# alterStart StoryLine = 1 prezikProver = 3 brothersawpirsF = 0 umbrella = 1 $name = 'Svetlana' $surname = 'Lebedev' !!!0.2.6 addition $nickname = 'Sveta' !!! age = 16 vidage = 15 year = 2015 year_start = 2015 month = 8 $month = 'August' day = 29 week = 5 $week = 'Friday' hour = 9 birthyear = year - age !!body rost = 170 fat = 60 salo = 60 dick = 0 energy = 60 water = 60 son = 70 !!stats stren = 10 strenbuf = 10 speed = 10 agil = 10 agilbuf = 10 vital = 10 vitalbuf = 10 intel = 10 will = 10 react = 10 magik = 0 health = vital * 10 + stren * 5 willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5 manna = (intel * magik) + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo nastjaQW = 0 sisboyday = -2 money = 50 vidageday = 300 housrA = 0 cheap[69] = 1 cheapH[69] = 70 odevnesh = 0 lobok = 3 leghair -= 5 mop = 1 housr = 0 tanga = 1 cheap[15] = 1 cheapH[15] = 100 cheapB[15] = 70 gs 'clothing', 'wear', 'cheap', 15 cltarelka = 0 fairy = 0 eda = 0 clrbelo = 10 poroshok = 0 shampoo = 0 sanpad = 20 opPRE = 0 daystart = 1 school[6] = 1 exercise[4] = 1 exerciseH[4] = 100 cheap[10] = 1 cheapH[10] = 100 cheapB[10] = 70 coat[5] = 1 defaultcoat = 5 $holyday = 'Summer holidays' if player_avatar = 0: glacol = 1 glaraz = 2 hcol = 1 lip = 2 end father = 50 mother = 50 sister = 50 brother = 50 Suspeh = 75 ! WD: Add Uninitialised ~ 'brotherDick' brotherDick = rand(13, 17) $npcName[1] = 'Dimka' $npcSurName[1] = 'Nosov' $npcText[1] = 'Dimka (Dmitriy) Nosov is a cute guy and all the girls adore him.' grupNPC[1] = 50 npcPol[1] = 0 grupTipe[1] = 3 $npcGo[1] = '<<$npcName[1]>> <<$npcSurName[1]>>' $npcName[2] = 'Artem' $npcSurName[2] = 'Chebotarev' $npcText[2] = 'Artem (Artyom) Chebotarev is a typical nerd, but not a bad looking one.' grupNPC[2] = 50 npcPol[2] = 0 grupTipe[2] = 1 $npcGo[2] = '<<$npcName[2]>> <<$npcSurName[2]>>' $npcName[3] = 'Ivan' $npcSurName[3] = 'Prokhorov' $npcText[3] = 'Ivan Prokhorov is an excellent athlete, who is able to succeed in any sport. He''s mostly into boxing and running right now.' grupNPC[3] = 50 npcPol[3] = 0 grupTipe[3] = 2 $npcGo[3] = '<<$npcName[3]>> <<$npcSurName[3]>>' $npcName[4] = 'Igor' $npcSurName[4] = 'Kruglov' $npcText[4] = 'Igor Kruglov is your classmate, and Dimka''s best friends. Whenever you see one of them, the other is usually not far away.' grupNPC[4] = 50 npcPol[4] = 0 grupTipe[4] = 3 $npcGo[4] = '<<$npcName[4]>> <<$npcSurName[4]>>' $npcName[5] = 'Fedor' $npcSurName[5] = 'Kozlov' $npcText[5] = 'Fedor (Fyodor) Kozlov is a decent athlete. He often trains with his good friend Ivan, but lacks the level of talent that Ivan does have.' grupNPC[5] = 50 npcPol[5] = 0 grupTipe[5] = 2 $npcGo[5] = '<<$npcName[5]>> <<$npcSurName[5]>>' $npcName[6] = 'Petka' $npcSurName[6] = 'Klyuyev' $npcText[6] = 'Petka (Peter) Klyuyev is a nerd who usually doesn''t look far beyond his textbook. He''s good friends with Artem.' grupNPC[6] = 50 npcPol[6] = 0 grupTipe[6] = 1 $npcGo[6] = '<<$npcName[6]>> <<$npcSurName[6]>>' $npcName[7] = 'Lesco' $npcSurName[7] = 'Tsarev' $npcText[7] = 'Everyone at school always bullies Lesco about anything and everything.' grupNPC[7] = 50 npcPol[7] = 0 grupTipe[7] = -1 $npcGo[7] = '<<$npcName[7]>> <<$npcSurName[7]>>' $npcName[8] = 'Svyatoslav' $npcSurName[8] = 'Voinov' $npcText[8] = 'Svyatoslav Voinov is a athletic guy, with a very competitive spirit. He is always engaged in sports, one way or another.' grupNPC[8] = 50 npcPol[8] = 0 grupTipe[8] = 2 $npcGo[8] = '<<$npcName[8]>> <<$npcSurName[8]>>' $npcName[9] = 'Vitek' $npcSurName[9] = 'Kotov' $npcText[9] = 'Vitek (Viktor) Kotov is an aggressive and strong guy, who considers himself a gangsta. But his personality is pretty much see-through. Lena is his twin-sister.' grupNPC[9] = 50 npcPol[9] = 0 grupTipe[9] = 4 $npcGo[9] = '<<$npcName[9]>> <<$npcSurName[9]>>' $npcName[10] = 'Dan' $npcSurName[10] = 'Ryzhov' $npcText[10] = 'Dan (Denis) Ryzhov is a tall and skinny guy, who usually communicates to others with disdain and contempt. He''s a very stubborn guy who will never let an argument go. He''s best friends with Vitek and Vasily, and can be considered the smartest one of the three.' grupNPC[10] = 50 npcPol[10] = 0 grupTipe[10] = 4 $npcGo[10] = '<<$npcName[10]>> <<$npcSurName[10]>>' $npcName[11] = 'Vasily' $npcSurName[11] = 'Shulgin' $npcText[11] = 'Vasily is always with Dan and Vitek, who are his best friends. His nickname is Shulga. He''s physically the weakest one of the three, but is a bit of a prankster and always makes the others laugh. He was raised by just his father, after his mother left when he was still an infant.' grupNPC[11] = 50 npcPol[11] = 0 grupTipe[11] = 4 $npcGo[11] = '<<$npcName[11]>> <<$npcSurName[11]>>' $npcName[12] = 'Julia' $npcSurName[12] = 'Milov' $npcText[12] = 'Julia is a diligent and silent girl. She''s very nerdy, and doesn''t really have any friends in school.' grupNPC[12] = 50 npcPol[12] = 1 grupTipe[12] = 1 $npcGo[12] = '<<$npcName[12]>> <<$npcSurName[12]>>' $npcName[13] = 'Lariska' $npcSurName[13] = 'Gruzdeva' $npcText[13] = 'Lariska is a very athletic girl, with an exceptional talent for volleyball. She has a very weak personality though, and is very dependent on other people''s opinions of her.' grupNPC[13] = 50 npcPol[13] = 1 grupTipe[13] = 2 $npcGo[13] = '<<$npcName[13]>> <<$npcSurName[13]>>' $npcName[14] = 'Katja' $npcSurName[14] = 'Meynold' $npcText[14] = 'Katja is a very attractive redhead, with a special interest in fashion and cosmetics. She can also be rather impulsive. Vicky is her twin sister.' grupNPC[14] = 50 npcPol[14] = 1 grupTipe[14] = 3 $npcGo[14] = '<<$npcName[14]>> <<$npcSurName[14]>>' $npcName[15] = 'Vicky' $npcSurName[15] = 'Meynold' $npcText[15] = 'Vicky (Viktoriya) Meynold is a very sensible girl. Katja is her twin sister.' grupNPC[15] = 50 npcPol[15] = 1 grupTipe[15] = 3 $npcGo[15] = '<<$npcName[15]>> <<$npcSurName[15]>>' $npcName[16] = 'Natasha' $npcSurName[16] = 'Belova' $npcText[16] = 'Natasha is an excellent student. Her parents are very poor though, and it shows: Natasha is always dressed in second-hand clothes and can never afford to do anything fun. As a result, she doesn''t have many friends.' grupNPC[16] = 50 npcPol[16] = 1 grupTipe[16] = 1 $npcGo[16] = '<<$npcName[16]>> <<$npcSurName[16]>>' $npcName[17] = 'Inna' $npcSurName[17] = 'Devyatova' $npcText[17] = 'Inna (Irina) Devyatova is a tall and pretty girl, and she knows it. She has a very arrogant and haughty personality hidden behind her sweet smile.' grupNPC[17] = 50 npcPol[17] = 1 grupTipe[17] = 3 $npcGo[17] = '<<$npcName[17]>> <<$npcSurName[17]>>' $npcName[18] = 'Christina' $npcSurName[18] = 'Zvereva' $npcText[18] = 'Christina is one of your school''s best athletes, and is the strongest girl you know. She also has leadership abilities that, together with her tenacity and intelligence, make her have a dominant presence wherever she goes.' grupNPC[18] = 50 npcPol[18] = 1 grupTipe[18] = 2 $npcGo[18] = '<<$npcName[18]>> <<$npcSurName[18]>>' $npcName[19] = 'Lina' $npcSurName[19] = 'Starov' $npcText[19] = 'Lina (Avelina) Starov is a mediocre athlete. She''s sort of Christina''s friend... that is: she usually does anything Christina wants her to do.' grupNPC[19] = 50 npcPol[19] = 1 grupTipe[19] = 2 $npcGo[19] = '<<$npcName[19]>> <<$npcSurName[19]>>' $npcName[20] = 'Lena' $npcSurName[20] = 'Kotova' $npcText[20] = 'Lena (Yelena) Kotova is Vitek''s twin sister. Just like her brother, she too has a chip on her shoulder and can be aggressive and unpredictable. She''s best friends with Lera, and they can often be found together smoking in the school''s restrooms.' grupNPC[20] = 50 npcPol[20] = 1 grupTipe[20] = 4 $npcGo[20] = '<<$npcName[20]>> <<$npcSurName[20]>>' $npcName[21] = 'Lera' $npcSurName[21] = 'Tsarev' $npcText[21] = 'Lera (Valeria) Tsarev comes from a poor family, her father works at the school as a teacher. She''s best friends with Lena, and they can often be found together smoking in the school''s restrooms.' grupNPC[21] = 50 npcPol[21] = 1 grupTipe[21] = 4 $npcGo[21] = '<<$npcName[21]>> <<$npcSurName[21]>>' $npcName[22] = 'Bella' $npcSurName[22] = 'Artamonov' $npcText[22] = 'Bella is a beautiful and arrogant girl. You don''t know her very well.' grupNPC[22] = 50 npcPol[22] = 1 grupTipe[22] = 2 $npcGo[22] = '<<$npcName[22]>> <<$npcSurName[22]>>' $npcName[23] = 'Albina' $npcSurName[23] = 'Barlovskaya' $npcText[23] = 'Albina comes from a wealthy family. She always does her best to look and dress well, and is an excellent dancer.' grupNPC[23] = 50 npcPol[23] = 1 grupTipe[23] = 3 $npcGo[23] = '<<$npcName[23]>> <<$npcSurName[23]>>' $npcName[24] = 'Pauline' $npcSurName[24] = 'Sebagotulina' $npcText[24] = 'Pauline is a bit of a wild child; she''s very unpredictable. She often hangs out with the Gopniks in your class.' grupNPC[24] = 50 npcPol[24] = 1 grupTipe[24] = 4 $npcGo[24] = '<<$npcName[24]>> <<$npcSurName[24]>>' $npcName[25] = 'Sonia' $npcSurName[25] = 'Ivanko' !!$npcText[25] = 'Sonia once inadvertently drunk and fucked her in a circle Witek Kotov and his friends. After that, the girls shunned Sonya, and the boys thought she was a whore. Local gopota regularly drove to Sonia proposals have sex.' $npcText[25] = 'Sonia is an ordinary girl-next-door; no great student, but no poor student either. She gets along okay with a lot of your classmates, but doesn''t seem to be particularly friendly with any of them.' grupNPC[25] = 50 npcPol[25] = 1 grupTipe[25] = 0 $npcGo[25] = '<<$npcName[25]>> <<$npcSurName[25]>>' $npcName[26] = 'Anatoly E.' $npcSurName[26] = 'Tsarev' $npcText[26] = 'Your school''s math teacher. He''s a stern teacher, who always demands the best out of his students. His daughter Lera is in your class. He''s married to Vera, who works at the train station as a ticket saleswoman and as a cleaner in the garment factory.' grupNPC[26] = 0 npcPol[26] = 1 $npcGo[26] = '<<$npcName[26]>> <<$npcSurName[26]>>' $din_alter_start_ev15 = { cls gs 'fight', 'Wrestlergen' if mesec > 0:isprok = 1 '