# katjaEv
$din_katja_kiss = {
act 'Kiss':
minut += 5
manna += 100
horny += 10
KatjaHorny += 10
if katjaFirstKiss = 0:
katjaFirstKiss = 1
KatjaLust = 10
KatjaSlut = 10
KatjaDom = 50
KatjaOTN = 1
gs 'stat'
'You brought her face to face Katie and felt her hot breath on his lips. Kate closed her eyes and touched his lips to your lips. In your mouth penetrated nimble tongue Katie that you started to suck, then your tongue went into Katin´s mouth and she very gently caressed it with his tongue and sucked. Kate finally pushed you to your flushed face and licked her lips.'
if KatjaHorny >= 75:
'Kate handed his pen to your chest and gently held her finger on.'
act 'touch the chest':
minut += 5
horny += 10
KatjaHorny += 10
KatjaLust += 1
gs 'stat'
'You touched the tender breast and Katya Katya sighed deeply biting her lip.'
katjalustrand = rand(0,30)
if KatjaLust < katjalustrand:
'You´re a little touched each other breast and Katia moved away from you.'
act 'Пsay goodbye and go home': gt 'gorodok'
if dom > 0:
act 'grab her':
minut += 5
horny += 10
dom -= 1
KatjaDom -= 5
KatjaHorny -= 10
KatjaLust += 1
gs 'stat'
'You grabbed Katya without letting it wriggle.'
if dom < KatjaDom:
'Kate firmly took your hands and took them away, giving you understand that you have already completed.'
act 'Say goodbye and go home': minut += 15 & gt 'gorodok'
'Kate froze in your hands while you stroked her body and kissed her neck.'
act 'Licking her breast':
minut += 5
horny += 10
KatjaDom -= 1
KatjaHorny += 10
KatjaLust += 1
gs 'stat'
'You got not big but firm breasts Katie from under their clothes and began to lick his tongue. Kate closed her eyes in pleasure and bit her lip.'
'After a while Kate cleaned your hands away.'
act 'Say goodbye and go home': gt 'gorodok'
'Katya started stronger stroking your chest and you feel as it removes your bra trying to get to your breasts.'
act 'let her':
minut += 5
horny += 10
KatjaDom += 1
KatjaHorny += 10
KatjaLust += 1
gs 'stat'
'Kate bared your breasts and touched her with his fingers, then she bowed her head and began to lick your nipple.'
'Lick your breasts while Kate stood up and turned to start cleaning the room.'
act 'Say goodbye and go home': gt 'gorodok'
act 'Remove her hands':
minut += 5
horny += 10
KatjaDom -= 1
KatjaHorny -= 10
KatjaLust += 1
gs 'stat'
'You removed her hands and smiled Katya fun.'
act 'Say goodbye and go home': gt 'gorodok'
'Kate turned and began to collect books pretending that nothing had happened.'
act 'Say goodbye and go home': gt 'gorodok'
katjaMeynoldday = day
gs 'stat'
'<<$npcName[14]>> <<$npcSurName[14]>>'
'Kate looks at you smiling. "<<$name>>, come to me, with the lessons learned."'
if fedorKozlovQW >= 10:
'To you and Katya suitable Fedor. "Hi girls, that up to?" Katya said embarrassed "Here we want to go teach lessons together." Fedor much thought and said "Okay. Then before the meeting." Then turned and walked away.'
act 'Say goodbye and go home': gt 'gorodok'
act 'Go with Kate':
minut += 15
manna += 100
gs 'stat'
'<<$npcName[14]>> <<$npcSurName[14]>>'
'You walk down the streets of the town, along with Kate to her house. You are chatting together about all sorts of trivia and fun.'
if albinaQWdance > 0 and AlbinaBlokDance = 0: 'Katya keen interest how are you doing with Zvezdushkami. In her opinion it is a very private team in a variety of rumors roam about Albina team.'
if kotovLoveQW > 0: 'Kate asks you about your relationship with Victor Kotov, simultaneously expressing opinion about it. According to her Witek rude and he is a true gangster.'
'Finally you come to her house. Detached two storey house with attached garages and quite a large garden gives the impression of grooming and order. Katya shows you the way to your room'
act 'Walk into a room Katie':
minut += 15
manna += 100
gs 'stat'
'<<$npcName[14]>> <<$npcSurName[14]>>'
'The room Katie did not quite clean and circle are her things. Kate throws her to the floor and ryukzachek lacking textbooks and notebooks.'
act 'Engage with Katia':
minut += 30
grupNPC[14] += 10
lernHome = 0
lern += RAND(2,4)
intel += RAND(0,1)
katjaLernTimes += 1
gs 'stat'
'For half an hour that you do with Kate you fully learned the lessons and pretty well understood the materials.'
if katjaLernTimes >= 10:
katjaLernQW += 1
if katjaLernQW < 5:
katrand = rand(0,3)
if katrand = 0: 'You notice that Kate stares you in the face, as if he wants, that is to ask, but turns away.'
if katrand = 1: 'You notice that Kate blushed and turned away from you.'
if katrand = 2: 'Kate as if by accident puts his palm on your knee, then quickly removes it.'
if katrand = 3: 'Kate smiles at you quite a silly smile, then turns away.'
if katjaLernQW = 5:
'Kate thinks about something, then embarrassed and blushing asks you "<<$name>>, and you have kissed a boy?"'
act 'Yes':
gs 'stat'
'You smiled at Kate and said that of course you kissing boys. Katya shy even more. "You see the <<$name>>, I like this guy, he´s older than me, and I am afraid that when we start to kiss, I´ll do something wrong. Could you teach me how to kiss?"'
dynamic $din_katja_kiss
act 'No':
katjaLernQW = 0
katjaLernTimes = 1
gs 'stat'
'You refused to kiss with Kate and she was mad at you.'
act 'Say goodbye and go home': minut += 15 & gt 'gorodok'
act 'No':
gs 'stat'
'You shook their heads and said they did not kiss. Katya shy even more. "You see the <<$name>>, I like this guy, he´s older than me, and I am afraid that when we start to kiss, I´ll do something wrong. Maybe we could try to kiss, what to learn?"'
dynamic $din_katja_kiss
act 'No':
katjaLernQW = 0
katjaLernTimes = 1
gs 'stat'
'You refused to kiss with Kate and she was mad at you.'
act 'Say goodbye and go home': minut += 15 & gt 'gorodok'
if katjaLernQW >= 6:
'Kate brought her face to yours so that you could feel her hot breath on his skin.'
act 'Bring his face close to hers.':
gs 'stat'
'You, too, bringing her face to face Katie.'
if KatjaHorny < 50:
katjarand = rand(0,50)
if katjarand <= KatjaHorny + dom:
dynamic $din_katja_kiss
KatjaHorny += 5
'Kate giggled and pushed his face away from your.'
act 'Say goodbye and go home': minut += 15 & gt 'gorodok'
if dom > 0:
act 'Grab face Katie':
dom -= 1
KatjaDom -= 5
KatjaHorny -= 10
KatjaLust += 1
gs 'stat'
'You cupped face with his hands and Katie brought his lips to hers.'
if dom < KatjaDom:
'Kate firmly took your hands and took them away, giving you understand that it does not intend to kiss.'
act 'Say goodbye and go home': minut += 15 & gt 'gorodok'
'Kate stopped looking into your eyes.'
dynamic $din_katja_kiss
if KatjaHorny >= 50:
dynamic $din_katja_kiss
act 'Say goodbye and go home': minut += 15 & KatjaHorny -= 5 & gt 'gorodok'
act 'Say goodbye and go home': minut += 15 & gt 'gorodok'
--- katjaEv ---------------------------------