# IgorHanter gs 'boyStat', 'A173' $boybody = 'high' $boybod = 'athletic' $boyface = 'brunette' boypic = 31 finance = 1 vneshBoy = 8 $boyClo = 'dressed in jeans and a sweater.' figurBoy = 1 titBoy = 1 haerBoy = 3 harakBoy = 1 izvrat = 0 boyage = year - ((npc_dob['A173'] - (npc_dob['A173'] mod 10000)) / 10000) boy_birth_date = 9 boy_birth_month = 6 gs'stat' temp = rand(1,5) '
Igor Anisimov
' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/igorhanter.jpg">
' 'Igor is one of the familiar hunters, he comes to visit Andrew hunt. He <> years. He is not married and lives in the Center..' if hantersIgorQw < 0:'You and him had a bad relationship, he seems to hold on you some offense.' if hantersIgorQw >= 0 and hantersIgorQw < 10:'You have a normal relationship with him.' if hantersIgorQw >= 10 and hantersIgorQw < 20:'You have friendly relations with him.' if hantersIgorQw >= 20 and hantersIgorQw < 25:'It looks like you simpatiziruet.' if hantersIgorQw >= 25 and hantersIgorQw < 30:'It looks like he`s in love with you.' if hantersIgorQw >= 30 and hantersIgorQw <= 35:'It looks like he you love him.' if hantersIgorQw > 35 :'You love him.' if hantersIgorLove = 1:'You two love each other.' if hantersIgorLove = 2:'<<$boydesc>> is your boyfriend.' if hantersIgorLove = 3:'<<$boydesc>> is your husband.' act 'Chat': cls minut += 60 if hantersIgorQw < 10:hantersIgorQw += 1 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/talk1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg">
' if hantersIgorQw >= 0:'You have a chat with Igor, listening to interesting stories from his life, and telling your.' if hantersIgorQw < 0:'You talk to Igor. He frowns and behaves not very friendly, but still supports the conversation.' act'Further':gt $loc, $metka end if hantersIgorQw >= 10: if hantersIgorLove = 0: act 'Flirt': cls if hantersIgorQw <= 35 and hantersKnowSlut = 0:hantersIgorQw += 1 if hantersAndreiQw >= 10 and hantersKnowSlut = 0:hantersAndreiQw -= 1 if hantersSergeiQw >= 10 and hantersKnowSlut = 0:hantersSergeiQw -= 1 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterflirt1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg">
' 'You spread with Igor playful attitudes and vengeance flirting. He is glad of your company, and once you notice it wandering a clear view.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 120 gs 'stat' if hantersIgorLove = 0 and hantersIgorQw >= 35 and hantersKnowSlut = 0 and bfA = 1 and pcs_apprnc >= 60: cls gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss1.jpg">
' 'You smile sweetly at Igor and flirt with him. Suddenly Igor brings to you his face, you can feel his breath on my skin, smell the scent of his body, which delicate notes wafted to you. Slowly, afraid to startle you, Igor touches your cheek and you with a sinking heart, watching as his lips close to your...' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5 gs 'stat' act 'Answer kiss': cls pcs_mood = 100 hantersIgorLove = 1 hantersIgorQw += 1 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss2.jpg">
' 'Your lips touch, you heart stops and breathing. Igor gently kisses you and you answer him, clinging harder to his lips.' gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5 gs 'stat' if pcs_horny >= 40: act'Further': cls minut += 5 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss3.jpg">
' '- <<$pcs_nickname>>, I want you, - whispered in your ear <<$boydesc>>, when your lips finally parted. Seeing that you don`t mind, Igor gently took you by the hand and led him.' act 'Go':gt'HanterLoveSex' end else act'Further': cls minut += 5 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss3.jpg">
' '- It was amazing, <<$pcs_nickname>>, - whispered in your ear <<$boydesc>>, when your lips finally parted. You melt in his hands, seeing his happy look and a smile.' act'Further':gt $loc, $metka end end end act 'To remove the face': cls minut += 5 hantersIgorQw -= 50 gs'stat' '
> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg">
' ' - No, <<$boydesc>>, don`t need this, you said, and trying not to look at rasteryalsya guy left.' act'Go':gt $loc, $metka end else act'Depart':gt $loc, $metka end end else act 'Spend time together': cls pcs_mood = 100 hantersIgorQw += 1 if hantersSergeiLove > 0 or hantersAndreiLove > 0:hanterslut += 1 if hantersSergeiLove = 0 and hantersAndreiLove = 0:hanterslut -= 1 if hantersIgorLove = 2:bfA += 1 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterlove1.'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg">
' 'You need with Igor along time softly cooing kisses and hugs. He is glad of your company, you can`t help but notice its full of happiness look, and it makes you want to sing and fly.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 120 gs 'stat' act'Depart':gt $loc, $metka end end end if hantersIgorLove > 0 and pcs_horny >= 60: act 'Stick': cls hantersIgorQw += 1 hantersIgorsex += rand(12,36) gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterflirt2.'+rand(1,6)+'.jpg">
' 'You absolutely insolently wink Igor, languid sigh, swiping a tongue across the lips and Igor, all knowing, takes you by the hand and leads.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10 gs 'stat' act 'Go':gt'HanterLoveSex' end end if hantersIgorLove > 0 and pcs_horny <= 60 and hantersIgorQw >= 10 and temp = 1 and hantersIgorsex = 0: cls hantersIgorsex += rand(12,36) gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterlove1.4.jpg">
' 'You walked up to Igor to spend time together, but he suddenly stared at your lips with a passionate kiss and whispered:' '- <<$pcs_nickname>>, I want you.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5 gs 'stat' act 'Agree': cls minut += 5 hantersIgorQw += 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterflirt2.'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg">
' 'Smiling you wink Igor. He, all knowing, takes you by the hand and leads.' act 'Go':gt'HanterLoveSex' end act 'Decline': cls minut += 5 hantersIgorQw -= 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg">
' ' - No, <<$boydesc>>, not now, you said, and trying not to look at rasteryalsya guy left.' act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka end end if hantersIgorLove > 0: act 'Part with a guy': cls minut += 5 hantersIgorLove = 0 if hantersIgorLove = 2:bfA = 0 hantersIgorQw -= 100 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/brosila.jpg">
' ' - <<$boydesc>>, I decided that our relationship had no future, and we must part, you said, and trying not to look at rasteryalsya guy left.' act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka end end act'Depart':gt $loc, $metka if hantersIgorQw < 10 and hantersIgorLove > 0: cls minut += 5 hantersIgorLove = 0 if hantersIgorLove = 2:bfA = 0 hantersIgorQw -= 10 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/brosil.jpg">
' 'You wanted to talk to Igor, but he is ahead of you, not allowing to tell you to say nislova.' ' - <<$pcs_nickname>>, I realized that our relationship had no future, and we need to leave, " he said, and trying not to look in your direction, resolutely walked away.' ' - Well , maybe it`s for the best, " you thought, going in the other direction.' act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka end if hantersIgorLove < 2 and hantersIgorQw >= 35 and hantersKnowSlut = 0 and bfA < 1 and hour >= 8 and hour < 20 and pcs_apprnc >= 60: cls minut += 1 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss1.jpg">
' 'Suddenly <<$boydesc>> brought to you by your face, you felt his breath on my skin, faint aroma of his body, which delicate notes wafted to you. Slowly, afraid to startle you, Igor touched your fingers to your cheek and you with a sinking heart I felt his lips on my lips...' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 1 gs 'stat' act 'Answer kiss': cls !stopboy = 0 $boyA = $boy $boybodyA = $boybody $boybodA = $boybod $boyfaceA = $boyface dickA = dick silaVagA = silaVag financeA = finance vneshBoyA = vneshBoy $boyCloA = $boyClo figurBoyA = figurBoy titBoyA = titBoy haerBoyA = haerBoy harakBoyA = harakBoy boyageA = boyage boydayA = day bfA = 1 daya = 0 boyonceA = 0 izvratA = izvrat giftDayA = 0 giftNumA = 0 love = 0 boypicA = boypic hantersIgorLove = 2 pcs_mood = 100 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss2.jpg">
' 'Your lips touch, you heart stops and breathing. <<$boydesc>> gently kisses you and you answer him, clinging harder to his lips.' gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5 gs 'stat' if pcs_horny >= 40: act'Further': cls minut += 5 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss3.jpg">
' '- <<$pcs_nickname>>, I want you, - whispered in your ear <<$boydesc>>, when your lips finally parted. Seeing that you don`t mind, Igor gently took you by the hand and led him.' act 'Go':gt'HanterLoveSex' end else act'Further': cls minut += 5 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss3.jpg">
' '- It was amazing, <<$pcs_nickname>>, - whispered in your ear <<$boydesc>>, when your lips finally parted. You melt in his hands, seeing his happy look and a smile.' act'Further':gt $loc, $metka end end end act 'To remove the face': cls minut += 5 hantersIgorQw -= 50 gs'stat' '
> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg">
' ' - No, <<$boydesc>>, don`t need this, you said, and trying not to look at rasteryalsya guy left.' act'Go':gt $loc, $metka end end --- IgorHanter ---------------------------------