# bedrPar $metkaM = $ARGS[0] $locM = $CURLOC $metka = $ARGS[0] $loc = $CURLOC '
Your bedroom
' '
' clr set minut += 1 gs 'stat' fcolor="rgb"(0, 0, 0) bcolor="rgb"(255, 255, 255) lcolor="rgb"(106, 90, 205) 'Small room in which hardly squeezed cabinet, your bed, desk bed and sisters.' gs 'family' act 'Leave the room':gt 'korrPar' if student > 0 and kursovik < 100: act 'Write coursework (1:00)': cla *clr set minut += 60 set kursovik += rand(intel/20, intel/10) if kursovik > 100:set kursovik = 100 set manna -= 10 '
' 'You sat on the course work and prepared her for <> percent.' act 'Exit':gt $curloc end end if horny >= 50 and sisterHere = 0: act 'Masturbate':gt 'selfplay' end if pornMagazine > 0:'Under the mattress you have hidden pornozhurnal.' if sisterHere = 0 and pornMagazine > 0:dynamic $d_read_porn dynamic $d_read_book if tovarL > 0:'You have kept <> One unit of small goods. The maximum you can keep in your room 30 One unit of product.' if card > 0: act 'Take a deck of cards':gt'card' end if dur > 0: 'You have hidden <> doses pale lady' end if dur > 0 and narkday ! day: act 'Nyuhnut pale lady 5 min': cla *clr set minut += 5 set narkday = day set health = vital * 10 + stren * 5 set willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5 set manna = intel * magik + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo set horny = 100 set nark += 10 set dur -= 1 '
' 'You otsypali dose of powder and its nyuhnuli, then you feel just fine.' act 'Leave':gt $curloc end end --- bedrPar ---------------------------------