@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# piratbreak
+$boy = 'Pirate'
+sexpartkno = 1
+sexvolume = rand(20,590)
+sexspecpot = -1
minut += 2
horny += RAND(5,10)
gs 'stat'
@@ -38,7 +42,7 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his pussy':
vagina += 4
vgape = 3
horny = 0
- cumpussy = 1
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
'Knot all continues and continues to increase in size until you finally start to moan dull aching pain in the vagina. But do you have anything you can not, so the next twenty minutes of painful groans and mychite in conjunction with pirates...'
act 'escape':gt 'Gadsarai'
@@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his pussy':
vagina += 3
vgape = 2
horny -= RAND(15,30)
- cumpussy = 1
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
if horny >= 100:
@@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his pussy':
minut += 20
vagina += 2
horny += RAND(25,50)
- cumpussy = 1
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
if horny >= 100:
@@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his pussy':
minut += 20
vagina += 1
horny += RAND(50,100)
- cumpussy = 1
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
if horny >= 100:
@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his pussy':
vagina += 4
vgape = 3
horny = 0
- cumpussy = 1
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
'Knot all continues and continues to increase in size until you finally start to moan dull aching pain in the vagina. But do you have anything you can not, so the next twenty minutes of painful groans and mychite in conjunction with pirates...'
act 'escape':gt 'Gadsarai'
@@ -113,7 +117,7 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his pussy':
vagina += 3
vgape = 1
horny += RAND(25,50)
- cumpussy = 1
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
if horny >= 100:
@@ -154,7 +158,8 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his pussy':
vagina += 1
vgape = 1
horny -= RAND(10,20)
- cumpussy = 1
+ sexvolume = rand(20,50)
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
'You shudder at the powerful wild tremors, feeling like your pussy wildly moving hot cock excited animal. Ten minutes later it all ends and dog begins to erupt in your aching cunt...'
act 'escape':gt 'Gadsarai'
@@ -162,7 +167,8 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his pussy':
minut += 10
vagina += 1
horny += RAND(15,30)
- cumpussy = 1
+ sexvolume = rand(20,50)
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
if horny >= 100:
@@ -179,7 +185,7 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his pussy':
elseif vagina >= 25 and vagina < 35:
minut += 20
horny += RAND(30,50)
- cumpussy = 1
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
if horny >= 100:
@@ -196,7 +202,7 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his pussy':
elseif vagina >= 35:
minut += 20
horny += RAND(15,30)
- cumpussy = 1
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
if horny >= 100:
@@ -225,21 +231,22 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his pussy':
minut += 10
vagina += 1
horny += RAND(15,30)
- cumpussy = 1
+ sexvolume = rand(20,50)
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
'<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/piratbreak.jpg"></center>'
'You shudder at the powerful thrusts wild with delight feeling in your pussy sloshing wildly moving hot cock excited animal. Pirate so much hollowed into your pussy squish his cock pops out of it...'
elseif vagina >= 25 and vagina < 35:
minut += 20
horny += RAND(30,50)
- cumpussy = 1
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
'<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/piratbreak.jpg"></center>'
'You shudder at the powerful thrusts wild with animal lust feeling in your pussy sloshing wildly moving hot cock excited animal. Pirate so much hollowed into your loud squelching pussy chvakayuschuyu and that his penis pops out of it...'
elseif vagina >= 35:
minut += 20
horny += RAND(15,30)
- cumpussy = 1
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
'<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/piratbreak.jpg"></center>'
'You shudder at the powerful wild jolts due stretching of the vaginal feeling weak as it moves wildly excited hot member of the animal, but your pussy is so razdolbany and stretched, his cock just falls out of her...'
@@ -281,7 +288,8 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his ass':
anus += 4
agape = 3
horny = 0
- cumanus = 1
+ spafinloc = 3
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
'Knot all continues and continues to increase in size until you finally start to moan with acute frenzied pain in the anus. But do you have anything you can not, so the next twenty minutes muchites and writhed in conjunction with pirates...'
act 'escape':gt 'Gadsarai'
@@ -290,7 +298,8 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his ass':
anus += 3
agape = 2
horny -= RAND(15,30)
- cumanus = 1
+ spafinloc = 3
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
'Knot all continues and continues to increase in size until you finally start to moan dull aching pain in the anus. But do you have anything you can not, so the next twenty minutes meekly suffer acute pain in the anus...'
act 'escape':gt 'Gadsarai'
@@ -299,7 +308,8 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his ass':
anus += 2
agape = 1
horny += RAND(15,30)
- cumanus = 1
+ spafinloc = 3
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
if horny >= 100:
@@ -317,7 +327,8 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his ass':
minut += 20
anus += 1
horny += RAND(50,100)
- cumanus = 1
+ spafinloc = 3
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
if horny >= 100:
@@ -339,7 +350,8 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his ass':
anus += 5
agape = 3
horny = 0
- cumanus = 1
+ spafinloc = 3
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
'<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/analpain.jpg"></center>'
'Knot all continues and continues to increase in size until you finally start to moan with acute frenzied pain in the anus. Suddenly Pirate, ears pricked, as if something scented, and a couple of times gavknuv loudly, jumps from your back to the ground and force begins to pull you over. You shout from severe tearing pain in the anus, and a couple of minutes trying to calm down the Pirate, until he finally calms down. All subsequent time you sobbing in pain, waiting for deflate your knot and uncorked long-suffering ass...'
@@ -349,7 +361,8 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his ass':
anus += 5
agape = 3
horny = 0
- cumanus = 1
+ spafinloc = 3
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
'<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/analpain.jpg"></center>'
'Knot all continues and continues to increase in size until you finally start to moan dull aching pain in the anus. Suddenly Pirate, ears pricked, as if something scented, and a couple of times gavknuv loudly, jumps from your back to the ground and force begins to pull you over. You shout from acute pain in the anus, and a couple of minutes trying to calm down the Pirate, until he finally calms down. All subsequent time you sobbing in pain, waiting for deflate your knot and uncorked long-suffering ass...'
@@ -359,7 +372,8 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his ass':
anus += 4
agape = 2
horny -= RAND(40,60)
- cumanus = 1
+ spafinloc = 3
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
'<center><img src="images/qwest/gadukino/analpain.jpg"></center>'
'Knot all continues and continues to increase in size until it finally reaches its maximum size. Suddenly Pirate, ears pricked, as if something scented, and a couple of times gavknuv loudly, jumps from your back to the ground and force begins to pull you over. You shout from the dull pain in the anus, and a couple of minutes trying to calm down the Pirate, until he finally calms down. All subsequent time you mychite in pain, waiting for assembly and uncorked deflate your ass...'
@@ -391,7 +405,9 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his ass':
anus += 1
agape = 2
horny -= RAND(15,30)
- cumanus = 1
+ spafinloc = 3
+ sexvolume = rand(20,50)
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
'You shudder at the powerful wild tremors, feeling like in your ass moves hot cock wildly excited animal, and on the arm of aching anus dripping warm viscous liquid.'
act 'escape':gt 'Gadsarai'
@@ -399,7 +415,8 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his ass':
minut += 20
anus += 1
horny += RAND(15,30)
- cumanus = 1
+ spafinloc = 3
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
if horny >= 100:
@@ -416,7 +433,8 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his ass':
elseif anus >= 25 and anus < 35:
minut += 20
horny += RAND(30,50)
- cumanus = 1
+ spafinloc = 3
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
if horny >= 100:
@@ -433,7 +451,8 @@ act 'Send it to a member of his ass':
elseif anus >= 35:
minut += 20
horny += RAND(50,100)
- cumanus = 1
+ spafinloc = 3
+ gs 'cum_manage'
gs 'stat'
if horny >= 100: