# rinwork if $ARGS[0] = 'start': $answerrin = { if tipred = pokti: if pokvnirand = 0: pokpay = RAND(1000,1200) end if pokvnirand = 1: pokpay = RAND(1200,1500) end if pokvnirand = 2: pokpay = RAND(1500,2000) end else $rinitog = '<<$poktip>> puts the thing in place and leaves' pokupatel = 0 end } $answerrin2 = { act 'Name the price': cla prodpay = input ("Enter the selling price") if prodpay < 1000: prodpay = prodpayum 'You set a price in <> rubles' if prodpay <= pokpay: poknorand = RAND(1,100 + vnesh) if poknorand >= 10: rinmon += prodpay rinvesh += 1 'Buyer collected and paid item <> rubles' act 'Trading on': gt 'rinwork','start' else 'Buyer twirls thing in your hands <> RR is too expensive' dynamic $answerrin3 act 'Less I can not (take the thing)': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if prodpay > pokpay and prodpay <= pokpay + 100: poknorand = RAND(1,100 + vnesh) if poknorand >= 10: 'Buyer twirls thing in your hands <> RR is too expensive' dynamic $answerrin3 act 'Less I can not (take the thing)': gt 'rinwork','start' else 'Buyer puts thing into place and leaves' act 'Trading on': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if prodpay > pokpay+100: 'Buyer puts thing into place and leaves' act 'Trading on': gt 'rinwork','start' end end } $answerrin3 = { if prodpay >= 1100: act 'Reduce the price of 100 rubles': cla 'You have reduced the price to 100 rubles.' poknorand = RAND(1,100 + vnesh) if poknorand >= 10: rinmon += prodpay - 100 rinvesh += 1 'Buyer collected and paid item <> rubles' act 'Trading on': gt 'rinwork','start' else 'Buyer puts thing into place and leaves' act 'Trading on': gt 'rinwork','start' end end end if prodpay >= 1050: act 'Reduce the price of 50 rubles': cla 'You have reduced the price to 50 rubles.' poknorand = RAND(1,100 + vnesh) if poknorand >= 30: rinmon += prodpay - 50 rinvesh += 1 'Buyer collected and paid item <> rubles' act 'Trading on': gt 'rinwork','start' else 'Buyer puts thing into place and leaves' act 'Trading on': gt 'rinwork','start' end end end } cla *clr gs 'stat' '
' '
' 'You stand in the tray with the clothes in anticipation of buyers.' 'At the box office <> rubles, Sales <> things.' 'The average price on the market <>' if hour = 14: 'Arthur came to you and you started to calculate how much you should give to Arthur.' act 'Giving money to Arthur': cla *clr rinart = rinvesh * 1000 rinmon = rinmon - rinart money += rinmon 'You gave Arthur <> per sold <> things.' 'Today you have earned <> rubles' gs 'stat' if rinart < arturplan: arturnoo += 1 'Uh, Svetka, bad work, not enough money. You´re so razorish me completely.' else arturyes += 1 'Maladets Svetik, good job.' end if arturnoo > arturyes: arturnoo = arturnoo - arturyes & arturyes = 0 if arturyes > arturnoo: arturyes = arturyes - arturnoo & arturnoo = 0 if arturnoo = arturyes: arturnoo = 0 & arturyes = 0 rinmon = 0 rinvesh = 0 if arturnoo > 10: arturnoo = 0 work = 0 workrin = 0 'Uh, you´ve fucked savsem. Here´s your labor. Hit the road that I did not see you anymore!' act 'Leave': gt 'street' exit end Set rinrand = RAND(1,100) if rinrand < vnesh and palevorin = 0 and rinhoz = 0: '(Arthur) - Wai Svetik, you and I have not even met properly. Come into the container, ate barbecue, drink and get acquainted.' act 'Refuse': cla 'You become otnekivatsya Arthur told you. Wai, why insult, you have here the tray is not cleaned, dust, dirt, I´m fine and I can take you.' act 'Okay, let´s go have a drink': gt 'RynokHoz','start' act 'No.': cla arturplan += 1000 if money >= 1000: money -= 1000 'Wai, you dirty things, to give a thousand rubles, which is fine. Arthur gave you money.' else 'Okay, go already.' end act 'Leave.': gt 'street' end end act 'Come': gt 'RynokHoz','start' exit end if rinrand < vnesh and palevorin = 0 and rinhoz = 1: '(Arthur) - Wai Svetik. Come into the container, ate barbecue, drink, rest. He walked right up to you and slapped on the ass with his hand.' act 'Refuse': cla 'You become otnekivatsya Arthur told you. Wai, why insult, you have here the tray is not cleaned, dust, dirt, I´m fine and I can take you.' act 'Okay, let´s go have a drink': gt 'RynokHoz','start' act 'No.': cla arturplan += 1000 if money >= 1000: money -= 1000 'Wai, you dirty things, to give a thousand rubles, which is fine. Arthur gave you money.' else 'Okay, go already.' end act 'Leave.': gt 'street' end end act 'Come': gt 'RynokHoz','start' exit end act 'Leave work': gt 'street' end exit end if hour < 14: pokrand = RAND(0,1) if pokrand = 0: $pokup = 'Buyers can not see.' pokupatel = 0 '' 'Market is Aunt Katya with trolley in which it carries cakes and coffee.' end if pokrand = 1: poktiprand = RAND(0,7) pokupatel = 1 if poktiprand = 0:$pokup = 'To the tray approached middle-aged man.' & $poktip = 'Man'&pokti = 1 if poktiprand = 1:$pokup = 'To the tray approached by a young man.' & $poktip = 'Guy'&pokti = 2 if poktiprand = 2:$pokup = 'Guy came to the tray teenager.' & $poktip = 'Boy'&pokti = 3 if poktiprand = 3:$pokup = 'A woman came up to the tray.' & $poktip = 'Woman'&pokti = 1 if poktiprand = 4:$pokup = 'Girl came to the tray.' & $poktip = 'Girl'&pokti = 2 if poktiprand = 5:$pokup = 'To the tray approached teen girl.' & $poktip = 'Girlfriend'&pokti = 3 if poktiprand = 6:$pokup = 'Approached the old man to the tray.' & $poktip = 'Old man'&pokti = 0 if poktiprand = 7:$pokup = 'Grandma went to the tray.' & $poktip = 'Granny'&pokti = 0 end '<<$pokup>>' if pokupatel = 1: act 'What do you want?': cla minut += 15 pokvnirand = RAND(0,2) if pokvnirand = 0: '<<$poktip>> without interest examines selling things.' end if pokvnirand = 1: '<<$poktip>> with interest examining selling things.' end if pokvnirand = 2: '<<$poktip>> picks up the item.' end !dynamic $answerrin act 'Now it is very fashionable': cla tipred = 3 dynamic $answerrin '<<$rinitog>>' if pokupatel = 0: act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' if pokupatel = 1: '<<$poktip>> asks you for a price' dynamic $answerrin2 end end act 'Thing is very high quality and reliable': cla tipred = 1 dynamic $answerrin '<<$rinitog>>' if pokupatel = 0: act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' if pokupatel = 1: '<<$poktip>> asks you for a price' dynamic $answerrin2 end end act 'Give not expensive': cla tipred = 0 dynamic $answerrin '<<$rinitog>>' if pokupatel = 0: act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' if pokupatel = 1: '<<$poktip>> asks you for a price' dynamic $answerrin2 end end act 'You are very': cla tipred = 2 dynamic $answerrin '<<$rinitog>>' if pokupatel = 0: act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' if pokupatel = 1: '<<$poktip>> asks you for a price' dynamic $answerrin2 end end end end act 'Laze around (0:15)': minut += 15 gt 'rinwork','start' end if hour = 9: rintakrand = RAND(0,5) if rintakrand = 0: $rintak = 'The tray in front of Hassan unloads clothes saleswoman Nadia.' act 'See Hassan and Nadia': cla minut += 15 talkrand = RAND(0,2) if talkrand = 0: 'Nadia Hassan utters. "Today you will sell more, and then the fine ladies, I need the money."' if talkrand = 1: 'Hassan opens trunks and puts clothes on the counter.' if talkrand = 2: 'Hassan drags trunks to his tray.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 1: $rintak = 'In the next tray Abdul talking loudly gives clothes saleswoman Anna.' act 'Look at Abdul and Anna': cla minut += 15 talkrand = RAND(0,2) if talkrand = 0: 'Abdul swears. "You´re fucked, you can not sell anything!" Anna retorts, "you told me so rotten shit for sale give, take it nobody wants."' if talkrand = 1: 'Abdul slapped ass Anna, she pretended that nothing happened.' if talkrand = 2: 'Abdul drags trunks to his tray.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 2: $rintak = 'Abdul Hassan and stand beside your tray and about something guttural talking.' act 'View on Caucasians': cla minut += 15 talkrand = RAND(0,2) if talkrand = 0: 'Abdul Hassan and continue to talk about something, you do not know the language, and what they say can not understand.' if talkrand = 1: 'Abdul Hassan pyalyatsya you and discussing what is yuk.' if talkrand = 2: 'Abdul looks at you and says Hassan, "Look what a girl, sponges persik, wah."' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 3: $rintak = 'Anna hanging clothes in the tray and shouting with Nadia.' act 'Chat with sex': cla annaQW += 1 NadiaQW += 1 minut += 15 talkrand = RAND(0,2) if talkrand = 0: 'Anya raskazyvaet that her skirt had to alter, so here is a Jew great tailor, he works in an office building.' if clener = 0: clener = 1 end if talkrand = 1: 'Nadia tells her how the subway molested what that pervert ass rubbed against a member.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 4: $rintak = 'Arthur is talking about something with Abdullah.' act 'View on Caucasians': cla minut += 15 talkrand = RAND(0,2) if talkrand = 0: 'Abdul and Arthur continue to talk about something, you do not know the language, and what they say can not understand.' if talkrand = 1: 'Abdul and Arthur pyalyatsya you and discussing what is yuk.' if talkrand = 2: 'Abdul looks at you and says Arthur, "Look what a girl, sponges persik, wah."' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 5: $rintak = 'Arthur, Abdul Hassan and neighing loudly and talk about something not on the plain language.' act 'View on Caucasians': cla minut += 15 talkrand = RAND(0,2) if talkrand = 0: 'Caucasians continue to talk about something, you do not know the language, and what they say can not understand.' if talkrand = 1: 'Caucasians pyalyatsya you and discussing what is yuk.' if talkrand = 2: 'Abdul looks at you and says other Caucasians, "Look what a girl, sponges persik, wah."' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end '<<$rintak>>' end if hour = 10: rintakrand = RAND(0,5) if rintakrand = 0: $rintak = 'Hassan sitting on a chair dejectedly cheburek chews and talks with his mouth full with a saleswoman Nadia.' act 'See Hasan': cla minut += 15 'Hassan says Nadia "Nadia, zachem ti refuse? Encroach Shlyk, have some wine."' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 1: $rintak = 'The tray is sitting in front of Nadia and crossword puzzles.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !annaQW += 1 NadiaQW += 1 minut += 15 'Nadia leaves the crossword and willingly support the conversation about any nonsense.' if clener = 0: clener = 1 'Nadia tells about a Jew tailor working in an office building.' end act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 2: $rintak = 'The tray in front of buyers came to Nadia and she fusses before laying them goods.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !annaQW += 1 NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Nadia is not happy, light, no distractions, I have buyers.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 3: $rintak = 'In the next tray Anna drinking coffee.' act 'Chat with Anna': cla annaQW += 1 !NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Anya support chat with you and tells you what nonsense.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 4: $rintak = 'In the next tray Anna tries vtyuhat buyers stale goods.' act 'Chat with Anna': cla annaQW -= 1 !NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Anya is not happy, light, no distractions, I have buyers.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 5: $rintak = 'Anna talks about trifles with Aunt Katya.' act 'Chat with Anna and Aunt Katya': cla annaQW += 1 !NadiaQW += 1 tetaKataQW += 1 minut += 15 'Aunt Katya praises pies and Anya complains that it currently has on these patties Naela ass twice more than it was ..' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end '<<$rintak>>' end if hour = 11: rintakrand = RAND(0,5) if rintakrand = 0: $rintak = 'By Nadia approached by three Caucasian, Aslan, Camille and Mukhtar and began to molest her, and she swore at them and tried to dodge.' act 'Look at Nadia and Caucasians.': cla !annaQW += 1 !NadiaQW += 1 !tetaKataQW += 1 minut += 15 'Caucasians seem to be leaning toward sex Nadia.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 1: $rintak = 'The tray is sitting in front of Nadia and eating cake.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !annaQW += 1 NadiaQW += 1 minut += 15 'Nadia leaves the crossword and willingly support the conversation about any nonsense.' if clener = 0: clener = 1 'Nadia tells about a Jew tailor working in an office building.' end act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 2: $rintak = 'The tray in front of buyers came to Nadia and she fusses before laying them goods.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !annaQW += 1 NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Nadia is not happy, light, no distractions, I have buyers.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 3: $rintak = 'In the next tray Anna reading the newspaper.' act 'Chat with Anna': cla annaQW += 1 !NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Anya support chat with you and tells you what nonsense.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 4: $rintak = 'By Ana from a nearby tray approached buyers.' act 'Chat with Anna': cla annaQW -= 1 !NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Anya is not happy, light, no distractions, I have buyers.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 5: $rintak = 'By Ana approached by three Caucasian, Aslan, Camille and Mukhtar and began to molest her, she excuses and mostly scared silent.' act 'Look at Anya and Caucasians.': cla !annaQW += 1 !NadiaQW += 1 !tetaKataQW += 1 minut += 15 'Caucasians seem to be leaning toward sex Anya.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end '<<$rintak>>' end if hour = 12: rintakrand = RAND(0,5) if rintakrand = 0: $rintak = 'Hasan bought cheburek and eating it while sitting behind Nadi in the tray.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !annaQW += 1 NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Nadia shy to talk with Hassan.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 1: $rintak = 'Nadia Thorog with buyers.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !annaQW += 1 NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Nadia is not happy, light, no distractions, I have buyers.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 2: $rintak = 'Nadia talks with Anna.' act 'Chat with sex': cla annaQW += 1 NadiaQW += 1 minut += 15 talkrand = RAND(0,2) if talkrand = 0: 'Anya raskazyvaet that her skirt had to alter, so here is a Jew great tailor, he works in an office building.' if clener = 0: clener = 1 end if talkrand = 1: 'Nadia tells her how the subway molested what that pervert ass rubbed against a member.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 3: $rintak = 'Anya sells clothing buyers.' act 'Chat with Anna': cla annaQW -= 1 !NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Anya is not happy, light, no distractions, I have buyers.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 4: $rintak = 'Anya drinking coffee sitting at his tray.' act 'Chat with Anna': cla annaQW += 1 !NadiaQW -= 1 minut += 15 'Anya support chat with you and tells you what nonsense.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end if rintakrand = 5: $rintak = 'Nadia idleness catches flies.' act 'Chat with Nadia': cla !annaQW += 1 NadiaQW += 2 minut += 15 'Nadia glad though what that entertainment and fun to chat with you.' act 'Further': gt 'rinwork','start' end end '<<$rintak>>' end if hour = 13: rintakrand = RAND(0,5) if rintakrand = 0: $rintak = 'Hassan began to slowly collect the goods from Nadi.' end if rintakrand = 1: $rintak = 'Anya sits and calculates profit per day.' end if rintakrand = 2: $rintak = 'Nadia calculates profit per day.' end if rintakrand = 3: $rintak = 'Abdul began to collect the goods from Ani.' end if rintakrand = 4: $rintak = 'Past your tray was Arthur.' end if rintakrand = 5: $rintak = 'Aunt Katya ends trade pies and seems to leave.' end '<<$rintak>>' end if money >= 200: act 'Buy snack for 200 rubles (0:15)': cla *clr gs 'stat' tetaKataQW += 1 '
' set minut += 15 set health += 10 set manna += 20 money -= 200 if energy >= 30: set fat += 5 'You can no longer have.' end if energy >= 20 and energy < 30: set fat += 3 set energy += 10 'You pushed through the power of a meal.' end if energy < 20: set energy += 20 !set fat += 1 'You gladly ate cooked food.' end if water >= 20: 'Coffee you no longer climbs.' end if water < 20: 'You gladly drank a mug of coffee.' set water += 20 end act 'Throw leftovers': gt 'rinwork','start' end end end end --- rinwork ---------------------------------