trener_Speak = 5 and ShowerIvan = 6:
+		cls
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak19.jpg"></center>'
+		'You took the hand of the coach in his: "Michael N. I want to tell you, that will never betray you, I certainly Prater Park, but human relationships are not the reason for the chatter. I''m not like the girl from the national team",- having blurted out this, you stared at the coach and waited for his reaction: "That damn Chinese, gossip is the same", - saying it, the coach smiled and continued: "And you''re a stubborn wench <<$surname>>, I will think about your words, now go home".'
+		centr = 4
+		trener_Speak += 1
+	elseif trener_Speak = 6 and trenerSex >= 1:
+		cla & *clr
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak21.jpg"></center>'
+		'You decided to ask the coach whether he will take you into the main part of, while trying to look as erotic. But Mikhail Nikolaevich why-then frowned and said: "Look at your behavior <<$surname>>". You have already caught his breath at the insult, how to rip your ass it''s the behavior not looks, and what in composition to include so it will look.'
+		act 'To recall the incident':
+			cla & *clr
+			trenerepa = -20
+			volleysostav = -10
+			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak22.jpg"></center>'
+			'"<<$surname>>, are you stupid, I think its the holes in the base to get", - the coach said with anger. "I seem mistaken when you believed your words, don''t come near me, I''m very disappointed in you, Yes and workout, too, may never come, you don''t belong on the team", - Michael N. Serkov in your direction quite frantic glance, turned around and left. '
+			act 'Escape':
+				if Discoclose = 1:
+					Discoclose = 0
+					gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
+				else
+					gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		act 'To bear a grudge':
+			cla & *clr
+			trenerepa += 5
+			trener_Speak += 1
+			'You really wanted to blurt out that-evil, but you resist, still faithfully looking into the eyes of the coach, you said you''re ready good behavior to show. Bending down and exposing ass,'
+			if Discoclose = 1 and tanga = 1:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak25.jpg"></center>'
+				'you pulled her panties together with clothes. Coach with intercom of posmotrela you.'
+			elseif Discoclose = 1 and tanga = 0:
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak24.gif"></center>'
+				'the hem of your dress lifted from under him and looked out not covered pussy panties, the coach looked at you, on your ass, and lifted her hem even higher, freeing up the ass from under the dress.'
+			else
+				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSpeak23.gif"></center>'
+				'putting a hand on the ass coach, pushed to the side knickers, spread her ass and held her hard trained thousands of feeds and techniques, fingers you on the hole.'
+			end
+			'And you''re interested in can we assume this behavior is good. "<<$nickname>> I, I, why are you all driving",- you chuckled and decided to be patient quirks coach well and patrapada with him. It seems, the basis I dont get.'
+			act 'Escape':
+				if Discoclose = 1:
+					Discoclose = 0
+					gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
+				else
+					gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	elseif trener_Speak = 7 and trenerepa > 150 and volleyboll > 150:
+		trener_Speak += 1
+		cla
+		*clr
+		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/Tren/VolleyTrener5.jpg"></center>'
+		'The coach smiled at you and, giving you a thumbs up, said: "<<$name>>, I want to congratulate you, I think. I''ve decised to make you a first string regular, from now on, you''ll be starting."' 
+		'"But," he added, shaking his finger at you admonishingly, "You will still need to keep practicing, and less booze-gadding!"' 
+		'You squealed happily and threw your arms around the coach''s neck. "Now we have them... I always... Yes we like..." The excitement of the unexpected anouncement left you unable to speak and the coach just smiled at you and said, "Go."'
+		volleysostav = 2
+	else
+		trenerepa += 1
+		'"Seeing as you are showing some interest in volleyball, I''ll fill you in on some history:"'
+		$volleyhistory[1]='"In 1895 Williaam J. Morgan instructor at a young men`s Christian Association (YMCA, Holyoke, Mass.(religion is the cradle of modern civilization)) decided to blend elements of basketball, baseball, tennis and handball, to create a new game, as he saw basketball to be too high contact. He created the game of volleyball (at that time it was called mintonette). Morgan borrowed the net from tennis and installed it at the approximate height of 196 cm from the floor, slightly above the heads of the average person.'
+		$volleyhistory[2]='"During a demonstration of the game Morgan noticed, that the players volley the ball back and forth over the net, and maybe Volleyball would be the most appropriate name for this sport. On 7 July 1896 in Springfield College first game of volleyball was played.'
+		$volleyhistory[3]='"In 1916 in the Philippines saw the first demonstration of combination pass and smash, with a high pass on a trajectory designed for another player to attack.'
+		$volleyhistory[4]='"1920 saw the establishment of the rule of three touches of the ball by players of one team before the ball has to cross over the net, as well as the typically positioning of attacking and back line players. '
+		$volleyhistory[5]='"In 1930 the first game of beach volleyball between teams of two players was played.'
+		$volleyhistory[6]='"1934 brought about volleyball judges (before then the matches were refereed by a priest in a cassock of the young men''s Christian Association).'
+		$volleyhistory[7]='"In 1947 the International volleyball Federation (FIVB) was formed.'
+		$volleyhistory[8]='"In 1948 the first beach volleyball tournament was held.'
+		$volleyhistory[9]='"In 1949 the first volleyball world championships took place in Prague.'
+		$volleyhistory[10]='"In 1964 Volleyball was introduced to the Olympics at the Tokyo games.'
+		*pl $volleyhistory[rand(1,10)]
+	end
+	act 'Say goodbye':
+		if Discoclose = 1:
+			Discoclose = 0
+			gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
+		else
+			gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+		end
+	end
 --- Voltrener ---------------------------------

+ 14 - 14

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	gs 'stat'
-	act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+	act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0] = '0':
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '0':
 		'Wiping the steam off the glass, you see only a vaguely outline of a man. The man quickly moves to the exit and leaves before you can tell who it was.'
 		VoltrenerVoyeur += 1
 		trenerlust += 2
-		act 'Finish shower':gt 'gdksport'
+		act 'Finish shower':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSexShower4.jpg"></center>'
 		'You scream with fright and the coach quickly runs out.'
-		act 'Finish shower':gt 'gdksport'
+		act 'Finish shower':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
  	if horny >= 60 or GorSlut > 1:
 		act 'Carry on':
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '1':
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSexShower5.gif"></center>'
 				'Stepping out of the shower, you are not at all embarrassed by the coach who continues to stare at you. Drying yourself on a towel you ask, "Get everything you wanted, coach?" The coach smiles, then shakes his head, before leaving slowly.'
-				act 'Finish shower':gt 'gdksport'
+				act 'Finish shower':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSexShower7.jpg"></center>'
 		'Ths coach takes the hint and tucking his cock away, does up his trousers and leaves. "It seems he did not have time to cum." You think with a touch of glee."'
-		act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+		act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 	if horny >= 70 or GorSlut > 1:
 		act 'Masturbate':
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '2':
 				manna = mannamax
 				horny = 0
 				gs 'stat'
-				act 'Finish shower':gt 'gdksport'
+				act 'Finish shower':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -109,15 +109,15 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '3':
   				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSexShower11.gif"></center>'
   				'You willingly grab handles for the ass and stretch her, opening a coach views your holes. The coach walks up to you, and you loosed a sigh of disappointment, only a few times twitching target, Michael came to you in the ass, adding to Vanina his semen. '
-				act 'Wash your ass':gt 'gdksport'
+				act 'Wash your ass':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
        		act 'Augutsa':
   				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSexShower12.jpg"></center>'
   				'You scared cover ass hands and eyes "frightened DOE", look at Mikhail Nikolaevich. He throws evil: "As Prokhorov the ass to substitute so she already whines with joy, a native trainer to alleviate the tension, so scared Oh".  To the fright in the eyes of wine added, but hands off the ass that you and is not removed. Trainer evil and spat out.'
-  				act 'Wash your ass':gt 'gdksport'
+  				act 'Wash your ass':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-		act 'Wash your ass':gt'gdksport'
+		act 'Wash your ass':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '4':
 							orgasm += 1
 							horny = 0
 							gs 'stat'
-							act 'Wash your face':gt 'gdksport'
+							act 'Wash your face':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
-						act 'Wash your face':gt 'gdksport'
+						act 'Wash your face':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '5':
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerSexShower21.jpg"></center>'
 				'You and sex with Vanya did not really want, today you have been unusually cold, so not the least bit upset by the disappearance of Vani, looked indifferently on the coach and, closing the door to the booth, started to do that for which you came into the shower to wash... .'
-				act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+				act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 			act 'To seduce coach':
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '5':
 									dynamic $sexstart2
 									dynamic $sexcum
 									finrand = 0
-									act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+									act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 							act 'Substitute the ass':
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '5':
 									$analsexrudeorgazm2 = 'You feel, how dick inside your ass, as the head stretches the sphincter ring, rushing into. You breath, thought, he will tear you. Hands caressed your Breasts, stroking pussy. He slowly pulled out of you cock, then again began to enter it, stretching your hole. Went to the end and came out again. A little burned, but gradually the burning sensation is gone, I was very pleased, your anus adapted. The cock slid in her ass, pushing back the walls, which tightly clasped his, and every movement brings you a wave of good feeling. "What a sweet ass",- you hear. '
 									$analsexrudeorgazm3 = $analsexrudeorgazm2
 									dynamic $analsexrude
-									act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+									act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'

+ 7 - 7

@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ $din_trener_speak = {
 						Discoclose = 0
 						gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
-						gt 'gdksport'
+						gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ $din_trener_speak = {
 						Discoclose = 0
 						gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
-						gt 'gdksport'
+						gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ $din_trener_speak = {
 						Discoclose = 0
 						gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
-						gt 'gdksport'
+						gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ $din_trener_speak = {
 									Discoclose = 0
 									gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
-									gt 'gdksport'
+									gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ $din_trener_speak = {
 						Discoclose = 0
 						gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
-						gt 'gdksport'
+						gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ $din_trener_speak = {
 						Discoclose = 0
 						gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
-						gt 'gdksport'
+						gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ $din_trener_speak = {
 				Discoclose = 0
 				gt 'pod_ezd','etaj_1'
-				gt 'gdksport'
+				gt 'gdksport', 'start'

+ 22 - 22

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-	act 'Escape':gt'gdksport'
+	act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'talk':
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'talk':
 		'I looked at your eyes, from which you shiver went all over the skin, whether in anticipation, whether from excitement, but the coach said,: «So <<$surname>> I have business there, so we postpone our conversation next time», - and putting you out the door.'	
-	act 'Escape': gt'gdksport'
+	act 'Escape': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
 				Joke += 1 &! the counter start sex on disco
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/voitrensex5.JPG"></center>'
 				'Already preparing to move from the scrotum, for the main dish, in my head flashed to play a joke on coach, jumping to his feet, waving Tits in front of the coach, you corrected the light and jumped out of the coaching laughing and showing the language coach. After you came: "<<$surname>>, the little zaraska, catch, somewhere in a secluded corner of fuck right there", - but through a terrible roar, there was a hint of laughter.'
-				act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+				act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 		act 'Suck':
@@ -95,35 +95,35 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'sex':
 						swallow += 1
 						spafinloc = 12
-gs 'cum_manage'
+						gs 'cum_manage'
 						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/voitrensex6.gif"></center>'
 						'It has been seen, that he likes it. Then you took him deep into her mouth, in the throat, Shegolev head, from what the coach just howled. And began to cum right in the throat..'
 						act 'Masturbate': gt 'Voltrenersex', 'Mast'
 						!if trenerSex => 20 and mesec <= 0: act 'Get lick': dynamic $din_trener_kun
-						act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+						act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 				act 'Remove from the mouth':
 					spafinloc = 14
-gs 'cum_manage'
+					gs 'cum_manage'
 					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/voitrensex9.jpg"></center>'
 					'Feeling a surge of cock in your mouth, you understand that the final close and pulling the member out of his mouth sent him to his chest. Michael growled and out of his cock like a garden hose began to spray the seed irrigating your Breasts.'
 					act 'Masturbate': gt 'Voltrenersex', 'Mast'
 					!if trenerSex => 20 and mesec <= 0: act 'Get lick': dynamic $din_trener_kun
-					act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+					act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 				if trenerSex >= 6:
 					act 'To give cum in mouth':
 						swallow += 1
 						spafinloc = 12
-gs 'cum_manage'
+						gs 'cum_manage'
 						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/voitrensex10.gif"></center>'
 						'Your actions had an effect, the mentor actively moved his hips thrusting cock deeper and abundantly poured out filling your mouth with his seed. Wait until Michael finishes to cum, you pulled his unit out of his mouth and swallowed what coach you are fed.'
 						act 'Masturbate': gt 'Voltrenersex', 'Mast'
 						!if trenerSex => 20 and mesec <= 0: act 'Get lick': dynamic $din_trener_kun
-						act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+						act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 				if trenerSex >= 3:
@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ gs 'cum_manage'
 						swallow += 1
 						spafinloc = 12
-gs 'cum_manage'
+						gs 'cum_manage'
 						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/voitrensex7.gif"></center>'
 						'Feeling a surge of cock in your mouth, you understand that the final close and pulling the member out of his mouth, opened her mouth and stuck out his tongue faithfully watching the coach in the eye, from this picture it knocked the breath, he grabbed his cock and pointed it directly into your open mouth, twitching a couple of times on the trunk, mentor with a groan he started to cum filling your mouth sticky and salty liquid, watching the eyes of this picture. '
 						act 'Masturbate': gt 'Voltrenersex', 'Mast'
 						!if trenerSex => 20 and mesec <= 0: act 'Get lick': dynamic $din_trener_kun
-						act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+						act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -178,10 +178,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'vag':
 					act 'Wipe the cum':
 						spafinloc = 12
-gs 'cum_manage'
+						gs 'cum_manage'
 						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/voitrensex34.jpg"></center>'
 						'Waiting for the last drops, you began to collect sperm from the face fingers, and then lick them, looking at coach. After watching this picture, the mentor tried to make a joke: "And you''re insane woman, <<$name>>", - and you thought you only coach to fly was missing in your age, it''s better this way. '
-						act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+						act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Anal':
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/voitrensex28.jpg"></center>'
 				'Pulling the cock out of your ass coach watched as her cum flows out, slapped you on the cheek, and they said you were good today. You he smiled lustfully. and steel is collected.'
-				act 'Escape':gt'gdksport'
+				act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Defl':
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/voitrensex20.jpg"></center>'
 		'Michael threw his hands up in delicate petals of your pussy, and making sure that you are still a virgin said: "Case, here is me doing, but she''s still a girl...", - coach hate you with fear, interest looked at him. The decision he makes, will does he deprive of virginity, and should I give him to do, flashed the thought in your head.'
-		act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+		act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 		act 'Stay':
 			kuni += 1
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'Defl':
 						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/voitrensex27.jpg"></center>'
 						'Pulling out of you with his cock covered in blood and secretions, the coach began to talk about something that is here now you''re not a girl, but you almost never heard, though not having an orgasm your first time you like and you hovered somewhere far, the sensations were strange squeak, as if it opened and pulled away. Smiling to myself seeing attentive and caring look of the trainer. You began to gather.'
-						act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+						act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ gs 'stat'
 						'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/voitrensex16.gif"></center>'
 						'Unable to withstand this double pressure, you not seeing anything around you began to announce the coaching screaming orgasm, Bent the arc and huddled in convulsions. Coach dumbfounded looking at your stormy orgasm said: "Yes <<$surname>>, you look so hot"'
-						act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+						act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 					i = rand(1,4)
 					if i = 1:
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ gs 'stat'
 								gs 'stat'
 								'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/voitrensex18.gif"></center>'
 								'Maddened by cover you desire you grab member Mikhail Nikolaevich burning with desire to feel it in yourself, but it looks like the show is arranged by you pressed your partner and he immediately starts to cum, but as soon as the drops of semen fall on you, you nahodites Creek in plunging into the abyss crazy orgasm.'
-								act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport'
+								act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ gs 'cum_manage'
 			'Coach puts his cock back in his pants. "Okay <<$surname>>, you are very diligent girl, I can see you fitting in very well, consider yourself in the team, as a sub of course."'
-		act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+		act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'masaj':
 							'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerMasaj6.jpg"></center>'
 							'You lie after this wonderful massage and just can not get over it, feet brushed the sofa, I do not want to listen and your pussy shamelessly outstretched wings petals, perfectly visible trainer, he gently leads her hands over your body. Then Mikhail Nikolayevich asked: "Well that `s all for today , or continue?". '
-							act 'Dress and leave': gt'gdksport'
+							act 'Dress and leave': gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 							if horny >= 100 and rand(0,1) = 1 and mesec <= 0: 
 								act 'Continue':
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'masaj':
 														swallow += 1
 														spafinloc = 12
-gs 'cum_manage'
+														gs 'cum_manage'
 														minut += 30
 														manna += 20
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ gs 'cum_manage'
 															'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/VoltrenerMasaj13.jpg"></center>'
 															'Coach exhausted on shaky legs went away from you, You looked at him archly, and began to collect all the fingers that still have not been able to swallow, and send in his mouth. "As gratitude for massage trainer?", - slyly asked you, but Mikhail smiled in response.'
-															act 'Escape':gt'gdksport'
+															act 'Escape':gt 'gdksport', 'start'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ elseif dancegevtipe = 3:
 	'Veronichka Mokhova doing the splits standing on hands, thus it without underpants.'
-act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 --- danceGev ---------------------------------

+ 1 - 1

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ elseif hour >= 20 and hour <= 23:
 if hour >= 16 and hour <= 20:
-	act 'Go to the sports section':gt 'gdksport'
+	act 'Go to the sports section':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 if hour >= 8 and hour <= 18:

Файлын зөрүү хэтэрхий том тул дарагдсан байна
+ 873 - 64

+ 2 - 2

@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ if andGevknow = 0:
 				'To which the guy just shrugged.'
-			act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+			act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 !!if andGevknow > 0:!
-act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
+act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 --- volAndGev ---------------------------------

+ 0 - 158

@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# volley
-minut += 30
-gs 'stat'
-if volltime = 0:
-	!! reset the scores
-	volpoint = 0
-	volpointv = 0
-	'The teams take to the field and start playing.'
-	!! reserve player or you were caught drinking by the coach and he forbid you from playing
-	if trener_Speak < 9 or seealko = 1:
-		volleysostav = 1
-		poverkomand = 500
-		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/game3.jpg"></center>'
-		'You sit on the bench watching your team play.'
-	!! starter
-	else
-		volleysostav = 2
-		poverkomand = 500 + ((volleyboll*2) + ((stren + vital + agil + react)/2))/2
-		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/game4.jpg"></center>'
-		'After warming up you run out on the court to join your teammates.'
-	end
-	!! opponent skill
-	poverkomandV = rand(300, 1300)
-	if poverkomand > poverkomandV:
-		volpoint = 1
-		'Your team plays better than your opponents.'
-	elseif poverkomand < poverkomandV:
-		volpointv = 1
-		'Your opponents play better than your team.'
-	else
-		'The scoring varies one way, then the other, obviously the teams are evenly matched.'
-	end
-	act 'Continue':volltime = 1 & gt $curloc
-!! halftime
-elseif volltime = 1:
-	'During the break, both teams have a rest.'
-	if volpointv = 0:
-		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/Tren/VolleyTrener6.jpg"></center>'
-		'Coach tells the team that you can''t relax, though winning you still need to be focused and not let the opponents back into the game.'
-	elseif volpoint = 0:
-		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/Tren/VolleyTrener2.jpg"></center>'
-		'Coach tells the team that losing the first half is bad, but it''s not a disaster, you pick yourselves up and go out and kick their asses. You can still win this game in the second half.'
-	else
-		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/Tren/VolleyTrener1.jpg"></center>'
-		'Coach tells the team that there is no draws in volleyball, he expects you to keep doing the things that you are doing well, but increase pressure. With more discipline and toughness, you can win this game. '
-	end
-	if volleysostav = 1:
-		'You are sitting on the bench.'
-		act 'Ask to play':
-			if seealko = 1:
-				cls
-				'The coach refuses to let you play because he caught you drinking.'
-				act 'Continue':volltime = 2 & gt $curloc
-			else
-				cls
-				gs 'stat'
-				if trenerepa >= rand(0, 80):
-					volleysostav = 2
-					dom += 1
-					poverkomand += ((volleyboll*2) + ((stren + vital + agil + react)/2))/2
-					'The coach agrees to let you play the second half.'
-					act 'Continue':volltime = 2 & gt $curloc
-				else
-					'You ask the coach to play, but he shakes his head and explains that it is not staigically right for the team.'
-					act 'Continue':volltime = 2 & gt $curloc
-				end
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	act 'Continue':volltime = 2 & gt $curloc
-!! 2nd half
-elseif volltime = 2:
-	*clr
-	cla
-	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/game5.jpg"></center>'
-	'Break is over and the team start the second half.'
-	if volleysostav = 1:'You sit on the bench watching your team play.'
-	if poverkomand > poverkomandV:
-		volpoint += 1
-		'Your team plays better than your opponents.'
-		!! you came in and your team scored when they would not have without you
-		if volleysostav = 2 and volpointv = 1:trenerepa += 10
-	elseif poverkomand < poverkomandV:
-		volpointv += 1
-		'Your opponents play better than your team.'
-		!! you came in and your team gave up a point they would not have without you
-		if volleysostav = 2 and volpoint = 1:trenerepa -= 10
-	else
-		'The scoring varies one way, then the other, obviously the teams are evenly matched.'
-		!! you came in and your team tied when they would not lost without you
-		if volleysostav = 2 and volpointv = 1:trenerepa += 5
-	end
-	act 'Continue':volltime = 3 & gt $curloc
-!! end of game
-elseif volltime = 3:
-	*clr
-	cla
-	volsesongame += 1
-	if rand (1, 100) < 3:
-		if volpointv = 2:
-			volpoint = 0
-			volpointv = 2
-		elseif volpoint = 2:
-			volpoint = 2
-			volpointv = 0
-		end
-	end
-	'Final whistle.'
-	seealko = 0
-	if volpoint > volpointv:
-		volsesonwin += 1
-		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/game6.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your team won.'
-	elseif volpoint < volpointv:
-		volsesonloss += 1
-		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/game8.jpg"></center>'
-		'Your team lost.'
-	else
-		if rand (0, 1) = 0:
-			volsesonwin += 1
-			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/game7.jpg"></center>'
-			'The match was very close, but in the end your team gets the win.'
-		else
-			volsesonloss += 1
-			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/volley/game7.jpg"></center>'
-			'The match was very close, but in the end your team losses.'
-		end
-	end
-	act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport'
-	act 'Go to coaching':gt 'Voltrener', 'start'
---- volley ---------------------------------

Энэ ялгаанд хэт олон файл өөрчлөгдсөн тул зарим файлыг харуулаагүй болно