# start
close all
usehtml = 1
showstat 0
showobjs 0
showinput 0
$ongload = 'loadg'
$ongsave = 'saveg'
$onnewloc = 'LOCA'
$onobjsel = 'onobjsel'
$counter = 'counter'
$usercom = 'inputProcessing'
debug = 1
disablescroll = 1
fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
fsize = 12
$fname = 'Tahoma'
$version = '0.2.5e (Minor G & M bugfix) (If you haven''t updated your image library recently, you may need to do so for hairstyles to work properly)'
'Girl Life [English Community Version]
'This is game is based on the russian game ЭТО by DeGross.'
'Version <<$version>>'
'Children under 18 years are strictly forbidden to play'
'This game is about the simulated life of a woman containing elements of RPG, strategy, porn and magical combat.'
'You may choose what kind of life the character will leave according to your play style, conscience or even personal beliefs.'
'We will try to avoid rights and wrongs during the game.'
!!!! Recent Version Tracking Block !!!!!
'Recent Version Tracking:'
'- Fixed bug making G & M officewear un-buyable'
'- Fixed bang-less buns not calling images correctly'
'- Updated start-selection screen to be actually relevant'
'- Fixed a bug that prevented you to work as a Prostitute at the street near the park'
'- Created subfolders for the different hairstyles. It makes it easier to find missing pictures or replace them. (Image library update!)'
'0.2.5c (released by TFGS-User centerflag982, accidently named 0.2.5b aswell):'
'- Fixed a bug, that prevented your from removing your pigtails.'
'0.2.5b (released by TFGS-User Maruda):'
'- Added the Hairsalon in the Citycenter and the Barbershop in the small town.'
'- Fixed a bug with the tailor, who bought some of your clothes instead of resizing them.'
'- Fixed a bug, which didn''t allow you to see your breasts.'
'- Fixed a bug, which caused a DEBUG-Error to appear at the tailor and the nightclub.'
'- Added a lot more hairstyles'
'-- For the numberphiles between you, there are 216 ways to style your hair, 175 have pictures.'
'-- Cheat Menu to tinker around with your hair, it also tells you how your current hair looks.'
'- Added the Hairsalon in the Mall'
'- Added the Barbershop in the small town, cheaper & faster than the hairsalon, but doesn''t do braided hair'
'- While I''m not a native english speaker, I tried to fix some of the broken english'
'-- Done in following locations: street, down, Nord, club, park'
'- Additional conditions to get into the club.'
'-- Jeans, Shorts, Pants and Kis-Clothes can get you in.'
'--- Jeans, Shorts and Pants require a certain level of looks/beauty (vnesh) to get you in.'
'---- When you wear a skirt or shorts, you now should make sure, you shaved your legs. The folks guarding the entrance don''t like hairy legs.'
'- Excluded the rape events at the home street for now.'
'- VIP-Card price at the night club lowered from 50.000 to 10.000 rubles, as the price of one card stood in no, for me at least, comprehensible relation to other prices.'
'- The park is now a central park, from where you can walk to the others citys districts if you so desire.'
'-- Homestreet -> Park => roughly 20 Minute Walk'
'-- City Center -> Park => roughly 48 Minute Walk'
'-- Northern District -> Park => roughly an hour of walking.'
'--- Once you are in the park, it takes the same amount of time to get to another respectable area.'
'- Excluded the direction argument ''prost'' inside the location ''park'', as nothing links to it (anymore). Prostitution itself takes place in a location called ''prostitute''. ''prost'' seems to be the remnant of an older version of ETO. It should be safe to remove, if no gamebreaking bugs appear.'
'- TFGS-user "kevlar" pointed out a bug in the fitness studio, you get a Debug-Message once you win the amateur fight. This bug occured due to a spelling mistake and has been fixed.'
!!!! Recent Version Tracking Block !!!!!
StoryLine = 0
MagikDostup = 0
set $name = 'Michael'
set $surname = 'Kuznetsov'
set age = 35
set vidage = 35
set year = 2010
set month = 5
set week = 1
set hour = 7
set day = 25
set rost = 186
set fat = 130
set dick = 0
set energy = 15
set water = 15
set son = 16
set stren = 160
set speed = 50
set agil = 50
set vital = 160
set intel = 50
set will = 100
set react = 50
set health = vital * 10
set willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5
set manna = (intel * magik) + vital * 5
set BDSMfilm = 0
set pornstudio = 0
set pfilmSTOP = 0
set money = 1500
set opPRE = 1
tanga = 1
clrbelo = 1
GameUpdate = 1
update_2014_08_28 = 1
act 'Start':
gt 'begin'
!!105 101 106 112
if music_on = 0:
inited = 1
music_on = 1
volume = 100
$music_theme = 'sukizaebali'
gs 'init_music'
--- start ---------------------------------
# gameover
if over = 1:
gs 'stat'
'You died'
if over = 2:
'You''re mad and started to run around town naked screaming ''I am a man!''. You quickly alerted the police and you were taken to a metal hospital. There you got put in a straitjacket and placed in a room with soft walls. You spent the rest of your days in happy delusions about your family and about being a man again. But the delusions never became reality.'
'When your mood falls, your mind weakens and finally breaks. Do not forget, it is difficult for a normal man to come to terms with the fact that he is now a woman. In order to keep your mood and psyche at an acceptable level make sure you are of healthy weight, have at least a TV and visit the psychotherapist. Strengthening your will and intellect also increases the maximum value of your mood, such that the harmful effects will not be as devastating.'
if over = 3:'You have died of starvation. A stupid way to die, but apparently it´s one of the consequences of anorexia.'
if over = 4:'You died from complications in childbirth.'
if over = 5:
'You tried to jump, but immediately found themselves in a strange place around some dilapidated walls with obscene graffiti, you could not move do not cry, when suddenly the door opened and entered what that fat guy, he undid his pants and turned his back to you situated above you your ass. Here you´ve got it, witch kept her promise and turned you into a jerk at the station.'
'So you spent the rest of your days swallowing shit until 50 years later, the train station is not started to repair and you just broke and took the pieces to the dump.'
if over = 6:'You suddenly feel a sharp piercing pain in the abdomen, then another and another. "Greetings to you from the boys" says a figure with downcast eyes while it moves away. You realize you are standing in a puddle of your own blood, and have multiple stab wounds in your stomach. The last thing you saw was the fast approaching land.'
if over = 7:'The last thing you saw was a police baton, flying into your face. You were beaten to death, and your early surmise was written in as an accident.'
--- gameover ---------------------------------
# begin
'Original Start:'
'You are Michael Kuznetsov, a fairly average, 35 year old businessman whose life is about to be turned inside out. Features magic and an (incomplete) over-arching plot. Beware of unintelligible translations.'
'Alternate Start:'
'You are a 15-year-old small-town girl about to start her first year of high school. Name and starting stats are customizable, no magic and no major ''plot'' other than life. Not to say that your classmates and family don''t have their own stories, though!'
act 'Original start':
music_on = 0
showstat 1
showobjs 1
addobj 'Player'
gt 'roomPRE'
act 'Original start (skip intro)':
music_on = 0
gs 'begin1'
gt 'street'
act 'Start the alternative game':
showstat 1
showobjs 1
!!addobj 'Player'
gt 'alterStart'
--- begin ---------------------------------
# begin1
showstat 1
showobjs 1
set $name = 'Svetlana'
set $surname = 'Lebedev'
!!!0.2.6 addition
set $nickname = 'Svetski'
set $name = input("What is your first name?")
if $name = '':set $name = 'Svetlana'
set $surname = input("What is your last name?")
if $surname = '':set $surname = 'Lebedev'
!!!0.2.6 addition
set $nickname = input("What is your nick name?")
if $nickname = '':set $nickname = 'Svetski'
set age = 18
set vidage = 16
set year = 2010
set month = 5
set week = 3
set hour = 13
set rost = 170
set fat = 60
set salo = 60
set dick = 0
set energy = 15
set water = 15
set son = 16
set stren = 10
set strenbuf = 10
set speed = 10
set agil = 10
set agilbuf = 10
set vital = 10
set vitalbuf = 10
set intel = 10
set will = 10
set react = 10
set magik = 0
set health = vital * 10 + stren * 5
set willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5
set manna = (intel * magik) + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo
set nastjaqw = 0
set money = 16500
set vidageday = 300
set housrA = 1
set sarafan[1] = 1
set nude = 0
set sarafanH[1] = 30
set odevnesh = 0
set lobok = 3
set leghair = 3
set mop = 1
set housr = 1
set tanga = 1
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod
set hairlength = 165
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod
set hcol = 1
gs 'stat'
set numdres = 1
set odetjeans = 1
set numdress = 1
set jeans[1] = 1
set jeansH[1] = 100
set jeansB[1] = 70
set cltarelka = 1
set fairy = 10
set eda = 5
set clrbelo = 2
set poroshok = 5
set shampoo = 5
set nude = 0
gs 'stat'
set opPRE = 0
set daystart = 0
addobj 'Character'
addobj 'See'
addobj 'Others'
--- begin1 ---------------------------------
# onobjsel
$din_show_tits = {
view 'images/body/t<>.jpg'
$objdescrip = {
pl 'Your name is <<$name>> <<$surname>>.'
pl 'You are <> <<$letgoda>>, but looking at you, people would guess you are <> <<$letgoda2>>.'
!!!0.2.6 extension
if StoryLine > 0:
pl 'Friends and family sometimes call you <<$nickname>>'
pl 'Friends sometimes call you <<$nickname>>'
if birthday > 0 and birthmonth > 0:pl 'Your date of birth is <>.0<>.<>, the'
pl 'You are <> cm tall, you weigh <> pounds.'
pl '<<$body>>'
pl '<> - <> - <>, the size of your breasts are <>, the difference between your hips and your waist is <> cm'
pl '<<$anus>>'
pl '<<$vnesh>>'
pl '<<$hair>>'
pl '<<$lip>>'
pl '<<$skin>>'
pl '<<$glaza>>'
pl '<<$mop>>'
pl '<<$leghair>>'
pl '<<$lobok>>'
if salo = 0 and musle > 0 and dounspell = 0:pl 'You are showing signs undernourishment. You should probably eat more and more often.'
if salo = 0 and musle = 0 and dounspell = 0:pl 'You are dangerously malnourished, which has led to a loss in muscle mass. You''re in a critical condition and likely to pass out!'
if curly > 0:pl 'Your curls are good for another <> days.'
if zub = 1:$zuba = ' tooth'
if zub >= 2:$zuba = ' teeth'
if zub > 0:pl 'You have <><<$zuba>>.'
!!pl 'vnesh <>'
!!pl 'curlykoef <> a maximum of 1'
!!pl 'tits <> a maximum of 10'
!!pl 'lip <> a maximum of 4'
!!pl 'tanKoef <> a maximum of 1'
!!pl 'skin <> a maximum of 4'
!!pl 'mop <> a maximum of 4'
!!pl 'resnic <> a maximum of 2'
!!pl 'glaraz <> a maximum of 3'
!!pl 'bodykoef <> a maximum of 8'
!!pl 'legkoef <> a maximum of 3'
!!pl 'lobkoef <> a maximum of 3'
!!pl 'odevnesh <> a maximum of 15'
!!pl 'sweat <> the maximum 0'
!!pl 'hapri <> a maximum of 1'
!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod
if hairlength > 41 and hscrunch >= 1:
if hscrunchw = 0 and hpingripw = 0:pl 'As you have a scrunchy, you can arrange your hair into a ponytail. You have <> scrunchies left.'
if hscrunchw = 1:pl 'Remove the scrunchie to get rid of the ponytail.'
if hairlength > 41 and hpingrip >= 1:
if hscrunchw = 0 and hpingripw = 0:pl 'You have several clips, pins and grips for you hair. Hence, you can updo your hair. You have <> hair accessories at your disposal.'
if hpingripw = 1:pl 'Let your hair flow free.'
if hairlength > 80 and hscrunch >= 2:
if hscrunchw = 0 and hpingripw = 0:pl 'You can use two hair ties to make yourself some pigtails.'
if hscrunchw = 2:pl 'Remove your scrunchies and let your hair flow free again.'
if hscrunch < 1:hscrunchw = 0
if hpingrip < 1:hpingripw = 0
if hscrunch < 2:hpigtail = 0
!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod
$objskills = {
!!if salo > musle * 4:$fat = 'You have a chubby disposition'
!!if salo <= musle * 4 and fat > musle * 2:$fat = 'You have a soft curvy body that still carries an elastic finesse.'
!!if salo <= musle * 2 and fat > musle:$fat = 'You have an average body showing signs that you take care of yourself.'
!!if salo <= musle and fat >= musle / 2:$fat = 'Your body is slim and trim. You probably workout often '
!!if salo < musle / 2:$fat = 'Your body is a prayer to the god of fitness! Your skin is taught against your lithe musculature.'
pl 'Attractiveness <>'
pl 'Power <>'
pl 'Speed <>'
pl 'Agility <>'
pl 'Endurance <>'
pl 'Intelligence <>'
pl 'Willpower <>'
pl 'Reaction <>'
pl '<<$fat>>'
!!pl 'Bezstydstvo <>'
if SUB > 0:pl 'Subordination <>'
if DOM > 0:pl 'Dominance <>'
!!pl 'Muscles <<$musle>>'
if magik > 0:pl 'Magic <>'
if Jab > 0:pl 'Jab - <>'
if Punch > 0:pl 'Power Strikes - <>'
if Kik > 0:pl 'Kicks - <>'
if KikDef > 0:pl 'Protection against - <>'
if beg > 0:pl 'Skill Run - <>'
if volleyboll > 0:pl 'Skill volleyball - <>'
if oficiant > 0:pl 'Skills waitresses - <>'
if vokal > 0:pl 'Vocal skills <>'
if dance > 0:pl 'Skill Dance - <>'
if dancePRO > 0:pl 'Regular dancing skilllevel - <>'
if stripdance > 0:pl 'Striptease skilllevel - <>'
if poledance > 0:pl 'Poledancing skilllevel- <>'
if shoot > 0:pl 'Shooting Accuracy - <>'
if kid = 1:pl 'You have a child, <<$polreb[1]>> name <<$kidname[1]>>. Born <>.<>.<>y. Age <>'
if workPTU > 1:pl 'Reputation teachers <>'
if SchoolAtestat = 0 and StoryLine > 0:
if Suspeh >= 90:pl 'You are an A+ student.'
if Suspeh >= 80 and Suspeh < 90:pl 'You are a bright student, just not the top of your class.'
if Suspeh >= 70 and Suspeh < 80:pl 'You are an above average student, but you have to work hard to keep up.'
if Suspeh >= 60 and Suspeh < 70:pl "You are the typical average student. You're good in the fields you like, but can't be bothered with the rest."
if Suspeh >= 50 and Suspeh < 60:pl 'You''re not very good in school, you wish you could be somewhere else and your grades show it.'
if Suspeh >= 40 and Suspeh < 50:pl 'You are not cut out for school, you skip out most of the time. You wonder how you''re going to manage to get passing grades.'
if Suspeh < 40:pl 'You are the class nitwit. You''re still not sure how you got this far in the first place.'
if schoolprogul > 1:pl 'Absenteeism in school <>'
$objstatistika = {
if opPRE = 0:pl 'It has been <> the game has started.'
if BuyHous = 2 and ArendHouseSL >0:pl 'You have rented an apartment in the residential area <> days.'
if KikWinPro > 0 or KikLossPro > 0 or KikDrawPro > 0:
pl 'Professional Kickboxing Record:Win (Victory KO) - Loss (Defeat KO) - Draw'
pl '<> (<>KO) - <> (<>KO) - <>'
if Win > 0 or Loss > 0:pl 'Wins in fights <>, losses in fights <>' & nl
if KisameDead = 1:pl 'You killed Kisame.'& nl
if razradKik > 0:pl '<<$razradKik>>' & nl
if KikWinAm > 0 or KikLossAm > 0 or KikDrawAm > 0:
pl 'Amateur Kickboxing Record:Win (Victory KO) - Loss (Defeat KO) - Draw'
pl '<> (<>KO) - <> (<>KO) - <>'
if razradKik = 1:$razradKik = 'You''re ranked III in amateur kickboxing'
if razradKik = 2:$razradKik = 'You''re ranked II in amateur kickboxing'
if razradKik = 3:$razradKik = 'You''re ranked I in amateur kickboxing'
if razradKik = 4:$razradKik = 'You are a candidate for the title of Master in Kickboxing'
if razradKik = 5:$razradKik = 'You have the title of Master Kickboxer'
if kolsorev > 0:pl 'You have participate <> in a running race'
if bronzebeg > 0:pl '<> - bronze medals on the run'
if silverbeg > 0:pl '<> - silver medals for event'
if goldbeg > 0:pl '<> - gold medals in running'
if razradbegEB > 0:pl '<> times bronze medalist of European Championship'
if razradbegES > 0:pl '<> fold vice champion of Europe'
if razradbegEG > 0:pl '<> time European champion.'
if razradbeg = 1:pl 'You have third sports category for event'
if razradbeg = 2:pl 'You 2nd sports category for event'
if razradbeg = 3:pl 'You 1st sports category for event'
if razradbeg = 4:pl 'You have the title of Candidate Master of Sports for event'
if razradbeg = 5:pl 'You have the title of Master of Sports in the run'
if razradbeg >= 6:pl 'You have the title of International Master of Sports for event'
if (razradKik + SchoolAtestat + diplom + teachlevel + kolsorev + bronzebeg + silverbeg + goldbeg + razradbegEG + razradbeg) > 0:nl
if nastjaQW > 0:pl 'Friendship with Nastya <>'
if kat > 0:pl 'Friendship with Kate <>'
if vika > 0:pl 'Friendship with Vika <>'
if Irina > 0:pl 'Friendship with Irina <>'
if Tamara > 0:pl 'Friendship with Tamara <>'
if alla > 0:pl 'Friendship with Alla <>'
if masha > 0:pl 'Friendship with Masha <>'
if Givi > 0:pl 'Friendship with Givi Karapetovich <>'
if Ashot > 0:pl 'Friendship with Ashot <>'
if Dmitry > 0:pl 'Friendship with Dima <>'
if afra > 0:pl 'Friendship with blacks <>'
!!!WD: Formatting
if (nastjaQW + kat + vika + Irina + Tamara + alla + masha + Givi + Ashot + Dmitry + afra) > 0:nl
if exhibi > 0:pl 'Experienced exhibitionism <>'
if maxdamage > 0:pl 'The impact force on the dynamometer <> kN' & nl
if modelfoto > 0:pl 'You filmed naked <> times'
if stripdancesum > 0:pl '<> times dancing in the stripclub'
if profiDanceTime > 0:pl 'You danced <> professionally.' & nl
if SchoolAtestat = 1:pl 'You have finished school.'
if diplom = 1:pl 'You graduated.'
if teachlevel > 0:pl 'Your credibility as a teacher is <>'
if mastr > 0:pl 'Masturbated <> time'
if throat > 0:pl 'Capacity of the throat <>'
if vagina > 0:pl 'Elasticity of the vagina <>'
if vagina = 0 and sex = 0:pl 'You are a virgin.'
if anus > 0:pl '<<$anus>>'
if GorSlut > 0:
if GorSlut = 1:pl 'In the town you are known as a flirt.'
if GorSlut = 2:pl 'In the town you are known to have sucked a few cocks.'
if GorSlut = 3:pl 'In the town you are known as a great cocksucker.'
if GorSlut = 4:pl 'In the town you are known to have fucked several boys.'
if GorSlut = 5:pl 'In the town you are known the slut that would do anything.'
if GorSlut = 6:pl 'In the town you are known as a prostitute who will take money for most extreme sex acts.'
if guy > 0:pl 'You had <> guys.'
if divorced > 0:pl 'You have <> husbands.'
if suprdolg > 0:pl 'Performed conjugal duty to her husband <> time'
if gang > 0:pl 'Group sex <> times'
if sex > 0 and sexa = 0:pl 'Vaginal sex <> times.'
if sex > 0 and sexa > 0:pl 'Vaginal sex <> times from them <> times with her boyfriend.'
if bj > 0:
if gloryhole = 0 and balls = 0 and bja = 0:pl 'Blowjob done <> times.'
if gloryhole = 0 and balls = 0 and bja > 0:pl 'Blowjob done <> times, of which <> times her boyfriend'
if gloryhole > 0 and balls = 0 and bja = 0:pl 'Blowjob done <> times, of which you <> time suck strangers through a hole in the wall.'
if gloryhole > 0 and balls = 0 and bja > 0:pl 'Blowjob done <> times, of which you <> time suck strangers through a hole in the wall. Just one <> times her boyfriend'
if gloryhole = 0 and balls > 0 and bja = 0:pl 'Blowjob done <> times, sucked balls <> times.'
if gloryhole = 0 and balls > 0 and bja > 0:pl 'Blowjob done <> times, sucked balls <> times. Just one <> times her boyfriend'
if gloryhole > 0 and balls > 0 and bja = 0:pl 'Blowjob done <> times, of which you <> time suck strangers through a hole in the wall. Sucked balls <> times.'
if gloryhole > 0 and balls > 0 and bja > 0:pl 'Blowjob done <> times, of which you <> time suck strangers through a hole in the wall. Sucked balls <> times. Just one <> times her boyfriend'
if hj > 0:
if hja = 0:pl 'Guys jerking off <> times'
if hja > 0:pl 'Guys jerking off <> times from them <> times masturbate her boyfriend'
if hump > 0:pl 'About you wanker member <> times'
if rape > 0:pl 'You have been raped <> times'
if anal > 0:
if anala = 0:pl 'Anal <> times'
if anala > 0:pl 'Anal <> times from them <> times with her boyfriend'
if kuni > 0:pl 'You did cunnilingus <> times'
if pegging > 0:pl 'Pegging <> times'
if spank > 0:pl 'You ran your ass <> times'
if (guy + divorced + suprdolg + gang + sex + bj + hj + hump + rape + anal + kuni + pegging + spank) > 0:nl
if slutty > 0:
if bordelslutty = 0:pl 'Sold your love <> time.'
if bordelslutty > 0:pl 'Sold your love <> times, including in a brothel <> times.'
if pfilmSTOP = 1:pl '<<$pfilmstory_new>>'
if film > 0:
pl 'In the porn industry you know the name of <<$pfname>>. You starred in porn <> times.'
pl '<<$pfilmhistory>>'
if orgasm > 0:pl 'Experienced orgasm <> times.'
if analorgasm > 0 :pl 'You''ve had <> anal orgasms.'
if swallow > 0:pl 'Sperm swallowed <> times.'
if facial > 0:pl 'You have taken <> facials.'
if frot > 0:pl 'Come on you truck <> times.'
if VAF > 0:pl 'Vaflizm <>.'
if zoo > 0:pl 'Having sex with animals <> times.'
if pee > 0:pl 'You pissing <> times.'
if (slutty + pfilmSTOP + film + orgasm + analorgasm + swallow + facial + frot + VAF + zoo + pee) > 0:nl
if girl > 0:pl 'You have <> girls.'
if lesbian > 0:pl 'You do lecbiyskim sex <> times.'
if sexfuta > 0:pl 'You''ve had sex with tgirls <> times.'
$din_exhibiTakeOffBimbo = {
cloth_vid = 0
gs 'stat'
'You removed the outfit bimbo'
$din_exhibiHideNewCloth = {
exhibiHideNewCloth = 1
gs 'stat'
$din_cheat_work = {
if cheatWork = 0:
cheatWork = 1
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_permanent
cheatWork = 0
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_permanent
$din_cheat_hapri = {
if cheatHapri = 0:
cheatHapri = 1
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_permanent
cheatHapri = 0
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_permanent
$din_cheat_klisma = {
if cheatKlisma = 0:
cheatKlisma = 1
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_permanent
cheatKlisma = 0
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_permanent
$din_cheat_nomakeup = {
if cheatNomakeup = 0:
cheatNomakeup = 1
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_permanent
cheatNomakeup = 0
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_permanent
$din_cheat_Nosweat = {
if cheatNosweat = 0:
cheatNosweat = 1
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_permanent
cheatNosweat = 0
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_permanent
$din_cheat_NoEat = {
if cheatNoEat = 0:
cheatNoEat = 1
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_permanent
cheatNoEat = 0
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_permanent
$din_cheat_age = {
age = input("How old are you now years?")
if age <= 15:age = 15
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_look
$din_cheat_agel = {
vidage = input("For how many years you want to look?")
if vidage <= 14:vidage = 14
dynamic $din_cheat_menu_look
$din_cheat_money = {
money = input("How much money do you want to have?")
if money < 0:money = 0
dynamic $objcheat_menu
$din_cheat_menu_permanent = {
gs 'stat'
if cheatWork = 0:$cheatWork = 'TURNED_OFF'
if cheatWork = 1:$cheatWork = 'ON'
if cheatHapri = 0:$cheatHapri = 'TURNED_OFF'
if cheatHapri = 1:$cheatHapri = 'ON'
if cheatKlisma = 0:$cheatKlisma = 'TURNED_OFF'
if cheatKlisma = 1:$cheatKlisma = 'ON'
if cheatNomakeup = 0:$cheatNomakeup = 'TURNED_OFF'
if cheatNomakeup = 1:$cheatNomakeup = 'ON'
if cheatNosweat = 0:$cheatNosweat = 'TURNED_OFF'
if cheatNosweat = 1:$cheatNosweat = 'ON'
if cheatNoEat = 0:$cheatNoEat = 'TURNED_OFF'
if cheatNoEat = 1:$cheatNoEat = 'ON'
pl 'Cheat menu'
pl ''
pl 'Disable the requirement of labor: <<$cheatWork>>'
pl 'always combed: <<$cheatHapri>>'
pl 'Always do an enema: <<$cheatKlisma>>'
pl 'Cosmetics never smeared: <<$cheatNomakeup>>'
pl 'Never sweat: <<$cheatNosweat>>'
pl 'Never eat or drink: <<$cheatNoEat>>'
$din_cheat_menu_look = {
gs 'stat'
pl 'cheat menu'
pl ''
pl 'Show design parameters of the body'
pl ''
pl 'Now you <> years old'
if age >= 0:pl 'Change age'
pl 'You look like <> years_old'
if vidage >= 0:pl 'Change the visibility of age'
pl ''
pl '<<$lip>>'
if lip < 4:pl 'Enlare the lips'
if lip > 0:pl 'Reduce the lips'
pl ''
pl '<<$skin>>'
if skin < 4:pl 'Improve the skin'
if skin > 0:pl 'Impair the skin'
if tan >= 0:pl 'Become_sunburnt'
if tan > 0:pl 'remove tan'
pl ''
pl '<<$glaza>>'
if resnic < 2:pl 'Enlarge eyelashes'
if resnic > 0:pl 'Reduce eyelashes'
if glaraz < 3:pl 'Increase the size of the eye'
if glaraz > 0:pl 'Reduce the size of the eye'
pl ''
if salo ! fat:pl 'Balance the fat'
if salo > 0:pl 'reduce fat'
if salo > 0:pl 'reset fat'
pl 'Fat (<>): +5 +10 +25 +50'
pl ''
pl 'Remove tattoos'
$din_cheat_menu_param = {
gs 'stat'
pl 'Cheat menu - Outward Appearance'
pl ''
pl '<> - strenbuf'
pl '<> - vitalbuf'
pl '<> - vmeat'
pl '<> - vfat'
pl '<> - Kves'
pl '<> - krost'
pl '<> - ves'
pl '<> - talia - Waist measurement in cm'
pl '<> - grudi - Chest measurement in cm'
pl '<> - bedra'
pl '<> - tits'
pl '<> - silicone'
pl '<> - <> - <>, breast size <>, the difference between the hips and waist <> cm'
pl 'Indicator muscularity <> - musle, <> - salo, <> - fat'
$din_cheat_menu_tatoo = {
gs 'stat'
pl 'cheat menu - Outward Appearance'
pl ''
if tatlip = 0:pl 'You do not have tattoos on his lips'
if tatlip >= 1:pl 'Flatten with a tattoo of lips'
if tatplech = 0:pl 'You do not have tattoos on their shoulders'
if tatplech >= 1:pl 'Flatten with a shoulder tattoo'
if tatback = 0:pl 'You have not got a tattoo on her back'
if tatback >= 1:pl 'Flatten with the back tattoo'
if tatupb = 0:pl 'You do not have tattoos on the lower back'
if tatupb >= 1:pl 'Reduce a tattoo with lumbar'
if tatvag = 0:pl 'You do not have a tattoo in the groin'
if tatvag >= 1:pl 'Reduce a tattoo with groin'
if tatleg = 0:pl 'You do not have a tattoo on the ankle'
if tatleg >= 1:pl 'Flatten with a tattoo ankle'
$din_cheat_menu_stats = {
gs 'stat'
pl 'cheat menu'
pl ''
pl 'Power (<>): +1 +5 +10 +25 -1 -5 -10 -25'
pl 'Speed (<>): +1 +5 +10 +25 -1 -5 -10 -25'
pl 'Agility (<>): +1 +5 10 +25 -1 -5 -10 -25'
pl 'Reaction <>):+1 +5 10 +25 -1 -5 -10 -25'
pl 'Endurance (<>): +1 +5 +10 +25 -1 -5 -10 -25'
pl 'Willpower (<>): +1 +5 +10 +25 -1 -5 -10 -25'
pl 'Intelligence (<>): +1 +5 +10 +25 -1 -5 -10 -25'
pl ''
pl 'Dominance (<>): +1 +5 +10 -1 -5 -10'
pl 'Submission (<>): +1 +5 +10 -1 -5 -10'
pl ''
if beg >= 0:pl 'Run speed: <>'
if volleyboll >= 0:pl 'Volleyball: <>'
pl ''
if dance >= 0:pl 'Dancing: <>'
if dancePRO >= 0:pl 'Professional dancing: <>'
if stripdance >= 0:pl 'Striptease: <>'
if poledance >= 0:pl 'Poledancing: <>'
pl ''
if Jab >= 0:pl 'Jeb: <>'
if Punch >= 0:pl 'Power Strokes: <>'
if Kik >= 0:pl 'Kicks: <>'
if KikDef >= 0:pl 'Protection: <>'
if vokal > 0:pl 'Vocal skills: <>'
pl ''
if workPTU > 1:pl 'Reputation as teacher: <>'
if suspeh >= 0:pl 'Improve your academic performance: <>'
if schoolprogul >= 0:pl 'Reset absence: <>'
pl ''
pl 'test parameters present in the mechanism of the game, but not involved in the game quests:'
if mutagenP = 0:pl 'Mutagen force 1st Level'
if mutagenP = 1:pl 'Mutagen force 2nd Level'
if mutagenP = 2:pl 'Mutagen force 3rd Level'
if mutagenP > 0:pl 'Mutagen force Zero'
if mutagenV = 0:pl 'Mutagen endurance 1st Level'
if mutagenV = 1:pl 'Mutagen endurance 2nd Level'
if mutagenV = 2:pl 'Mutagen endurance 3rd Level'
if mutagenV > 0:pl 'Mutagen endurance Zero'
if mutagenA = 0:pl 'Mutagen Agility 1st Level'
if mutagenA = 1:pl 'Mutagen Agility 2nd Level'
if mutagenA = 2:pl 'Mutagen Agility 3rd Level'
if mutagenA > 0:pl 'Mutagen Agility Zero'
$din_cheat_menu_reputation = {
gs 'stat'
pl 'cheat menu'
pl ''
if nastjaQW >= 0:pl 'Friendship with Nastya: <>'
if kat >= 0:pl 'Friendship with Kate: <>'
if vika >= 0:pl 'Friendship with Vika: <>'
if Irina >= 0:pl 'Friendship with Irina: <>'
if Tamara >= 0:pl 'Friendship with Tamara: <>'
if alla >= 0:pl 'Friendship with Alla: <>'
if masha >= 0:pl 'Friendship with Masha: <>'
if Givi >= 0:pl 'Friendship with Givi Karapetovich: <>'
if Ashot >= 0:pl 'Friendship with Ashot: <>'
if Dmitry >= 0:pl 'Friendship with Dima: <>'
if afra >= 0:pl 'Friendship with blacks: <>'
pl ''
if GorSlut > 0:pl 'In the town you are known as <<$gnikname>> (<>)'
if GorSlut = 0:pl 'You have a good reputation in the town (0)'
if GorSlut ! 1:pl 'Back reputation "davalka" (1)'
if GorSlut ! 2:pl 'Back reputation "vaflersha" (2)'
if GorSlut ! 3:pl 'Back reputation "Total huesoska" (3)'
if GorSlut ! 4:pl 'Back reputation "Total hole" (4)'
if GorSlut ! 5:pl 'Back reputation "lowered slut" (5)'
if GorSlut ! 6:pl 'Back reputation "prostitute" (6)'
if GorSlut > 0:pl 'Clear reputation in town (0)'
if opusk > 0 or sipovka > 0 or rozetka > 0:pl 'Clear reputation with Gopnik'
$din_cheat_menu_documents = {
gs 'stat'
pl 'cheat menu'
pl ''
if diplom = 0:pl 'Get Diploma'
if diplom = 1:pl 'You already have a diploma'
if secrdiplom = 0:pl 'Get Secretarial Diploma'
if secrdiplom = 1:pl 'You already have a diploma Secretary'
if masash < 10:pl 'Get Certificate Masseur'
if masash >= 10:pl 'You already have a certificate masseur'
if prava = 0:pl 'Get the right'
if prava = 1:pl 'Do you already have rights'
$din_cheat_menu_time = {
gs 'stat'
pl 'cheat menu'
pl ''
pl 'Right_Now <<$week>> <> the_number, <<$month>>, <> a_year.'
pl 'Select Day of the Week'
pl '+1 The_Day'
pl '-1 The_Day'
pl 'select Month'
pl '+1 The_Year'
pl '-1 The_Year'
$din_cheat_menu_week = {
gs 'stat'
pl 'cheat menu - period_Of'
pl ''
pl 'Right_Now <<$week>> <> the_number, <<$month>>, <> a_year.'
pl 'Monday'
pl 'Tuesday'
pl 'The_Environment'
pl 'Thursday'
pl 'Friday'
pl 'Saturday'
pl 'Sunday'
$din_cheat_menu_month = {
gs 'stat'
pl 'cheat menu - period_Of'
pl ''
pl 'Right_Now <<$week>> <> the_number, <<$month>>, <> a_year.'
pl 'January'
pl 'February'
pl 'March'
pl 'April'
pl 'May'
pl 'June'
pl 'July'
pl 'August'
pl 'September'
pl 'October'
pl 'November'
pl 'December'
$din_cheat_menu_magic = {
gs 'stat'
pl 'cheat menu'
pl ''
pl 'is_magical: <>'
pl ''
if spelltuman = 0:pl 'Cover the area fog'
if spellklon = 0:pl 'Substitute itself clone'
if spellstun = 0:pl 'paralyze the enemy'
if spellweap = 0:pl 'Invest in energy weapons (requires weapons)'
if spellwind = 0:pl 'blow away the fog'
if spellklon2 = 0:pl 'Substitute itself clones (3 pieces)'
if spellenergo = 0:pl 'Create weak energy shield'
if spellinit = 0:pl 'Write a slight deceleration time'
if spellhel = 0:pl 'Battle Heal'
if spellfire0 = 0 or spellfire2 = 0 or spellfire3 = 0 or spellfire4 = 0 or spellfire5 = 0:
pl ''
pl 'Elements of Fire Spells:'
if spellfire0 = 0:pl 'The_Flame'
if spellfire2 = 0:pl 'The release of fire'
if spellfire3 = 0:pl 'fire barrier'
if spellfire4 = 0:pl 'firestorm'
if spellfire5 = 0:pl 'Flame Shield'
if spellele0 = 0 or spellele2 = 0 or spellele3 = 0 or spellele4 = 0 or spellele5 = 0:
pl ''
pl 'Elements Lightning Spells:'
if spellele0 = 0:pl 'discharge'
if spellele2 = 0:pl 'lightning'
if spellele3 = 0:pl 'electric barrier'
if spellele4 = 0:pl 'Dance of thousands of birds'
if spellele5 = 0:pl 'dancing sphere'
if spellert0 = 0 or spellert2 = 0 or spellert3 = 0 or spellert4 = 0 or spellert5 = 0:
pl ''
pl 'Spells Earth Elements:'
if spellert0 = 0:pl 'quicksand'
if spellert2 = 0:pl 'active protection'
if spellert3 = 0:pl 'abyss'
if spellert4 = 0:pl 'absolute protection'
if spellert5 = 0:pl 'Sando'
if spellwind0 = 0 or spellwind2 = 0 or spellwind3 = 0 or spellwind4 = 0 or spellwind5 = 0:
pl ''
pl 'Spells with wind energy:'
if spellwind0 = 0:pl 'wind gust'
if spellwind2 = 0:pl 'terrifying pressure'
if spellwind3 = 0:pl 'vacuum sphere'
if spellwind4 = 0:pl 'vacuum shells'
if spellwind5 = 0:pl 'devouring vacuum'
if spellwater0 = 0 or spellwater2 = 0 or spellwater3 = 0 or spellwater4 = 0 or spellwater5 = 0:
pl ''
pl 'Water Elemental spells:'
if spellwater0 = 0:pl 'creek manna'
if spellwater2 = 0:pl 'flooding'
if spellwater3 = 0:pl 'blister'
if spellwater4 = 0:pl 'Water shark missile'
if spellwater5 = 0:pl 'The Great Flood'
$objcheat_menu = {
gs 'stat'
pl 'Get out of the cheat menu'
pl ''
pl 'permanent'
pl 'Physical_Appearance'
pl 'characteristics_of'
pl 'Relationships and Reputation'
pl 'documents'
pl 'manipulation of time'
if StoryLine = 0:pl 'The_Magic'
pl ''
pl 'Complete recovery, manna, reason.'
pl 'Change the amount of money'
pl 'Zero the money'
$objmagic = {
if magik = 0:
pl 'You are unable to use magic.'
pl 'Available to you <> units of manna.'
!!' Rikudo forces available to you <> units'
pl 'Basic Spells:' & nl
if spelltuman > 0:pl 'Cover the area fog, a great way to hide their actions from the attacking enemy and not a bad way to increase the chance to dodge enemy attacks, as he can not see you in your fog (mana cost of 10 units)' & nl
if spellklon > 0:pl 'Substitute itself clone powerful way to avoid enemy attacks substituting itself clone opponent gets to clone and not on you, he just wasted power (mana cost of 15 units)' & nl
if spellstun > 0:pl 'Paralyze a great way to stop the enemy, he will not be able to defend and attack. (Cost 20 mana units)' & nl
if spellweap > 0 and weapon > 0:pl 'Invest in energy weapons'
if spellwind > 0:pl 'Blow away the fog, mist spell any scattering over the battlefield.' & nl
if spellklon2 > 0:pl 'Substitute themselves clones (3 pieces), the enemy will not be able to get to you until you destroy all of your clones. (Cost 45 mana units)' & nl
if spellenergo > 0:pl 'Create weak energy shield spell protects against all attacks of the physical nature, even if the enemy attack exceeds the capabilities of the shield and the shield will be destroyed by the first blow, you can still protect yourself from the damage (cost 50 mana units)' & nl
if spellinit > 0:pl 'Create weak deceleration time powerful spell allowing you to move faster, you can snatch the initiative with this spell that would strike another spell to increase your chance to hit too, because you will move very quickly (cost 60 mana units)' & nl
if spellhel > 0:pl 'Martial treatment restores or adds 400 health units in exchange for 400 units of manna.' & nl
if stihia = 1:pl 'Fire spells:' & nl
if spellfire1 = 1:pl 'Flame. Inflicts little damage. (Cost 10 mana)' & nl
if spellfire2 = 1:pl 'Release of fire. A damage. (100 mana cost)' & nl
if spellfire3 = 1:pl 'Fire barrier, creates a shield of 750 units. (150 mana cost)' & nl
if spellfire4 = 1:pl 'Firestorm. Causes great damage to an enemy difficult to dodge. (250 mana cost)' & nl
if spellfire5 = 1:pl 'Flame Shield creates a shield of 2,500 units. (500 mana cost)' & nl
if stihia = 2:pl 'Lightning spells:' & nl
if spellele1 = 1:pl 'Discharge. Inflicts very little damage. (Cost 10 mana)' & nl
if spellele2 = 1:pl 'Lightning. Inflicts above average. (100 mana cost)' & nl
if spellele3 = 1:pl 'Electrical barrier creates a shield of 1,500. (150 mana cost)' & nl
if spellele4 = 1:pl 'Dance of thousands of birds. Inflicts very high damage. (250 mana cost)' & nl
if spellele5 = 1:pl 'Plyaschuschaya sphere creates a shield of 5,000 units. (500 mana cost)' & nl
if stihia = 3:pl 'Earth spells:' & nl
if spellert1 = 1:pl 'Quicksand trap catches the enemy in quicksand and causes little damage. (Cost 10 mana)' & nl
if spellert2 = 1:pl 'Active protection, creates a protective sphere of earth, stone and sand 2,500 mana and health protection, this protection is self-healing in 10 moves absorbing units 20 mana per turn. (100 mana cost)' & nl
if spellert3 = 1:pl 'Abyss earth asunder underfoot enemy inflicting damage above average and depriving him of the ability to move. (150 mana cost)' & nl
if spellert4 = 1:pl 'Absolute protection, creates a huge protective sphere of the earth, which regenerates itself every move and attack the enemy. (250 mana cost)' & nl
if spellert5 = 1:pl 'Sando, two huge plates come out of the ground and collapse crushing the enemy inflicting massive damage and depriving him of his ability to move. 500 mana cost.' & nl
if stihia = 4:pl 'Air spells' & nl
if spellwind1 = 1:pl 'A gust of wind, causing very little damage and destroy clones and fog, it is very difficult to dodge. (Cost 10 mana)' & nl
if spellwind2 = 1:pl 'Horrendous pressure, causing moderate damage and destroying clones and fog, it is very difficult to dodge. (100 mana cost)' & nl
if spellwind3 = 1:pl 'Vacuum sphere, creates a shield of 1,500. (150 mana cost)' & nl
if spellwind4 = 1:pl 'Vacuum shells do more damage and destroy clones and fog, it is very difficult to dodge. (250 mana cost)' & nl
if spellwind5 = 1:pl 'Devouring vacuum sucks shield enemy destroying it whatever strength he was not. (500 mana cost)' & nl
if stihia = 5:pl 'Water spells' & nl
if spellwater1 = 1:pl 'Creek manna causes very little damage and absorbs a lot of mana. Cost 10 mana.' & nl
if spellwater2 = 1:pl 'Flooding, causing moderate damage and absorbs manna above average. 100 mana cost.' & nl
if spellwater3 = 1:pl 'Water bubble creates a protective sphere of water 1,500 protection from all influences, this protection is self-healing in 10 moves absorbing units 20 mana per turn. (150 mana cost)' & nl
if spellwater4 = 1:pl 'Water shark missile, causing great damage and absorbs a lot of mana. Cost 250 mana.' & nl
if spellwater5 = 1:pl 'Great flood, the water creates a huge sphere that absorbs enemy and deflating manna from it and handing it to provide increased protection. 500 mana cost.' & nl
$objface = {
if glass = 1:
view 'images/picb/nerd.jpg'
elseif glass = 2:
if hcol = 0:view 'images/picb/hcolglass.jpg'
if hcol = 1:view 'images/picb/hcolglass1.jpg'
if hcol = 2:view 'images/picb/hcolglass2.jpg'
if hcol = 3:view 'images/picb/hcolglass3.jpg'
!!!Maruda hair mod
if curly <= 0 and hbangs <= 0 and hpingripw = 0 and hscrunchw = 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength <= 30:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vshort/normal/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength <= 30:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vshort/normal/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength <= 30:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vshort/normal/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength <= 30:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vshort/normal/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 30 and hairlength <= 80:view 'images/body/hairstyles/short/normal/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 30 and hairlength <= 80:view 'images/body/hairstyles/short/normal/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 30 and hairlength <= 80:view 'images/body/hairstyles/short/normal/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 30 and hairlength <= 80:view 'images/body/hairstyles/short/normal/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/normal/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/normal/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/normal/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/normal/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/normal/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/normal/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/normal/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/normal/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/normal/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/normal/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/normal/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/normal/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/normal/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/normal/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/normal/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/normal/hcol3.jpg'
if curly >= 1 and hbangs <= 0 and hpingripw = 0 and hscrunchw = 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly/hcol3.jpg'
if hbangs >= 1 and curly <= 0 and hpingripw = 0 and hscrunchw = 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 30 and hairlength <= 80:view 'images/body/hairstyles/short/bangs/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 30 and hairlength <= 80:view 'images/body/hairstyles/short/bangs/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 30 and hairlength <= 80:view 'images/body/hairstyles/short/bangs/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 30 and hairlength <= 80:view 'images/body/hairstyles/short/bangs/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/bangs/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/bangs/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/bangs/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/bangs/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/bangs/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/bangs/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/bangs/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/bangs/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/bangs/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/bangs/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/bangs/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/bangs/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/bangs/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/bangs/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/bangs/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/bangs/hcol3.jpg'
if curly >= 1 and hbangs >= 1 and hpingripw = 0 and hscrunchw <= 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs/hcol3.jpg'
if curly >= 1 and hscrunchw = 1 and hbangs >= 1 and hpingripw <= 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if curly >= 1 and hpingripw = 1 and hbangs <= 0 and hscrunchw = 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-buns/hcol3.jpg'
if curly >= 1 and hpingripw = 1 and hbangs >= 1 and hscrunchw = 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs-buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs-buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs-buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs-buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs-buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs-buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs-buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs-buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs-buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs-buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs-buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs-buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs-buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs-buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs-buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs-buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hpingripw = 1 and hbangs = 0 and curly <= 0 and hscrunchw = 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hpingripw >= 1 and hbangs >= 1 and curly <= 0 and hscrunchw = 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/bangs-buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/bangs-buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/bangs-buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/bangs-buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/bangs-buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/bangs-buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/bangs-buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/bangs-buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/bangs-buns/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/bangs-buns/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/bangs-buns/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/bangs-buns/hcol3.jpg'
if hscrunchw = 1 and hbangs = 0 and curly <= 0 and hpingripw = 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hscrunchw = 1 and hbangs = 0 and curly >= 1 and hpingripw = 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hscrunchw = 1 and hbangs >= 1 and curly <= 0 and hpingripw = 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/bangs-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/bangs-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/bangs-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/bangs-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/bangs-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/bangs-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/bangs-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/bangs-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/bangs-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/bangs-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/bangs-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/bangs-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/bangs-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/bangs-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/bangs-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/bangs-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hscrunchw = 1 and hbangs >= 1 and curly >= 1 and hpingripw = 0 and hpigtail <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/vlng/curly-bangs-scrunch/hcol3.jpg'
if hpigtail = 1 and hscrunchw = 2 and hpingripw = 0 and hbraids <= 0 and curly <= 0 and hbraids <= 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/pigtails/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/pigtails/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/pigtails/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/pigtails/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/pigtails/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/pigtails/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/pigtails/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/pigtails/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/pigtails/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/pigtails/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/pigtails/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/pigtails/hcol3.jpg'
if hbraids >= 1 and curly <= 0 and hbangs <= 0 and hpingripw = 0 and hscrunchw = 0 and hpigtail = 0:
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/braids/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/braids/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/braids/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:view 'images/body/hairstyles/med/braids/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/braids/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/braids/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/braids/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:view 'images/body/hairstyles/medlo/braids/hcol3.jpg'
if hcol = 0 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/braids/hcol0.jpg'
if hcol = 1 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/braids/hcol1.jpg'
if hcol = 2 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/braids/hcol2.jpg'
if hcol = 3 and hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:view 'images/body/hairstyles/lng/braids/hcol3.jpg'
!!! Maruda Hair Mod
$objbody = {
if musle >= salo:
!!muscular type
if bedra < 60:view 'images/body/fit.jpg'
if bedra >= 60 and bedra < 70:view 'images/body/fit1.jpg'
if bedra >= 70 and bedra < 80:view 'images/body/fit2.jpg'
if bedra >= 80 and bedra < 90:view 'images/body/fit3.jpg'
if bedra >= 90 and bedra < 100:view 'images/body/fit4.jpg'
if bedra >= 100 and bedra < 110:view 'images/body/fit5.jpg'
if bedra >= 110 and bedra < 120:view 'images/body/fit6.jpg'
if bedra >= 120:view 'images/body/fit7.jpg'
!!bold type
if bedra < 60:view 'images/body/fat.jpg'
if bedra >= 60 and bedra < 65:view 'images/body/fat1.jpg'
if bedra >= 65 and bedra < 70:view 'images/body/fat2.jpg'
if bedra >= 70 and bedra < 75:view 'images/body/fat3.jpg'
if bedra >= 75 and bedra < 80:view 'images/body/fat4.jpg'
if bedra >= 80 and bedra < 85:view 'images/body/fat5.jpg'
if bedra >= 85 and bedra < 90:view 'images/body/fat6.jpg'
if bedra >= 90 and bedra < 95:view 'images/body/fat7.jpg'
if bedra >= 95 and bedra < 100:view 'images/body/fat8.jpg'
if bedra >= 100 and bedra < 105:view 'images/body/fat9.jpg'
if bedra >= 105 and bedra < 110:view 'images/body/fat10.jpg'
if bedra >= 110 and bedra < 115:view 'images/body/fat11.jpg'
if bedra >= 115 and bedra < 120:view 'images/body/fat12.jpg'
if bedra >= 120:view 'images/body/fat13.jpg'
$objclothes = {
if nude = 0:
if vatnik = 2:view 'images/clothes/vatnik.jpg'
if odetjeans > 0:
view 'images/clothes/jeans<>.jpg'
pl '(strength <>, hip size <>)'
elseif odetyoga > 0:
view 'images/clothes/yoga<>.jpg'
pl '(strength <>)'
elseif odetsarafan > 0:
view 'images/clothes/sarafan<>.jpg'
pl '(strength <>)'
elseif odetshort > 0:
view 'images/clothes/short<>.jpg'
pl '(strength <>, hip size <>)'
elseif odetskirt > 0:
view 'images/clothes/skirt<>.jpg'
pl '(strength <>, hip size <>)'
elseif odetdress > 0:
view 'images/clothes/dress<>.jpg'
pl '(strength <>, hip size <>)'
elseif odetprofi > 0:
view 'images/clothes/profi<>.jpg'
pl '(strength <>, hip size <>)'
elseif odetpants > 0:
view 'images/clothes/pants<>.jpg'
pl '(strength <>, hip size <>)'
elseif odetlatex > 0:
view 'images/clothes/latex<>.jpg'
pl '(strength <>, hip size <>)'
elseif odethooker > 0:
view 'images/clothes/hooker<>.jpg'
pl '(strength <>, hip size <>)'
elseif odetkis > 0:
view 'images/clothes/k<>.jpg'
pl '(strength <>, hip size <>)'
elseif odetnewclo > 0:
view 'images/clothes/newclo/<>.jpg'
pl '(strength <>, hip size <>)'
if odetero > 0:view 'images/img/dress/ero<>.jpg'
if cloth_vid = 1:view 'images/etogame/bimboView.jpg' & pl'You are dressed in the image bimbo'
elseif nude = 1:
view 'images/clothes/nude.jpg'
pl 'You''re not dressed.'
$objtattoos = {
$tatlipdi = {
view 'images/Body/tatlip<>.jpg'
$tatpledi = {
view 'images/body/tatplech<>.jpg'
$tatbackdi = {
view 'images/body/tatb<>.jpg'
$tatupbdi = {
view 'images/body/tatupb<>.jpg'
$tatvagdi = {
view 'images/body/tatvag<>.jpg'
$tatlegdi = {
view 'images/body/tatleg<>.jpg'
if tatlip > 0:pl 'tattoo on the lip.'
if tatplech > 0:pl 'tattoo on the shoulders'
if tatback > 0:pl 'tattoo on the back'
if tatupb > 0:pl 'tattoo on the lower back'
if tatvag > 0:pl 'Tattoos in the groin'
if tatleg > 0:pl 'tattoo on the legs'
if tatvag = 0 and tatlip = 0 and tatplech = 0 and tatback = 0 and tatupb = 0 and tatleg = 0:pl 'You pristine pure body. Not in terms of corruption, but in terms of tattoos.'
$objpirsing = {
$dipirsA = {
view 'images/body/pirsA.jpg'
$dipirsB = {
view 'images/body/pirsB.jpg'
$dipirsC = {
view 'images/body/pirsC.jpg'
$dipirsD = {
view 'images/body/pirsD.jpg'
$dipirsE = {
view 'images/body/pirsE.jpg'
$dipirsF = {
view 'images/body/pirsF.jpg'
$dipirsG = {
view 'images/body/pirsG.jpg'
$dipirsN = {
view 'images/body/pirsN.jpg'
if pirsA = 1:pl 'Your tongue pierced and there is inserted a small bar that is constantly felt in the mouth. view'
if pirsB = 1:pl 'You have pierced your lower lip and there vdet ring. view'
if pirsC = 1:pl 'On your ears hang earrings. view'
if pirsD = 1:pl 'You have a small ring in the nose. view'
if pirsE = 1:pl 'In your eyebrow barbell inserted. view'
if pirsF = 1:pl 'You have pierced nipples and inserted them in small metal rod. view'
if pirsG = 1:pl 'You have pierced lips on the vagina and there inserted rings. view'
if pirsN = 1:pl 'You pierced navel, and there is inserted rod. view'
$objobnovit = {
gs 'stat'
$objbloknot = {
pl 'Diary'
if housr > 0:pl 'I live in a two-room apartment in a residential area. Payment for the apartment is taken automatically in the amount of 3,000 rubles each 25th. Plus another bill for the light.' & nl
if work > 0 workPTU > 2 or or workrin > 0 or stripwork > 0 or bumtolik > 3:pl '-- My Job --'
if workPTU > 2:pl 'I work as a teacher in the Lyceum. Working days Mon-Sat from 14.00 to 16.00. Salary 300 rubles / day. Dress code - office, strict. The road from the apartment to the Lyceum takes 2 hours and 10 minutes.' & nl
if (work = 1 or cheatWork = 1) and workKafe > 0:pl 'I work as a waitress in a cafe. Need to come to work with 11 to 12 working days, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. At work every day you get tips from customers and automatically transferred to the 25th salary number.' & nl
if (work = 1 or cheatWork = 1) and workhosp > 0:pl 'I work as a nurse in the clinic. Need to come to work from 8 to 9 on weekdays. Salary is automatically transferred to the 25th number.' & nl
if (work = 1 or cheatWork = 1) and worksalon > 0:pl 'I work as a masseuse in the cabin. Need to come to work from 9 to 10 working days, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Salary is automatically transferred to the 25th number.' & nl
if (work = 1 or cheatWork = 1) and workhosp > 0:pl 'I work as a secretary in the office. Need to come to work until 9 on weekdays. Salary is automatically transferred to the 25th number.' & nl
if (work = 1 or cheatWork = 1) and tanwork > 0:pl 'I work as a governess at Tani. Salary is automatically transferred to the 25th number.' & nl
if (work = 1 or cheatWork = 1) and young_shop_work = 1:pl 'I work in a store saleswoman Keys Pussy. Need to come to work in 15 workdays all except Saturday and Sunday. Salary is issued once a week on Fridays.' & nl
if workrin = 1:pl 'I work in a tent on the market Arthur clothing saleswoman. Work on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, come at 8 o''clock. Salary depends on the sales.' & nl
if stripwork >= 1:pl 'I work as a stripper, schedule a free, on any day from 15 up to 2 nights. Salary only tip.' & nl
if bumtolik = 4:pl 'I do service for the Homeless is located in the Northern Region.' & nl
if bumtolik = 5:pl 'I volunteer to help the homeless service. Office hours 9 prior_to 17, Weekend Saturday and Sunday.' & nl
if husband > 0 or kid > 0 :'-- My Family --'
if husband > 0:pl 'I''ve been married for <> days. My husband <<$husName>> <<$husBody>> <<$husFat>> <<$husHair>>. Member <> Relationships <>' & nl
if kid > 0:
set kidDiary = 1
pl 'I have a child <<$kidname[kidDiary]>>, age <> days.'& nl
kidDiary += 1
if kidDiary <= numkid:jump 'kidDiaryLoop'
if $bfsex > 0:pl '<<$bfsex>>'
if bfA > 1:pl 'My current boyfriend, <<$boyA>>, is a <<$boybodyA>> <<$boybodA>> <<$boyfaceA>>. He is usually <<$boyCloA>> Our relationship is <> and we have met <> times.' & nl
if harakBoyA = 0 and bfA > 1:pl 'He is calm and self-possessed character.' & nl
if harakBoyA = 1 and bfA > 1:pl 'He is cheerful and sociable nature.' & nl
if harakBoyA = 2 and bfA > 1:pl 'He is irascible and very rigid.' & nl
if bfB > 1:pl 'Another boyfriend, <<$boyB>>, is a <<$boybodyB>> <<$boybodB>> <<$boyfaceB>>. He is usually <<$boyCloB>>. Our relationship is <> and we have met <> times.' & nl
if bfC > 1:pl 'My third boyfriend, <<$boyC>>, is a <<$boybodyC>> <<$boybodC>> <<$boyfaceC>>. He is usually <<$boyCloC>>. Our relationship is <> and we have met <> times.' & nl
gs 'Menu.Create', 'zapisMenu'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'Recording from avtodatoy', '', 'MenuLoc', 'zapisosn'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'To record on 1th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'zapis'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'With a red line 1th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'ot'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'To record on 2th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'zapis2'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'With a red line 2th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'ot2'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'To record on 3th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'zapis3'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'With a red line 3th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'ot3'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'To record on 4th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'zapis4'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'With a red line 4th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'ot4'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'To record on 5th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'zapis5'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'With a red line 5th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'ot5'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'To record on 6th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'zapis6'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'With a red line 6th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'ot6'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'To record on 7th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'zapis7'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'With a red line 7th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'ot7'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'To record on 8th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'zapis8'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'With a red line 8th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'ot8'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'To record on 9th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'zapis9'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'With a red line 9th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'ot9'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'To record on 10th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'zapis10'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'zapisMenu', 'With a red line 10th line', '', 'MenuLoc', 'ot10'
gs 'Menu.Create', 'disMenu'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'disMenu', 'Delete an entry at the 1st row', '', 'MenuLoc', 'diszapis'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'disMenu', 'Delete an entry at the 2nd row', '', 'MenuLoc', 'diszapis2'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'disMenu', 'Delete an entry at the 3rd row', '', 'MenuLoc', 'diszapis3'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'disMenu', 'Delete an entry at the 4th row', '', 'MenuLoc', 'diszapis4'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'disMenu', 'Delete an entry at the 5th row', '', 'MenuLoc', 'diszapis5'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'disMenu', 'Delete an entry at the 6th row', '', 'MenuLoc', 'diszapis6'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'disMenu', 'Delete an entry at the 7th row', '', 'MenuLoc', 'diszapis7'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'disMenu', 'Delete an entry at the 8th row', '', 'MenuLoc', 'diszapis8'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'disMenu', 'Delete an entry at the 9th row', '', 'MenuLoc', 'diszapis9'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'disMenu', 'Delete record with the 10th row', '', 'MenuLoc', 'diszapis10'
pl 'Make an entry or Delete the entry'
pl '<<$zapisOsn>>'
pl '<<$zapis>>'
pl '<<$zapis2>>'
pl '<<$zapis3>>'
pl '<<$zapis4>>'
pl '<<$zapis5>>'
pl '<<$zapis6>>'
pl '<<$zapis7>>'
pl '<<$zapis8>>'
pl '<<$zapis9>>'
pl '<<$zapis10>>'
$objavariya = {
'not use this feature without a good reason, can cause STABLE ERROR THAT WILL RUIN YOUR CONSERVATION'
if StoryLine = 1:gt 'gorodok'
gt 'street'
$objnewmenu = {
oldobjmenu = 0
addobj 'Character'
addobj 'See'
addobj 'Others'
addobj 'Menu'
$objoldmenu = {
oldobjmenu = 1
addobj 'Character'
addobj 'Skills'
addobj 'Statistics'
if magik >0:addobj 'Magic'
addobj 'Face'
addobj 'Body'
addobj 'Clothing'
addobj 'Tattoos'
addobj 'Piercing'
if mobila > 0:addobj 'Mobile Phone'
addobj 'Diary'
addobj 'Emergency exit'
addobj 'Menu'
addobj 'New Menu'
addobj 'Cheat Menu'
if disable_autosave = 1:
addobj 'Enable Autosave'
addobj 'Disable Autosave'
$objautosave = {
if oldobjmenu = 0:
if disable_autosave = 1:
disable_autosave = 0
disable_autosave = 1
elseif oldobjmenu = 1:
if disable_autosave = 1:
disable_autosave = 0
delobj 'Enable autosave'
addobj 'Disable autosave'
disable_autosave = 1
delobj 'Disable autosave'
addobj 'Enable autosave'
$menu_character[0] = 'Description:$menu_descrip'
$menu_character[1] = 'Characteristics:$menu_skills'
$menu_character[2] = 'Usage:$menu_statistika'
if magik >0: $menu_character[3] = 'Magic:$menu_magic'
$menu_lookon[0] = 'Person:$menu_face'
$menu_lookon[1] = 'Body:$menu_body'
$menu_lookon[2] = 'Clothing:$menu_clothes'
$menu_lookon[3] = 'Tattoos:$menu_tattoos'
$menu_lookon[4] = 'Piercing:$menu_pirs'
$menu_other[0] = 'Refresh:$menu_obnovit'
$menu_other[1] = 'Diary:$menu_bloknot'
$menu_other[2] = 'Emergency exit:$menu_avariya'
$menu_other[3] = 'Old menu:$menu_addoldmenu'
$menu_other[4] = 'Cheat Menu:$menu_cheat'
if disable_autosave = 1:
$menu_other[5] = 'enable autosave:$menu_autosave'
$menu_other[5] = 'disable autosave:$menu_autosave'
if mobila > 0:$menu_other[6] = 'Mobile Phone:$menu_mobila'
!!old menu: beginning
if $selobj = 'Character':dynamic $objdescrip
if $selobj = 'Skills':dynamic $objskills
if $selobj = 'Statistics':dynamic $objstatistika
if magik > 0:
if $selobj = 'Magic':dynamic $objmagic
if $selobj = 'Face':dynamic $objface
if $selobj = 'Body':dynamic $objbody
if $selobj = 'Clothing':dynamic $objclothes
if $selobj = 'Tattoos':dynamic $objtattoos
if $selobj = 'Piercing':dynamic $objpirsing
if $selobj = 'Diary':dynamic $objbloknot
if $selobj = 'Emergency exit':dynamic $objavariya
if $selobj = 'Update':gs'stat'
if $selobj = 'New Menu':dynamic $objnewmenu
if $selobj = 'Cheat Menu':dynamic $objcheat_menu
if disable_autosave = 1:
if $selobj = 'Enable autosave':dynamic $objautosave
if $selobj = 'Disable autosave':dynamic $objautosave
!!old menu: end
!!The new menu: beginning
if $selobj = 'Character':menu '$menu_character'
if $selobj = 'See':menu '$menu_lookon'
if $selobj = 'Others':menu '$menu_other'
!!The new menu: end
if $selobj = 'Player':
pl 'Your name <<$name>> <<$surname>>. You <> years. <<$vneshPRE>>'
pl 'You have short black hair and flashing starting gray, small brown eyes and willed jaw covered by blue Shaved bristle.'
pl 'Growth <> cm, weight 100 kg.'
if $selobj = 'Menu':
gs 'Menu.Create', 'mainMenu'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'mainMenu', 'status bar', '', 'MenuMainLoc', '0'
gs 'Menu.Add', 'mainMenu', 'text notation', '', 'MenuMainLoc', '1'
gs 'Menu.Call', 'mainMenu'
--- onobjsel ---------------------------------
# scale.table
Scale rendering using the table:
$func ('scale.table', 275, 420) + ' 275 / 420'
$func ('scale.table', 400, 420) + ' 400 / 420'
$func ('scale.table', 420, 420) + ' 420 / 420'
$func ('scale.table', 157, 420) + ' 157 / 420'
$func ('scale.table', 42, 420) + ' 42 / 420'
$func ('scale.table', 0, 420) + ' 0 / 420'
args[0] = args[0] & ! the current value of the parameter
args[1] = args[1] & ! the maximum value
if args[2] = 0:args[2] = 200 & ! Span (tables) pixels. default 350 px
if $ARGS[3] = "":$ARGS[3] = "FF0000" & ! the color of the filled part of the scale in the format RRGGBB. default - red
!! at_first "create" corresponding table
$ARGS['table'] = ''
!! calculate the width as a percentage of the filled part
args['x'] = (args[0] * 100) / args[1]
!! calculate the percentage widths ullage
args['empty'] = 100 - args['x']
!! If the width of the filled part of more than zero percent, added to the table cell with the specified color (red on-default)
if args['x'] > 0:
$ARGS['table'] += ' | '
!! If the width of the unfilled part of the scale is greater than zero percent, added to the table cell with another color (gray).
if args['empty'] > 0:
$ARGS['table'] + = " | "
!! "close" table
$ARGS['table'] += '
!! the_result
$result = $ARGS['table']
--- scale.table ---------------------------------
# counter
if music_on <> music_on_prev or $music_theme <> $music_theme_prev:
close $cur_theme[track[$music_theme_prev]]
music_on_prev = music_on
$music_theme_prev = $music_theme
if $music_theme <> '':
copyarr 'cur_theme', 'tracklist_<<$music_theme>>'
track[$music_theme] = track[$music_theme] - 1
if track[$music_theme] < 0:track[$music_theme] = arrsize('cur_theme')
if music_on = 1 and $music_theme <> '':
if no isplay ($cur_theme[track[$music_theme]]):
track[$music_theme] += 1
if arrsize('cur_theme') <= track[$music_theme]:track[$music_theme] = 0
play $cur_theme[track[$music_theme]], volume
if race_start = 1:
bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
if race_hit = 0:
set race_miss += 1
race_hit = 1
if $race1[race_row] <> ' ' and race_row > 0:race_hit = 0
!!interior of the vehicle and the line route
*pl $showcar
*p $race1[race_row]
if $race1[race_row] = '-------FINISH--------':
set race_start = 0
!!return timer
settimer 500
wait 2000
!!return point
set $metka = 'finish'
set $loc = 'RACE_COUNT'
gt $loc, $metka
race_row += 1
--- counter ---------------------------------
# loadg
--- loadg ---------------------------------
--- LOCA ---------------------------------
# saveg
--- saveg ---------------------------------
# inputProcessing
--- inputProcessing ---------------------------------
# cikl
if curly > 0:set curly -= 1
set sweat += 1
if tan > 0:set tan -= 1
if tabletki > 0:set tabletki -= 1
set leghair += 1
set lobok += 1
if suhbelo > 0:set suhbelo2 = suhbelo & set suhbelo = 0
set manna -= 10
!'if salo > fat:
salo -= 1
fat += 1
salo += 1
fat -= 1
if strenbuf > stren:set strenbuf -= 1
if strenbuf < stren:set strenbuf += 1
if vitalbuf > vital:set vitalbuf -= 1
if vitalbuf < vital:set vitalbuf += 1
if agilbuf > agil:set agilbuf -= 1
if agilbuf < agil:set agilbuf += 1'!
if anus > 1 and anusK < 0:set anusK = 0
if anus > 1 and anusK < 3:set anusK += 1
if anus > 1 and anusK >= 3:set anus -= 1 & set anusK = 0
if vagina > 10 and vaginaK < 0:set vaginaK = 0
if vagina > 10 and vaginaK < 6:set vaginaK += 1
if vagina > 10 and vaginaK >= 6:set vaginaK = 0 & set vagina -= 1
set lipkoef -= 1
if isprok = 1:set isprok = 0 & 'You threw away your used tampon.'
!!CYCLE 28 days 4 days mentsruatsiya
if preg = 0:
if mesec > 0:set mesec -= 1
if mesec = 0:set cikl += 1
if cikl >= 23 and preg ! 1:set mesec = 4 & set cikl = 0
if preg = 1 and pregtime < 280:
set pregtime += 1
if pregtimes = 0:pregtimes = 1
if preg = 1 and pregtime = 280 and hourpreg ! hour:
hourpreg = hour
'A sharp pain ran through your stomach, and something flows down your legs. Snap, you water broke! You have to get to the clinic fast!'
if preg = 1 and pregtime > 280:
set over = 4
'A horrible pain shots through your body.'
xgt 'gameover'
if StoryLine = 0:
if horny < 100:set horny = horny + vagina
if vagina = 0:
razeba = 0
if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny -= 10
if horny > 50:horny -= 25
if vagina > 0:
if pregtimes = 0:
if age < 18:
razeba = 1
if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny -= 5
if horny > 50 and horny < 80:horny -= 10
if horny >= 80:horny -= 20
if age >= 18 and age < 21:
razeba = 2
if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny -= 1
if horny > 50 and horny < 80:horny -= 5
if horny >= 80:horny -= 10
if age >= 21 and age < 25:
razeba = 3
if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny += 1
if horny > 50 and horny < 80:horny -= 1
if horny >= 80:horny -= 5
if age >= 25 and age < 30:
razeba = 4
if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny += 5
if horny > 50 and horny < 80:horny += 1
if horny >= 80:horny -= 5
if age >= 30:
razeba = 5
if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny += 10
if horny > 50 and horny < 80:horny += 5
if horny >= 80:horny += 1
if pregtimes > 0:
if preg = 0:
razeba = 5
if horny > 0 and horny <= 50:horny += 10
if horny > 50 and horny < 80:horny += 5
if horny >= 80:horny += 1
if preg > 0:
razeba = 6
if horny < 100:set horny += pregtime / 10
if horny < 0:set horny = 0
if musle >= salo and stren >= 10 and vital >= 10 and dounspell = 0:
!!Fall muscularity
if downmusl >= 5:
downmusl = 0
set stren -= 1
set vital -= 1
set fat += 4
set salo += 4
downmusl += 1
!!! Maruda Hair Mod
!!! Max. Hair length 600mm, or 60cm, which should be somewhere in the lower back area.
!!! Hair grows 1mm each day, it takes 20 months (1 month = 30 days) to regrow the hair from 0.
if hairlength < 601:set hairlength += 1
if hscrunch > 0:
set hscrunchrand = rand(1, 100)
if hscrunchrand <= 8:set hscrunch -= 1
!!! Maruda Hair Mod
gs 'starenie'
--- cikl ---------------------------------
# body
if analplugIN = 0:
if anus = 0:anpic = 0 & $anus = 'You have a virgin anus.'
if anus > 0 and anus <= 5:anpic = 1 & $anus = 'Your anus is barely used, but you wouldn''t really see that.'
if anus > 5 and anus <= 10:anpic = 2 & $anus = 'Your anus has the shape of an asterisk.'
if anus > 10 and anus <= 15:anpic = 3 & $anus = 'Your anus is now slightly parted, has it has been used quite often.'
if anus > 15 and anus <= 25:anpic = 4 & $anus = 'Your anus look like a wide hole, anyone will definitely think that the only thing you do is anal sex.'
if anus > 25 and anus <= 35:anpic = 5 & $anus = 'Your anus doesn''t fully close on its own anymore. You could put a fist through it and it wouldn''t stretch at all.'
if anus > 35:anpic = 6 & $anus = 'Your anus is almost completely wrecked. Even with conscious effort it''s hard to close it.' & $anustipe = 'destroyed'
$anus = 'Your anus is currently filled with your butt plug.'
if dounspell = 0:
strenbuf = stren
vitalbuf = vital
vmeat = (strenbuf + vitalbuf) / 8
vfat = salo / 10
Kves = vmeat + vfat
krost = rost - 130
ves = Kves + krost - (agilbuf / 10)
talia = ves - (agilbuf / 10)
grudi = talia + 10 + vfat + silicone
grutal = talia
bedra = talia + 15 + (vmeat / 2) + vfat
titK = grudi - talia
if (bedra - talia) > 45 and musle < salo:
if ves < 70:koefvesbt = 0
if ves >= 70:koefvesbt = ves - 70
koefbt = koefvesbt + ((bedra - talia) - 45)
talia += koefbt
if titK <= 10:tits = 0
if titK > 10 and titK <= 15:tits = 1
if titK > 15 and titK <= 20:tits = 2
if titK > 20 and titK <= 25:tits = 3
if titK > 25 and titK <= 30:tits = 4
if titK > 30 and titK <= 35:tits = 5
!!!Probably CV edition
if titK > 35 and titK <= 40:tits = 6
if titK > 40 and titK <= 45:tits = 7
if titK > 45 and titK <= 50:tits = 8
if titK > 50 and titK <= 55:tits = 9
if titK > 55:tits = 10
fat = 0
bedra = bedraDoun
talia = TaliaDoun
grudi = talia + 14 + silicone
ves = TaliaDoun
titK = grudi - talia
if titK <= 10:tits = 0
if titK > 10 and titK <= 15:tits = 1
if titK > 15 and titK <= 20:tits = 2
if titK > 20 and titK <= 25:tits = 3
if titK > 25 and titK <= 30:tits = 4
if titK > 30 and titK <= 35:tits = 5
!!!Probably CV edition
if titK > 35 and titK <= 40:tits = 6
if titK > 40 and titK <= 45:tits = 7
if titK > 45 and titK <= 50:tits = 8
if titK > 50 and titK <= 55:tits = 9
if titK > 55:tits = 10
!!! Maruda Hair Mod
if hairlength <= 80:
hpigtail = 0
hscrunchw = 0
hpingripw = 0
curly = 0
if hairlength > 400:hpingripw = 0
if hairlength > 400 and hpigtail >= 1:
hscrunchw = 0
hpigtail = 0
if hairlength <= 80:hbraids = 0
if hbraids >= 1:
curly = 0
hscrunchw = 0
hpingripw = 0
hbangs = 0
hpigtail = 0
if hapri = 0:$hapri = 'tangled, you should comb it, to keep it healthy'
if hapri = 1:$hapri = 'neatly arranged'
if curly <= 0:$curly = 'straight, slightly wavy '
if curly > 0:$curly = 'curly '
if hbangs <= 0:$hbangs = ''
if hbangs > 0:$hbangs = ', with a fringe covering your forehead'
if hscrunchw <= 0:$hscrunch = ''
if hscrunchw = 1:$hscrunch = ' A hair-tie holds your hair in place with a ponytail.'
if hpingripw <= 0:$hpingrip = ''
if hpingripw > 0:$hpingrip = 'The Hair-pins holds your hair in place with an updo-hairstyle.'
if hscrunchw <= 0:$hpigtail = ''
if hscrunchw = 2:$hpigtail = ' Two scrunchies holds your hair in place with a twin-tail pigtail style.'
if hbraids <= 0:$hbraids = ''
if hbraids > 0:$hbraids = ' You have your hair beautifully braided.'
if hcol = 0:$hcol = 'black'
if hcol = 1:$hcol = 'brown'
if hcol = 2:$hcol = 'red'
if hcol = 3:$hcol = 'blonde'
if hairlength <= 30:$hair = 'You have a very short <<$hcol>> hair. It doesn''t cover your ears, with some masculine complexions, someone might mistake you for a man. Nonetheless, some people like this style, as it''s easy to take care off.'
if hairlength > 30 and hairlength <= 80:$hair = 'You have a short <<$hcol>> hair, which may cover your ears to the the earlobes. It''s a modern, yet classy, hairstyle. Currently your hair is <<$hapri>>.'
if hairlength > 80 and hairlength <= 160:$hair = 'You have a <<$curly>><<$hcol>> hair<<$hbangs>>. Your hair goes down to your chin line and can be considered of a medium length, it fits almost all face shapes. Your hair is at the moment <<$hapri>>.<<$hscrunch>><<$hpingrip>><<$hpigtail>>'
if hairlength > 160 and hairlength <= 260:$hair = 'You have a <<$curly>><<$hcol>> hair<<$hbangs>>. Your hair reaches your shoulders, with several strains going beyond. Currently your hair is <<$hapri>>.<<$hscrunch>><<$hpingrip>><<$hbraids>><<$hpigtail>>'
if hairlength > 260 and hairlength <= 400:$hair = 'You have a <<$curly>><<$hcol>> hair<<$hbangs>>. As your hair reaches your bra-strapline, hairdressers would consider this a rather long hair style, yet beautiful styles are created with this length. Your hair is <<$hapri>>.<<$hscrunch>><<$hpingrip>><<$hbraids>><<$hpigtail>>'
if hairlength > 400:$hair = 'You have a very long <<$hcol>> hair<<$hbangs>>, that goes beyond your bra-strapline. Rapunzel would be jealous. Your hair is currently <<$hapri>>.<<$hscrunch>><<$hbraids>>'
!!if hcol = 0 and curly <= 0:$hair = 'You have a <<$hapri>> straight, black hair.'
!!if hcol = 1 and curly <= 0:$hair = 'You have a <<$hapri>> straight, brown hair.'
!!if hcol = 2 and curly <= 0:$hair = 'You have a <<$hapri>> straight, red hair.'
!!if hcol = 3 and curly <= 0:$hair = 'You have a <<$hapri>> straight, blonde hair.'
!!if hcol = 0 and curly > 0:$hair = 'You have a <<$hapri>> curly, black hair.'
!!if hcol = 1 and curly > 0:$hair = 'You have a <<$hapri>> curly, brown hair.'
!!if hcol = 2 and curly > 0:$hair = 'You have a <<$hapri>> curly red hair.'
!!if hcol = 3 and curly > 0:$hair = 'You have a <<$hapri>> curly blonde hair.'
!!if hcol = 0:$hair = 'You have a <<$hapri>> <<$curly>>, black hair.'
!!if hcol = 1:$hair = 'You have a <<$hapri>> <<$curly>>, brown hair.'
!!if hcol = 2:$hair = 'You have a <<$hapri>> <<$curly>>, red hair.'
!!if hcol = 3:$hair = 'You have a <<$hapri>> <<$curly>>, blonde hair.'
!!! Maruda Hair Mod
if lip > 4:lip = 4
if lip > 4:lip = 4
if lip < 0:lip = 0
if lipbalmstat > 0:
if lip = 0:$lipbalmstat = ' shiny'
if lip = 1:$lipbalmstat = ' shiny'
if lip = 2:$lipbalmstat = ' brilliant and juicy'
if lip = 3:$lipbalmstat = ' juicy'
if lip = 4:$lipbalmstat = ' glossy'
$lipbalmstat = ''
if pirsA = 1:$pirsA = 'When you talk, your conversation partner can get a glance at your tongue piercing.'
if pirsA = 0:$pirsA = ''
if pirsB = 1:$pirsB = 'You lower lip is pierced by a ring.'
if pirsB = 0:$pirsB = ''
if lip = 0:$lip = 'You have thin <<$lipbalmstat>> lips. <<$pirsB>> <<$pirsA>>' & $liptalk = 'thin lips' & $liptalk2 = 'thin lips' & $liptalk3 = 'thin lips' & $lip1 = 'thin'
if lip = 1:$lip = 'You have normal <<$lipbalmstat>> lips. <<$pirsB>> <<$pirsA>>' & $liptalk = 'soft lips' & $liptalk2 = 'soft lips' & $liptalk3 = 'soft lips' & $lip1 = 'normal'
if lip = 2:$lip = 'You have plump <<$lipbalmstat>> lips. <<$pirsB>> <<$pirsA>>' & $liptalk = 'plump lips' & $liptalk2 = 'plump lips' & $liptalk3 = 'plump lips' & $lip1 = 'plump'
if lip = 3:$lip = 'You have big, pouting, <<$lipbalmstat>> full lips. <<$pirsB>> <<$pirsA>>' & $liptalk = 'pouting lips' & $liptalk2 = 'pouting lips' & $liptalk3 = 'pouting lips' & $lip1 = 'pouting'
if lip = 4:$lip = 'You have thick <<$lipbalmstat>> lips. <<$pirsB>> <<$pirsA>>' & $liptalk = 'thick lips' & $liptalk2 = 'her thick lips' & $liptalk3 = 'thick lips' & $lip1 = 'large thick'
if tan <= 0:$tan = 'pale'
if tan > 0:$tan = 'Tanned'
if skin > 4:skin = 4
if skin < 0:skin = 0
if pirsC = 1:$pirsC = 'Your ears are pierced and you are wearing earrings.'
if pirsC = 0:$pirsC = ''
if pirsD = 1:$pirsD = 'Into your nose is a nosering inserted.'
if pirsD = 0:$pirsD = ''
if pirsE = 1:$pirsE = 'Your eyebrow is pierced and a rod is sticking through it.'
if pirsE = 0:$pirsE = ''
if skin = 0:$skin = 'Your <<$tan>> skin is rough and covered with pimples and blackheads. <<$pirsC>> <<$pirsD>> <<$pirsE>>' & $skin1 = 'very bad'
if skin = 1:$skin = 'Your <<$tan>> skin rough and has a few pimples. <<$pirsC>> <<$pirsD>> <<$pirsE>>' & $skin1 = 'bad'
if skin = 2:$skin = 'Your <<$tan>> skin is clear of acne but still slightly rough. <<$pirsC>> <<$pirsD>> <<$pirsE>>' & $skin1 = 'normal'
if skin = 3:$skin = 'You have <<$tan>>, smooth and well-groomed skin. <<$pirsC>> <<$pirsD>> <<$pirsE>>' & $skin1 = 'good'
if skin = 4:$skin = 'You have <<$tan>>, very smooth skin, which almost feels like silk, when touching it. <<$pirsC>> <<$pirsD>> <<$pirsE>>' & $skin1 = 'excellent'
if glacol = 0:$glacol = 'brown'
if glacol = 1:$glacol = 'gray'
if glacol = 2:$glacol = 'green'
if glacol = 3:$glacol = 'blue'
if resnic > 2:resnic = 2
if resnic = 0:$resnic = 'with short eyelashes'
if resnic = 1:$resnic = 'normal eyelashes'
if resnic = 2:$resnic = 'with long eyelashes'
if brow = 0 and browper = 0:$brow = 'little neat eyebrows'
if brow > 0 and browper = 0:$brow = 'groomed eyebrows' & brokoef = 1
if browper > 0:$brow = 'permanent tattooed eyebrows' & brokoef = 2
if glass <= 0:$glass = '' & glassvnesh = 0
if glass = 1:$glass = ' You wear silly glasses in a cheap frame.' & glassvnesh = 10
!!!CV edition: from glassvnesh = 5 to glassvnesh = 0
if glass = 2:$glass = ' Do you wear glasses.' & glassvnesh = 0
if glaraz > 3:glaraz = 3
if glaraz = 0:$glaza = 'You have little <<$glacol>> eyes <<$resnic>> and <<$brow>>.<<$glass>>.'
if glaraz = 1:$glaza = 'You have a medium-sized <<$glacol>> eyes <<$resnic>> and <<$brow>>.<<$glass>>.'
if glaraz = 2:$glaza = 'You have large <<$glacol>> eyes <<$resnic>> and <<$brow>>.<<$glass>>.'
if glaraz = 3:$glaza = 'You have a huge <<$glacol>> eyes that almost look like they''re out of anime, <<$resnic>> and <<$brow>>.<<$glass>>'
if mop = 0:$mop = 'Your makeup is smeared all over your face'
if mop = 1:$mop = 'You''re not wearing any kind of makeup'
if mop = 2:$mop = 'Your makeup is very light, just with a very few touch-ups here and there'
if mop = 3:$mop = 'You have "everyday"-like makeup applied'
if mop = 4:$mop = 'You have thick makeup, possible a bit too flashy for daytime wear'
if leghair <= 0:legkoef = 3 & $leghair = 'You have smooth legs.'
if leghair > 0 and leghair <= 2:legkoef = 0 & $leghair = 'You can not see with your eyes but you have hair rough to touch on your leg.'
if leghair > 2 and leghair <= 5:legkoef = 0 & $leghair = 'You clearly have visible thin hairs on the legs.'
if leghair > 5:legkoef = 0 & $leghair = 'You have long hair standing out on your legs.'
if pirsG = 1:$pirsG = 'There are several piercings hanging from the lips of your vagina.'
if pirsG = 0:$pirsG = ''
if lobok <= 0:lobkoef = 3 & $lobok = 'You have a smoothly shaved pussy. <<$pirsG>>'
if lobok > 0 and lobok <= 2:lobkoef = 0 & $lobok = 'You have a light but visible hair above your crotch. <<$pirsG>>'
if lobok > 2:lobkoef = 0 & $lobok = 'You have a full delta of thick pubic hair. <<$pirsG>>'
bodytipe = bedra - talia
if bodytipe < 20:bodykoef = 0
if bodytipe >= 20 and bodytipe < 25:bodykoef = 2
if bodytipe >= 25 and bodytipe < 30:bodykoef = 4
if bodytipe >= 30 and bodytipe < 35:bodykoef = 8
if bodytipe >= 35:bodykoef = 4
if tan > 0:
tanKoef = 1
tanKoef = 0
if curly > 0:
curlykoef = 1
curlykoef = 0
if sweat <= 0:
sweatKoef = 0
sweatKoef = sweat * 5
if lipbalmstat > 0:
lipbalmKoef = 1
lipbalmKoef = 0
if vidage < 21:vidagebonus = 0
if vidage >= 21 and vidage < 26:vidagebonus = 1
if vidage >= 26 and vidage < 30:vidagebonus = 3
if vidage >= 30 and vidage < 34:vidagebonus = 6
if vidage >= 34 and vidage < 36:vidagebonus = 9
if vidage >= 36 and vidage < 38:vidagebonus = 12
if vidage >= 38 and vidage < 40:vidagebonus = 16
if vidage >= 40 and vidage < 45:vidagebonus = 25
if vidage >= 45:vidagebonus = 50
if age < 18:leghair = -5
!!CV edition: tits and lobkoef (pubic hair) removed from calc, replaced with flat bonus of 9 (6 tits, 3 hair)
vnesh = (9 + curlykoef + lip + tanKoef + skin + mop + resnic + glaraz + bodykoef + legkoef + odevnesh + hapri + bonusZ + lipbalmKoef) - sweatKoef + vidagebonus - (zub * 2) + tatKeof - glassvnesh
if vnesh < 0:vnesh = 0
if StrongNarkota <= 0:
if SNarkTimes >= 3 and SLomka = 0:SLomka = 1
if Gerpes >= 3 or Sifilis >= 21 or Triper > 2:vnesh = -10
if StrongNarkota > 0:
if SLomka > 0:SLomka = 0
manna = (intel * magik) + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo
if vnesh = -10:$vnesh = 'Your looks is even worse than terrible. It''s terribad. No one want to see or talk to you and avoid you at any cost necessary.'
if vnesh < 5 and vnesh> - 10:$vnesh = 'Your looks is terrible. People try to avoid looking and talking to you.'
if vnesh >= 5 and vnesh < 15:$vnesh = 'You''re a wallflower. Barely anyone notices you.'
if vnesh >= 15 and vnesh < 30:$vnesh = 'You have good looks. Men and women like to take a glance at you.'
if vnesh >= 30 and vnesh < 50:$vnesh = 'You have a simply stunning appearence. Other girls are a bit jealous and guys constantly check you out.'
if vnesh >= 50:$vnesh = 'Your appearence is divine! No one is able to take his or her eyes off of you.'
musle = strenbuf + vitalbuf
if musle >= salo:
!!muscular type
if bedra < 60:$body = 'You are very thin and virtually there is no fat on your body,your muscles appear through the skin.'
if bedra >= 60 and bedra < 70:$body = 'You are really thin and there is little fat on your body ,your muscles appear through the skin.'
if bedra >= 70 and bedra < 80:$body = 'You are and there is little fat on your body ,your muscles appear through the skin.'
if bedra >= 80 and bedra < 90:$body = 'You are thin and there is little fat on your body ,your muscles appear through the skin.'
if bedra >= 90 and bedra < 100:$body = 'You are thin and there is little fat on your body . Large muscles appear through your skin.'
if bedra >= 100 and bedra < 110:$body = 'You have little fat on your body, Large muscles appear through your skin.'
if bedra >= 110 and bedra < 120:$body = 'You have little fat on your body. Massive muscles appear through your skin.'
if bedra >= 120:$body = 'You have little fat on your body. Massive muscles appear through your skin.'
!!bold type
if bedra < 60:$body = 'You are very lean and you have virtually no muscle.'
if bedra >= 60 and bedra < 70:$body = 'You have a very thin body with a small soft booty and virtually you have no muscle.'
if bedra >= 70 and bedra < 80:$body = 'You have a very skinny body.'
if bedra >= 80 and bedra < 90:$body = 'You have a slender body.'
if bedra >= 90 and bedra < 100:$body = 'You have a curvy body.'
if bedra >= 100 and bedra < 110:$body = 'You have a chubby body.'
if bedra >= 110 and bedra < 120:$body = 'You have a plump body.'
if bedra >= 120:$body = 'You are very fat.'
$fat = $body
--- body ---------------------------------
# dina
gs 'dinSex'
gs 'dinBoroda'
$d_read_porn = {
act 'Read the porn magazine':
if pornMagazine = 1:
'Boring, you''ve memorized this magazine by heart, you think that is time to buy a new one.'
pornMagazine -= 1
horny += 10
minut += 5
gs 'stat'
'You are flipping through the porno magazine, reading the stories and looking at the pictures and a small excitement begins to cover your body.'
act 'Get Out':gt $curloc
!!!WD: Doesn''t exists anymore in 1.0.5
$sitr_tread_d = {
set minut += 15
set treadmillday = day
set agil += 2
set sweat += 1
set beg += 1
set manna -= 1
set fat -= 2
'You''ve spent fifteen minutes running in the treadmill.'
act 'Exit':gt $curloc
$sitrobrd = {
set minut += 15
set obruchday = day
set agil += 1
set sweat += 1
set manna -= 1
set fat -= 1
'You develop your dexterity by using the hula hoop.'
act 'Exit':gt $curloc
$sitryogd = {
set minut += 15
set bookYogday = day
set will += 1
set manna += 5
!!!WD: Community extension
if nude = 0:'
if nude = 1 and tanga = 1:'
if nude = 1 and tanga = 0:'
'You meditate for fifteen minutes, developing your will.'
act 'Exit':gt $curloc
$sitrskakd = {
set minut += 15
set skakday = day
set speed += 1
set sweat += 1
set manna -= 1
set fat -= 1
!!!WD: Community extension
if nude = 0:'
if nude = 1 and tanga = 0:'
if nude = 1 and tanga = 1:'
'You''re rope jumping for fifteen minutes, developing your speed.'
act 'Exit':gt $curloc
$sitrpressd = {
set minut += 15
set pressday = day
set vital += 1
set sweat += 1
set manna -= 1
set fat -= 1
!!!WD: Community extension
if nude = 0:'
if nude = 1 and tanga = 1:'
if nude = 1 and tanga = 0:'
'You do a series of abdominal exercises for fifteen minutes, developing your endurance.'
act 'Exit':gt $curloc
$sitrpushd = {
set minut += 15
set pushday = day
set stren += 1
set sweat += 1
set manna -= 1
set fat -= 1
!!!WD: Community extension
if nude = 0:'
if nude = 1 and tanga = 1:'
if nude = 1 and tanga = 0:'
'You do push-ups for fifteen minutes, developing your strength.'
pushnum = rand(stren / 10, stren / 5)
You managed to do <> push-ups. Your previous record is <>.'
if pushrecord < pushnum:pushrecord = pushnum & 'This is a new record!'
act 'Exit':gt $curloc
$gladbelo = {
set minut += suhbelo2 * 3
set clrbelo += suhbelo2
set suhbelo2 = 0
set manna -= 10
set elektro += 10
!!!WD: Community extension
if nude = 0:'
if nude = 1 and tanga = 1:'
if nude = 1 and tanga = 0:'
'You iron your underwear.'
act 'Exit':gt $curloc
$showerdin = {
set cumpussy = 0
set cumbelly = 0
set cumass = 0
set cumanus = 0
set cumlip = 0
set cumface = 0
set cumanus = 0
!!WD: Kioks event replaced with new code from Przemar!Przemar:** KIOSK ** ver 02
!!Przemar:IMAGE NEEDED 'Man punched you and say " Go away bitch your mouth full of sperm " at this rate you needed to wait 4 hours and paid 200 rubles'
!!WD:set "SUB >= 15" for act - Will need balancing / playtesting
$kiosksig = {
gs 'stat'
'A pack of cigarettes costs 50 rubles.'
if money >= 50:
if hour >= 12 and hour <= 15:
'There''s a long line in front of the kiosk.'
act 'Wait in line and buy cigarettes (30 Minutes)':
minut += 30
siga += 20
money -= 50
gt $curloc
act 'Leave':gt $curloc
if exhibi >= 4:
act 'Flash both your tits and your pussy':
gs 'stat'
minut += 10
siga += 20
money -= 50
if kioskflash = 0:
set exhibi += 1
set kioskflash = 1
'The people in front of you are shocked, as they see you flashing your tits and your pussy. As a small thank you, some of them let you move further up in the line.'
act 'Buy and leave':gt $curloc
if exhibi >= 3:
act 'Flash your pussy':
gs 'stat'
minut += 10
siga += 20
money -= 50
if kioskflash = 0:
set exhibi += 1
set kioskflash = 1
if lobok >= 2:'
if lobok <= 2:'
'The people in front of you are shocked, as they see you flashing your pussy. As a small thank you, some of them let you move further up in the line.'
act 'Buy and leave':gt $curloc
if exhibi >= 2:
act 'Flash your tits':
gs 'stat'
minut += 10
siga += 20
money -= 50
if kioskflash = 0:
set exhibi += 1
set kioskflash = 1
'The people in front of you are shocked, as they see you flashing your tits. As a small thank you, some of them let you move further up in the line.'
act 'Buy and leave':gt $curloc
if SUB >= 15:
act 'Suggest to blow someone in front of you':
gs 'stat'
minut += 10
siga += 20
money -= 50
throat += 1
bj += 1
if cumlip = 0:
'A man agrees to your suggestion and let you move in front of him.'
act 'Cum on your face':
'The man cums on your face.'
cumface += 1
act 'Go away and buy cigarettes':gt $curloc
act 'Cum on your mouth':
'The man cums inside your mouth.'
cumlip += 1
act 'Go away and buy cigarettes':gt $curloc
'Man punched you and say " Go away bitch, your mouth is full of sperm " - in this case you are needed to wait 4 hours and pays 200 rubles.'
minut += 240
siga += 20
money -= 200
act 'Leave':gt $curloc
act 'Buy a pack of cigarettes':
siga += 20
money -= 50
minut += 5
gt $curloc
'You don''t have enough money to buy cigarettes.'
act 'Leave':gt $curloc
$budilnik = {
' Clock'
'Clock wound <> hours <> minutes'
' Hours Minutes'
'01 02030405'
'06 070809100005 ( 3)1015'
'11 121314152025 ( 3)3035'
'16 171819204045 ( 3)5055'
'21 222300'
$margoroomdiDush = {
minut += 15
QWdogreiqTimer = 7
QWdogReiq = 2
gs 'stat'
'You undress and starts to follow Margaret into the shower.You didn''t really had time for a bath since Margaret pulls yours lips for a kiss.'
act 'Lick my nipples':
minut += 15
horny += 50
if MargoSex = 0:MargoSex = 1 & girl += 1
lesbian += 1
gs 'stat'
'Margaret has taken your swollen nipples into her mouth. She began to lick them and their sharp little edges'
act 'Carry her out':gt 'korr'
act 'Lick my pussy':
minut += 15
horny += 20
if MargoSex = 0:MargoSex = 1 & girl += 1
lesbian += 1
gs 'stat'
'Margaret kneels down and starts to lick your pussy. Her tongue makes your body get crossed through by a pleasant body wave.'
if horny >= 90:horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You have an orgasm.'
act 'Carry her out':gt 'korr'
act 'Lick my ass':
minut += 15
horny += 20
if MargoSex = 0:MargoSex = 1 & girl += 1
lesbian += 1
gs 'stat'
'Margo quickly began to lick your ass, causing a pleasant sensation all over the body, To Margaret this was not enough, so she slowly inserted a finger into your ass and began to make rhythmic movements.'
if horny >= 99:horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You have an orgasm.'
act 'Carry her out':gt 'korr'
if anus > 15 and horny > 0:
act 'Stick your hand in the ass':
minut += 15
horny += 60
anus += 5
gs 'stat'
'First she inserts one finger, then two, three and so on,eventually she shoved her entire hand completely. She quickly found herself in the depths of your ass. It''s unbelievable. Margaret penetrated deeper and deeper and you were in the seventh heaven.That is incredibly good. Your ass accepted her flexible hand. She starts massaging inside you like a real mistress, causing you to moan loudly and wagging your ass with pleasure.'
if horny >= 90:horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You have an orgasm.'
act 'Carry her out':gt 'korr'
$margoroomdi3 = {
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
'You start to undress and go to the shower following Margaret. You do not have time to really get into the bath since Margaret pulls your lips with a kiss.'
act 'Lick my nipples':
minut += 15
horny += 50
if MargoSex = 0:MargoSex = 1 & girl += 1
lesbian += 1
gs 'stat'
'Margaret took your swollen nipples into his mouth on the next, taking them to lick and nibble on their sharp little teeth'
act 'Walk into a room':dynamic $margoroomdi2
act 'Lick my vagina':
minut += 15
horny += 20
if MargoSex = 0:MargoSex = 1 & girl += 1
lesbian += 1
gs 'stat'
'Margaret kneels down and starts to lick your pussy. Her tongue makes your body get crossed through by a pleasant body wave.'
if horny >= 90:horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You have an orgasm.'
act 'Walk into a room':dynamic $margoroomdi2
act 'Lick my ass':
minut += 15
horny += 20
if MargoSex = 0:MargoSex = 1 & girl += 1
lesbian += 1
gs 'stat'
'Margo quickly began to lick your ass, causing a pleasant sensation all over the body, To Margaret this was not enough, so she slowly inserted a finger into your ass and began to make rhythmic movements.'
if horny >= 99:horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You have an orgasm.'
act 'Walk into a room':dynamic $margoroomdi2
if anus > 15 and horny > 0:
act 'Stick me in the ass hand':
minut += 15
horny += 60
anus += 5
gs 'stat'
'First she inserts one finger, then two, three and so on,eventually she shoved her entire hand completely. She quickly found herself in the depths of your ass. It''s unbelievable. Margaret penetrated deeper and deeper and you were in the seventh heaven.That is incredibly good. Your ass accepted her flexible hand. She starts massaging inside you like a real mistress, causing you to moan loudly and wagging your ass with pleasure.'
if horny >= 90:horny = 0 & orgasm += 1 & 'You have anorgasm.'
act 'Walk into a room':dynamic $margoroomdi2
$margoroomdi2 = {
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
'-I''m ready:Margaret says entering the hall'
'very good start, you answer Margaret.'
act 'Suck in males':
minut += 15
horny += 30
gs 'stat'
'Margot leans towards male and settled for an excellent start to suck him. Finally a member of the dog in the alert.'
act 'Insert dog dick in her ass.':
minut += 15
horny += 30
gs 'stat'
'Maragrita becomes chetverenki on and you naprvlyaete cock into her anus, pochuvstovat that hoditsya anus cable nachel rhythmic action 2 times faster, Margaret already squealed as the most natural bitch.'
'Margaret suddenly sobbed and then abruptly as nadtyazhno groaned and rolled her eyes with tears.'
'Margaret, what happened, you got closer.'
'<<$name>> it stuck in me-quite said Margaret and licked her lips, feeling unusual, something to push against the walls of the anus and turns odnovremnno painful and pleasant, I did not yet ispytovala.'
'yes, unusual and pleasant feelings, then I completely agree Stobie, just do not make any sudden movements and jerk dog can break you, your wonderful ass-vyreshili show some care towards Margaret.'
'<<$name>> you know I looked so there zooporno girl 19 years pools overlook 3 hours 17 males, then she ate moved Margaret licked her lips:this will trenirovatsya that would kill her record.'
'Rit, you like a little video is certainly postonovochnoe-skeptical otveteli you no light on this video my father personally for himself zakazaval Margaret tried to change position but the dog viciously zarychla and Margaita left-poytki be freed so that not what postovki.'
'unexpected knot in anus Margaret opal, and a member of the dog with a strange sound "PSCs" vyskochil.Iz ass Margarets flowed sperm peremeshku blood.'
'Ohrenet Margaret delighted, I now will often proktikovat zoo, bath, and all I''m going home.'
act 'Walk-in shower with Margaret':dynamic $margoroomdiDush
$margoroomdi = {
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
'YOU a little bit ajar and look after her but nothing happens Margaret just moetsya.Vy mark that she beautiful body.'
act 'Walk into a room':dynamic $margoroomdi2
$margokafedin = {
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
'You are going to summon the waitress but here comes the Cafe Margaret, you noticing it immediately comes to your table.'
'Hi sorry that lingered unforeseen circumstances Margaret sits at a table.'
if MargoSex = 0:
'And so ochem you wanted to talk to me? Once you took the bull by the horns.'
'About zoosekse, you''re practicing it?-Asked Margaret.'
'Yeah, no, you shit?-YOU decided to show a bit of character.'
'I like the zoo-last words Margaret said not very confident - and I would like to try.'
'Do you have a dog? - Her words you amused, causing slight smirk.'
'In that case there is, I live with my parents and they are not allowed to start a dog - those words Margaret sighed sadly.'
'And you want to go under my dog? - You''ve already undisguised sarcasm.'
'Well, yes - Margaret missed your sarcasm on deaf ears'
'You sat at the table with Margot and she admitted that she liked with the dog and she wants more.'
act 'Disassemble itself (Go)':gt 'street'
if husbandMark <= 0 and husband <= 0:
act 'Come then to me':
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
'You and Margaret rose from the table and went to your home. Already in the apartment Margaret went into the shower.'
act 'Peek into the soul':dynamic $margoroomdi
act 'Wait in the room':dynamic $margoroomdi2
if horny >= 50:act 'Login to Margaret in shower':dynamic $margoroomdi3
$butikreiqdi = {
minut += 5
gs 'stat'
'Starting to turn your head, you think nobody noticed, but your actions have attracted the saleswoman. The seller is a young girl in a little too narrow shirt with the logo of the Botique, not enough that her shirt was so tight, she had to unbutton the top button (Fashion-YOU think whether it is men''s boutique shirt would be understandable, but in the female? what is and what for the administration is thinking?) she came up to you a little bit inconsistent and quickly asked:'
'Seller:Can i help you with anything?'
act 'No, thank you':gt 'butik', 'start'
act 'Silently leave':gt 'down'
act 'Stare at her breasts':
minut += 5
horny += 50
gs 'stat'
'Seeing that the novice saleswoman and that you are most likely her first client, you decided to go for it.You only opened your mouth to say some harsh sentence, your eyes rested on her chest. The Bra together with the shirt successfully emphasized breasts, and even though it was visible only the upper part of the chest, your imagination has completed everything for you. (You wonder how her nipples are? the thought surprinsingly flashed in your brain)'
'Yes, You can give me a few minutes of your time. You said.'
'Your words made an impression on the saleswoman, she was embarrassed and blushed slightly.'
'Yes, yes, yes - frequently it is: what is the dress color you like? shape neckline of the dress? you want more freedom to dress? or turn? you want to highlight your perfect figure?'
'Stop, stop, - you''re still a person and not an impersonal being, firstly tell me, how would you like me to address you? Your words made an impression on the girl, she yavna flattered by your words. '
'Irina - says the girl, and then corects: Saleswoman Rimma.'
'I can call you Rima? You ask - I''m <<$name>>.'
'Yes, of course as you see fit , responds Rimma ,smiling shyly.'
act 'Choose a dress with Rimma':
minut += 5
gs 'stat'
if hapri = 1 and mop > 1 and leghair <= 0 and sweat <= 0 and curly > 0 and glamur > 0:
'You choose things evaluate them together with Rimma and just hang out.'
'Rima, where is the dressing room? - You ask suddenly.'
'Come with me - Rima didn''t notice that the invisible barrier between you is lost: the seller and the buyer.'
act 'Go inside the dressing room':
minut += 5
gs 'stat'
'You and Rimma went together into the dressing room.'
act 'You did not like the dress.':
minut += 5
gs 'stat'
'As a result, you are spending time iwhile you head wonder in two thoughts:Rima, and her mysterious and curious body.'
'As you go home suddenly again you feel eyes on you'
act 'Ignore':gt 'down'
act 'Look around':
minut += 5
gs 'stat'
'You started to turn my head sharply looking around.'
'You notice that the girl looks at you.'
act 'Approach her':
minut += 5
gs 'stat'
'YOU silently come and rest against a girl look:'
'Good afternoon, it is pronounced, you do not remember me?'
'Good day, she says, you do not remember me?'
'The girl does not respond to your sharpness'
'In principle, there is no out of the situation that you had?-Must-not the girl answers'
'What is the situation where when? You will not hide anger.'
'Yes, in a vacant lot where you are "fun" with a dog-girl replied with a grin.'
act 'Yes you ohereli! (Go)':gt 'down'
act 'Extort taken in head? What do you want?':
minut += 5
QWdogReiq = 2
QWdogreiqTimer = 7
gs 'stat'
'Decided to blackmail me? Clitoris with one hand plucking another rented? And how much do you want? Viciously proiznositi you:think yourself a damn how much it wants.'
'Again, your words vyzymele action on devushku.skloniv head to the side, she asked:Tantrum over?'
'You told her irritably that have not even begun to hysteria.'
'NO, you''re still on the nerves let''s meet next week, suddenly the girl is pronounced.'
'let''s you usalo shook his head.'
'that''s fine my name is margaret and says the girl looks at you expectantly.'
'<<$name>>-you reply.'
'Prior to the meeting, said margaret and leaves.'
act 'Leave':gt 'down'
act 'take the panties off in front of Rima.':
minut += 5
gs 'stat'
'You have removed your panties in front Rimma and noticed how her cheeks glowed, and breathing quickned.'
act 'Do you like me?':
minut += 5
orgasm += 1
horny = 0
lesbian += 1
if RimmaSex = 0:RimmaSex = 1 & girl += 1
rimmaday = day
gs 'stat'
'Rima, do you like me? ou asked quietly'
'yes, very much Rimma answers with excitation'
'Then lick me you demand'
'Rimma kneels down and begins to kiss you body, not very skillfully at the beginning, starting with timidly kissing your belly that turned into a more confident licking and covering all of your body.Rima achieved making you pussy very wet.She starts Kissing and licking your crotch little by little bit it. The unexpectedness made the body flow into a sweet languor. '
'Odour which you smell, Rimma for a few seconds looked up from petting.'
'After putting the right palm gently on the pubis, Rimma fingers spread you wet lips, poking her tongue and run it inside.'
'A Soft reciprocating action of the tongue and on the clitoris excited you and caused a mild spasm. Rima suddenly begun to tongue prss on your clitoris.The body is already weak and no longer obey the brain,only trying to not moan fot he whole store.'
'Suddenly, Your body began to shake and was covered in soft wave of spasms, with the last spasm you came.You let a loud moan out while you knelt down.'
'You are in a easy prostration, and the body is on a pleasant stasis.'
act 'Exit out of the dressing room':
minut += 5
QWdogReiq = 2
QWdogreiqTimer = 7
gs 'stat'
'Rima took you to the door.'
'<<$name>>, you liked it? Rima asked, blushing.'
'What do you think? I crave for more, Do you want to continue?'
'No, I can''t,i have waiting parents at home = Rimma teels you looking upset '
'Then how about next week? you offer'
'let''s do it Rima looks very happy.'
'You go home, suddenly you hear a woman''s voice behind you:'
'Goodnight- said the strange stranger.'
'Looking closely you recognize her as girl with the vacant lot.'
'Hi-you cheerfully answered, it was you that was observing me the entire time ?'
'Yes, she smiled in response, I saw you in the boutique, but i didn''t dare to approach you that time, so i decided to wait outside for you.'
'But why did you wait?'
'Now it''s too late, Meet me next week so we can talk - awaiting you response while she is looking at you'
'Let''s meet them - you easily agreed -By way I''m <<$name>>'
'Margaret '
act 'Leave':gt 'down'
'You and rimma search for a dress,but couldn''t find.You leave and rimma is a little sad saying goodbye to you'
act 'Leave':gt 'down'
$polactdog = {
streetdogday = day
!!if QWdogReiq = 0:QWdogReiq = 1 & QWdogreiqTimer = 7
zoo += 1
minut += 10
gs 'stat'
'After looking around and making sure that no one has you take off clothes:'
'Soft dog stuck but also rough tongue and began oblizovat pussy, rhythmic action of the dog''s entire body went soft wave excitation, causing a light moan involuntarily.'
'A few minutes later the dog stops licking and nachinaetsya attempts to capture his bitch, the better to make you stand on chetverenki.Kobel habitual movement on skakivaet you:'
act 'Send a member of the vagina':
minut += 10
orgasm += 3
horny = 0
vagina += 3
gs 'stat'
'You turned to him and began to massage his bag, from which it seemed member, you began to masturbate him, he grew up before our eyes, turning into a formidable club 27sm.Vzyav his penis in her hand, you sent him a little and entered, he did the rest himself, he abruptly pushed and member went hungry pussy. You groaned the first blow, and after three strikes you were already fully strung on a member. Dog began to fuck long but strong strokes, stringing each time member to the hilt with a single blow. Member of the dog almost completely out, left 2 cm, and he abruptly pushed it to its full length with a member of the champ went into the vagina, sex lips tightly wraps it in vozvrate.Orgazmy followed one another, surging waves. Dog all gained pace and more come on, gripped his paws pounding cock in the depths of the vagina.'
act '....':
minut += 10
cumpussy += 1
gs 'stat'
'You pushed the legs stronger and rested his hands on the ground, becoming more comfortable for males pose pussy greedily swallowing every centimeter of this member, milking him, squeezed along the entire length. Pussy burning and dripping with love juice, selection trickled down his thighs and dripped to the ground. Come on dog became more violent and stronger. Soon he nachel grow site and you began to push her ass towards the penis, trying to swallow it more. Pussy walls you feel that his cock began to grow, and he drove his cock to the base and a little faded. His unit was expanded in pussy, pushing her wall, and binds tightly knot. The dog began to attempt to be freed but the member firmly stuck in her pussy, and she squeezed it tight at the bottom and ringlet not released until it is to pump sperm bitch. You screamed when the sperm hit, filling your pussy completely, his hot sperm that burned inside. A member of the finished and throbbing in your depths, pussy milked him of his boy sucked every last drop. Cum began to flow in the legs trickle. You were completely filled with his sperm. Dog cranked and started back to you pressed it to her a few minutes and stood with him in the castle with a knot in his dick pizde.Kogdaya little opal and you could be released from the site, you fell to the ground, and it flowed from pussy cum, filling all around.'
if QWdogReiq > 0:act 'Leave':gt 'korr'
if QWdogReiq = 0:act 'Leave':dynamic $dogreiqdi
act 'Send dick in the ass':
minut += 10
orgasm += 3
horny = 0
anus += 3
gs 'stat'
'Kneeling in the excited state, a member of the Dog came into the ass. Anus was ajar because of the uncomfortable position and strongly relaxed muscles and his cock slipped inside ass very easily. Sharp rhythmic movements dostovlyaet both pain and pleasure, orgasm followed orgasm. But then he went completely sharp movement in the anus sphincter tightly wraps it, thereby sealing the anus completely.'
act '....':
minut += 10
cumanus += 1
gs 'stat'
'You felt as he started down the liquid inside ass. Having stood in the castle a few minutes, but the ball on his penis did not decrease and bored dog stand, began to pull out of the anus growling his penis. In pain you started yelling, feeling his huge cock rips anus into 2 parts. Then listen distinctive sound "chpok" and his cock popped out of ass torn from which gushed down the belly of his sperm mixed with secretions from the anus.'
if QWdogReiq > 0:act 'Leave':gt 'korr'
if QWdogReiq = 0:act 'Leave':dynamic $dogreiqdi
$dogreiqdi = {
QWdogReiq = 1
QWdogreiqTimer = 7
minut += 10
gs 'stat'
'Vstatv with knees and adjusting shalt you kissed a dog and went home, recovering himself after intercourse, difficulty rising, adjusting his clothes you notice the girl. Girl with curiosity and excitement explicitly looked for all your shows. The girl opens her mouth and wants to say that, but each razvorachevaetsya and escapes. You stay in a mild surprise but also the fact that you were looking for you filed. He called the dog you went home.'
act 'Leave':gt 'korr'
$youriqwest = {
act 'Go with Yuri':
jouryQwNo = 0
minut += 30
gs 'stat'
'You walked down the street with Yuri, came to the metro, where you went in the car and drove in silence with him in the northern part of the city. Coming out of the subway Yuri led you in the direction of new buildings, all the way you walked in silence and Yuri looked tense. Finally you come to a new nine-story, Yuri opened the front door and you walked in the entrance. Yuri called the elevator and you have arrived at his pad.'
act 'Enter the apartment':
minut += 30
gs 'stat'
'You entered a small cozy, one-bedroom apartment. Catches the eye is that lives here, albeit very neat, but a bachelor.'
'Yuri led you into the hall and seated on a chair. He went into the kitchen and brought champagne with grapes and put it on the table between the two chairs. He sat in a nearby chair and turned on the music control.'
'It was noticeable that Yuri is not as it can not come up with topics for conversation. The conversation did not jell and finally Yuri resolutely stood up and going to hand you filed "Shall we dance?"'
act 'Dance with Yuri':
minut += 10
horny += 50
gs 'stat'
'You already rather plucked a bit of champagne and you covered intoxication and what that sweet bliss. You took his hand with a smile and Yuri standing with a chair out into the middle of the room. Yuri walked up to you and hugging, began to dance with you. His hands gently glided over your body. You embraced the excitement and you also began to stroke Yuri hands. Yuri pressed to you and how you feel through the fabric, your stomach rests on his hard cock.'
act 'Touch his crotch':
minut += 10
gs 'stat'
'You practically without any intention slid his hand over the body of George and stayed on his crotch feeling his standing member. Yuri stifled a sigh from your touch.'
act 'Unbutton his pants':
minut += 10
gs 'stat'
'You undid his pants and his hands in his pants to Yuri groped his hard, as if an iron dick and got him out of his pants. His head was hidden under the skin, which fits closely to the head, you prick the skin on the penis revealing crimson, hard head.'
act 'Squat down and take in the mouth':
guy += 1
jourySex = 1
bj += 1
minut += 10
gs 'stat'
'Little hand caressed member Yuri you squatted in front of him and your face was right on standing against the member. You cupped his purple head <<$liptalk>> and started to suck dick. Your lips slid across the smooth and hot cock sucking it. Yuri was moaning and looked down into your eyes. Finally, he choked hissed, "Come to bed."'
gs 'oral', '0'
act 'Go to bed':
minut += 10
set $nameV = 'Yuri'
$boy = $nameV
set dick = 18
set silavag = 2
pose = 1
gs 'stat'
'The bed Yuri helped you to undress and put you on all fours ready to enter you.'
dynamic $sexstart
'You feel like something solid Bound you pussy.'
dynamic $sexstart2
'Yuri rammed so hard you that you broke and fell onto the bed feeding.'
act 'Moan':
minut += 10
pose = 1
gs 'stat'
'Yuri is not paying attention, the fact that you fell on the bed feeding continued to thrust his cock in you.'
'He furiously pecked your body and you besspomoschno groaned under him, feeling his cock ramming your insides, pushing his every move.'
dynamic $sexcum
'Yuri froze on you kiss on the cheek and went to the bathroom.'
act 'Go to the bathroom':
minut += 10
horny += 10
gs 'stat'
'You went into the bathroom, where is bathed Yuri, he invited you wash with it. You shrug wearily climbed into the shower.'
'Yuri began to lather you and you feel like a member of his soft rubbing against your hip began to harden suffused with blood, and rising.'
act 'Tselovatsya Yuri':
minut += 10
horny += 10
gs 'stat'
'Yuri attracted you to her and started to kiss you. You already got tired, but the situation excites you and you responded to caress Yuri, too, began to stroke his body.'
act 'Sucking dick':
minut += 10
horny += 10
bj += 1
gs 'stat'
'Yuri put you in the bathroom on his haunches and put his still soft dick in your mouth. You started to suck cock, which rose directly in your mouth, filling it. Soon the cock was like a steel and Yuri began to moan. Finally he took a member of your mouth and prepared to stop.'
gs 'oral', '0'
act 'Substitute person':
minut += 10
horny += 10
cumface += 1
facial += 1
gs 'stat'
'Cum Yuri slapped you in the face, but it was not much and the flow soon stopped.'
act 'Take a shower':
set minut += 15
set sweat = -3
set horny += 1
set hapri = 1
set mop = 1
set cumpussy = 0
set cumbelly = 0
set cumass = 0
set cumlip = 0
set cumface = 0
set cumanus = 0
gs 'stat'
'Finally you could get here before the shower and clean up. You showered and went out into the hall prichesyvatsya. There have been expecting you, Yuri, who again was nervous and it was immediately clear that he wants you to show the door.'
act 'Leave':gt 'nord'
--- dina ---------------------------------
# dinBoroda
$borodachNo = {
act 'I had enough.':
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
'You refused to drink and started to leave. The guard began to persuade you to stay with him and continue. '
if SUB < 10:act 'Leave':dom += 1 & gt 'clener', 'start'
dynamic $borodachDrink
$borodachNo2 = {
act 'I have to go now':
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
'You gather your things and started to leave, yet Sasha began to persuade you to stay with him and continue.'
if DOM > 0 and horny < 50:act 'Leave':dom += 1 & gt 'clener', 'start'
dynamic $borodachSex
$borodachDrink = {
act 'Another drink':
minut += 15
horny += 20
gs 'stat'
'You drank and ate some more cheeses, you just realized that you are sharply drunk. The Hand of the guard does not stopping caressing your ass.'
dynamic $borodachNo2
dynamic $borodachSex
$borodachSex = {
act 'Relax.':
if borodachSex = 0:borodachSex = 1 & guy += 1
minut += 5
horny += 5
gs 'stat'
'You ease down and began to enjoy hands caressing you. Sasha has openly embraced and started kissing you.'
'His hands slid under your clothes, unbuttoning and removing it. Soon he got to your chest and began to suck your nipples.'
act 'Lie down on the sofa.':
minut += 5
horny += 20
gs 'stat'
borodachSexDay = day
set sex += 1
set minut += 30
set pose = 0
set $nameV = 'Sasha'
$boy = $nameV
set dick = 15
set silavag = 0
'<<$nameV>> put you on the sofa, spread your legs and pullled out his <> centimeter dick, fingers began to caress your pussy, preparing to be entered.'
gs 'orgazm', 'start'
act 'Leave':gt 'street'
$ohrhj = {
act 'Masturbate him.':
minut += 15
horny += dom
gs 'stat'
hj += 1
'You started stroking his cock with your delicate hands. Quickly Sasha groaned, "I will finish soon."'
dynamic $ohrbj
dynamic $ohrhjcum
dynamic $ohrsex
$ohrhjcum = {
act 'Masturbate him more.':
minut += 15
horny += dom
borodachSexDay = day
gs 'stat'
'Sasha groaned and his cock began to ejaculate a jet of sperm in your palm.'
act 'Leave':gt 'street'
$ohrbj = {
act 'Suck Him.':
minut += 15
horny += 5
gs 'stat'
bj += 1
picrand = rand(0, 4)
'You wrapped your <<$liptalk>> around his strong and warm 15 centimeter and quickly began to suck the head, caressing with the tongue and lips. Sasha groaned, "I´m going to come."'
dynamic $ohrbjcum
dynamic $ohrsex
$ohrbjcum = {
act 'Grip even harder the lips.':
minut += 15
horny += 5 + vaf
cumlip += 1
gs 'stat'
picrand = rand(0, 4)
'You redouble your efforts sucking the hard cock with your <<$liptalk>>. Hot sperm hits your mouth, then again and again. You continued to suck ignoring the fact that you have a mouth full of vigorous sperm. Finally the stream dried up.'
gs 'oral', '0'
act 'Swallow sperm.':
minut += 15
horny += 5
vaf += 1
borodachSexDay = day
gs 'stat'
picrand = rand(0, 2)
'You have opened your mouth filling with sperm that you swallowed it.'
act 'Leave':gt 'street'
act 'Spit sperm.':
minut += 15
horny += 5
if vaf > 0:vaf -= 1
borodachSexDay = day
gs 'stat'
'You have opened your mouth filling with sperm, that you spat into the sink.'
act 'Leave':gt 'street'
$ohrsex = {
act 'Sex.':
minut += 5
horny += 20
gs 'stat'
borodachSexDay = day
set sex += 1
set minut += 30
set pose = 0
set $nameV = 'Sasha'
set dick = 15
set silavag = 0
'<<$nameV>> put you on the sofa, spread your legs and pull out his <> centimeter dick. Fingers began to caress your pussy, preparing her to be entered.'
gs 'orgazm', 'start'
act 'Leave':gt 'street'
rikudootvet = 1415
--- dinBoroda ---------------------------------
# dinSex
$universalklient = {
if klient_needs = 0:$klientwanttext = 'blow job'
if klient_needs = 1:$klientwanttext = 'sex'
if klient_needs = 2:$klientwanttext = 'anal'
'You told the client that <<$klientwanttext>> will cost <> rubles.'
dynamic $dinprostable
if vnpr >= 0:
if ProsMoney = 1:clientPRyes = 1
if ProsMoney > 1:
if KlientMON >= ProsMoney:
if vnpr >= klienVNPR:
clientPRyes = 1
clientPRyes = 0
elseif KlientMON < ProsMoney:
if vnpr >= klienVNPR:
torgklirand = rand(0, 1)
if torgklirand = 0:
clientPRyes = 0
elseif torgklirand = 1:
'The client grins and offers <> per job.'
act 'Agree':
clientPRyes = 1
ProsMoney = KlientMON
dynamic $dinklient
act 'Refuse':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
clientPRyes = 0
if vnpr < 0:clientPRyes = 0
dynamic $dinklient
$dinprostable = {
vnpr = 0
if vidage >= 40:vnpr -= 20
if vidage >= 35 and vidage < 40:vnpr -= 10
if vidage >= 30 and vidage < 35:vnpr -= 5
if vidage >= 25 and vidage < 30:vnpr += 1
if vidage >= 20 and vidage < 25:vnpr += 5
if vidage >= 18 and vidage < 20:vnpr += 10
if vidage < 18:vnpr += 15
if vnesh = -10:vnpr -= 100
if vnesh < 5 and vnesh > -10:vnpr -= 10
if vnesh >= 5 and vnesh < 15:vnpr -= 5
if vnesh >= 15 and vnesh < 30:vnpr += 1
if vnesh >= 30 and vnesh < 50:vnpr += 5
if vnesh >= 50:vnpr += 10
if cumSUM > 0:vnpr -= 10
if mop = 0:vnpr -= 10
if mop = 1:vnpr -= 1
if mop = 2:vnpr += 1
if mop = 3:vnpr += 5
if mop = 4:vnpr += 10
if leghair <= 0:vnpr += 1
if leghair > 0:vnpr -= 5
if lobok > 0:vnpr -= 5
if lobok <= 0:vnpr += 1
if tan > 0:vnpr += 1
if curly > 0:vnpr += 1
if sweat > 0:vnpr -= 10
if hapri = 0:vnpr -= 1
if lip = 4:vnpr += 1
!!maximum 40
!!minimum -161
$dinklient = {
if clientPRyes = 1:
'The client nods his head and opens the door of his car.'
if klient_needs = 0:dynamic $din_prost_bj
if klient_needs = 1:dynamic $din_prost_sex
if klient_needs = 2:dynamic $din_prost_anal
if clientPRyes = 0:
'Client meticulously examined you and said, "No, fuck." After that, he started the car and drove away.'
act 'Leave':gt 'prostitute', 'start'
$din_prost_bj = {
act 'Get into the client''s car':
vidageday -= 5
$nameV = 'stranger'
$boy = 'Client'
slutty += 1
dick = rand(12, 21)
money += ProsMoney * 100
gt 'blowPR', 'start'
$din_prost_sex = {
act 'Get into the client''s car':
vidageday -= 10
$nameV = 'stranger'
$boy = 'Client'
dick = rand(12, 21)
money += ProsMoney * 100
prosti = 1
slutty += 1
gt 'blowPR', 'start'
$din_prost_anal = {
act 'Get into the client''s car':
vidageday -= 20
gs 'boy'
prosti = 2
analprotect = 0
slutty += 1
gt 'blowPR', 'start'
$dinrandbj = {
tperbjran = rand(0, 3)
if tperbjran = 0:$tperbj = 'Your <<$liptalk>> wraps around his <> centimeter member'
if tperbjran = 1:$tperbj = 'Your <<$liptalk>> clasps his purple head <> centimeter member'
if tperbjran = 2:$tperbj = 'You held your <<$liptalk>> on the head of his <> centimeter member and pulled into your mouth'
if tperbjran = 3:$tperbj = 'The <> centimeter dick rested in your <<$liptalk>>, you have slightly opened them and let the dick in your mouth.'
if tperbjran = 4:$tperbj = ''
if tperbjran = 5:$tperbj = ''
tperbjran2 = rand(0, 2)
if tperbjran2 = 0:$tperbj2 = 'Your mouth quickly turned and was filled by a slightly salty and hard cock, which you started to suck.'
if tperbjran2 = 1:$tperbj2 = 'The <> cock inside your mouth went hard and hot, and you started sucking'
if tperbjran2 = 2:$tperbj2 = 'The hard cock around your <<$liptalk>> is filling your whole mouth and with every move it''s going down your throat.'
if tperbjran2 = 3:$tperbj2 = ''
if tperbjran2 = 4:$tperbj2 = ''
if tperbjran2 = 5:$tperbj2 = ''
'<<$tperbj>>. <<$tperbj2>>'
$dinrandswallow = {
tperswalrand = rand(0, 2)
if tperswalrand = 0:$tperswal = 'Suddenly your mouth is shot with a jet of viscous semen.'
if tperswalrand = 1:$tperswal = 'The cock twitched and jets of sperm flew between your lips into your mouth.'
if tperswalrand = 2:$tperswal = 'Your mouth has been filled with sperm when your lips began to close between the dick.'
tperswalrand2 = rand(0, 2)
if tperswalrand2 = 0:$tperswal2 = 'Your mouth is quickly filled with warm sperm and you feel its sharp taste.'
if tperswalrand2 = 1:$tperswal2 = 'Your mouth is filled with cum and began to run down your <<$liptalk2>>'
if tperswalrand2 = 2:$tperswal2 = 'Hot seed quickly filled your mouth making you experience the whole scale and sharp tart taste of sperm.'
tperswalrand3 = rand(0, 2)
if tperswalrand3 = 0:$tperswal3 = 'You gulped and swallowed the sperm located in your mouth. In the mouth, the taste of semen stayed and felt his scent.'
if tperswalrand3 = 1:$tperswal3 = 'You swallow the warm cum that fills your mouth and licks the remnants of the seed with your <<$liptalk3>>.'
if tperswalrand3 = 2:$tperswal3 = 'You swallow the viscous semen that is filling your mouth, and then licks.'
'<<$tperswal>> <<$tperswal2>> <<$tperswal3>>'
$dinrandfacial = {
$venerasiak = {
tipvenerarand = rand(0, 10)
if prezik > 0:
venrand = rand(0, 1000)
if venrand = 1000:dynamic $veneradinitog
venrand = rand(0, 100)
if venrand >= 80:dynamic $veneradinitog
$veneradinitog = {
if tipvenerarand >= 8:
gerprand = rand(0, 100)
if gerprand > 90:
if GerpesOnce = 0:GerpesOnce = 1
Venera += 1
Gerpes += 1
elseif tipvenerarand = 7:
venerarand = rand(0, 100)
if venerarand > 95:
Venera += 1
if SifacOnce = 0:SifacOnce = 1
Sifilis += 1
elseif tipvenerarand >= 5 and tipvenerarand < 7:
venerarand = rand(0, 100)
if venerarand > 95:
Venera += 1
if TriperOnce = 0:TriperOnce = 1
Triper += 1
elseif tipvenerarand < 5:
venerarand = rand(0, 100)
if venerarand > 85:
if KandidozOnce = 0:KandidozOnce = 1
Kandidoz += 1
$sexstart = {
protect = 0
vidageday -= 1
if prezik > 0:
prezik -= 1
protect = 1
'<<$boy>> took your condom and put it on his <> centimeter member.'
$sexstart2 = {
frost = 0
if mesec > 0:
!!Menstruation makes orgasm impossible
horny = 0
manna -= 10
willpower -= 10
'Menstruation blood slowly flows from your vagina while he fucks you. I´t feels painful and also pleasant. You moan while his <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
elseif mesec <= 0 and vagina > 0:
!!No Menstruatsion
!!horny - excitement
!!vagina - vagina elasticity
!!silavag - male skill:0-clumsy, 1-middle, 2-stud
!!dick - his penis size
!!orgazm - what kind of orgasm
!!0 - very painful, 1 - hurts, 2 - unpleasant, 3 - so-so, 4 - little orgasm, 5 - orgasm
smazka = horny / 10
prinat = smazka + vagina
if dick >= prinat * 2:
!!member of the critical features more years
if silavag = 0:orgazm = 0
if silavag = 1:orgazm = 1
if silavag = 2:orgazm = 2
elseif dick < prinat * 2 and dick > prinat:
!!member more options gg
if silavag = 0:
if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 3
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 2
if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 1
if horny < 60:orgazm = 0
elseif silavag = 1:
if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 3
if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 2
if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 1
if horny < 50:orgazm = 0
elseif silavag = 2:
if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 3
if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 2
if horny >= 40 and horny < 50:orgazm = 1
if horny < 40:orgazm = 0
elseif dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
!!Member fewer opportunities gg
if silavag = 0:
if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 60 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 3
if horny < 40:orgazm = 2
elseif silavag = 1:
if horny >= 70:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 50 and horny < 70:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 30 and horny < 50:orgazm = 3
if horny < 30:orgazm = 2
elseif silavag = 2:
if horny >= 60:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 20 and horny < 40:orgazm = 3
if horny < 20:orgazm = 2
elseif dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
if silavag = 0:
if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
if horny < 90:orgazm = 6
elseif silavag = 1:
if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
if horny < 80:orgazm = 6
elseif silavag = 2:
if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
if horny < 70:orgazm = 6
if oragazm = 5:
preOrg += 1
if razeba < 4:
if silavag = 2:
orgrand = rand(50, 300)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif silavag < 2:
oragazm = 4
elseif razeba = 4:
if silavag = 2:
orgrand = rand(0, 100)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif silavag < 2:
orgrand = rand(50, 300)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif razeba >= 5:
if silavag = 2:
orgrand = rand(0, 50)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif silavag < 2:
orgrand = rand(0, 100)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
if orgazm = 0:
vgape = 3
vgapetime = totminut
horny = 0
manna -= 15
willpower -= 15
'You groaned in pain when <<$boy>> penetrated, tears flowed from your eyes and it feels like someone drove a red-hot rod in your vagina. You cry and moan while his strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
elseif orgazm = 1:
if vgape < 2:vgape = 2
vgapetime = totminut
horny -= 10
manna -= 10
willpower -= 10
'You bite your lip in pain when <<$boy>> entered, it is very painful. You are frowning and moaning in pain while his strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
elseif orgazm = 2:
if vgape < 1:vgape = 1
vgapetime = totminut
horny -= 5
manna -= 5
willpower -= 5
'You winced at the sudden pain when <<$boy>> entered, it hurted but it gradually become quite tolerable. You are trying to get aroused while his <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy, but you did not succeed.'
if orgazm = 3:
manna += 5
willpower += 5
'You are startled by feeling that your pussy is stretching when <<$boy>> entered you. It feels good when his <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
elseif orgazm = 4:
!horny += 10
manna += 10
willpower += 10
'You are startled by feeling that your pussy is stretching as <<$boy>> entered you. It feels good when his strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the abdomen, then the feeling decreases a little and remained until the end.'
elseif orgazm = 5:
horny = 0
manna += 15
willpower += 15
orgasm += 1
vaginalOrgasm += 1
'You flinched from a pleasant feeling when your pussy is stretched by his dick. It feels good when his <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the lower abdomen,the feeling then descend and your entire body covered with hot waves of orgasm, you scream with pleasure.'
elseif orgazm = 6:
horny += 5
manna += 5
willpower += 5
'You feel as his penis enters your pussy.You feel nice between your legs , but his <> inches dick is significantly less than your pussy and not enough for you. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the abdomen, then the feeling a decreases a little and remained until the end.'
if vagina <= dick:vagina += 1
elseif vagina = 0 and mesec <= 0:
horny = 0
manna -= 15
willpower -= 15
vagina += 1
'You have bitten your <<$liptalk>> in pain and tears started to flow from your eyes when <<$boy>> entered, breaking your hymen. You moan while crying and his <> centimeter dick fucks your bloody pussy.'
if vagina < dick:vagina += 1
sex += 1
$sexstart3 = {
frost = 0
if mesec > 0:
!!periods, orgasm is not possible
horny = 0
manna -= 10
willpower -= 10
'You have your period and blood slowly follows from the vagina while you jump on his dick.Having painful and pleasants sensations . You moan while his strong <> centimeter penis fucks you.'
elseif mesec <= 0 and vagina > 0:
!!no monthly
!!horny - excitement
!!vagina - the elasticity of the vagina
!!silavag - skill Man 0-sad_sack, 1-middle_peasant 2-stud
!!dick - penis Man
!!orgazm - Total coefficient of pleasure
!!0 - very painful, 1 - it_hurts, 2 - not nice, 3 - so-so, 4 - nedoorgazm 5 - orgasm
smazka = horny / 10
prinat = smazka + vagina
if dick >= prinat * 2:
!!member of the critical features more years
if silavag = 0:orgazm = 0
if silavag = 1:orgazm = 1
if silavag = 2:orgazm = 2
elseif dick < prinat * 2 and dick > prinat:
!!member more options gg
if silavag = 0:
if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 3
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 2
if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 1
if horny < 60:orgazm = 0
elseif silavag = 1:
if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 3
if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 2
if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 1
if horny < 50:orgazm = 0
elseif silavag = 2:
if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 3
if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 2
if horny >= 40 and horny < 50:orgazm = 1
if horny < 40:orgazm = 0
elseif dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
!!Member fewer opportunities gg
if silavag = 0:
if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 60 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 3
if horny < 40:orgazm = 2
elseif silavag = 1:
if horny >= 70:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 50 and horny < 70:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 30 and horny < 50:orgazm = 3
if horny < 30:orgazm = 2
elseif silavag = 2:
if horny >= 60:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 20 and horny < 40:orgazm = 3
if horny < 20:orgazm = 2
elseif dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
if silavag = 0:
if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
if horny < 90:orgazm = 6
elseif silavag = 1:
if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
if horny < 80:orgazm = 6
elseif silavag = 2:
if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
if horny < 70:orgazm = 6
if oragazm = 5:
preOrg += 1
if razeba < 4:
if silavag = 2:
orgrand = rand(50, 300)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif silavag < 2:
oragazm = 4
elseif razeba = 4:
if silavag = 2:
orgrand = rand(0, 100)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif silavag < 2:
orgrand = rand(50, 300)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif razeba >= 5:
if silavag = 2:
orgrand = rand(0, 50)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif silavag < 2:
orgrand = rand(0, 100)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
if orgazm = 0:
if vgape < 3:vgape = 3
vgapetime = totminut
horny = 0
manna -= 15
willpower -= 15
'You groaned in pain when <<$boy>> penetrated, tears flowed from your eyes and it feels like someone drove a red-hot rod in your vagina. You cry and moan while his strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
elseif orgazm = 1:
if vgape < 2:vgape = 2
vgapetime = totminut
horny -= 10
manna -= 10
willpower -= 10
'You bite your lip in pain when you got on the penis and felt like a dick of <<$boy>> entered into you, feeling pain between your legs. You are frowning and moaning in pain while jumping on strong <> centimeter penis.'
elseif orgazm = 2:
if vgape < 1:vgape = 1
vgapetime = totminut
horny -= 5
manna -= 5
willpower -= 5
'You winced at the sudden pain when sat on and felt like a member of <<$boy>> has entered into you, between your legs the pain gradually become calm and quite tolerable.You are trying to get aroused and still jumping on his sturdy and strong <> centimeter to fuck your pussy, but you do not succeed.'
elseif orgazm = 3:
!!horny += 5
manna += 5
willpower += 5
'You are startled by the feeling that your pussy is stretched when sat on and felt like a cock of <<$boy>> has entered into you. Between the legs you get a little nice feeling when you jump on a strong <> centimeter penis.'
elseif orgazm = 4:
!!horny += 10
manna += 10
willpower += 10
'You are startled by the feeling that your pussy is stretched when you sat on and felt like a member of <<$boy>> has entered into you. Between the legs gets a little nice feeling when you jump on strong <> centimeter penis.Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the abdomen, then the feeling a decreases a little and remained until the end.'
elseif orgazm = 5:
horny = 0
manna += 15
willpower += 15
orgasm += 1
vaginalOrgasm += 1
'You flinched from a pleasant feeling when your pussy stretched starting on taking a dick. Between the legs becomes very warm and pleasant when you jump on the strong <> centimeter penis. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the abdomen, the feelingthen descend to you and your entire body covered hot waves of orgasm, you involuntarily scream with pleasure writhing on edge.'
elseif orgazm = 6:
horny += 5
manna += 5
willpower += 5
'You feel as his penis enters your pussy.You feel nice between your legs , but his <> inches dick is significantly less than your pussy and not enough for you. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the abdomen, then the feeling a decreases a little and remained until the end.'
if vagina <= dick:vagina += 1
elseif vagina = 0 and mesec <= 0:
horny = 0
manna -= 15
willpower -= 15
vagina += 1
'You have bitten your <<$liptalk>> in pain and tears started to flow from your eyes when <<$boy>> entered, breaking your hymen. You Weep and moan while you jump on strong <> centimeter dick with your bloody pussy.'
if vagina < dick:vagina += 1
sex += 1
$sexstart4 = {
frost = 0
if mesec > 0:
!!periods, orgasm is not possible
horny = 0
manna = manna - 10
willpower = willpower - 10
'You are menstruated and yet he rams his dick into you, vaginal blood flows slowly. You have both painfull and pleasant sensations. You moan while a strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
elseif mesec <= 0 and vagina > 0:
!!no monthly
!!horny - excitement
!!vagina - the elasticity of the vagina
!!silavag - skill Man 0-sad_sack, 1-middle_peasant 2-stud
!!dick - penis Man
!!orgazm - Total coefficient of pleasure
!!0 - very painful, 1 - it_hurts, 2 - not nice, 3 - so-so, 4 - nedoorgazm 5 - orgasm
smazka = horny / 10
prinat = smazka + vagina
if dick >= prinat * 2:
!!member of the critical features more years
if silavag = 0:orgazm = 0
if silavag = 1:orgazm = 1
if silavag = 2:orgazm = 2
elseif dick < prinat*2 and dick > prinat:
!!member more options gg
if silavag = 0:
if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 3
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 2
if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 1
if horny < 60:orgazm = 0
elseif silavag = 1:
if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 3
if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 2
if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 1
if horny < 50:orgazm = 0
elseif silavag = 2:
if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 3
if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 2
if horny >= 40 and horny < 50:orgazm = 1
if horny < 40:orgazm = 0
elseif dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
!!Member fewer opportunities gg
if silavag = 0:
if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 60 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 3
if horny < 40:orgazm = 2
elseif silavag = 1:
if horny >= 70:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 50 and horny < 70:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 30 and horny < 50:orgazm = 3
if horny < 30:orgazm = 2
elseif silavag = 2:
if horny >= 60:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 20 and horny < 40:orgazm = 3
if horny < 20:orgazm = 2
elseif dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
if silavag = 0:
if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
if horny < 90:orgazm = 6
elseif silavag = 1:
if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
if horny < 80:orgazm = 6
elseif silavag = 2:
if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
if horny < 70:orgazm = 6
if oragazm = 5:
preOrg += 1
if razeba < 4:
if silavag = 2:
orgrand = rand(50, 300)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif silavag < 2:
oragazm = 4
elseif razeba = 4:
if silavag = 2:
orgrand = rand(0, 100)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif silavag < 2:
orgrand = rand(50, 300)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
if razeba >= 5:
if silavag = 2:
orgrand = rand(0, 50)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif silavag < 2:
orgrand = rand(0, 100)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
if orgazm = 0:
vgape = 3
vgapetime = totminut
horny = 0
manna -= 15
willpower -= 15
'You groaned in pain when <<$boy>> penetrated, tears flowed from your eyes, and between the legs you had a feeling as if you drove a red-hot rod into your pussy. You cry and moan while a strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
if orgazm = 1:
if vgape < 2:vgape = 2
vgapetime = totminut
horny -= 10
manna -= 10
willpower -= 10
'You bit your lip in pain when <<$boy>> penetrated, you feel pain between the legs. You are frowning and moaning in pain while a strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
elseif orgazm = 2:
if vgape < 1:vgape = 1
vgapetime = totminut
horny -= 5
manna -= 5
willpower -= 5
'You flinched at the sudden pain when <<$boy>> penetrated, feeling pain between the legs, which gradually settle down and become quite tolerable. You are trying to be excited while a strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy, but you could not succeed.'
elseif orgazm = 3:
!!horny = horny + 5
manna += 5
willpower += 5
'You flinched from the feeling that your pussy is being stretched, when <<$boy>> penetrated. You have a little nice sensation between the legs while a strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
elseif orgazm = 4:
!!horny = horny + 10
manna += 10
willpower += 10
'You flinched from the feeling that your pussy is beign stretched when <<$boy>> penetrated. You have a little nice sensation between the legs while a strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the abdomen, then the feeling a decreases a little and remained until the end. '
elseif orgazm = 5:
horny = 0
manna += 15
willpower += 15
orgasm += 1
vaginalOrgasm += 1
'You are startled by a pleasant sensation when your pussy is stretched and start taking a dick. You have a very warm and pleasant feeling between the legs when a strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy. Gradually a very warm and throbbing feeling grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling descend into you and your entire body was covered into hot waves of orgasm, you involuntarily shout of pleasure writhing on edge. '
elseif orgazm = 6:
horny += 5
manna += 5
willpower += 5
'You feel as a dick gets into your pussy, when <<$boy>> penetrated. You have a nice feeling between your legs, but a <> centimeters dick is too small for your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and throbbing feeling grow in the lower abdomen, then feeling slightly reduced and remain until the end. '
if vagina <= dick:vagina += 1
elseif vagina = 0 and mesec <= 0:
horny = 0
manna -= 15
willpower -= 15
vagina += 1
'You bit your lip in pain and tears streamed from your eyes when <<$boy>> penetrated, breaking your hymen. You are weeping and moaning while a strong <> centimeter dick fucks your bloody pussy.'
if vagina < dick:vagina += 1
!!sex += 1
$sexudo = {
protect = 0
vidageday -= 1
frost = 0
if tabletki <= 0 and prezik > 0
prezik -= 1
protect = 1
'<<$boy>> took a condom and put it on his <> centimeter cock.'
if mesec > 0:
!!periods, orgasm is not possible
horny = 0
manna -= 10
willpower -= 10
'You are menstruated and yet he rams his dick inside you, menstruation blood flows slowly. You have both painful and pleasant sensations. You moan while his strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
elseif mesec <= 0 and vagina > 0:
!!no monthly
!!horny - arousal
!!vagina - elasticy of the vagina
!!silavag - skill man 0-sad sack, 1-middle pleasant 2-stud
!!dick - рenis man
!!orgazm - Total coefficient of pleasure
!!0 - very painful, 1 - it hurts, 2 - not nice, 3 - so-so, 4 - needoorgazm 5 - orgasm
smazka = horny / 10
prinat = smazka + vagina
if dick >= prinat * 2:
!!member of the critical features more years
if silavag = 0:orgazm = 0
if silavag = 1:orgazm = 1
if silavag = 2:orgazm = 2
elseif dick < prinat*2 and dick > prinat:
!!member more options gg
if silavag = 0:
if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 3
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 2
if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 1
if horny < 60:orgazm = 0
elseif silavag = 1:
if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 3
if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 2
if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 1
if horny < 50:orgazm = 0
elseif silavag = 2:
if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 60 and horny < 70:orgazm = 3
if horny >= 50 and horny < 60:orgazm = 2
if horny >= 40 and horny < 50:orgazm = 1
if horny < 40:orgazm = 0
elseif dick <= prinat and dick >= vagina:
!!Member fewer opportunities gg
if silavag = 0:
if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 60 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 3
if horny < 40:orgazm = 2
elseif silavag = 1:
if horny >= 70:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 50 and horny < 70:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 30 and horny < 50:orgazm = 3
if horny < 30:orgazm = 2
elseif silavag = 2:
if horny >= 60:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 40 and horny < 60:orgazm = 4
if horny >= 20 and horny < 40:orgazm = 3
if horny < 20:orgazm = 2
elseif dick <= prinat and dick < vagina:
if silavag = 0:
if horny >= 100:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 90 and horny < 100:orgazm = 4
if horny < 90:orgazm = 6
elseif silavag = 1:
if horny >= 90:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 80 and horny < 90:orgazm = 4
if horny < 80:orgazm = 6
elseif silavag = 2:
if horny >= 80:orgazm = 5
if horny >= 70 and horny < 80:orgazm = 4
if horny < 70:orgazm = 6
if oragazm = 5:
preOrg += 1
if razeba < 4:
if silavag = 2:
orgrand = rand(50, 300)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif silavag < 2:
oragazm = 4
elseif razeba = 4:
if silavag = 2:
orgrand = rand(0, 100)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif silavag < 2:
orgrand = rand(50, 300)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif razeba >= 5:
if silavag = 2:
orgrand = rand(0, 50)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
elseif silavag < 2:
orgrand = rand(0, 100)
if orgrand > preOrg:oragazm = 4
if orgazm = 0:
horny = 0
manna -= 15
willpower -= 15
if vgape < 3:vgape = 3
vgapetime = totminut
'You groaned in pain when <<$boy>> entered inside you, tears flowed from your eyes, and you have a feeling between your legs as if you drove a red-hot rod inside your pussy. You cry and moan while his strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
elseif orgazm = 1:
horny -= 10
manna -= 10
willpower -= 10
if vgape < 2:vgape = 2
vgapetime = totminut
'You bite your lip in pain when <<$boy>> put his dick inside you, having a painful feeling between your legs. You are frowning and moaning in pain while his strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
elseif orgazm = 2:
horny -= 5
manna -= 5
willpower -= 5
if vgape < 1:vgape = 1
vgapetime = totminut
'You winced at the sudden pain when <<$boy>> entered your pussy, feeling pain between your legs, that gradually become calm and quite tolerable. You were trying to get aroused while strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy, but you could not succeed.'
elseif orgazm = 3:
!!horny += 5
manna += 5
willpower += 5
'You are startled by the feeling that your pussy is being stretched when <<$boy>> penetrated. Having a little pleasant feeling between the legs when his strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy.'
elseif orgazm = 4:
!!horny += 10
manna += 10
willpower += 10
'You startled by the feeling that your pussy is stretched when <<$boy>> you entered. Between the legs becomes a little pleased when strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the lower abdomen, then the feeling decreases a little and remained until the end.'
elseif orgazm = 5:
horny = 0
manna += 15
willpower += 15
orgasm += 1
vaginalOrgasm += 1
'You flinched from a pleasant feeling when your pussy stretched and start taking a dick. Your pussy becomes very warm and pleasant when his strong <> centimeter dick fucks your pussy. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the lower abdomen, the feeling then descend and your entire body covered with hot waves of orgasm, you scream with pleasure writhing on edge.'
elseif orgazm = 6:
horny += 5
manna += 5
willpower += 5
'You feel when <<$boy>> entered you. You feel nice between your legs , but his <> inches dick is significantly less than your pussy and not enough for you. Gradually a pleasant warmth and pulsations is increasing in the lower abdomen, then the feeling decreases a little and remained until the end.'
if vagina <= dick:vagina += 1
elseif vagina = 0 and mesec <= 0:
horny = 0
manna -= 15
willpower -= 15
vagina += 1
'You bite your lip in pain and tears gushed from your eyes when <<$boy>> entered you, breaking your hymen. You moan while weeping as his strong <> centimeter dick fucks your bloody pussy.'
if vagina < dick:vagina += 1
sex += 1
$sexcum = {
frost = 0
if protect ! 1:
!!Unprotected sex
finrand = rand(0, 1)
if finrand = 0:
cumpussy += 1
'<<$boy>> groaned and you feel a jet of sperm fill your pussy.'
gs 'preg'
manna -= 15
willpower -= 15
if preg = 0 or preg = 1 and pregtime < 7:'Damn, (! because after all, you can fly, you thought with horror. !)'
if preg = 1 and pregtime >= 7:'You chuckled to yourself, well at least you cannot get pregnant.'
elseif finrand = 1:
if pose = 0:
cumbelly += 1
'<<$boy>> groaned and after pulling out his dick, he came on your stomach.'
elseif pose = 1:
cumass += 1
'<<$boy>> groaned and after pulling out his dick, he came on your ass.'
narrand = rand(0, 100)
if narrand = 0:gs 'preg'
if protect = 1:
protect = 0
'<<$boy>> groaned and you realized that he had came in the condom.'
prezrand = rand(0, 100)
if prezrand = 0:
'Pulling out of you and looking at his dick, <<$boy>> said "Hmm, condom burst"'
pose = 0
$analsex = {
frost = 0
if analplugin = 1:
!!!WD:No Anal Lube if Anal Plug
!!analpluginbonus = 10
lubonus = 10
analplugin = 0
'<<$boy>> has pulled out your butt plug'
if dick >= anus:anus += 3
'<<$boy>> began to massage your anus with his fingers.'
!!!WD: Replaced
!!if lubri > 0:
if lubonus = 0 and lubri > 0:
lubri -= 1
lubonus += rand(1, 5)
'You squeezed anal lube on your hand and began to smear it in your ass. Then you gave it to him and he smeared it on his dick'
if anus < 10:'He inserted three fingers into your ass and you groaned in pain.'
if anus >= 10:'He started to stretch your anus with three fingers.'
'<<$boy>> pulled his fingers out of your ass and you felt his hard cock near your hole.'
if anus + lubonus + 10 < dick:'You screamed and bit your lip from a sharp pain when his <> centimeter dick entered your ass.'
if anus + lubonus + 10 >= dick:'You moaned when his <> centimeter dick entered your ass.'
'<<$boy>> stopped for a moment, giving your ass time to adjust to his cock in it, and then started to slowly move, stretching your anus.'
if anus + lubonus + 2 < dick:
if mop > 1:mop = 0
horny -= 20
manna -= 20
if agape < 3:agape = 3
agapetime = totminut
'You cried and bit your lip when <> centimeter cock began to fuck your ass on (! full force !). Your ass felt like it was on fire and all you wanted was that this torture was over quickly.'
elseif anus + lubonus + 2 >= dick:
horny += 10
if agape < 2 and lubonus = 0:agape = 2
agapetime = totminut
'You started to moan rhythmically in time with the his cock movements inside you. You feel like your anus is stretched when his penis enters you.'
if horny >= 100:
if anal >= 10 and orgasm > 0:
manna += 20
if agape < 1 and lubonus = 0:agape = 1 & agapetime = totminut
'You moan in pleasure while his dick moves inside your ass.'
lubonus = 0
!!'Through some time <<$boy>> groaned and you feel like your ass fills a pleasant warmth.'
anal += 1
$analsex2 = {
frost = 0
if analplugin = 1:
!!!WD:No Anal Lube if Anal Plug
!!analpluginbonus = 10
lubonus = 10
analplugin = 0
'<<$boy>> pulled your butt plug out of your narrow and tight ass, '
if dick >= anus:anus += 3
'<<$boy>> began to massage your anus with his fingers.'
!!!WD: Replaced
!!if lubri > 0:
if lubonus = 0 and lubri > 0:
lubri -= 1
lubonus += rand(1, 5)
'You squeezed anal lube on your hand and began to smear it in your ass. Then you gave the guy a tube and he smeared his cock lubricated.'
if anus < 10:'When he entered three fingers in your ass you groaned in pain.'
if anus >= 10:'He started to stretch your anus with three fingers.'
'<<$boy>> pulled his fingers out of your ass and you felt his hard cock near your hole.'
!!!WD: Added lubonus
if anus + lubonus + 10 < dick:'You screamed and bit your lip from a sharp pain when his <> centimeter dick entered your ass.'
if anus + lubonus + 10 >= dick:'You moaned when his <> centimeter dick entered your ass.'
'<<$boy>> stopped for a moment, giving your ass time to adjust to his cock in it, and then started to slowly move, stretching your anus.'
if anus + lubonus + 2 < dick:
if mop > 1:mop = 0
horny -= 20
manna -= 20
if agape < 3:agape = 3
agapetime = totminut
'You cried and bit your lip when <> centimeter cock began to fuck your ass on (! full force !). Your ass felt like it was on fire and all you wanted was that this torture was over quickly.'
elseif anus + lubonus + 2 >= dick:
horny += 10
if agape < 2 and lubonus = 0:agape = 2
agapetime = totminut
'You started to moan rhythmically in time with the his cock movements inside you. You feel like your anus is stretched when his penis enters you.'
if horny >= 100:
if anal >= 10 and orgasm > 0:
manna += 20
if agape < 1 and lubonus = 0:agape = 1 & agapetime = totminut
'You moan in pleasure while his dick moves inside your ass.'
lubonus = 0
!!'Through some time <<$boy>> groaned and you feel like your ass fills a pleasant warmth.'
!!anal += 1
$analsexrude = {
frost = 0
if analplugin = 1:
!!!WD:No Anal Lube if Anal Plug
!!analpluginbonus = 10
lubonus = 10
analplugin = 0
'<<$boy>> pulled your butt plug out of your ass.'
if dick >= anus:anus += 3
'<<$boy>> tucked into your anus finger, then the second .'
if anus < 10:'When he entered three fingers in your ass you groaned in pain.'
if anus >= 10:'He started to stretch your anus with three fingers.'
'<<$boy>> pulled his fingers out of your priests and you feel his hard cock ran into your hole.'
!!!CV: Added lubonus
if anus + lubonus + 10 < dick:'You screamed and bit your lip from a sharp pain when his <> centimeter dick entered your ass.'
if anus + lubonus + 10 >= dick:'You moaned when his <> centimeter dick entered your ass.'
'<<$boy>> stopped for a moment, giving your ass time to adjust to his cock in it, and then started to slowly move, stretching your anus.'
if anus + lubonus + 2 < dick:
if mop > 1:mop = 0
horny -= 20
manna -= 20
if agape < 3:agape = 3
agapetime = totminut
'You cried and bit your lip when <> centimeter cock began to fuck your ass on (! full force !). Your ass felt like it was on fire and all you wanted was that this torture was over quickly.'
elseif anus + lubonus + 2 >= dick:
horny += 10
if agape < 2 and lubonus = 0:agape = 2
agapetime = totminut
'You started to moan rhythmically in time with the his cock movements inside you. You feel like your anus is stretched when his penis enters you.'
if horny >= 100:
if anal >= 10 and orgasm > 0:
manna += 20
if agape < 1 and lubonus = 0:agape = 1
agapetime = totminut
'You moan in pleasure while his dick moves inside your ass.'
lubonus = 0
cumanus += 1
'Through some time <<$boy>> groaned and you feel like your ass fills a pleasant warmth.'
anal += 1
--- dinSex ---------------------------------
# din2
$din_street_cum = {
if cumfrot > 0 or cumface > 0:
if hour >= 7 and hour <= 21:
manna -= 10
'Passers puzzled turn around staring at you. Some pictures on the phone you do not entirely hiding and giggling at you. You clearly noticeable sperm.'
$d_read_book = {
act 'Read the book':
gs 'stat'
if f_book <= 0 and fantasybook <= 0 and w_book = 0 and womanbook = 0:'You scratch your head looking at already read the book "Eh, even read nothing, a walk or something on the market for a new book?"'
if f_book > 0:if fantasybook <= 0:fantasybook = 5 & f_book -= 1
if f_book > 0:'You still <> do not read fantasy novels.'
if fantasybook > 0:
act 'Read fantasy book. There are <> more pages to read (1:00)':
fantasybook -= 1
if fantasybook = 0:totalbook += 1
minut += 60
if nerdism > 0:
lastread = totminut
lastreadday = daystart
nerdism += 1
blizoruk += 1
gs 'stat'
if nerdism > 0:
manna += 100
if stren > 1:stren -= 1
if vital > 5:vital -= 1
'Within an hour you enthusiastically read the book completely live in what is happening.'
manna += 10
'Within an hour you read the book.'
act 'close this book':gt $loc
if w_book > 0:
if womanbook <= 0:womanbook = 5 & w_book -= 1
if w_book > 0:'You still <> not read the novel female.'
if womanbook > 0:
act 'Read Women`s Novel. There are <> more pages to read (1:00)':
womanbook -= 1
if womanbook = 0:totalbook += 1
minut += 60
if nerdism > 0:
lastread = totminut
lastreadday = daystart
nerdism += 1
blizoruk += 1
gs 'stat'