# korrPar ACT 'Go to your room': gt 'bedrPar' END ACT 'Go to my parents'' room': gt 'bedrPar2' END ACT 'Going to the living room': gt 'sitrPar' END ACT 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'vanrPar' END ACT 'Go to the kitchen': gt 'kuhrPar' END ACT 'Go to the street': if nude = 0: gt 'gorodok' else msg 'You are not dressed' gt $curloc end END $metkaM = $ARGS[0] $locM = $CURLOC $metka = $ARGS[0] $loc = $CURLOC set popolaini = 0 set saunaYouRoom = 0 set boycherdaksex = 0 '
' '
' clr frost = 0 set minut += 1 gs 'stat' bonusZ = 0 fcolor = rgb(0,0,0) bcolor = rgb(255,255,255) LCOLOR = rgb(106,90,205) 'On the wall near the front door hanging mirror.' if palto > 0: 'Hanging on the hook <<$palto>>' gs 'family' if hour >= 16 and hour <= 20: if schoolprogul > 2 and SchoolAtestat = 0: cls gs 'stat' '
' '
' if schoolPredupr = 3: SchoolBlock = 1 ParHomeBlock = 1 schoolprogul = 0 'In the corridor you vsrechaet mother, her eyes thundered. "Doprygat? Thee out of high school. All live the way you want, I am no longer a mother!" Mother gathered your things in a bag, put the bag in your hands and thrown by the scruff of the apartment.' act 'Leave': gt 'gorodok' exit end if schoolPredupr = 1: schoolPredupr = 2 schoolprogul = 0 Suspeh -= 40 'In the corridor you vsrechaet mother, her eyes thundered. "That was the school. Again You absenteeism. You already want to exclude from school, I was literally on his knees begging the directors can not exclude you and give you one last chance to reform. More because of you I will not be humiliated and remember. Next time you Departure from school! And if you fly out of school, I will personally kick him out of the house if you do not understand a normal relationship, then get out, no one does not keep you here! "Mother angrily left the room.' end if schoolPredupr = 0: schoolPredupr = 1 mother = 0 schoolprogul = 0 Suspeh -= 20 'In the corridor you vsrechaet mother, her eyes thundered. "That was the school. You solid absenteeism. For the first time you have forgiven, but the next you just kicked. What are you doing, balbeska?" Mother angrily left the room.' end act 'move away': gt $curloc exit end end if hour >= 15 and hour < 20: if Gcall = 0: numnpcboy = 0 :markboyfrendcall numnpcboy += 1 if otnBoyFrend[numnpcboy] >= 20 and boyinday[numnpcboy]!day: Gcall = 1 jump 'markboyfrendcall2' end if numboyFrend > numnpcboy: jump 'markboyfrendcall' end else if Gcall > 0: Gcall = 0 end :markboyfrendcall2 if Gcall > 0: 'In the hallway rings phone.' if motherWorry = 1: gt 'mother' --- korrPar ---------------------------------