# counter if music_on <> music_on_prev or $music_theme <> $music_theme_prev: close $cur_theme[track[$music_theme_prev]] music_on_prev = music_on $music_theme_prev = $music_theme if $music_theme <>'': copyarr 'cur_theme', 'tracklist_<<$music_theme>>' track[$music_theme] = track[$music_theme]-1 if track[$music_theme] < 0: track[$music_theme]=ARRSIZE('cur_theme') end end end if music_on = 1 and $music_theme <> '': if no isplay ($cur_theme[track[$music_theme]]): track[$music_theme] = track[$music_theme]+1 if ARRSIZE('cur_theme') <= track[$music_theme]: track[$music_theme] = 0 end end play $cur_theme[track[$music_theme]], volume end !race if race_start = 1: bcolor = rgb(255,255,255) REFINT *clr if race_hit=0: set race_miss += 1 race_hit = 1 end if $race1[race_row] <> ' ' and race_row > 0: race_hit = 0 end '
' !interior of the vehicle and the line route *PL $showcar *P $race1[race_row] if $race1[race_row] = '
': set race_start = 0 !return timer settimer 500 wait 2000 !return point set $metka = 'finish' set $loc = 'RACE_COUNT' GOTO $loc, $metka end race_row += 1 end --- counter ---------------------------------