@@ -94,13 +94,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
+end &! --- ---
+!! continuation of the first date
if $ARGS[0] = 'qwmeetdy':
'The door opened and the driver took your hand.'
act 'Climb out of the car with the driver''s assistance':
- cls
+ *clr & cla
minut += 3
gs 'stat'
'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/glory/001.jpg"></center>'
@@ -110,7 +111,465 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'qwmeetdy':
act 'Go home':gt 'street'
+end &! --- qwmeetdy ---
+!! start of the second date
+if $ARGS[0] = '2':
+ minut += 3
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/glory/001.jpg"></center>'
+ 'Glory smiled and gestured for you to get in the car on the front passenger seat.'
+ act 'Sit next to the driver':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 3
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/glory/002.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You took a seat next to the driver''s. Glory came to the door and slammed it shut before walking over to his seat and sitting behind the wheel. Glory again sped through the city, paying little heed to traffic lights, signs and other cars.'
+ gt 'qwmeet','qwslavady'
+ end
+ act 'Sit on the back seat':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 3
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/glory/002.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You defiantly took a backseat and Glory mutely shut the door behind you before he walked over to his seat and sat behind the wheel. Glory again sped through the city, paying little heed to traffic lights, signs and other cars.'
+ gt 'qwmeet','qwslavady'
+ end
+end &! --- 2 ---
+!! continuation of the second date
+if $ARGS[0] = 'qwslavady':
+ 'Glory spoke up without looking around at you "<<$pcs_nickname>>, where did you meet Volodya?"'
+ 'You''re a little surprised that the driver called his boss Volodya but you replied that you met in the park.'
+ 'The driver smiled "Yeah I remember. I drove him to the park with his wife and child. Then you must already know that he has a wife and child, right?"'
+ 'You nodded, "Yes, he told me." Glory chuckled avoiding another car at full speed "It''s clear. Cinderella has found her prince on a white horse."'
+ 'Police sirens suddenly wailed from behind and began to demand over the megaphone that the Audi stopped. Glory laughed and pressed even harder on the gas, flooring it. "The man who can catch up to be hasn''t been born."'
+ 'The car accelerated to a ludicrous speed, other cars moving in the same direction vanishing behind you before you can see them ahead. Glory sped the car out of the city and the sirens faded. He grinned, "I told you the shits couldn''t catch me."'
+ 'Soon the Audi arrived at the river and stopped near the pier which was almost deserted. Glory hopped out of the car and helped you to your feet.'
+ 'You spotted Vladimir walking towards you.'
+ act 'Give a kiss on the cheek':
+ *clr & cla
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">Vladimir</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vladimir/001.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You moved towards Vladimir and gave his cheek a brief, chaste, kiss.'
+ gt 'qwmeet','qwmeetkatdy'
+ end
+ act 'Kiss on the lips':
+ *clr & cla
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">Vladimir</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vladimir/001.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You kissed Vladimir on the mouth, his strong, firm, lips pressing hard against your pliant mouth.'
+ gt 'qwmeet','qwmeetkatdy'
+ end
+end &! --- qwslavady ---
+!! still continuation of the second date
+if $ARGS[0] = 'qwmeetkatdy':
+ 'After the kiss, Vladimir held you by the hand took you to acquaint you with his friends. Near the motor yacht stood two men and one woman, talking.'
+ 'Vladimir brought you to the thinner of the two men, a man of a certain age with a rigid, fastidious persona. "Nicholas this is <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
+ act 'Very nice':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 5
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">Nick</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/nicholas/001.jpg"></center>'
+ 'Nicholas did not blink as he looked at you and said politely commented, "Very nice."'
+ 'Vladimir brought you next to the girl standing alongside Nicholas and introduced you to each other. "Isolde, <<$pcs_nickname>>. <<$pcs_nickname>>, Isolde."'
+ act 'Very nice':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 5
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">Isolda</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/isolde/izolda.jpg"></center>'
+ 'The young blonde smiled and greeted you.'
+ 'Vladimir brought you to his second friend. "This, Vitaly, is <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
+ act 'Very nice':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 5
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">Vitali</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vitali/001.jpg"></center>'
+ 'The man looked at you with wide, mad eyes and smiled. "Hello beautiful, welcome to our warm company"'
+ 'Vladimir looked around "Well, since we''re all here, let''s get on the boat." Nicholas looked at the driver, Glory. "Hey Banzai, loose the moorings and get to the helm." The asian nodded and began fussing around the boat.'
+ act 'Board the boat':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 5
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">The boat</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vladimir/kater.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You boarded the boat and the Asian, Glory, who Nicholas called Banzai cast off and deftly jumped onto the boat. Glory started the motor and sped off to the river at full speed.'
+ 'Nicholas sat down on a seat beside him and Vitaly flopped down to lie on the deck. Vladimir started fussing about the deck but Nicholas interrupted him, "Vova, stop running around and let us make love to the girls. Sit down and talk."'
+ 'Isolde, in response to Nicholas''s comment ducked into the cabin.'
+ act 'Follow Isolde into the cabin':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 5
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">Cabin</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/isolde/izolda.jpg"></center>'
+ 'In the cabin was a box with a variety of provisions and Isolde competently began to arrange food onto a tray. She nodded to the tomatoes, wordlessly telling you to prepare them. You grabbed a knife and started to cut the tomatoes.'
+ act 'Ask about her and Nicholas':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 5
+ gs 'stat'
+ 'Curious, you asked her about her relationship towards Nicholas. Isolde responded immediately, "We are not married but we are dating. Nicholas doesn''t have any family, no wife, no children. He''s a very influential person in the city, with one cross word he can make anyone toe the line."'
+ '"Nicholas acts as a mediator to resolve a variety of issues and disputes." Isolde also reveals that she works in one his offices, she does almost nothing and gets not a bad salary. Nicholas gave her the post.'
+ act 'Ask about Vitali':
+ cla
+ minut += 5
+ gs 'stat'
+ 'You asked who Vitaly was. Isolde shrugged, "I do not really know, Nikolai calls him his cop. So probably he is a cop."'
+ act 'Ask about Glory':
+ cla
+ minut += 5
+ gs 'stat'
+ 'You asked whether she knows Glory, she smiled, "I do not know much despite all my time around the Banzai. He replaced the last driver rather suddenly. He''s a brazen, crazy type but a really great driver. He''s kind of a master racer."'
+ act 'Carry a tray out onto deck':gt 'qwmeet','qwpaluba'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end &! --- qwmeetkatdy ---
+!! still continuation of the second date
+if $ARGS[0] = 'qwpaluba':
+ minut += 30
+ pcs_energy = 100
+ water = 100
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">The boat</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vladimir/kater2.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You brought the tray onto the deck and put it on the table in front of the men. Vladimir began pouring a glass of vodka and gestured invitingly for you to take a seat. Isolde appeared carrying a second tray of food.'
+ 'Everyone bar Glory took a seat at a table on the deck and after everyone was comfortable Vladimir poured vodka into the glasses. Nicholas raised a toast "To the ladies here."'
+ 'Everyone drank the toast and returned to their conversations. Vladimir busied himself with explaining the results of a recent vote to Nicholas and Vitaly contented himself with lounging back, smoking and staring at your feet. "!!The biggest change was in this line so please double check it'
+ 'Isolde stood, leaning her hands on the gunwale and observing her surroundings. Glory piloted the boat along the river.'
+ act 'Approach Isolde':
+ *clr & cla
+ izoldaQW = 1
+ minut += 15
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">Isolde</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/isolde/izolda.jpg"></center>'
+ 'Glory began to make a turn along the river that would lead you back to the place from where you cast off. You clung to the rail next to Isolde to prevent you from falling out, Nicholas shouted "Banzai, be careful! You''re not carrying firewood."'
+ 'Once you have chatted boat lined with Isolde about trifles. She called you my address in the city center and invited to come to anything like it.'
+ 'The boat finally slowed to a stop alongside the riverbank to allow you to disembark.'
+ act 'Disembark':gt 'qwmeet','qwbereg'
+ end
+ act 'Approach Glory':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 15
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">Glory</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/glory/001.jpg"></center>'
+ 'Glory grinned when he saw you. "Hold on tight, I''m going to turn." You clung to railings and the Asian driver banked the boat hard to turn back along the river. Nicholas shouted "Banzai, be careful! You''re not carrying firewood."'
+ 'The driver smiled, "I can''t help myself, I love speed. Do you like speed?"'
+ act 'Not really':
+ cla
+ slavaQW = 1
+ '"Not really," you say.'
+ 'Glory smiled. "You just haven''t felt it yet. You''d love the feeling of real speed. I hang out in the evenings in the city industrial region near the bar, "Flight", come visit.'
+ 'The boat finally dropped in speed and came to a halt against the river''s shore.'
+ act 'Disembark':gt 'qwmeet','qwbereg'
+ end
+ act 'Yes':
+ cla
+ slavaQW = 1
+ '"Yes," you say'
+ 'Glory smiled. "In the evenings, I hang out in the city industrial region. I go to the bar, "Flight", visit and I''ll show you what real speed is."'
+ 'The boat finally dropped in speed and came to a halt against the river''s shore.'
+ act 'Disembark':gt 'qwmeet','qwbereg'
+ end
+ end
+ act 'Talk with Vitali':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 15
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">Vitali</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vitali/001.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You started talking with Vitali, he acknowledged that he was currently working as a police captain. While you spoke, the boat banked sharply and began to turn. Not expecting the sudden movement, you slid from the couch and grabbed at Vitali so that would not fall. Nicholas shouted "Banzai, be careful! You''re not carrying firewood!"'
+ 'Vitaliy grabbed at you so that you didn''t fall to the deck. After the boat levelled off from the turn he helped you back onto the couch, his hands sliding over your body and stopping against your ass. He sighed as he let go of your body to pour more vodka'
+ 'The boat finally slowed to a stop alongside the riverbank to allow you to disembark.'
+ act 'Disembark':gt 'qwmeet','qwbereg'
+ end
+end &! --- qwpaluba ---
+!! still continuation of the second date
+if $ARGS[0] = 'qwbereg':
+ gs 'boyStat', 'A108'
+ npc_sex[$boy] += 1
+ minut += 30
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">The boat</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vladimir/kater.jpg"></center>'
+ 'Boat moored to the bank and Glory jumping from a boat tethered moorings. Everyone began to descend from the boat to shore. Vladimir said "Thank you now razvezet home and then pick me up and light."'
+ 'Nikolai, Vitaliy and Isolde said goodbye and got into the car. Glory sat behind the wheel and drove off. You stayed near the boat together with Vladimir.'
+ 'Vladimir gathered the remnants of food in a bag and threw it in the trash. Boxes with untouched food delivered to the deck until you wiped with a damp cloth table on the deck.'
+ 'Finally with the cleaning has been completed and Vladimir sat on the sofa to rest on deck.'
+ act 'To sit next to':
+ *clr & cla
+ '<center><b><font color="maroon">Vladimir</font></b></center>'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vladimir/001.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You sat next to Vladimir, and he hugged you by the shoulders. "Well, how do you walk?"'
+ act 'It was not bad. Great boat':
+ *clr & cla
+ '(You) - It was not bad. Great you have a boat.'
+ '(Vladimir) - not my boat. Lent one friend pokatatsya. Absolutely no time to rest, so you have to combine business meetings with the rest.'
+ 'Vladimir leaned to your face trying to kiss him.'
+ act 'Kiss':
+ *clr & cla
+ VladimirSex += 1
+ gs 'stat'
+ 'You started kissing with Vladimir sitting on the couch. His hands slid to your chest and began to knead her through clothing.'
+ gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5
+ gs 'stat'
+ act 'Savoury':
+ *clr & cla
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vladimir/sex/tits.jpg"></center>'
+ 'Vladimir lifted your shirt and began to lick and suck your breasts. Gentle warmth pierced you and you become very good caresses Vladimir.'
+ gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5
+ gs 'stat'
+ act 'Savoury':
+ *clr & cla
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vladimir/sex/kuni.jpg"></center>'
+ 'Vladimir started to remove your clothes that would get here before your pussy. He began to caress your tongue pussy.'
+ gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 5, 'dom'
+ gs 'stat'
+ if pcs_horny >= 90:
+ pcs_mood += 15
+ pcs_willpwr += 15
+ $orgasm_or = 'custom'
+ $orgasm_txt = 'Skillful actions of Vladimir give you an orgasm.'
+ else
+ 'Actions Vladimir though they were exciting, but they started to bore you.'
+ end
+ act 'Give him':
+ *clr & cla
+ pose = 0
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/vag/miss/vag.jpg"></center>'
+ '<<$boydesc>> spread your legs and began to fondle her fingers pussy.'
+ gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 5
+ gs 'arousal','vaginal',10
+ gs 'stat'
+ gs 'orgazm', 'start'
+ gs 'arousal', 'end'
+ gs 'stat'
+ act '...': gt 'qwmeet','qwbereg2'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ act 'Pat hand between legs':
+ *clr & cla
+ VladimirHJ += 1
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vladimir/sex/hand.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You started stoking by Vladimir crotch and felt his cock gets. He unzipped and pulled standing member who put you in her hands.'
+ 'You started to caress her slender fingers hard and hot cock Vladimir.'
+ gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5, 'sub'
+ gs 'stat'
+ act 'Masturbate him':
+ *clr & cla
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vladimir/sex/hand2.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You started stroking his cock harder and soon finished Vladimir groaning in your hands.'
+ gs 'arousal', 'hj', 5, 'sub'
+ gs 'stat'
+ act '...':gt 'qwmeet','qwbereg2'
+ end
+ act 'To take by mouth':
+ *clr & cla
+ VladimirBJ += 1
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vladimir/sex/bj.jpg"></center>'
+ 'After going down on his knees with his lips wrapped around you a member of Vladimir and began to suck him absorbing every move his hard cock to the throat and abundantly wetting saliva.'
+ 'Finally Vladimir began stonoat and he is about to finish.'
+ gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
+ gs 'stat'
+ act 'Continue to suck':
+ *clr & cla
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/mouth/cum30.jpg"></center>'
+ 'Hot jet of sperm hit you in the mouth. You started to swallow cum, and Vladimir continued to finish in your mouth. Finally the flow of hot liquid with a pungent taste stopped.'
+ gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
+ swallow += 1
+ gs 'cum_call','mouth', $boy,1
+ gs 'arousal', 'end'
+ gs 'stat'
+ act '....':gt 'qwmeet','qwbereg2'
+ end
+ end
+ act 'Remove the mouth':
+ *clr & cla
+ if rand(0,1) = 1:
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/handjob/hand.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You remove a member from his mouth and Vladimir finished you in the palm.'
+ gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
+ gs 'arousal', 'end'
+ gs 'stat'
+ else
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/cum/facial/facial16.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You took out a member and at this point Vladimir discharged directly on your face, covering it with warm and sticky cum.'
+ gs 'arousal', 'bj', 5, 'sub'
+ facial += 1
+ gs 'cum_call','face', $boy,1
+ gs 'arousal', 'end'
+ gs 'stat'
+ end
+ act '....':gt 'qwmeet','qwbereg2'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end &! --- qwpbereg ---
+!! finish of the second date
+if $ARGS[0] = 'qwbereg2':
+ minut += 15
+ vladimirday = daystart
+ vladimirQW = 35
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/vladimir/car.jpg"></center>'
+ 'Once you''ve finished with Wladimir fuck how to berth drove Audi. Glory came out of it and invited you to get in the car.'
+ 'You sat in the back seat of the car and Vladimir, pleased, though tired and sat down next to you. Glory vtopil as usual and flew down the road.'
+ 'Soon you were already around your porch. Vladimir promised to call you and left with Slava.'
+ act 'Go home':gt 'street'
+end &! --- qwpbereg2 ---
+!! start of the third date
+if $ARGS[0] = '3':
+ minut += 3
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/glory/001.jpg"></center>'
+ 'Glory smiled and gestured for you to get in the car on the front passenger seat.'
+ act 'Sit next to the driver':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 3
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/glory/002.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You took a seat next to the driver''s. Glory came to the door and slammed it shut before walking over to his seat and sitting behind the wheel. Glory again sped through the city, paying little heed to traffic lights, signs and other cars.'
+ if slavaQW > 0:slavaQW += 1 & 'While you drove through the city, you happily chatted with Slava.'
+ if slavaQW = 0:slavaQW = 1 & 'While you drove through the city, Glory told you that he spends much of his spare time in the bar called Flying in the city industrial region of the city.'
+ gt 'qwmeet','qwmeetdin'
+ end
+ act 'Sit on the back seat':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 3
+ gs 'stat'
+ '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/city/glory/002.jpg"></center>'
+ 'You defiantly took a backseat and Glory mutely shut the door behind you before he walked over to his seat and sat behind the wheel. Glory again sped through the city, paying little heed to traffic lights, signs and other cars.'
+ gt 'qwmeet','qwmeetdin'
+ end
+end &! --- 3 ---
+!! continuation of the third date
+if $ARGS[0] = 'qwmeetdin':
+ 'Finally the car stopped near the restaurant.'
+ act 'Out of the car':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 60
+ pcs_energy = 100
+ water = 100
+ vladimirday = daystart
+ vladimirQW = 35
+ gs 'stat'
+ 'The restaurant is the same one from your last meeting with Vladimir. He took you to a specially reserved table. You drank and ate with Vladimir, who spoke little mostly restrainting himself to complimenting you.'
+ if VladimirKnowAboutHusband = 0:
+ 'Soon, you came out of the restaurant and took a seat in the car with Vladimir, thanking him you leant back in your seat, heading home. On the way back Vladimir leant towards you and pointedly whispered, "Care to invite me in?"'
+ act 'Sorry, but I need to get on':gt 'street'
+ if husband <= 0:
+ act 'Invite':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 15
+ $nameV = 'Vladimir'
+ gs 'boyStat', 'A108'
+ NoGuy = 1
+ InYouHome = 1
+ harakBoy = 0
+ finance = 2
+ money += 5000
+ 'You walked with Vladimir into the bedroom. Vladimir sceptically cast his gaze about your humble abode and took out his wallet. "I hope you will not mind if I give you some money?" He handed you five thousand. You took the money you were offered.'
+ act '...':gt 'BDsex', 'start'
+ end
+ elseif husband > 0 and VladimirKnowAboutHusband = 0:
+ act 'I am married':
+ *clr & cla
+ VladimirKnowAboutHusband = 1
+ 'You told Vladimir that you have a husband. He started apologizing time and again before he said goodbye to you.'
+ act 'Leave':gt 'street'
+ end
+ end
+ elseif VladimirKnowAboutHusband = 1:
+ 'After the meal you left the restaurant and got into the car with Vladimir. He suggested that you go with him, to a safe place.'
+ act 'Sorry, but I need to get on':gt 'street'
+ act 'Agree':
+ *clr & cla
+ minut += 15
+ $nameV = 'Vladimir'
+ gs 'boyStat', 'A108'
+ NoGuy = 1
+ harakBoy = 0
+ finance = 2
+ GoToGuy = 2
+ 'Glory drove you to an apartment Vladimir rented. You got out of the car and went up to the apartment.'
+ 'Once through the door you went with Vladimir the to bedroom.'
+ act '...':gt 'BDsex', 'start'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+end &! --- qwmeetdin ---
--- qwmeet ---------------------------------