Pārlūkot izejas kodu

Preg changes, kid fixes and kitchen dynamics

updates for Drugas for preg. Fixes to birth and kids and obkitchen now
uses kit_din - thanks to seether28
KevinSmarts 9 gadi atpakaļ
8 mainītis faili ar 514 papildinājumiem un 362 dzēšanām
  1. 1 1
  2. 307 0
  3. 48 65
  4. 87 86
  5. 7 7
  6. 45 185
  7. 16 15
  8. 3 3

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bj':
 	bj += 1
 	if npcSex[2] = 0:npcSex[2] = 1 & guy += 1
-	if artemBJQW = 0:artemBJQW = 1
+	if artemBJQW += 1
 	sub += 1
 	swallow += 1

+ 307 - 0

@@ -676,5 +676,312 @@ $d_tabletkiedA = {
 	dynamic $d_tabletkied
+$d_cycreport_choice = {
+	clr
+	dynamic $d_cycreport_update
+	PL 'Current Status: <<$cycreport_txt>>.'
+	if $cycreport_txt ! 'In Labor':
+		NL
+		PL 'Change Status because:'
+		if thinkpreg = 0:
+			if knowpreg = 1:
+				PL '<a href=exec: dynamic $d_cycreport_actor, 2">I''m pregnant.</a>'
+			else 
+				PL '<a href=exec: dynamic $d_cycreport_actor, 2">I think I am Pregnant.</a>'
+		elseif thinkpreg = 1:
+			PL '<a href=exec: dynamic $d_cycreport_actor, 1">I''m not Pregnant.</a>'
+		end
+		if mesec > 0:
+			PL '<a href=exec: dynamic $d_cycreport_actor, 3">I''m menstrating.</a>'
+		else:
+			PL '<a href=exec: dynamic $d_cycreport_actor, 4">I just recently menstrated.</a>'
+			PL '<a href=exec: dynamic $d_cycreport_actor, 5">I think my menstral cycle has stopped.</a>'
+		end
+		if thinkpreg = 1 or knowpreg = 1:
+			PL '<a href=exec: dynamic $d_cycreport_actor, 6">I think my due date is...</a>'
+			PL '<a href=exec: dynamic $d_cycreport_actor, 7">I think the Father is...</a>'
+		end
+	elseif cycle = 5:
+		pl 'Broken water and contractions, it's pretty clear what is going on. Labor. You need to get to a hospital ASAP.'
+	else
+		dynamic $d_cycreport_actor, 10
+	end
+	PL '<a href="exec:gs ''stat''">Return</a>'
+$d_cycreport_actor = {
+	if ARGS[0] = 1:
+		if knowpreg = 1:
+			cyccustom = 1
+			denypreg = 1
+			thinkpreg = 0
+		else
+			cyccustom = 2
+			denypreg = 0
+			thinkpreg = 0
+			temp[1] = daystart-daylastperiod
+		end
+	elseif ARGS[0] = 2:
+		thinkpreg = 1
+		denypreg = 0
+		cyccustom = 1
+		if knowpreg = 0: $temp = ' think you'
+		if $wombthfath = 'Unknown':
+			$cycreport_txt = 'You<<$temp>> are pregnant. You aren't yet sure who the father is. Based on your last remembered period, your due date is probably around <<$pregduedate>>.'
+		else
+			$cycreport_txt = 'You<<$temp>> are pregnant with <<$wombthfath>>''s baby. Based on your last remembered period, your due date is probably around <<$pregduedate>>.'
+		end	
+	elseif ARGS[0] = 3:
+		thinkpreg = 0
+		denypreg = 0
+		cyccustom = 2
+		daylastperiod = daystart
+	elseif ARGS[0] = 4:
+		thinkpreg = 0
+		denypreg = 0
+		cyccustom = 2
+		temp = input("How many days ago was your last period?")
+		if #temp > 0:
+			daylastperiod = #temp
+		else
+			'error'
+		end
+	elseif ARGS[0] = 5:
+		thinkpreg = 0
+		denypreg = 0
+		cyccustom = 1
+		$cycreport_txt = 'You do not believe you have periods anymore.'
+	elseif ARGS[0] = 6:
+		temp = input("How many days ago was your last period?")
+		daylastperiod = #temp
+		if #temp > 0:
+			daylastperiod = #temp
+		else
+			'error'
+		end
+	elseif ARGS[0] = 7:
+		temp = arrsize('$wombpotfath')
+		:cyccustfathchoice
+		if temp[1] > 0:
+			pl '<a href="exec: '$wombthfath' = <<$wombpotfath[temp]>> & gs ''stat''">$wombpotfath[temp]</a>'
+			temp -= 1
+			jump 'cyccustfathchoice'
+		end
+	elseif ARGS[0] = 10:
+		temp = arrsize('Babyptype')
+		temp -= 1
+		$cycreport_txt 'You are currently recovering from childbirth. You gave birth on <<monthkid[temp]>> / <<daykid[temp]>> / <<yearkid[temp]>>. 
+	end
+	gs 'stat'
+	dynamic $d_cycreport_choice
+$d_cycreport_update = {
+	dynamic $d_cycreport_upduedate
+	if cyccustom = 0:
+		if preg = 1 and knowpreg = 1:
+			$cycreport_txt = 'You are pregnant. Your due date is around <<$pregduedate>>.'
+		elseif knowpregloss = 1:
+			$cycreport_txt = 'Your body is recovering from the trauma of pregnancy.'
+		elseif knowpregrecover = 1:
+			$cycreport_txt = 'Your body is recovering from the trauma of childbirth.'
+		elseif menoage > age:
+			$cycreport_txt = 'You have gone through menopause.'
+		else
+			temp[1] = daystart-daylastperiod
+			$cycreport_txt = 'It has been <<temp[1]>> days since you last had a period.'
+		end
+	end
+	if denypreg = 1:
+		if pregchem < 672:
+				cyccustom = 1
+				denypreg = 1
+				thinkpreg = 0
+				$cycreport_txt = 'There is nothing wrong, your cycle is just irregular.'
+			elseif pregchem < 2016:
+				cyccustom = 1
+				denypreg = 1
+				thinkpreg = 0
+				$cycreport_txt = 'You have a strange flu making you feel ill.'
+			elseif pregchem < 4000:
+				cyccustom = 1
+				denypreg = 1
+				thinkpreg = 0
+				$cycreport_txt = 'Your strange flu still hasn't gone away. As soon as it does you plan to exercise and loose the excess fat you are building up.'
+			elseif pregchem < 6000:
+				cyccustom = 1
+				denypreg = 1
+				thinkpreg = 0
+				$cycreport_txt = 'Your weight just won't come off...'
+			elseif pregchem < 7500:
+				cyccustom = 1
+				denypreg = 1
+				thinkpreg = 0
+				$cycreport_txt = 'People are rude, constantly asking you when you are due. You are not pregnant!'
+			else
+				cyccustom = 1
+				denypreg = 1
+				thinkpreg = 0
+				$cycreport_txt = 'Surely if you were pregnant, you'd have had the baby by now, so you can't possibly be pregnant.'
+			end
+	elseif cyccustom = 2:
+			temp = daystart-daylastperiod
+			$cycreport_txt = 'It has been <<temp>> days since you last remember having a period.'
+	end
+$d_cycreport_upduedate = {
+	temp = day + 280
+	pregdueday = day
+	pregduemonth = month
+	pregdueyear = year
+	if pregduemonth = 1 and temp > 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregduemonth += 1
+		temp -= 31 - pregdueday
+		pregdueday = 1
+		pregduemonth += 1
+	elseif  pregduemonth = 1 and temp <= 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregdueday += temp
+	elseif pregduemonth = 2 and temp > 28 - pregdueday:
+		pregduemonth += 1
+		temp -= 28 - pregdueday
+		pregdueday = 1
+		pregduemonth += 1
+	elseif  pregduemonth = 2 and temp <= 28 - pregdueday:
+		pregdueday += temp
+	elseif pregduemonth = 3 and temp > 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregduemonth += 1
+		temp -= 31 - pregdueday
+		pregdueday = 1
+		pregduemonth += 1
+	elseif  pregduemonth = 3 and temp <= 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregdueday += temp
+	elseif pregduemonth = 4 and temp > 30 - pregdueday:
+		pregduemonth += 1
+		temp -= 30 - pregdueday
+		pregdueday = 1
+		pregduemonth += 1
+	elseif  pregduemonth = 4 and temp <= 30 - pregdueday:
+		pregdueday += temp
+	elseif pregduemonth = 5 and temp > 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregduemonth += 1
+		temp -= 31 - pregdueday
+		pregdueday = 1
+		pregduemonth += 1
+	elseif  pregduemonth = 5 and temp <= 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregdueday += temp
+	elseif pregduemonth = 6 and temp > 30 - pregdueday:
+		pregduemonth += 1
+		temp -= 30 - pregdueday
+		pregdueday = 1
+		pregduemonth += 1
+	elseif  pregduemonth = 6 and temp <= 30 - pregdueday:
+		pregdueday += temp
+	elseif pregduemonth = 7 and temp > 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregduemonth += 1
+		temp -= 31 - pregdueday
+		pregdueday = 1
+		pregduemonth += 1
+	elseif  pregduemonth = 7 and temp <= 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregdueday += temp
+	elseif pregduemonth = 8 and temp > 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregduemonth += 1
+		temp -= 31 - pregdueday
+		pregdueday = 1
+		pregduemonth += 1
+	elseif  pregduemonth = 8 and temp <= 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregdueday += temp
+	elseif pregduemonth = 9 and temp > 30 - pregdueday:
+		pregduemonth += 1
+		temp -= 30 - pregdueday
+		pregdueday = 1
+		pregduemonth += 1
+	elseif  pregduemonth = 9 and temp <= 30 - pregdueday:
+		pregdueday += temp	
+	elseif pregduemonth = 10 and temp > 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregduemonth += 1
+		temp -= 31 - pregdueday
+		pregdueday = 1
+		pregduemonth += 1
+	elseif  pregduemonth = 10 and temp <= 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregdueday += temp
+	elseif pregduemonth = 11 and temp > 30 - pregdueday:
+		pregduemonth += 1
+		temp -= 30 - pregdueday
+		pregdueday = 1
+		pregduemonth += 1
+	elseif  pregduemonth = 11 and temp <= 30 - pregdueday:
+		pregdueday += temp
+	elseif pregduemonth = 12 and temp > 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregduemonth = 1
+		pregdueyear += 1
+		temp -= 31 - pregdueday
+		pregdueday = 1
+		pregduemonth += 1
+	elseif  pregduemonth = 12 and temp <= 31 - pregdueday:
+		pregdueday += temp
+	end
+	$pregduedate = '<<pregduemonth>> / <<pregdueday>> / <<pregdueyear>>'
+$d_pregmovement = {
+	if denypreg = 0 & pregchem > 0:
+		if thinkpreg >= 0:
+			knowpreg = 1
+			if kid <= 0:
+				'Your heart flutters as you feel a baby moving around inside you for the first time.'
+			else
+				'Movement inside you confirms what you already thought. You are pregnant again.'
+		elseif knowpreg > 0:
+			temprand = rand(0,2)
+			if temprand = 0:
+				if pregchem > 5000:
+					'Your baby visibly moves around inside you.'
+				else
+					'You feel movement deep inside you as your baby shifts around.'
+				end
+			elseif temprand = 1:
+				if pregchem > 5000:
+					'You wince as your baby delivers a vicious kick to your insides'
+				else
+					'You feel your baby kicking.'
+				end
+			elseif temprand = 2:
+				if pregchem > 5000:
+					'You feel your baby kicking, look down, and see your belly twitching from it's movements.'
+				else
+					'You feel your baby kicking.'
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			if cyccustom = 0:
+				if pregchem < 4000:
+					if kid <= 0 :
+						'You feel a wierd and strange fluttering sensation around inside your stomach. Perhaps you should go to the doctor?'
+					else
+						'It feels as if a baby move inside you. Are you pregnant?'
+					end
+				else
+					knowpreg = 1
+					if kid <= 0:
+						'It's become pretty obvious. You are pregnant.'
+					else
+						'It's become pretty obvious. You are pregnant again.'
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	elseif pregchem > 0:
+		if kid > 0 and PregChem > 4050:
+			'You try to deny it, but you just can't anymore. The large belly, the movement, You are pregnant again.'
+			denypreg = 0
+			dynamic $d_cycreport_upduedate
+			$cycreport_txt = 'You are pregnant.'
+		else
+			'You feel movement deep inside you. It's probably just gas.'
+		end
+	end
 --- din_bad ---------------------------------

+ 48 - 65

@@ -48,19 +48,7 @@ if arrsize('sparrvol') > 0:
 		if sparrvol[cumarrtemp] < 0: sexnutrition += sparrvol[cumarrtemp] & sparrvol[cumarrtemp] = 0
 	if sparrvol[cumarrtemp] > 0:
-		ctemp += sparrvol[cumarrtemp]
-		if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 0: ctemp[1] += sparrvol[cumarrtemp]
-		if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 3: ctemp[2] += sparrvol[cumarrtemp]
 		sparrtmpv = arrsize('$cumarrnam')
-		if dirtyplay = 1 and sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 13 and sparrage[cumarrtemp] < 5:
-			if ((4+sparrage[cumarrtemp]*4)*(40/sparrvol[cumarrtemp])) > 0:cumarrcpt[cumarrtemp] = cumarrppt[cumarrtemp]/((4+sparrage[cumarrtemp]*4)*(40/sparrvol[cumarrtemp]))
-			cumarrppt[sparrtmpv] = sparrppt[cumarrtemp]
-			$cumarrnam[sparrtmpv] = $sparrnam[cumarrtemp]
-			cumarrage[sparrtmpv] = sparrage[cumarrtemp]
-			cumarrdel[sparrtmpv] = 4
-			cumarrkno[sparrtmpv] = 0
-			cumarrcon[sparrtmpv] = 0
-		end
 		if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 17:
 			sparrtmpv = arrpos('$cumarrnam',$sparrnam[cumarrtemp])
 			if sparrage[cumarrtemp] < 4:
@@ -75,7 +63,7 @@ if arrsize('sparrvol') > 0:
 			elseif sparrage[cumarrtemp] < 10:
 				cumarrcpt[sparrtmpv] += sparrppt[cumarrtemp]/60
-		elseif sparrslc[cumarrtemp] = 1 and sparrage[cumarrtemp] < 5:
+		elseif sparrslc[cumarrtemp] = 1 and sparrage < 5:
 			if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 1:
 				cumarrcpt[sparrtmpv] = sparrppt[cumarrtemp]/1000*sparrage[cumarrtemp]/sparrvol[cumarrtemp]
 				cumarrppt[sparrtmpv] = sparrppt[cumarrtemp]
@@ -85,7 +73,7 @@ if arrsize('sparrvol') > 0:
 				cumarrkno[sparrtmpv] = 0
 				cumarrcon[sparrtmpv] = 0
-		elseif sparrslc[cumarrtemp] = 3 and sparrage[cumarrtemp] < 5:
+		elseif sparrslc[cumarrtemp] = 3 and sparrage < 5:
 			if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 2:
 				cumarrcpt[sparrtmpv] = sparrppt[cumarrtemp]/1000*sparrage[cumarrtemp]/sparrvol[cumarrtemp]
 				cumarrppt[sparrtmpv] = sparrppt[cumarrtemp]
@@ -103,7 +91,7 @@ if arrsize('sparrvol') > 0:
 				cumarrkno[sparrtmpv] = 0
 				cumarrcon[sparrtmpv] = 0
-		elseif sparrslc[cumarrtemp] = 5 and sparrage[cumarrtemp] < 5:
+		elseif sparrslc[cumarrtemp] = 5 and sparrage < 5:
 			if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 3:
 				cumarrcpt[sparrtmpv] = sparrppt[cumarrtemp]/1000*sparrage[cumarrtemp]/sparrvol[cumarrtemp]
 				cumarrppt[sparrtmpv] = sparrppt[cumarrtemp]
@@ -131,6 +119,7 @@ if arrsize('sparrvol') > 0:
+		KILLVAR 'spafinloc',cumarrtemp
 		KILLVAR 'sparrage',cumarrtemp
 		KILLVAR 'sparrloc',cumarrtemp
 		KILLVAR '$sparrnam',cumarrtemp
@@ -138,18 +127,12 @@ if arrsize('sparrvol') > 0:
 		KILLVAR 'sparridt',cumarrtemp
 		KILLVAR 'sparrvol',cumarrtemp
 		KILLVAR 'sparrslc',cumarrtemp
-	if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 0 or sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 3 or sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 12: sparrvol[cumarrtemp] -= sparrage[cumarrtemp]/2
-	if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 0 and cumsumvag > 60 and sparrslc < 1:
-	   sparrslc = 1
-	elseif sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 0 and sparrslc > 0 and sparrage < 9:
-	   sparrslc += 1
-	end
-	if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 3 and cumsumass > 60 and sparrslc < 1:
-	   sparrslc = 1
-	elseif sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 3 and sparrslc > 0 and sparrage < 9:
-	   sparrslc += 1
-	end
+	if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 0 or sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 3 or sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 12:
+	sparrvol[cumarrtemp] -= sparrage[cumarrtemp]/2
+	if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 0 and cumsumvag > 60: sparrslc = 1
+	if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 3 and cumsumass > 60: sparrslc = 1
 	if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 17 and sparrage[cumarrtemp] > 48:
 		cumcondslip = 1
 		health -= 3
@@ -158,20 +141,22 @@ if arrsize('sparrvol') > 0:
 		cumcondslip = 0
+	cumsumbod = ctemp
+	cumsumvag = ctemp[1]
+	cumsumass = ctemp[2]
 	if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] ! 0 and sparrloc[cumarrtemp] ! 3 and sparrloc[cumarrtemp] ! 12 and isprok = 0 and sparrage < 5: sparrslc[cumarrtemp] += 1
 	sparrage[cumarrtemp] += 1
 	cumarrtemp += 1
 	if cumarrtemp < arrsize('sparrvol'): jump 'cumspaloop'
-	cumsumbod = ctemp
-	cumsumvag = ctemp[1]
-	cumsumass = ctemp[2]
-	dirtyplay = 0
+	ctemp += sparrvol[cumarrtemp]
+	if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 0: ctemp[1] += sparrvol[cumarrtemp]
+	if sparrloc[cumarrtemp] = 3: ctemp[2] += sparrvol[cumarrtemp]
 if lactate > 0:
 	if lactatemv <= 0:
 		lactatemv = 0
-		if lactatemm < titK*4 and milkgrowday < daystart:
+		if lactatemm < titK*4 & milkgrowday < daystart:
 			lactatemm += 1
 			lactatemv += 1
 			bgrowday = daystart
@@ -249,9 +234,9 @@ elseif cycle = 2:
 					$wombpotfath[0] = 'Unknown'
 					FathpotAdd = 1
 					Fathpotcheck = 0
-					:potfathaddLoop
 					arrmodtmp = arrsize('$cumarrnam')
-					if arrmodtmp < Fathpotcheck:
+					:potfathaddLoop
+					if arrmodtmp > Fathpotcheck:
 						if cumarrkno[Fathpotcheck] = 1:
 							$wombpotfath[Fathpotadd] = $cumarrnam[Fathpotcheck]
 							Fathpotadd += 1
@@ -382,7 +367,6 @@ elseif cycle = 3:
 				mesec = 72
-			if Enable_autotampon = 1 :isprok = 1
 		if preg = 1:PregChem += 1
@@ -417,33 +401,32 @@ elseif cycle = 5:
 		'A sharp pain pierces your abdomen, and you feel something flow down your legs. Your water has broken!'
 		$cycreport_txt = 'In Labor.'
-		!if $wombthfath ! 'unknown':
-			!arrmodtmp = arrpos('$ChildThFath''Unknown')
-			! if arrmodtmp >= 0:
-				! $ChildThFath[arrmodtmp] = $wombthfath
-				! jump 'babyfinalpreploop'
-			! end
-		!end
+		arrmodtmp = arrpos('daykid'0)
+		if arrmodtmp >= 0 and daykid[arrmodtmp] = 0:
+			daykid[arrmodtmp] = 42
+			$ChildThFath[arrmodtmp] = $wombthfath
+			jump 'babyfinalpreploop'
+		end
 		KILLVAR '$wombpotfath'
 		KILLVAR '$wombthfath'
 		preg = 2
-			if babyembryo > 1:
-				'Your babies are coming...'
-			else
-				'Your baby is coming...'
-			if PregChem < 4032:
-				'Way too early!'
-			elseif PregChem < 5376:
-				'Very early!'
-			elseif PregChem < 6216:
-				'Early.'
-			elseif PregChem > 7056:
-				'Late.'
-			elseif PregChem > 7392:
-				'Very Late!'
-			end
-			'You need to get to a clinic.'
+		if babyembryo > 1:
+			'Your babies are coming...'
+		else
+			'Your baby is coming...'
+		if PregChem < 4032:
+			'Way too early!'
+		elseif PregChem < 5376:
+			'Very early!'
+		elseif PregChem < 6216:
+			'Early.'
+		elseif PregChem > 7056:
+			'Late.'
+		elseif PregChem > 7392:
+			'Very Late!'
+		end
+		'You need to get to a clinic.'
 	if PregChem > 4034:
 		if lactate <= 0:
@@ -455,16 +438,16 @@ elseif cycle = 5:
 			if lactate < 1: lactate = 1
-	!if PregChem > 2350:
-		! if pregchem > 3000 or kid > 0:
-			! if rand(0,7) = 0: dynamic $d_pregmovement
-		! else
-			! if rand(0,500) = 0: dynamic $d_pregmovement
-		! end
-	!end
+	if PregChem > 2350:
+		if pregchem > 3000 or kid > 0:
+			if rand(0,7) = 0: dynamic $d_pregmovement
+		else
+			if rand(0,500) = 0: dynamic $d_pregmovement
+		end
+	end
-!dynamic $d_cycreport_update
+dynamic $d_cycreport_update
 --- femcyc ---------------------------------

+ 87 - 86

@@ -117,8 +117,11 @@ if hour >= 6 and hour <= 21:
 	if preg = 2:
 		act 'Give birth':
-			cla
+			*clr
+			cla
+			$ImageNeededPlacholder
+			! WD: IMAGE NEEDED ~ '<center><img src="images/etogame/abort.jpg"></center>'
 			'You lay on the bed and your feet are put in stirups.'
 			if BabyEmbryo > 1:
 				'Your contractions get closer and closer, and after some time (and a lot of swearing) you finally give birth. But as soon as it is out, you are hit with contractions. Another is coming!'
@@ -129,30 +132,28 @@ if hour >= 6 and hour <= 21:
 			preg = 0
 			pregtalk = 0
 			sterilewb += 1
-			nextbaby = ARRPOS('yearkid',0)
+			!nextbaby = ARRPOS('yearkid',0)
 			kid += 1
 			BabyEmbryo -= 1
 			daykid[nextbaby] = day
 			monthkid[nextbaby] = month
 			yearkid[nextbaby] = year
-			$ImageNeededPlacholder
-			! WD: IMAGE NEEDED ~ '<center><img src="images/etogame/abort.jpg"></center>'
 			if polkid[nextbaby] = 0:$polreb[nextbaby] = 'girl' & '"Congratulations it''s a girl."'
 			if polkid[nextbaby] = 1:$polreb[nextbaby] = 'boy' & '"Congratulations it''s a boy."'
-			act 'Name your child':
-				$kidname[nextbaby] = input ("Enter your babys name")
+			wait 350
+			$kidname[nextbaby] = input("Enter your babys name")
-				if $kidname[nextbaby] ! '':
-					if polkid[nextbaby] = 0:$kidname[nextbaby] = 'Masha'
-					if polkid[nextbaby] = 1:$kidname[nextbaby] = 'Misha'
-				end
-				if BabyEmbryo > 0:
-					jump 'multikidloop'
-				end
-				act 'Leave':gt $curloc
+			if $kidname[nextbaby] = '':
+				if polkid[nextbaby] = 0:$kidname[nextbaby] = 'Masha'
+				if polkid[nextbaby] = 1:$kidname[nextbaby] = 'Misha'
+			nextbaby += 1
+			if BabyEmbryo > 0:
+				jump 'multikidloop'
+			end
+			act 'Leave':gt $curloc
@@ -295,66 +296,66 @@ if hour >= 6 and hour <= 21:
 	if Gorslut = 6:
 		act 'Check gynecologist':
+			minut += 5
+			gs'stat'
+			'<center><img src="images/Y4enik/gpoli/gpoli_1.jpg"></center>'
+			'You had to check the gynecologist'
+			if docKnow = 0:
+				'- Hello, <<$name>>. Check came?'
+				'- Hello, Peter. Yes, checked.'
+				'- They say, you`re a prostitute?'
+				'- Yes, Peter, and there is.'
+				'- A mother knows?'
+				'- Peter, the whole town knows. And me go. Well, for more Sonya.'
+				'- Well, let`s see your means of production and reproduction. Undress'
+			elseif docKnow = 1:
+				'- Hello, <<$name>>. Check came?'
+				'- Hello, Peter. Yes, checked.'
+				'- All also push the legs?'
+				'- Yes, doctor, I toil keeping his feet.'
+				'- Tie is not going to?'
+				'- Peter, for studies to be earned? On the clothing is necessary? The family , too, need help. And I love this thing.'
+				'- Well, let`s see your means of production and reproduction. Undress'
+			end
+			act 'Undress':
+				cls
 				minut += 5
-				'<center><img src="images/Y4enik/gpoli/gpoli_1.jpg"></center>'
-				'You had to check the gynecologist'
-				if docKnow = 0:
-					'- Hello, <<$name>>. Check came?'
-					'- Hello, Peter. Yes, checked.'
-					'- They say, you`re a prostitute?'
-					'- Yes, Peter, and there is.'
-					'- A mother knows?'
-					'- Peter, the whole town knows. And me go. Well, for more Sonya.'
-					'- Well, let`s see your means of production and reproduction. Undress'
-				elseif docKnow = 1:
-					'- Hello, <<$name>>. Check came?'
-					'- Hello, Peter. Yes, checked.'
-					'- All also push the legs?'
-					'- Yes, doctor, I toil keeping his feet.'
-					'- Tie is not going to?'
-					'- Peter, for studies to be earned? On the clothing is necessary? The family , too, need help. And I love this thing.'
-					'- Well, let`s see your means of production and reproduction. Undress'
-				end
-				act 'Undress':
+				'<center><img src="images/Y4enik/gpoli/gpoli_3.jpg"></center>'
+				'You undress.'
+				act 'Sit in a chair':
 					minut += 5
+					docKnow = 1
-					'<center><img src="images/Y4enik/gpoli/gpoli_3.jpg"></center>'
-					'You undress.'
-					act 'Sit in a chair':
-						cls
-						minut += 5
-						docKnow = 1
-						gs'stat'
-						'<center><img src="images/Y4enik/gpoli/gpoli_4.jpg"></center>'
-						'Taking off her clothes, you sit in a chair.'
-						'Doctor check you.'
-						$gpoli_sick = ''
-						if cumcondslip > 0:
-							$gpoli_sick = 'are suffering from toxic shock from a spent condom in your body which I have removed'
-							cumspclnt = 8
-							gs 'cum_cleanup'
-						end
-						if preg > 0:
-							knowpreg = 1
-							$gpoli_sick = 'are pregnant'
-						end
-						if venera > 0:
-							if $gpoli_sick ! '':$gpoli_sick = $gpoli_sick + ', you have a sexually transmitted disease'
-							if $gpoli_sick = '':$gpoli_sick = 'you have a sexually transmitted disease'
-						end
-						if $gpoli_sick = '':
-							'- Well, Health in your order. Truth, and you have developed a procedure.'
-							'- I have a favor to ask, doctor.'
-							'- It`s all good, Just do not forget to protect themselves.'
-						else
-							'- Well, you have a problem. You <<$gpoli_sick>>.'
-						end
-						'- <<$name>>, doctors will give thanks?'
-						act 'Suggest money.':
+					'<center><img src="images/Y4enik/gpoli/gpoli_4.jpg"></center>'
+					'Taking off her clothes, you sit in a chair.'
+					'Doctor check you.'
+					$gpoli_sick = ''
+					if cumcondslip > 0:
+						$gpoli_sick = 'are suffering from toxic shock from a spent condom in your body which I have removed'
+						cumspclnt = 8
+						gs 'cum_cleanup'
+					end
+					if preg > 0:
+						knowpreg = 1
+						$gpoli_sick = 'are pregnant'
+					end
+					if venera > 0:
+						if $gpoli_sick ! '':$gpoli_sick = $gpoli_sick + ', you have a sexually transmitted disease'
+						if $gpoli_sick = '':$gpoli_sick = 'you have a sexually transmitted disease'
+					end
+					if $gpoli_sick = '':
+						'- Well, Health in your order. Truth, and you have developed a procedure.'
+						'- I have a favor to ask, doctor.'
+						'- It`s all good, Just do not forget to protect themselves.'
+					else
+						'- Well, you have a problem. You <<$gpoli_sick>>.'
+					end
+					'- <<$name>>, doctors will give thanks?'
+					act 'Suggest money.':
 						minut += 5
@@ -362,24 +363,24 @@ if hour >= 6 and hour <= 21:
 						'- Well, and if I tell you money, Ladies.'
 						'- <<$name>>, only for you. 1000 r'
-							act 'Pay':
-								cls
-								minut += 5
-								money -= 1000
-								'Thank you, doctor. You can always contact. And bring your friends..'
-								act 'Leave':gt $curloc
-							end
-						end
-						act 'offer yourself.':
+						act 'Pay':
 							minut += 5
-							horny += 5
-							gs'stat'
-							'<center><img src="images/Y4enik/gpoli/gpoli_6.jpg"></center>'
-							'You kneeling, reluctantly begin to lick a member, leading hand, and a member of its nalizyvaya, you appear interesting sensations. And you catch yourself thinking, that start to get involved. And what-this, even starts you like, slightly accelerating, you think maybe that`s it, and end. But, no, here you awake, from, that the heavy hand of the doctor lay your head. You want to raise your head, learning, he wants Dr.. But, he just silently, I began to stretch your mouth, on his penis.'
+							money -= 1000
+							'Thank you, doctor. You can always contact. And bring your friends..'
+							act 'Leave':gt $curloc
+						end
+					end
+					act 'offer yourself.':
+						cls
+						minut += 5
+						horny += 5
+						gs'stat'
+						'<center><img src="images/Y4enik/gpoli/gpoli_6.jpg"></center>'
+						'You kneeling, reluctantly begin to lick a member, leading hand, and a member of its nalizyvaya, you appear interesting sensations. And you catch yourself thinking, that start to get involved. And what-this, even starts you like, slightly accelerating, you think maybe that`s it, and end. But, no, here you awake, from, that the heavy hand of the doctor lay your head. You want to raise your head, learning, he wants Dr.. But, he just silently, I began to stretch your mouth, on his penis.'
 						act 'Blow job':
 							minut += 5

+ 7 - 7

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	gs 'stat'
 	if kid > 0:
-		i = 1
+		i = 0
 		!kidLoops = 0
 		if polkid[i] = 0:
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			$kidPosPro[i] = 'his'
-		"Your child, a <<$polreb[i]>> named <<$kidname[i]>>. The child''s date of birth is <<daykid[i]>>-<<monthkid[i]>>-<<yearkid[i]>>. The child''s age is <<kidage[i]>>"
-		if kidage[i] < 1: '<<$kidname[i]>> is a baby lying in <<$kidPosPro[i]>> crib.'
-		if kidage[i] >= 1 and kidage[i] < 7:
+		"Your child, a <<$polreb[i]>> named <<$kidname[i]>>. The child''s date of birth is <<daykid[i]>>-<<monthkid[i]>>-<<yearkid[i]>>. The child''s age is <<yearkid[i]>>"
+		if yearkid[i] < 1: '<<$kidname[i]>> is a baby lying in <<$kidPosPro[i]>> crib.'
+		if yearkid[i] >= 1 and yearkid[i] < 7:
 		if hour >= 9 and hour <= 21:
 			'<<$kidname[i]>> is playing with toys.'
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-		if kidage[kidIteration] >= 7 and kidage[kidIteration] < 18:
+		if yearkid[i] >= 7 and yearkid[i] < 18:
 			if hour >= 21 or hour <= 8:
 				'<<$kidname[i]>> is alseep in <<$kidPosPro[i]>> bed.'
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
-		kidIteration += 1
+		i += 1
 		!!kidLoops += 1
-		if kidIteration <= kid:
+		if i <= ARRPOS('yearkid',0):
 			jump 'loop'

+ 45 - 185

@@ -1,205 +1,65 @@
 # obkitchen
-$metkaM = $ARGS[0]
-$locM = $CURLOC
-gs 'stat'
-'<center><b>in the dorm kitchen</b></center>'
-'<center><img src="images/img/centr/obkitchen.jpg"></center>'
+if $args[0] = '':
+	$metkaM = $ARGS[0]
+	$locM = $CURLOC
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><b>in the dorm kitchen</b></center>'
+	'<center><img src="images/img/centr/obkitchen.jpg"></center>'
+	act 'Return to the corridor':gt 'dorm', 'korr'
+	if eda > 0:
+		'Your shelf in the refrigerator holds <b><<eda>></b> servings of food.'
+		if edahot = 0:
+			act 'Cook food (0:30)':
+				cla
+				*clr
+				minut += 30
+				edahot += 1
+				eda -= 1
+				manna -= 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img src="images/pics/cook.jpg"></center>'
+				'You prepare a meal.'
+				gs 'obkitchen', 'food'
+				act 'Leave the meal':gt 'obkitchen'
+			end
+		end
+	end
-act 'In the corridor':gt 'dorm', 'korr'
+	if edaD = 0 and eda = 0:'<b><font color = red>Your shelf in the refrigerator is bare, there is nothing left for you to eat.</font></b>'
-if eda > 0:
-	act 'Cook food (1:00)':
-		cla
-		*clr
-		minut += 60
-		gs 'stat'
-		edahot += 1
-		eda -= 1
-		manna -= 5
-		'<center><img src="images/pics/cook.jpg"></center>'
-		'You prepare the meal.'
-		act 'Leave the meal':gt 'obkitchen'
+	if edahot > 0:
+		'A cooked meal is on the table.'
+		gs 'obkitchen', 'food'
-if edahot > 0:
-	act 'Eat cooked food (0:30)':
-		cla
-		*clr
-		gs 'stat'
-		frost = 0
-		minut += 30
-		edahot -= 1
-		health += 10
-		manna += 20
-		'<center><img src="images/pics/food.jpg"></center>'
-		if energy >= 30:
-			fat += 5
-			'You can no longer eat.'
-		elseif energy >= 20 and energy < 30:
-			fat += 3
-			energy += 10
-			'You pushed through the power of a meal.'
-		elseif energy < 20:
-			energy += 20
-			!!fat += 1
-			'You gladly ate cooked food.'
-		end
-		if water >= 20:
-			'You don''t need any more tea.'
+	if pranik > 0:
+		if pranik = 1:
+			'You only have one more portion of cookies.'
-			water += 20
-			cumspclnt = 2
-			gs 'cum_cleanup'
-			fbreath = 0
-			'You gladly drank a mug of tea.'
+			'You have enough cookies for <b><<pranik>></b> more snacks.'
-		act 'Get up from the table':gt 'obkitchen'
+		dynamic $pranik
-if pranik > 0:
-	act 'Drink tea with cookies (0:05)':
-		cla
-		*clr
-		minut += 5
-		pranik -= 1
-		health += 30
-		manna += 100
-		energy += 20
-		water += 20
-		cumspclnt = 2
-		gs 'cum_cleanup'
-		fbreath = 0
-		fat += 50
-		frost = 0
-		gs 'stat'
-		'<center><img src="images/pics/food.jpg"></center>'
-		'You drank tea with cookies, sweet and very bad for the figure, but so nice.'
-		act 'Get up from the table':gt 'obkitchen'
-	end
+	dynamic $edaD
+	dynamic $fatdel
+	dynamic $driwater
+	dynamic $lekarstvo
+	dynamic $vitamin
-if edaD > 0:
-	act 'Eat diet meal (0:30)':
+if $args[0] = 'food':
+	act 'Eat cooked food (0:30)':
-		frost = 0
-		minut += 30
-		health += 10
+		edahot = 0
 		manna += 20
-		edaD -= 1
-		'<center><img src="images/pics/food.jpg"></center>'
-		if energy >= 30:
-			'You can no longer eat.'
-		elseif energy >= 20 and energy < 30:
-			energy += 10
-			'You pushed through the power of a meal.'
-		elseif energy < 20:
-			energy += 20
-			'You gladly ate cooked food.'
-		end
-		if water >= 20:
-			'You don''t need any more tea.'
-		else
-			water += 20
-			cumspclnt = 2
-			gs 'cum_cleanup'
-			fbreath = 0
-			'You gladly drank a mug of tea.'
-		end
-		act 'Get up from the table':gt 'obkitchen'
+		dynamic $food
-if fatdel > 0:
-	act 'Consume fat burners':
-		cla
-		*clr
-		fatdel -= 1
-		fat -= 25
-		if fat < 0:fat = 0
-		'You drank fat burning capsule. These capsules are gradually and results will be seen immediately.'
-		act 'Get up from the table':gt 'obkitchen'
-	end
-act 'Drink':
-	cla
-	minut += 5
-	if water >= 20:
-		'You don''t need any more water.'
-	else
-		water += 20
-		cumspclnt = 2
-		gs 'cum_cleanup'
-		fbreath = 0
-		'You gladly drank a glass of water.'
-	end
-	act 'Get up from the table':gt 'obkitchen'
-if lekarstvo > 0:
-	'You have <<lekarstvo>> tablets.'
-	if sick > 0 and lekarday ! daystart:
-		act 'Take a pill':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 5
-			lekarday = daystart
-			lekarstvo -= 1
-			sick -= sick * 20 / 100
-			lekrand = rand(1, 9)
-			'<center><img src="images/inBed/lekr<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
-			'You took a pill'
-			act 'Move away':gt 'obkitchen'
-		end
-	end
-if vitamin > 0:
-	'You have <<vitamin>> vitaminok.'
-	if vitaminday ! daystart:
-		act 'Take vitamins (0:05)':
-			cla
-			*clr
-			minut += 5
-			vitaminday = daystart
-			vitamin -= 1
-			frost = 0
-			skinvan += 1
-			if skinvan = 20:skinvan = 0 & skin += 1
-			'You took some vitamins'
-			act 'Move away':gt 'obkitchen'
-		end
-	end
-if eda > 0:
-	'Your shelf in the refrigerator holds <b><<eda>></b> servings of food. <<$edagot>>'
-elseif edaD = 0 and eda = 0:
-	'<b><font color = red>Your shelf in the refrigerator is bare, there is nothing left for you to eat.</font></b>'
 --- obkitchen ---------------------------------

+ 16 - 15

@@ -323,8 +323,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	if preg = 2:
 		act 'Give birth':
-			cla
+			*clr
+			cla
+			$ImageNeededPlacholder
+			! WD: IMAGE NEEDED ~ '<center><img src="images/etogame/abort.jpg"></center>'
 			'You lay on the bed and your feet are put in stirups.'
 			if BabyEmbryo > 1:
 				'Your contractions get closer and closer, and after some time (and a lot of swearing) you finally give birth. But as soon as it is out, you are hit with contractions. Another is coming!'
@@ -335,30 +338,28 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 			preg = 0
 			pregtalk = 0
 			sterilewb += 1
-			nextbaby = ARRPOS('yearkid',0)
+			!nextbaby = ARRPOS('yearkid',0)
 			kid += 1
 			BabyEmbryo -= 1
 			daykid[nextbaby] = day
 			monthkid[nextbaby] = month
 			yearkid[nextbaby] = year
-			$ImageNeededPlacholder
-			! WD: IMAGE NEEDED ~ '<center><img src="images/etogame/abort.jpg"></center>'
 			if polkid[nextbaby] = 0:$polreb[nextbaby] = 'girl' & '"Congratulations it''s a girl."'
 			if polkid[nextbaby] = 1:$polreb[nextbaby] = 'boy' & '"Congratulations it''s a boy."'
-			act 'Name your child':
-				$kidname[nextbaby] = input ("Enter your babys name")
+			wait 350
+			$kidname[nextbaby] = input("Enter your babys name")
-				if $kidname[nextbaby] ! '':
-					if polkid[nextbaby] = 0:$kidname[nextbaby] = 'Masha'
-					if polkid[nextbaby] = 1:$kidname[nextbaby] = 'Misha'
-				end
-				if BabyEmbryo > 0:
-					jump 'multikidloop'
-				end
-				act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'
+			if $kidname[nextbaby] = '':
+				if polkid[nextbaby] = 0:$kidname[nextbaby] = 'Masha'
+				if polkid[nextbaby] = 1:$kidname[nextbaby] = 'Misha'
+			nextbaby += 1
+			if BabyEmbryo > 0:
+				jump 'multikidloop'
+			end
+			act 'Leave':gt 'poli', 'start'

+ 3 - 3

@@ -904,13 +904,13 @@ If month = 12:$month = 'December' & $mons = 'December'
 if minut < 10:$nilmin = '0'
 if minut >= 10:$nilmin = ''
 if kid > 0:
-	i = 1
+	i = 0
-	if i <= kid:
+	if i <= ARRPOS('yearkid',0):
 		if monthkid[i] = month and daykid[i] = day:
 			if daystartkid[i] ! daystart:
 				daystartkid[i] = daystart
-				kidage[i] += 1
+				yearkid[i] += 1
 				msg'It is <<$kidname[i]>>s birthday today.'