# alterStart if $ARGS[0] = '': StoryLine = 1 prezikProver = 3 brothersawpirsF = 0 umbrella = 1 $name = 'Svetlana' $surname = 'Lebedev' !!!0.2.6 addition $nickname = 'Sveta' !!! age = 16 vidage = 15 year = 2015 year_start = 2015 month = 8 $month = 'August' day = 28 week = 5 $week = 'Friday' daystart_start = 241 gs 'daystart' gs 'outdoors', 'weather' horny = 90 hour = 9 birthyear = year - age !!body rost = 170 fat = 60 salo = 60 dick = 0 energy = 60 water = 60 son = 70 !!stats stren = 10 strenbuf = 10 speed = 10 agil = 10 agilbuf = 10 vital = 10 vitalbuf = 10 intel = 10 will = 10 react = 10 magik = 0 health = vital * 10 + stren * 5 willpower = intel * 5 + will * 5 manna = (intel * magik) + magik * 100 + vital * 10 + rikudo nastjaQW = 0 sisboyday = -2 money = 50 vidageday = 300 housrA = 0 cheap[69] = 1 cheapH[69] = 70 odevnesh = 0 lobok = 3 leghair -= 5 mop = 1 housr = 0 tanga = 1 cheap[15] = 1 cheapH[15] = 100 cheapB[15] = 70 gs 'clothing', 'wear', 'cheap', 15 cltarelka = 0 fairy = 0 eda = 0 clrbelo = 10 poroshok = 0 shampoo = 0 sanpad = 20 opPRE = 0 school[6] = 1 exercise[4] = 1 exerciseH[4] = 100 cheap[10] = 1 cheapH[10] = 100 cheapB[10] = 70 coat[5] = 1 defaultcoat = 5 kanikuli = 5 $holyday = 'Summer holidays' if player_avatar = 0: glacol = 1 glaraz = 2 hcol = 1 lip = 2 end father = 50 mother = 50 sister = 50 brother = 50 Suspeh = 75 ! WD: Add Uninitialised ~ 'brotherDick' brotherDick = rand(13, 17) gs 'alterStart', 'npc_data' clr if Enable_Android = 0:gs 'stat' '
' 'You were born in <>. You have a sister, Anya, who is 2 years older than you.' 'Your mother is Natasha <<$surname>>. You don''t know much about your biological father... your mother never wants to talk about him, or why he left you and Anya with her.' 'Your mother found another man not too long after her and your biological father and her divorced, Vladimir Mikhailovich Scriabin. Together they had your little brother Kolka. Even though he''s not your real father, Vladimir always treated you and Anya as if they were his own children.' gs 'alterStart', 'name' end if $ARGS[0] = 'name': $name = input("What is your first name? (Leave blank for default)") if $name = '':$name = 'Svetlana' $surname = input("What is your last name? (Leave blank for default)") if $surname = '':$surname = 'Lebedev' !!!0.2.6 addition $nickname = input("What is your nick name? (Note: If you chose a custom name, you have to enter something here!)") if $nickname = '':$nickname = 'Sveta' !!! 'Your name is <<$name>> <<$surname>>, Friends and family sometimes call you <<$nickname>>.' act 'Continue':gt 'alterStart', '2' act 'Re-enter name/s':gs 'alterStart', 'name' end if $ARGS[0] = 2: cls '
' 'You had a pleasant, undisturbed childhood when you were young. Although you don''t remember much from kindergarten, you do remember going to elementary school when you were 7 years old.' *nl 'Like many other kids you tried out all sort of things at school, exploring your interests. But the one thing that really defines you is...' act 'I am a complete bookworm!': cls stren = 1 vital = 5 agil = 1 fat = 10 salo = 180 intel = 50 tan = 0 blizoruk = 300 if glass < 1 : glass = 1 Suspeh = 55 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod if player_avatar ! 1: hairlength = 90 if player_avatar ! 1: hcol = 0 hpingrip = 10 hpingripw = 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod nerdism = 100 fantasybook = 5 grupTipe=0 gs 'alterStart', 'gtipe' if Enable_Android = 0:gs 'stat' '
' 'While you were growing up, you spent virtually all your free time at home, reading books. While you have gained a lot of knowledge from reading books, your sedentary lifestyle has left you quite frumpy. The long nights of trying to read in poor light have taken a toll on your eyesight as well, so you now need glasses to be able to read.' act 'Go to custom options': gt 'alterStart', 'custom' end act 'I am the queen of the nerds!': cls stren = 5 vital = 5 agil = 5 fat = 10 salo = 10 intel = 40 tan = 30 mother = 100 father = 100 money += 3000 blizoruk = 300 dom = 50 if glass < 1 : glass = 1 Suspeh = 110 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod if player_avatar ! 1: hairlength = 50 if player_avatar ! 1:hcol = 1 hpingrip = 10 hpingripw = 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod nerdism = 100 fantasybook = 5 grupTipe=1 gs 'alterStart', 'gtipe' if Enable_Android = 0:gs 'stat' '
' 'While you were growing up, you spent virtually all your free time at home, reading books and playing fantasy games with the other nerds. While you have gained a huge amount of knowledge from this, your lack of interest in exercising as a child has left your body a little frail. The long nights of trying to read in poor light have taken a toll on your eyesight as well, so you now need glasses to be able to read.' 'However, by the usual nerd standards you are confident and dynamic, this has lead you to be the leader of your group of friends and more acceptable to the other kids.' act 'Go to custom options': gt 'alterStart', 'custom' end act 'I am a good student': cls fat = 150 salo = 150 intel = 50 Suspeh = 110 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod if player_avatar ! 1: hairlength = 162 if player_avatar ! 1:hcol = 0 hpingrip = 10 hpingripw = 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod mother = 100 money += 2000 tan = 30 grupTipe=1 gs 'alterStart', 'gtipe' if Enable_Android = 0:gs 'stat' '
' 'You were always a bit of a teacher''s pet, trying to absorb every bit of knowledge and doing everything you could to excel in school. While this attitude has gained you a lot of respect, it did not earn you a lot of friends, and you never had time for sports. You have excellent grades though, and your mother is very proud of you.' act 'Go to custom options': gt 'alterStart', 'custom' end act 'I am an avid volleyball player!': cls stren = 25 vital = 25 speed = 25 agil = 25 fat = 20 salo = 20 sanpad = 0 tampon = 20 volleyboll = 70 beg = 40 gsAboVolley = 120 dom = 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod if player_avatar ! 1: hairlength = 97 if player_avatar ! 1:hcol = 3 hscrunch = 10 hscrunchw = 0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod tan = 30 grupTipe=2 gs 'alterStart', 'gtipe' if Enable_Android = 0:gs 'stat' '
' 'Ever since you first tried volleyball, you have been in love with the sport. You spent a lot of your free time trying to get better at it, and it paid off: you''re actually quite good now! However, your obsession with volleyball has had some repercussions on your school performance; you''re a sub-par student, and you haven''t made many friends.' act 'Go to custom options': gt 'alterStart', 'custom' end act 'I have a lot of friends!': cls stren = 10 vital = 10 agil = 20 fat = 30 salo = 30 dom = 50 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod if player_avatar ! 1: hairlength = 19 if player_avatar ! 1:hcol = 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maruda Hair Mod tan = 30 grupTipe=4 gs 'alterStart', 'gtipe' if Enable_Android = 0:gs 'stat' 'You spent most of your childhood outdoors, playing with other girls and boys. As a result, you''re quite healthy and are pretty strong verbally, knowing how to get yourself out of trouble. However, you were never very interested in school or sports, and are only a sub-par student.' act 'Go to custom options': gt 'alterStart', 'custom' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'custom': opPRE = 2 gs 'body_shape', 'initial' cls '
Current face image (based on hairstyle)
' '
' 'Your hair is currently <<$hcol>>,' if hcol ! 0:'Change to black.' if hcol ! 1:'Change to brown.' if hcol ! 2:'Change to red.' if hcol ! 3:'Change to blonde.' *pl 'Personalize attributes related to your eyes.' 'Change your date of birth.' act 'Begin at the last year of school, age 16 or 17': hcolmotherremember = hcol hcolfatherremember = hcol nathcol = hcol hcolfronce = 1 cheapB[10] = bedra cheapB[15] = bedra gt 'alterStart', 'ev' end act 'Begin at the second-last year of school, age 15 or 16': hcolmotherremember = hcol hcolfatherremember = hcol nathcol = hcol hcolfronce = 1 cheapB[10] = bedra cheapB[15] = bedra gt 'alterStart', 'ev15' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ev15': cls gs 'fight', 'Wrestlergen' if mesec > 0:isprok = 1 '
' 'As with all girls, you reached the milestone of puberty two years ago. Like it does for most girls, it started for you when you were 13 years old. You had your first period, which sucked... but that was the start of your changes.' *nl 'Your chest then felt strange and you discovered your breasts were growing! This excited you: how big will they be when you grow up? Hair also began to form on your armpits and groin, and at the same time you felt... things, intimate things. Over time you learned to appreciate these feelings, and how to manage your developing body. Your troublesome skin complexion remains an issue though.' *nl 'When you finished 9th grade, you decided to continue with your secondary education. Two more years of school to go, but first: it''s time for the summer holiday!' 'You can decide to begin your game at the end of the summer holiday, very close to starting the new school year. Alternatively, you can start at the beginning of the holiday.' act 'Start at the end of August (recommended for new players)': age=15 vidage=14 birthyear = year-age SHOWSTAT 1 SHOWOBJS 1 bikini=1 health = vital*10 + stren*5+1000 willpower = intel*5 + will*5+1000 manna = (intel*magik) + magik*100 + vital*10 + rikudo if (birthmonth = 8 and birthday <= 29 ) or birthmonth = 7 or birthmonth = 6 or (birthmonth = 5 and birthday > 25): birthyear -= 1 & age += 1 &!age check for school by illume if oldobjmenu = 0: gs 'obj_din', 'new' else gs 'obj_din', 'old' end kanicont = 3 $holyday += ', <> days left.' if altQS = 1: gt 'altPRE','Cursed Schoolgirl Start' else gt 'altPRE','Alternate Start' end end act 'Start at the beginning of June': age=15 vidage=14 birthyear = year-age SHOWSTAT 1 SHOWOBJS 1 bikini=1 health = vital*10 + stren*5+1000 willpower = intel*5 + will*5+1000 manna = (intel*magik) + magik*100 + vital*10 + rikudo if (birthmonth = 6 and birthday = 1 ) or (birthmonth = 5 and birthday > 25): birthyear -= 1 & age += 1 &!age check for school by illume if oldobjmenu = 0: gs 'obj_din', 'new' else gs 'obj_din', 'old' end month = 6 $month = 'June' day = 1 week = 1 $week = 'Monday' daystart_start = 152 gs 'daystart' kanicont = 92 $holyday += ', <> days left.' if altQS = 1: gt 'altPRE','Cursed Schoolgirl Start' else gt 'altPRE','Alternate Start' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'ev': cls gs 'fight', 'Wrestlergen' if mesec > 0:isprok = 1 '
' 'Your 13th year began like it did for most other girls in your class: you occasionally got sick, you started to grow breasts, armpit and pubic hair. Your skin became very greasy and you have a pretty bad case of acne. You did your best in school, and managed to get very decent results. Only one more year of school left before you graduate!' 'But first: it''s time for a well-deserved holiday!' 'You can decide to begin your game at the end of the summer holiday, very close to beginning your final school year. Alternatively, you can start at the beginning of the holiday.' act 'Start at the end of August (recommended for new players)': SHOWSTAT 1 SHOWOBJS 1 bikini=1 health = vital*10 + stren*5+1000 willpower = intel*5 + will*5+1000 manna = (intel*magik) + magik*100 + vital*10 + rikudo if (birthmonth = 8 and birthday <= 29 ) or birthmonth = 7 or birthmonth = 6 or (birthmonth = 5 and birthday > 25): birthyear -= 1 & age += 1 &!age check for school by illume if oldobjmenu = 0: gs 'obj_din', 'new' else gs 'obj_din', 'old' end kanicont = 3 if altQS = 1: gt 'altPRE','Cursed Schoolgirl Start' else gt 'altPRE','Alternate Start' end end act 'Start at the beginning of June': SHOWSTAT 1 SHOWOBJS 1 bikini=1 health = vital*10 + stren*5+1000 willpower = intel*5 + will*5+1000 manna = (intel*magik) + magik*100 + vital*10 + rikudo if (birthmonth = 6 and birthday = 1 ) or (birthmonth = 5 and birthday > 25): birthyear -= 1 & age += 1 &!age check for school by illume if oldobjmenu = 0: gs 'obj_din', 'new' else gs 'obj_din', 'old' end month = 6 $month = 'June' day = 1 week = 1 $week = 'Monday' daystart_start = 152 kanicont = 92 if altQS = 1: gt 'altPRE','Cursed Schoolgirl Start' else gt 'altPRE','Alternate Start' end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'gtipe': i=1 :mark_grup if grupTipe=grupTipe[i]: grupNPC[i]+=rand(25,30) else grupNPC[i]-=rand(10,20) end i+=1 if i<=25:jump'mark_grup' end if $ARGS[0] = 'npc_data': !!$npcText[i] - Description text !!grupNPC[i] - Starting relationship !!npcPol[i] - sex, 0 - male, 1 - female !!grupTipe[i] - social group, -1 - outcasts, 1 - nerds, 2 - jocks, 3 - cool kids, 4 - gopnik $npcName[1] = 'Dimka' $npcSurName[1] = 'Nosov' $npcText[1] = 'Dimka (Dmitriy) Nosov is a cute guy and all the girls adore him.' grupNPC[1] = 50 npcPol[1] = 0 grupTipe[1] = 3 $npcGo[1] = '<<$npcName[1]>> <<$npcSurName[1]>>' $npcName[2] = 'Artem' $npcSurName[2] = 'Chebotarev' $npcText[2] = 'Artem (Artyom) Chebotarev is a typical nerd, but not a bad looking one.' grupNPC[2] = 50 npcPol[2] = 0 grupTipe[2] = 1 $npcGo[2] = '<<$npcName[2]>> <<$npcSurName[2]>>' $npcName[3] = 'Ivan' $npcSurName[3] = 'Prokhorov' $npcText[3] = 'Ivan Prokhorov is an excellent athlete, who is able to succeed in any sport. He''s mostly into boxing and running right now.' grupNPC[3] = 50 npcPol[3] = 0 grupTipe[3] = 2 $npcGo[3] = '<<$npcName[3]>> <<$npcSurName[3]>>' $npcName[4] = 'Igor' $npcSurName[4] = 'Kruglov' $npcText[4] = 'Igor Kruglov is your classmate, and Dimka''s best friends. Whenever you see one of them, the other is usually not far away.' grupNPC[4] = 50 npcPol[4] = 0 grupTipe[4] = 3 $npcGo[4] = '<<$npcName[4]>> <<$npcSurName[4]>>' $npcName[5] = 'Fedor' $npcSurName[5] = 'Kozlov' $npcText[5] = 'Fedor (Fyodor) Kozlov is a decent athlete. He often trains with his good friend Ivan, but lacks the level of talent that Ivan does have.' grupNPC[5] = 50 npcPol[5] = 0 grupTipe[5] = 2 $npcGo[5] = '<<$npcName[5]>> <<$npcSurName[5]>>' $npcName[6] = 'Petka' $npcSurName[6] = 'Klyuyev' $npcText[6] = 'Petka (Peter) Klyuyev is a nerd who usually doesn''t look far beyond his textbook. He''s good friends with Artem.' grupNPC[6] = 50 npcPol[6] = 0 grupTipe[6] = 1 $npcGo[6] = '<<$npcName[6]>> <<$npcSurName[6]>>' $npcName[7] = 'Lesco' $npcSurName[7] = 'Tsarev' $npcText[7] = 'Everyone at school always bullies Lesco about anything and everything.' grupNPC[7] = 50 npcPol[7] = 0 grupTipe[7] = -1 $npcGo[7] = '<<$npcName[7]>> <<$npcSurName[7]>>' $npcName[8] = 'Svyatoslav' $npcSurName[8] = 'Voinov' $npcText[8] = 'Svyatoslav Voinov is a athletic guy, with a very competitive spirit. He is always engaged in sports, one way or another.' grupNPC[8] = 50 npcPol[8] = 0 grupTipe[8] = 2 $npcGo[8] = '<<$npcName[8]>> <<$npcSurName[8]>>' $npcName[9] = 'Vitek' $npcSurName[9] = 'Kotov' $npcText[9] = 'Vitek (Viktor) Kotov is an aggressive and strong guy, who considers himself a gangsta. But his personality is pretty much see-through. Lena is his twin-sister.' grupNPC[9] = 50 npcPol[9] = 0 grupTipe[9] = 4 $npcGo[9] = '<<$npcName[9]>> <<$npcSurName[9]>>' $npcName[10] = 'Dan' $npcSurName[10] = 'Ryzhov' $npcText[10] = 'Dan (Denis) Ryzhov is a tall and skinny guy, who usually communicates to others with disdain and contempt. He''s a very stubborn guy who will never let an argument go. He''s best friends with Vitek and Vasily, and can be considered the smartest one of the three.' grupNPC[10] = 50 npcPol[10] = 0 grupTipe[10] = 4 $npcGo[10] = '<<$npcName[10]>> <<$npcSurName[10]>>' $npcName[11] = 'Vasily' $npcSurName[11] = 'Shulgin' $npcText[11] = 'Vasily is always with Dan and Vitek, who are his best friends. His nickname is Shulga. He''s physically the weakest one of the three, but is a bit of a prankster and always makes the others laugh. He was raised by just his father, after his mother left when he was still an infant.' grupNPC[11] = 50 npcPol[11] = 0 grupTipe[11] = 4 $npcGo[11] = '<<$npcName[11]>> <<$npcSurName[11]>>' $npcName[12] = 'Julia' $npcSurName[12] = 'Milov' $npcText[12] = 'Julia is a diligent and silent girl. She''s very nerdy, and doesn''t really have any friends in school.' grupNPC[12] = 50 npcPol[12] = 1 grupTipe[12] = 1 $npcGo[12] = '<<$npcName[12]>> <<$npcSurName[12]>>' $npcName[13] = 'Lariska' $npcSurName[13] = 'Gruzdeva' $npcText[13] = 'Lariska is a very athletic girl, with an exceptional talent for volleyball. She has a very weak personality though, and is very dependent on other people''s opinions of her.' grupNPC[13] = 50 npcPol[13] = 1 grupTipe[13] = 2 $npcGo[13] = '<<$npcName[13]>> <<$npcSurName[13]>>' $npcName[14] = 'Katja' $npcSurName[14] = 'Meynold' $npcText[14] = 'Katja is a very attractive redhead, with a special interest in fashion and cosmetics. She can also be rather impulsive. Vicky is her twin sister.' grupNPC[14] = 50 npcPol[14] = 1 grupTipe[14] = 3 $npcGo[14] = '<<$npcName[14]>> <<$npcSurName[14]>>' $npcName[15] = 'Vicky' $npcSurName[15] = 'Meynold' $npcText[15] = 'Vicky (Viktoriya) Meynold is a very sensible girl. Katja is her twin sister.' grupNPC[15] = 50 npcPol[15] = 1 grupTipe[15] = 3 $npcGo[15] = '<<$npcName[15]>> <<$npcSurName[15]>>' $npcName[16] = 'Natasha' $npcSurName[16] = 'Belova' $npcText[16] = 'Natasha is an excellent student. Her parents are very poor though, and it shows: Natasha is always dressed in second-hand clothes and can never afford to do anything fun. As a result, she doesn''t have many friends.' grupNPC[16] = 50 npcPol[16] = 1 grupTipe[16] = 1 $npcGo[16] = '<<$npcName[16]>> <<$npcSurName[16]>>' $npcName[17] = 'Inna' $npcSurName[17] = 'Devyatova' $npcText[17] = 'Inna (Irina) Devyatova is a tall and pretty girl, and she knows it. She has a very arrogant and haughty personality hidden behind her sweet smile.' grupNPC[17] = 50 npcPol[17] = 1 grupTipe[17] = 3 $npcGo[17] = '<<$npcName[17]>> <<$npcSurName[17]>>' $npcName[18] = 'Christina' $npcSurName[18] = 'Zvereva' $npcText[18] = 'Christina is one of your school''s best athletes, and is the strongest girl you know. She also has leadership abilities that, together with her tenacity and intelligence, make her have a dominant presence wherever she goes.' grupNPC[18] = 50 npcPol[18] = 1 grupTipe[18] = 2 $npcGo[18] = '<<$npcName[18]>> <<$npcSurName[18]>>' $npcName[19] = 'Lina' $npcSurName[19] = 'Starov' $npcText[19] = 'Lina (Avelina) Starov is a mediocre athlete. She''s sort of Christina''s friend... that is: she usually does anything Christina wants her to do.' grupNPC[19] = 50 npcPol[19] = 1 grupTipe[19] = 2 $npcGo[19] = '<<$npcName[19]>> <<$npcSurName[19]>>' $npcName[20] = 'Lena' $npcSurName[20] = 'Kotova' $npcText[20] = 'Lena (Yelena) Kotova is Vitek''s twin sister. Just like her brother, she too has a chip on her shoulder and can be aggressive and unpredictable. She''s best friends with Lera, and they can often be found together smoking in the school''s restrooms.' grupNPC[20] = 50 npcPol[20] = 1 grupTipe[20] = 4 $npcGo[20] = '<<$npcName[20]>> <<$npcSurName[20]>>' $npcName[21] = 'Lera' $npcSurName[21] = 'Tsarev' $npcText[21] = 'Lera (Valeria) Tsarev comes from a poor family, her father works at the school as a teacher. She''s best friends with Lena, and they can often be found together smoking in the school''s restrooms.' grupNPC[21] = 50 npcPol[21] = 1 grupTipe[21] = 4 $npcGo[21] = '<<$npcName[21]>> <<$npcSurName[21]>>' $npcName[22] = 'Bella' $npcSurName[22] = 'Artamonov' $npcText[22] = 'Bella is a beautiful and arrogant girl. You don''t know her very well.' grupNPC[22] = 50 npcPol[22] = 1 grupTipe[22] = 2 $npcGo[22] = '<<$npcName[22]>> <<$npcSurName[22]>>' $npcName[23] = 'Albina' $npcSurName[23] = 'Barlovskaya' $npcText[23] = 'Albina comes from a wealthy family. She always does her best to look and dress well, and is an excellent dancer.' grupNPC[23] = 50 npcPol[23] = 1 grupTipe[23] = 3 $npcGo[23] = '<<$npcName[23]>> <<$npcSurName[23]>>' $npcName[24] = 'Pauline' $npcSurName[24] = 'Sebagotulina' $npcText[24] = 'Pauline is a bit of a wild child; she''s very unpredictable. She often hangs out with the Gopniks in your class.' grupNPC[24] = 50 npcPol[24] = 1 grupTipe[24] = 4 $npcGo[24] = '<<$npcName[24]>> <<$npcSurName[24]>>' $npcName[25] = 'Sonia' $npcSurName[25] = 'Ivanko' !!$npcText[25] = 'Sonia once inadvertently drunk and fucked her in a circle Witek Kotov and his friends. After that, the girls shunned Sonya, and the boys thought she was a whore. Local gopota regularly drove to Sonia proposals have sex.' $npcText[25] = 'Sonia is an ordinary girl-next-door; no great student, but no poor student either. She gets along okay with a lot of your classmates, but doesn''t seem to be particularly friendly with any of them.' grupNPC[25] = 50 npcPol[25] = 1 grupTipe[25] = 0 $npcGo[25] = '<<$npcName[25]>> <<$npcSurName[25]>>' $npcName[26] = 'Anatoly E.' $npcSurName[26] = 'Tsarev' $npcText[26] = 'Your school''s math teacher. He''s a stern teacher, who always demands the best out of his students. His daughter Lera is in your class. He''s married to Vera, who works at the train station as a ticket saleswoman and as a cleaner in the garment factory.' grupNPC[26] = 0 npcPol[26] = 0 $npcGo[26] = '<<$npcName[26]>> <<$npcSurName[26]>>' $npcName[27] = 'Marcus' $npcSurName[27] = 'Larson' $npcText[27] = 'African American boy, that is part of a exchange program. He does well in school and is fairly athletic. He seems to really enjoy Russia and has a eye for Russian girls, always going on about how they are so much more beautiful, than the girls back home. He is a decent looking guy, combined with his exotic looks, accent and different views has made him pretty poplar. He is friendly and out going, he stays with Andrey''s family, whom he has become close friends with.' grupNPC[27] = 50 npcPol[27] = 0 grupTipe[27] = 3 $npcGo[27] = '<<$npcName[27]>> <<$npcSurName[27]>>' $npcName[28] = 'Andrey' $npcSurName[28] = 'Aleksandrov' $npcText[28] = 'His family took part in the exchange student program. Rumor is they was less than happy when the student they sent was a African American boy, but Andrey doesn''t seem to mind. He and Marcus quickly became friends, he tends to use Marcus popularity to boost his own. His aunt is the school nurse.' grupNPC[28] = 50 npcPol[28] = 0 grupTipe[28] = 3 $npcGo[28] = '<<$npcName[28]>> <<$npcSurName[28]>>' $npcName[29] = 'Mefodiy' $npcSurName[29] = 'Utkin' $npcText[29] = 'Reasonably intelligent, but middle-of-the-road grades. Fairly average looking, but posses a good sense of humor and timing. He isn''t to popular, just popular enough to be a hanger on among the cool kids, who like his humor.' grupNPC[29] = 50 npcPol[29] = 0 grupTipe[29] = 3 $npcGo[29] = '<<$npcName[29]>> <<$npcSurName[29]>>' $npcName[30] = 'Stasya' $npcSurName[30] = 'Pavlov' $npcText[30] = 'Is a complete bitch, she always was, but now that her boyfriend Andrey seems to hang around Marcus more than her, she has become a lot worse. She doesn''t care for Marcus at all, but never says anything around Marcus or Andrey. Instead she seems to take out her anger on everyone around her, but especially the nerds and outcasts.' grupNPC[30] = 50 npcPol[30] = 1 grupTipe[30] = 3 $npcGo[30] = '<<$npcName[30]>> <<$npcSurName[30]>>' $npcName[31] = 'Lizaveta' $npcSurName[31] = 'Petrov' $npcText[31] = 'Wants to know everyone''s secrets, but is completely incapable of keeping them. Extremely nosy, and is the first to arrive at the scene of any commotion, eager to pry into the details. Not unattractive, but most boys avoid her since they don''t want everything they do to become public knowledge.' grupNPC[31] = 50 npcPol[31] = 1 grupTipe[31] = 3 $npcGo[31] = '<<$npcName[31]>> <<$npcSurName[31]>>' $npcName[32] = 'Lazar' $npcSurName[32] = 'Utkin' $npcText[32] = 'Lazar is the school football star. He is a central midfielder and team captain. He excels in other sports as well, but his passion is for football, least when he is not dating girls.' grupNPC[32] = 50 npcPol[32] = 0 grupTipe[32] = 2 $npcGo[32] = '<<$npcName[32]>> <<$npcSurName[32]>>' $npcName[33] = 'Erast' $npcSurName[33] = 'Vagin' $npcText[33] = 'He''s a huge boy and not a looker or clever, always polite and a little shy. When he is playing sport he changes into a demon, always fighting and often set off. He is the most popular kid during the ice hockey season and often found sparring with Ivan.' grupNPC[33] = 50 npcPol[33] = 0 grupTipe[33] = 2 $npcGo[33] = '<<$npcName[33]>> <<$npcSurName[33]>>' $npcName[34] = 'Veronika' $npcSurName[34] = 'Sokolov' $npcText[34] = 'She is called the ice queen by her fellow students and not always behind her back, for a couple of reasons. She is very talented on ice skates, there is even talk she might go to the next winter Olympics and because she is cold and indifferent. She never lets anyone get close to her. She comes from a rich family.' grupNPC[34] = 50 npcPol[34] = 1 grupTipe[34] = 2 $npcGo[34] = '<<$npcName[34]>> <<$npcSurName[34]>>' $npcName[35] = 'Evgeny' $npcSurName[35] = 'Kuznetsov' $npcText[35] = 'School chess champion, can always be found at chess club. He is shy and very intellegent, not showing any interest in girls or anyone really. No one would be surprised if he had mild autism.' grupNPC[35] = 50 npcPol[35] = 0 grupTipe[35] = 1 $npcGo[35] = '<<$npcName[35]>> <<$npcSurName[35]>>' $npcName[36] = 'Feofan' $npcSurName[36] = 'Krupin' $npcText[36] = 'Is heavy into science fiction, fantasy and the like. He is constantly planning on going to some convention or another always in costume. He has a serious love of super hero''s and talks about them, their movies and comic books all the time, not to mention his collection of cosplay outfits of all the most famous super hero''s. He does well in school, but not as well as most would expect. He is a nerds nerd.' grupNPC[36] = 50 npcPol[36] = 0 grupTipe[36] = 1 $npcGo[36] = '<<$npcName[36]>> <<$npcSurName[36]>>' $npcName[37] = 'Gerasim' $npcSurName[37] = 'Vasilyev' $npcText[37] = 'Is confined to a wheelchair, from a early childhood accident. He is kind and nice to everyone, even if most don''t return the favor. He is well accepted by his fellow nerds and surprisingly a few of the jocks. Most of the rest see him as a easy target to bully and/or force him to do their homework.' grupNPC[37] = 50 npcPol[37] = 0 grupTipe[37] = 1 $npcGo[37] = '<<$npcName[37]>> <<$npcSurName[37]>>' $npcName[38] = 'Alyona' $npcSurName[38] = 'Alkaev' $npcText[38] = 'Is a mousy girl, that is very plain looking. She never wears makeup, dresses in baggy clothes and barely bothers to brush her hair. She mostly keeps to herself, playing varies games on her phone, though she is fairly popular with the nerd boys, for reasons that are not very clear to anyone else.' grupNPC[38] = 50 npcPol[38] = 1 grupTipe[38] = 1 $npcGo[38] = '<<$npcName[38]>> <<$npcSurName[38]>>' $npcName[39] = 'Radomir' $npcSurName[39] = 'Popov' $npcText[39] = 'Is the lead singer of a local underground rock/punk band. He is more or less an asshole, thinking he should already be a star, thus being arrogant to almost everybody. Some of the girls obviously adore him, because they think he is cool or just are groupies. He is more than happy to use his mini fame to let him use as many girls as he can.' grupNPC[39] = 50 npcPol[39] = 0 grupTipe[39] = 4 $npcGo[39] = '<<$npcName[39]>> <<$npcSurName[39]>>' $npcName[40] = 'Lavrenti' $npcSurName[40] = 'Romanov' $npcText[40] = 'He comes from a wealthy family, a only child with parents that are rarely around. He use to be one of the cool kids, but his attitude abruptly changed last year. He became mean and violent, he and Dimika had a major falling out at the same time, since then started hanging with the gopniks. He is more of a hanger on, they like using his money, while tolerating him.' grupNPC[40] = 50 npcPol[40] = 0 grupTipe[40] = 4 $npcGo[40] = '<<$npcName[40]>> <<$npcSurName[40]>>' $npcName[41] = 'Arkadi' $npcSurName[41] = 'Fyodorov' $npcText[41] = 'He is the drummer in Radomir''s band. His family recently moved from the city, to Pavlovsk, he was also held back a year. He is very violent, especially with anyone outside the gopniks. He is also not shy about reminding everyone how much harder the city is and how lame Pav is.' grupNPC[41] = 50 npcPol[41] = 0 grupTipe[41] = 4 $npcGo[41] = '<<$npcName[41]>> <<$npcSurName[41]>>' $npcName[42] = 'Roman' $npcSurName[42] = 'Yakovlev' $npcText[42] = 'A pcychopath, he''s one of the smaller kids, but always causing trouble. He''ll start fights knowing the other gopnik will have his back. Always has a snide remark and not afraid to speak back to the teachers and other adults. Not doing great at school, not that he cares. The other gopnik find his attitude amusing and seem to like that he''s always getting them into situations.' grupNPC[42] = 50 npcPol[42] = 0 grupTipe[42] = 4 $npcGo[42] = '<<$npcName[42]>> <<$npcSurName[42]>>' $npcName[43] = 'Valentin' $npcSurName[43] = 'Bogdanov' $npcText[43] = 'The bassist for Radomir''s band, he looks like Meatloaf in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Doesn''t take any crap and the Gopnik let him hangout with them because he told them he was going to, not that they mind, he easily looks old enough to buy beer. Wants to make enough cash from the band to buy an old American motor bike and ride across the country.' grupNPC[43] = 50 npcPol[43] = 0 grupTipe[43] = 4 $npcGo[43] = '<<$npcName[43]>> <<$npcSurName[43]>>' $npcName[44] = 'Alyona' $npcSurName[44] = 'Alkaev' $npcText[44] = 'This girl is a hardcore Gopnik, she comes from a fucked up family. Her parents are alcoholics and drug addicts, most view her as the apple that didn''t fall far from the tree. As such the teachers don''t even bother to try and work with her anymore.' grupNPC[44] = 50 npcPol[44] = 1 grupTipe[44] = 4 $npcGo[44] = '<<$npcName[44]>> <<$npcSurName[44]>>' $npcName[45] = 'Anushka' $npcSurName[45] = 'Konstantinov' $npcText[45] = 'She is the lead guitarist in Radomir''s band. She has very strong political view, which she shares in her anarchist music she writes for the band. She has strong if untrained vocal ability as well, doing some of the singing. She is pretty dominant and can be cruel but not sadistic like some of the other goniks, she is also more than a bit of a exhibitionist.' grupNPC[45] = 50 npcPol[45] = 1 grupTipe[45] = 4 $npcGo[45] = '<<$npcName[45]>> <<$npcSurName[45]>>' $npcName[46] = 'Ekaterina' $npcSurName[46] = 'Maksimov' $npcText[46] = 'Known as Katyusha. According to her abilities she could have been a nerd, a jock or even a cool kid. She is pretty athletic and does surprisingly well in school considering how little of the school work she does when she bothers to attend. She is not a traditional beauty, her face is too masculine for that, but she is attractive and could be even more so if she bothered to try, but she doesn''t. She seems to care only about two things, booze and fighting. The booze she gets any way she can, like stealing or smooching from the boys in exchange for some favors. Or she buys it from her considerable amount of money (her father is an army Colonel, that is why he is rarely around). When she "plays" with the boys, it only goes as far as she wants it. She is the only girl other than Lena who can say that, but while they are afraid of Lena''s brother, Katyusha prefers to beat the boys herself. She practices Sambo in the park every day before school, regardless of weather. She often taunts or makes fun of the boxers, claiming boxing is for pussies, real fighters fight without rules. She doesn''t count herself a gopnik, only others consider her one. This doesn''t bother her because she only cares about the opinion of the people whom earn her respect. That is really hard to do.' grupNPC[46] = 50 npcPol[46] = 1 grupTipe[46] = 4 $npcGo[46] = '<<$npcName[46]>> <<$npcSurName[46]>>' $npcName[47] = 'Petia' $npcSurName[47] = 'Alkaev' $npcText[47] = 'The mooch of the class. Continually hits up others for food, money, cigarettes, etc. Can''t take a hint, and doesn''t know the meaning of "personal space." Unattractive guy who makes the pretty girls uncomfortable by hitting on them repeatedly.' grupNPC[47] = 50 npcPol[47] = 0 grupTipe[47] = -1 $npcGo[47] = '<<$npcName[47]>> <<$npcSurName[47]>>' end --- alterStart ---------------------------------