# gorodok $metka = $ARGS[0] $loc = $CURLOC litltown = 1 cla *clr '

The Village

' '
' 'A quiet province village, if you had no idea of you where abouts, you couldn''t differ this village from others. It''s tallest building is the chuches tower.' if AlbFather >= 1: if AlbFaterBlackTime = 0: AlbFaterBlackTime = totminut + 2880 'You can see voting posters on the walls. They say, "Vote for Boris Barlovsky!".' end if AlbFaterBlackTime > 0 and AlbFaterBlackTime <= totminut and rand(1,100) > 90 and hour >= 16 and AlbFather = 1: gt 'AlbFatherQW' end if StoryLine > 0 and hour < 5 and motherWorry = 0: motherWorry = 1 end set gorodokwhorerand = RAND(1,5) if gorodokwhore >= 2 and gorodokwhore < 6 and gorodokwhorerand >= 4: 'You catch yourself on peopleĀ“s views, some are trying to find you in someone, and maybe learn. Occasionally you hear people chuckle. Looks like someone found out about your adventures.' if gorodokwhore >= 6 and gorodokwhore < 10 and gorodokwhorerand >= 4: 'People look at you with a grin, someone makes vulgar gestures towards you some hints on your adventures.' if gorodokwhore >= 10 and gorodokwhorerand >= 4: 'All around you will recognize whore. Some came by and slap you on the ass. Grandmother on the benches name-calling you whore.' set gorodokstreetsexrand = RAND(1,20) if gorodokwhore > 5 and gorodokstreetsexrand = 20: 'To you a guy came up and offered to move into the bushes to get laid for a hundred' act 'Agree': gt 'gevent','5' end gs 'stat' gs 'time' if car > 0 and cardrive = 20: set cardrive = 20 'In the parking stands your <<$car>>.' end if StoryLine = 1 and ParHomeBlock = 0: 'Your home is in one of the houses, it''s an apartment your parents own.' 'The Train Station.' 'The Clinic.' if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20: 'The Drugstore.' if hour >= 8 and hour <= 17: 'The local barbershop' if hour >= 8 and hour <= 22: 'A kiosk selling cigarettes.' 'Gas Station' 'This disticts House of Culture.' if SchoolBlock = 0: 'Local school' if hour >= 7 and hour <= 18: 'The Vocational School' if hour >= 8 and hour <= 20: 'The only major store in town is the supermarket.' 'Small city park, in which people are going' if workPTU > 2: act 'Go to the hostel': gt 'etoexhib','pos40' act 'Wait': cla waiting = input ("How long would you like to wait? (Not more than 120 minutes)") if waiting <= 0 or waiting > 120: set minut += 15 end if waiting > 0 and waiting <= 120: set minut += waiting end act 'Take a look at the clock': gt curloc end --- gorodok ---------------------------------