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Translations from Lantera.

KevinSmarts vor 9 Jahren
4 geänderte Dateien mit 375 neuen und 313 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 46 16
  2. 41 29
  3. 272 252
  4. 16 16

+ 46 - 16

@@ -5,59 +5,89 @@ gs 'stat'
 '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc/3.jpg"></center>'
 if $loc = 'gdksport':
-	'Ivan grinned seeing you "Hello <<$name>>, you''re here too zanimaeshsya sports?" You confirmed his words. Ivan nodded. "I''ve been training for boxing go. Soon the competition."'
+	'When you enter Pavlovsk''s sports centre, Ivan sees you come in. Even though he''s getting ready for a training and is only wearing his boxing shorts, he comes over for a quick chat.'
+	'"Hi <<$name>>!" Ivan grins, happy to see you. "Here to do some training?"'
+	'You smile at him: "Yea, I am! What are you doing here?"'
+	'Ivan nods over at a hall and says: "I have been training for a boxing match. It''s coming up fast, I''m pretty excited about it!"'
-	act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
+	act 'Wish him luck and let him go train':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
 	!!if kotovVSprohorov = 1:end
 	if kotovVSprohorov = 0:
-		'Ivan thought about something and said, "I have today sparring with Kotov from our class. Want to see?"'
+		'Ivan pauses for a second, and then suggests: "Hey! I''m sparring with Vitek Kotov today. It''s part of my preparation for the big match. You can come watch if you''d like?"'
-		act 'Want':
+		act '"Sure, that sounds like fun!"':
 			kotovVSprohorov = 1
 			gs 'stat'
-			'You entered the hall where trained local boxing club. In the hall stood ineradicable smell of old leather pears and sweat. A few guys hit on pears practicing strokes, several mirrors before doing the moves. In the ring was already Kotov, shorts, helmet and gloves. "Hey Proshka I''ll wait for you much? Go to the ring!" Prokhorov smirked, quickly pulled the helmet on your head, put on gloves and entered the ring. You sat down on the bench. Many of the guys, too, began to look, what will happen in the ring.'
+			'That could be interesting! You follow Ivan into the hall where the local boxing club has their training sessions. It''s impossible to miss the smell of stale sweat and leather, but in a way it seems oddly fitting for a venue like this.'
+			'Several guys are hitting old punching bags, practising their swings. Others are practising their punches in front of a mirror, studying their own patterns and looking for ways to improve. You''re the only girl in the hall, for some reason.'
+			'Vitek was already waiting in the ring when the two of you came in, dressed in boxing shorts, gloves and a helmet. He snarks: "Oh Prokhorov, you decided to show up after all! I was afraid you weren''t coming!"'
+			'Ivan smirks at him and quickly puts on his helmet and gloves, before getting in the ring to face Vitek. Most of the other guys leave their training for what it is, and come over to watch them spar.'
-			act 'Watch':
+			act 'Watch them':
 				minut += 3
 				dom += 1
 				gs 'stat'
-				'Immediately struck that Ivan is much higher than Vitek Kotov Kotov but broader in the shoulders and much more muscular. Guys bumped gloves in salute and departed from each other stood in the rack. Cats like a whirlwind attacked Ivan. Ivan began to retreat fighting jabs. Became apparent that Kotov embedded in shots, but can not get Ivan. Ivan is not strong blows of his left hand almost immediately began to get cats in the head. Here there was a loud bang, and the head jerked Kotova, and the Vitek otsupil step. Ivan kick right hand was very sharp and detailed. Vitek began to retreat and fight. Roles were reversed in the ring, now crushed and put pressure Ivan Kotov. It became apparent that Vic is the sweat pours and he began to choke. And Ivan Kotov meanwhile shot sharp and precise strokes of the race. Vitek also fighting could not get Prokhorov. There was another loud bang and Vic head jerked to the side, and he was visibly staggered. Coach whistle whistle "So at the corners, the end of the round. Victor, What the hell you like a tank Presch Ivan? Ivan class above you. Use jab feint if you will shove, I can not catch you separate them, then you will treat a concussion. " Witek standing in the corner and tried sweating prodyshatsya. Ivan looked fresh and not tired. Finally coach whistle whistle "second round."'
+				'One thing you immediately notice is how different their builds are; Ivan is much taller than Vitek, but Vitek is much broader in the shoulders and looks far more muscular.'
+				'The guys do the customary glove bump before the match and then go to their corners, receiving some last-minute advice from the trainer.'
+				'When the bell rings, Vitek furiously takes swings at Ivan, without much effect. While Vitek''s punches are quite powerful, Ivan manages to dodge them easily. He dances around Vitek, jabbing only once with his right arm. It''s a very precise jab, and it hits Vitek straight across the jaw. When Vitek realizes his tactic isn''t working, the roles reverse and he leaves the offensive to Ivan.'
+				'For the remainder of the round, Ivan keeps pressuring Vitek. Vitek''s stamina is not quite as good as Ivan''s, and towards the end of the round Vitek begins to make mistakes. One swing in particular makes it past his defenses, and Vitek''s head jerked to the side as Ivan gives him another direct hit on the jaw.'
+				'At that point, the round is over and the boxers go to their corners. Vitek is getting an earful from the trainer: "Damnit, Viktor! What the hell are you doing, you need to soak and deflect the hits better! Don''t separate your arms too far, you''re opening yourself up way too many times!"'
+				'Ivan just has a sip of water while he waits for round 2. He still looks fresh, while Vitek is sweating profusely already.'
-				act 'Watch':
+				act 'Round 2':
 					minut += 3
 					dom += 1
 					gs 'stat'
-					'In the second round, Ivan became easy on your feet moving around the circle and beat Victor light blows with his left hand, almost all the blows fell cats in the head, but Victor was not responding to them trying to get closer Ivan suddenly he abruptly threw a left hook to the head of Ivan Prokhorov had time to raise hands and close the head, but then a second blow Kotova landed with a loud bang Ivan in the stomach. Ivan noticeably bent down and began to retreat and move from side to side. Cats happy and began to settle on Ivan throwing hands with incredible speed. Here he managed to get Ivan''s head and legs buckled Ivan. Coach again whistled the whistle. "Ivan, keep him at a distance, do not let close!" It has been seen as Ivan nose bleeds he wipes his glove. Coach whistled again "Round."'
+					'The second round starts like the first one ended. Ivan is light on his feet, dancing around Vitek. Meanwhile, Vitek tries to keep his cover intact while he waits for a chance to strike. Ivan gets in some light blows with his left, but Vitek shrugs them off and moves in close for a combo. Ivan manages to parry the blow to the head, but immediately after that takes a devastating blow to the stomach.'
+					'It nearly knocks the wind out of him, and for the next few second Ivan tries to create distance between Vitek and him while he catches his breath. Vitek grins, this is the chance he had been waiting for! He keeps closing the gaps as fast as he can, and manages to get a few more good punches in, including a rather fierce one to the face. Luckily for Ivan, the round ends and the guys go to their corners.'
+					'This time it''s Ivan who gets the majority of the instructions. The coach scolds him, while wiping the blood off his face: "Ivan, you need to keep your distance. Don''t let him get close!"'
-					act 'Watch':
+					act 'Round 3':
 						minut += 3
 						dom += 1
 						gs 'stat'
-						'Ivan began to move easily on his feet throwing his left hand on his head which regularly ran constantly attacking Kotov. Victor threw hand, but Ivan managed to remove the head from bumps and knocks over his arm Kotova, there was a loud bang and Kotov got ass in the ring. Some of the guys who are watching the fight with admiration said "Great cross struck Vanya." Long and nasty whistle whistle coach. "Ivan, well done, well caught on the cross. Victor, are you okay?" Witek got to his feet and angrily looked at Ivan through clenched teeth. "I''m all right." Coach nodded "Well, then continue." The guys came back to the center of the ring and greeting each other blow gloves started the fight. Witek was noticeably quieter and often tried to go away from the blows Prokhorov. Ivan was moving on his feet and threw scathing attack, many of them hit the target. Witek suddenly intensified and tucked in the corner of Ivan, two powerful blows immediately hit in the stomach and Ivan Prokhorov clutching Vic hung on it. Whistle blew trainer "Ivan, protect body. Okay, relax a little bit." Boys stood in their corners, it was noticeable that they are both covered in sweat and panting. Ivan wiped the blood flowing from the nose, and Victor hands kneaded. Coach whistle whistle "fourth round"'
+						'In round 3 Ivan mostly focuses his energy on trying to dodge Vitek''s assault, hoping Vitek will get tired before he does. Both guys take a few punches here and there, but once more it''s not until close to the end of the round where Ivan suddenly finds an opening and lands a powerful hit onto Vitek''s stomach. Vitek falls backwards, and lands on his ass with a loud thud.'
+						'Even the trainer is impressed by that one, and lets out an appreciative whistle before he says: "Ivan, great hit! Viktor, are you okay to continue?"'
+						'Vitek gets back up and angrily looks at Ivan, but nods: "I''m alright."'
+						'The trainer nods: "Very well, carry on then."'
+						'After that hit, Vitek is noticeably more quiet and tries to dodge and evade Ivan''s blows more often, while Ivan tries to push his advantage and puts a lot of energy into trying to find an opening. When the third round ends, both of the guys are sweating and panting heavily.'
-						act 'Watch':
+						act 'Round 4':
 							minut += 3
 							dom += 1
 							gs 'stat'
-							'Began the fourth round and Victor began circling around the ring trying to drive into the corner of Ivan. Ivan noticeably tired and his movements became slower in the ring, but his punches are still regularly fetched Kotova. Suddenly there was a cotton and Ivan staggered Victor still got him in the head. Ivan began to retreat from close hands Kotova and Witek with renewed vigor to protect Ivan thrashed. Suddenly, one of the blows to the stomach slapped Prokhorov and he bent down, Kotov hit uppercut swing and the head of Ivan. Ivan hung on Victor. Coach whistle whistle "Ivan, move on his feet, hit jab, do not sleep in the ring." Coach whistled again and the guys continued. Witek were pressing on Ivan, but Ivan has already recovered and fought light and quick strokes. Here''s head jerked from Ivan and Ivan hit hard recoiling hanging on the ropes, Kotov immediately rushed to Ivan with a view to finish it, but the whistle blew coach. "Okay, enough for today. Ivan, get some rest and paws will practice defense corps. You weak this part." Witek scowled, "What do I do?" Coach shrugged "Invent something, not small."'
+							'When the fourth round begins, Ivan is noticeably tired and not quite as agile any more. He''s still very accurate though, and both guys land some decent hits. Ivan lets his guard down one time too many, and immediately gets punished by Vitek. After he gets punched in the stomach again, he falls to his knees for a second clutching his abdomen.'
+							'The coach sighs and scowls him again: "Ivan, keep those arms closer together and move your feet more! You look like you''re asleep!"'
+							'Even though the fight goes on for another while, it''s obvious that Ivan will lose if this carries on much longer. Vitek lands another powerful combination of punches, first hitting Ivan in the stomach to make him buckle over and then landing an uppercut on his chin to send him flying backwards.'
+							'Just when Ivan was against the ropes and Vitek rushed in to finish the fight, the coach says: "Okay, that''s enough for today. Ivan, get some rest and work on your defense. You really need to cover your body better. That last round was very weak."'
+							'Vitek scowls at the coach: "What, did I do something wrong?" He''s clearly disappointed that Ivan gets all the attention.'
+							'The trainer just shrugs: "Whatever, Vitek. You know what you''re doing."'
 							act 'Ask the coach who won':
 								minut += 3
 								gs 'stat'
-								'You asked an elderly coach who won. Coach looked at you as if you had just said. "It''s sparring, there are no winners. But if it was a real battle, it would certainly be defeated Ivan. In combat count the number of strokes, their strength does not matter. Ivan struck a dozen times more punches." Kotov heard coach zabubnel "Certainly otpizdish in shit, and then another and lose. Proshka same broke, if not whistle, I would put it. Fucking master of sports." On the coach said with exasperation, "Kotov, you''re not in the alley, it is a sport and it has rules, according to the rules you lose, learn not to expose all your head off." Cats with exasperation took off his gloves and went to the corner where lay the rod and weights. Coach looked after him "That''s only and can swing." Prokhorov has already recovered and went to the coach. Coach began to wear long leather paws on his hands.'
+								'You approach the elderly coach and ask: "Sir, if you don''t mind me asking... who won?"'
+								'He looks at you with a puzzled expression on his face, and finally says: "Won? It''s sparring, you can''t win. But if it were a real match, Ivan obviously won. In boxing the amount of hits you land are important for the scoring, it doesn''t matter how powerful they are. Ivan landed at least a dozen punches more."'
+								'Vitek overheard your conversation and comes over, snarking at the coach: "You''re kidding, right!? Prokhorov was done for! If you hadn''t ended the match when you did, he would''ve gone down for sure!"'
+								'The trainer lets out an exasperated gasp, and replies: "Kotov, this is not some back alley street brawl. We''re practising a sport here, and that sport has rules. By those rules, you lost. You should learn to keep your cover up, maybe you''d do better."'
+								'Vitek angrily takes off his gloves and throws them away, before heading to the corner where the weights are. The coach sighs while he watches him walk away, and adds: "That boy is all muscle, and no brains. Such a shame, he could''ve been a good boxer with a better mindset."'
-								act 'Can I like to practice?':
+								act '"Can I try boxing too?"':
 									minut += 3
 									gs 'stat'
-									'You asked an elderly trainer whether you can train too. Coach grinned. "You see, there''s no other girls. Who are you going to stand in sparring? And without sparing it will not stall, and a children''s game." You offered to put you in sparring with guys. Surround you guys giggled. Smiled even coach. "You saw the fight, imagine what will happen to you if some sort Kotov you accidentally hit in full force. I''m not going in my old age, still in jail get for what you in training accidentally injure somebody."'
+									'This looks interesting! You ask the old trainer: "This looks like fun... can I come and train with you too?"'
+									'The guy grins at you and waves his arm around the room as he says: "Look around you, girl... do you see any other girls here? Who would you even face when you''re sparring? Without sparring there''s no point in coming, you wouldn''t learn anything."'
+									'You already noticed that. "Well... how about if I spar with the guys?"'
+									'Several of the guys who heard you talking laugh, and the trainer can''t help but hold back a smile either. "You saw the fight, imagine what would happen if someone like Kotov hits you hard. It''s too dangerous, you''d run a very serious risk of getting injured! I can''t allow it, sorry. There''s a dancing school in the other hall, maybe that''s something for you?"'
+									'After that, he apologizes and says he has to get back to training. You nod understandingly, still feeling a bit dejected that he won''t even consider letting you train with them.'
 									act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'

+ 41 - 29

@@ -4,27 +4,35 @@ gs 'stat'
 '<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc/9.jpg"></center>'
 if kotovLoveQW > 0 and GorSlut > 0:
-	'Witek scowled and tells you "Slysh <<$name>>, Th for garbage? We''re mutim, and then you tell me about you <<$gnikname>>. Whole town already know the boys with me neigh district. Ohuevshaya You bitch!"'
+	'Vitek scowls at you and tells you: "<<$name>>, what is this shit I hear? I thought you were my girl, but then I hear people talking about you being a <<$gnikname>>! Apparently the whole town knows it, too... all the guys were laughing at me! What do you have to say for yourself, you bitch!?"'
-	act 'A scandal':
+	act '"You have sex with others too!"':
 		grupNPC[9] = 0
 		kotovLoveQW = -1
 		gs 'stat'
-		'You started yelling at Victor that he has fucked. Vitek started yelling at you and suddenly you have a ringing in your head and you were on the floor. Witek standing over you. Heavily burned cheek, you do not understand what happened, but it seems he slapped you podschechinu. "All the creature! Most do not come to me! All over between us!"'
+		'Wait, what? Does Vitek really think he can judge you, when he in fact is even worse? You know his history, and how he usually treats girls...'
+		'You yell at him: "You''re no better, Vitek! How many girls have you fucked already, huh?"'
+		'Seconds later you find yourself lying on the floor, and slowly sit up and carefully touch your throbbing head. You feel very dazed, and Vitek looks down at you furiously. You''re not exactly sure what happened, but from the burning sensation on your cheek you can only assume that he slapped you. He slapped you so hard that you fell down and nearly lost consciousness for a while!'
+		'"Get out of here, whore!" he yells at you, not showing any sign of compassion or regret. "We''re done... don''t you ever talk to me again, you fucking slut!"'
-		act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+		act 'Leave him':gt $loc, $metka
 	if dom >= 20:
-		act 'Argue that all this gossip':
+		act '"It''s all lies, babe!"':
 			sub += 20
 			GorSlut = 0
 			gs 'stat'
-			'You have started to convince Victor that all this gossip, do not have no foundation. Witek frowned, "I''ll knock your teeth these talkers, if ever even what you hear about the garbage. Do not worry, I pozatykayu these yapping mouths."'
-			act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+			'What he heard is true, but there is absolutely no way you''re going to tell him that. Especially not in his current state.'
+			'You soothingly put your hand on his arm and softly tell him: "No way, babe! I''m with you... you know I would never do something like that, right? I bet those others are just jealous, trying to break us up!"'
+			'He frowns while he thinks it over, but your sweet talking seems to have an effect on him. He''s not as angry any more. In an attempt to win him over again, you whisper: "Come on Vitek, relax... we can go somewhere a bit more quiet later and I''ll make you feel better, okay?"'
+			'Vitek clenches his fist, and angrily says: "Those bastards! I''ll knock their teeth out, if I hear anyone talk about you like that again! You hear me!?"'
+			'Then he puts his hand on your shoulder in an endearing way (for his doing, anyway) and promises you: "Don''t worry <<$nickname>>, I will make sure those rumours stop right now. I''ll see you later."'
+			'He kisses your cheek and leaves you alone, and almost immediately afterwards you notice that people treat you differently. No one dares to make remarks about your reputation any more and some even look scared when you walk past, asking you to forgive them. You nearly can''t believe it, but Vitek actually intimidated everyone to the point where no one dares to bring it up any more.'
+			act 'Continue':gt $loc, $metka
@@ -33,44 +41,47 @@ end
 if $loc = 'gdksport':
 	if kotovKnowSport = 0:
-		'Vitek came up to you and hug her waist kissed. "Hi, <<$name>>."'
+		'Vitek smiles when he sees you and puts his arms around you, hugging you tightly while he gives you a kiss. Then he says: "Hi <<$name>>, what brings you here?"'
-		act 'What are you doing here?':
+		act '"What are you doing here?"':
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$npcName[9]>> <<$npcSurName[9]>></font></b></center>'
 			'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc/9.jpg"></center>'
-			'You asked Vic what he was doing. Witek snickered "You cho? Since I''ve been boxing for 11 years doing. Candidate Master of Sports is the second place in the championship held in the region."'
+			'"Oh you know... just going to my training," you tell him. "I never expected you in this place, what are you doing here?"'
+			'Vitek snickers: "Are you serious? I''ve been boxing since I was 8! Last year I got second place in the regional championships!"'
-			act 'You drink, and even smoke!':
+			act '"But you drink and smoke!"':
 				kotovKnowSport = 1
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$npcName[9]>> <<$npcSurName[9]>></font></b></center>'
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc/9.jpg"></center>'
-				'Were you surprised Witek every day thumps and smokes as he combines with sports. Witek chuckled, "Ha. Coach says I have a talent. Kick like a cannon, and the reaction is great. It''s in my dad, who was a drunkard goner. 6t walker on the area and died of cirrhosis, but move into the jug could always so that flew from sneakers. course bluing slightly hampered, but what the fuck? tossed and I would drink and smoke, but in boxing, no dating and money, CCM is the ceiling. though I can wriggle inside, but the master of sports will not. I''ve on the region, took 2nd place, I beat the champion in the shit, he twice knocked down lying. And gave him the victory. So for me right now is boxing, so they do out of habit, but that would be in the form behave. "'
+				'He smirks when he sees the surprised look on your face. You ask: "But... you smoke and drink so much! How do you combine that with sports at all?"'
+				'He laughs and tells you: "Ha! Coach says I have talent. My physical build is great for a boxer, and no one hits harder than me! I can tolerate alcohol just fine, I think I have that from my dad. Sure, he died of liver cirrhosis eventually, but up until then he was great!"'
+				'"Besides, I''m already as good as I''m ever going to be," he continues. "You know, in that championship match, I actually beat the shit out of the champion. I had him down on the mat twice, but they still gave him the win! They said he won ''on points''... fucking cowards, what does that even mean? They were afraid to send a real fighter to the national championships, so they made up a bunch of rules to have that pansy win. Anyway, training is starting soon, I have to get going!"'
-				act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+				act 'Let him go to his training':gt $loc, $metka
 	elseif kotovKnowSport > 0:
-		'Vitek came up to you and hug her waist kissed. "Hi, <<$name>>. Again I to practice."'
+		'Vitek smiles when he sees you and puts his arms around you, hugging you tightly while he gives you a kiss. Then he says: "Hi <<$name>>. It''s nice seeing you, but the training starts soon!"'
-		act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
+		act 'Let him go to his training':gt $loc, $metka
 elseif $loc = 'gskver':
-	'Witek you waving hand. "Come here <<$name>>."'
+	'Vitek sees you walk by, and waves his hand: "Hey <<$name>>! Come on, join me!"'
-	act 'Sorry, I''m in a hurry':gt $loc, $metka
+	act '"No time right now, sorry!"':gt $loc, $metka
-	act 'Step up':
+	act 'Walk over to him':
 		minut += 5
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc/9.jpg"></center>'
-		'Witek pours beer into a plastic cup. "In short, <<$name>>, let''s have a cup pivasom."'
+		'Vitek pours some beer into a plastic cup and offers it to you: "Here, <<$name>>. Let''s have some beers together!"'
-		act 'Drink beer':
+		act 'Drink beer with him':
 			minut += 15
 			alko += 2
@@ -78,29 +89,30 @@ elseif $loc = 'gskver':
 			gs 'cum_cleanup'
 			fbreath = 0
 			gs 'stat'
-			'Witek poured you a beer and you have been drinking with him. Witek with boys bullied stories as they overcame babosov in Loja city, and how the Rams with boys from another district.'
+			'You smile and sit down with him, drinking the beer while he tells you stories of his youth. He says: "You know, when I first moved here, some kids tried to bully me. I bet they wish they could undo that with a time machine... they still run off whenever they see me, haha!"'
-			act 'Okay, I gotta go.':
+			act '"I have to get going!"':
+				horny += 5
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc/9.jpg"></center>'
-				'Vitek came up to you and hugged, kissed her on the lips. "Slysh <<$name>>, come to me."'
+				'You enjoyed your time with Vitek, but you have to get on with your day. Vitek is a bit disappointed to see you leave and hugs you tightly, while kissing you on your lips. You kiss him back, and can''t help but feel a bit more aroused when he lets you go. He smiles at you and says: "<<$name>>, babe... want to go to my place for a while?"'
-				if dom > 0:act 'Sorry, I''m in a hurry.':sub += 1 & gt $loc, $metka
+				if dom > 0:act '"No time right now, sorry!"':sub += 1 & gt $loc, $metka
-				act 'Go to Vitka.':
+				act 'Go to Vitek''s house with him':
 					minut += 15
 					gs 'stat'
 					'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/npc/9.jpg"></center>'
-					'You went through the square to the side where he lives Witek. Soon you with Vic came to a dilapidated house he opened the door and led you to the poor and not well-kept apartment in a room where clothes lying crumpled heaps on the floor was littered with empty bottles.'
+					'You agree, and you walk to his house while he tells you some more stories. After what feels like no time has passed at all, you approach a rather decripit apartment building. He opens the door and guides you to the apartment he lives in. It''s in rather poor shape, and there are lots of empty bottles littered on the floor of pretty much every room you can see. The room he guides you to has clothes lying in crumpled heaps on the floor everywhere as well.'
-					act 'Next':gt 'kotovSex'
+					act 'Continue':gt 'kotovSex'
-		act 'Sorry, I''m in a hurry':gt $loc, $metka
+		act '"No time right now, sorry!"':gt $loc, $metka

Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist
+ 272 - 252

+ 16 - 16

@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'walk':
 	if i = 1:'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/ev/Kotovsexsyst/kotovpr.jpg"></center>'
 	if i = 2:'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/ev/Kotovsexsyst/kotovpr.gif"></center>'
-	'You walk home together, climb to second floor and stop next to your apartment.'
-	'He kisses you goodbye, hugging you tight and squeezing your butt.'
-	'"Well, <<$nickname>>. Until next time, do not be sad without me."'
-	act 'Escape':gt'pod_ezd','etaj_2'
+	'You smile and occasionally glance at Vitek when he walks you home, neither of you saying much on the way there.'
+	'When you climb to the second floor of your apartment building and reach the door, Vitek hugs you tightly in his powerful arms. He kisses you passionately, and his hands grope your butt roughly.'
+	'For a moment you wonder if he''s going to want to have sex with you right here in the stairwell, but as soon as you think that he lets you go. He grins and says: "I''ll see you soon, kitten. Don''t miss me too much!" before turning around and walking down the stairs.'
+	act 'Say goodbye':gt'pod_ezd','etaj_2'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'kotov_kom':
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'kotov_kom':
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon><<$npcName[9]>> <<$npcSurName[9]>></font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/ev/Kotovsexsyst/kotovdom/vann.jpg"></center>'
-	if sweat >= 1:'"Go wash your face <<$name>>, get out there and shower."'
-	if sweat < 1:'"Well, are you ready? Come on, I`ll take you home."'
+	if sweat >= 1:'Vitek looks up at you from his bed and says: "You''re all sweaty, kitten. You should go take a shower before going home."'
+	if sweat < 1:'"Are you ready?" he asks, looking up at you from the bed. Seeing that you are, he gets up from the bed and puts on some clothes while he says: "Come on, I''ll walk you home."'
-	if sweat < 1: act 'Go home': gt 'kotovdom', 'walk'
-	if sweat >= 1: act 'Move away':gt 'kotovdom', 'kotovkom'
+	if sweat < 1: act 'Walk home with Vitek': gt 'kotovdom', 'walk'
+	if sweat >= 1: act 'Nod and look for the bathroom':gt 'kotovdom', 'kotovkom'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'vann':
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'vann':
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Bathroom</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/ev/Kotovsexsyst/kotovdom/vann.jpg"></center>'
-	'Old bathroom. Here you can freshen up.'
+	'Vitek''s old bathroom. It doesn''t look like much, but the shower works just fine.'
 	act 'Wash in the shower (0:15)':
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'vann':
 		if frost > 0:frost = 0
 		'<center><img src="images/pics/dush.jpg"></center>'
-		act 'Get dressed and get out':gt 'kotovdom', 'vann'
+		act 'Dry off and get dressed again':gt 'kotovdom', 'vann'
-	act 'Return to the hallway':gt 'kotovdom','kor'
+	act 'Go to the hallway':gt 'kotovdom','kor'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'kor':
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'kor':
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Hallway</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/ev/Kotovsexsyst/kotovdom/kor.jpg"></center>'
-	act 'Vitek''s bedroom': gt 'kotovdom','kotovkom'
-	act 'Bathroom': gt 'kotovdom','vann'
-	act 'Kitchen': gt 'kotovdom','kuh'
+	act 'Go to Vitek''s bedroom': gt 'kotovdom','kotovkom'
+	act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'kotovdom','vann'
+	act 'Go to the kitchen': gt 'kotovdom','kuh'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'kotovkom':
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'kotovkom':
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/ev/Kotovsexsyst/kotovdom/kotovkom.jpg"></center>'
 	'<a href="exec:gt ''kotovdom'', ''kotov_kom''">Vitek</a> is lying on his bed, watching TV.'
-	act 'Return to the hallway':gt 'kotovdom','kor'
+	act 'Go to the hallway':gt 'kotovdom','kor'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'kuh':
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'kuh':
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Kitchen</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><img src="images/qwest/alter/ev/Kotovsexsyst/kotovdom/kuh.jpg"></center>'
-	act 'Return to the hallway':gt 'kotovdom','kor'
+	act 'Go to the hallway':gt 'kotovdom','kor'
 --- kotovdom ---------------------------------

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