# qwmeet2 $qwmeetkatdy = { 'After the kiss, Vladimir took you by the hand went to acquaint you with your friends. Near the motor yacht talked two men and one woman.' 'Vladimir brought you to the thin one man is not of a certain age, with a rigid, fastidious person. This Nicholas is <<$name>>.' act 'Very nice': cls minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
' '
' 'Nicholas did not close the flashing eyes looked at you and said politely pointed "Very nice."' 'Vladimir brought you to the girl standing next to Nicholas and introduced you to each other. "It´s Isolde is <<$name>>."' act 'Very nice': cls minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
' '
' 'Young blonde smiled at and greeted you.' 'Vladimir brought you to my second friend. "It Vitaly is <<$name>>."' act 'Very nice': cls minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
' '
' 'The man looked at you mad eyes and smiled. "Hello beautiful, welcome to our warm company"' 'Vladimir looked "Well, since we´re all here, let´s go on the boat." Nicholas looked at the driver´s glory. "Hey Banzai, lend and moorings at the helm." Asian nodded and began fussing around the boat.' act 'Vzayti aboard boats': cls minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
The boat
' '
' 'You boarded the boat and Asian Glory which Nicholas called Banzai cast off and deftly jumped on the boat. Glory started the boat and rushed to the river at full speed.' 'Nicholas sat down on a seat on the deck beside him and Vitaly flopped. Vladimir started fussing on the deck but Nicholas interrupted him "Vova, stop running, let us make love to girls. Sit down and talk."' 'Isolde, after Nicholas ducked into the cabin.' act 'Go to the cabin after Isolde': cls minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
' '
' 'The cabin was a box with a variety of provisions and Isolde competently serve food on a tray. She nodded to the tomatoes, cut yourself yet. You started taking a knife to cut tomatoes.' act 'Ask about her and Nicholas': cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You asked that binds her and Nicholas. Isolde immediately responded, "We are not married but dating. Nicholas blank, do not have anyone Nigo, no wife, no children. He´s a very influential person in the city, with one mention of it all start to go toe the line."' 'Nicholas mediates and resolves a variety of issues and disputes. The very same Isolde according to her works in one his room, he does almost nothing and gets not a bad salary. Nicholas gave her there.' act 'Ask about Vitali.': cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You asked who is Vitaly. Isolde shrugged, "do not really know, Nikolai his cop calls. So probably he is cop."' act 'Ask about the glory.': cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'You asked whether she knows the glory, she smiled, "I do not know, but all the time around the Banzai Koli rubs, he rubbed his driver to Vovka. Brazen and crazy type, a really great driver. He kind of master of sport of racing."' act 'Come on deck with a tray.': gt 'qwpaluba' end end end end end end end end } $qwslavady = { 'Glory is not looking at you said "<<$name>>, where you met Volodya?"' 'You´re a little surprised that the driver called his boss told him but Volodya that you meet in the park.' 'The driver smiled "Yeah I remember. Carried I have it in the park with his wife and child. Then you already know that he has a wife and child, and?"' 'You nodded, "Yes, he told me." Glory chuckled avoiding another car at full speed "is clear. Cinderella found her prince on a white horse."' 'Police siren wailed from behind and began to demand that the megaphone would audi stopped. Glory and laughed even harder pressed the gas to the floor. "Not even a man who was born to catch up with me."' 'The machine flew quite a crazy speed and cars moving in the same direction disappeared behind you without having appear before you. Glory brought the car out of the city and sirens became audible. He grinned, "I told them thin intestine catch up with me."' 'Soon audi flew to the river and stopped near the pier on which are so few people. Glory out of the car and helped you vybratsya.' 'To you walked Vladimir.' act 'Give a kiss on the cheek': cls '
' '
' 'You framed cheek and gently kissed you, Vladimir.' dynamic $qwmeetkatdy end act 'Kiss on the lips': cls '
' '
' 'You kissed the lips of Vladimir. Its strong and firm lips gently digging into your soft and gentle sponge.' dynamic $qwmeetkatdy end } minut += 3 gs 'stat' '
' 'Glory smiled and gestured you get in the car on the front passenger seat.' act 'Sit next to the driver.': cls minut += 3 gs 'stat' '
' 'You took a seat next to the driver. Glory came to the door and slammed it shut. He walked over to his seat and sat behind the wheel moved. Glory again flew through the city spit on traffic lights, signs and other cars.' dynamic $qwslavady end act 'Sit in the back seat.': cls minut += 3 gs 'stat' '
' 'You defiantly took a backseat and Glory hmyknuv shut the door behind you. He walked over to his seat and sat behind the wheel moved. Glory again flew through the city spit on traffic lights, signs and other cars.' dynamic $qwslavady end --- qwmeet2 ---------------------------------