# qwbereg
$qwvlsexhjdy = {
act 'Pat his hand between her legs.':
minut += 5
VladimirHJ += 1
hj += 1
gs 'stat'
'You started stoking by Vladimir crotch and felt his cock gets. He unzipped and pulled standing member who put you in her hands.'
'You started to caress her slender fingers hard and hot cock Vladimir.'
act 'Masturbate him.':
minut += 5
gs 'stat'
'You started stroking his cock harder and soon finished Vladimir groaning in your hands.'
act '....': gt 'qwbereg2'
act 'To take by mouth.':
minut += 5
bj += 1
VladimirBJ += 1
gs 'stat'
'After going down on his knees with his lips wrapped around you a member of Vladimir and began to suck him absorbing every move his hard cock to the throat and abundantly wetting saliva.'
'Finally Vladimir began stonoat and he is about to finish.'
act 'Continue to suck.':
set swallow += 1
set cumlip += 1
'Hot jet of sperm hit you in the mouth. You started to swallow cum, and Vladimir continued to finish in your mouth. Finally the flow of hot liquid with a pungent taste stopped.'
act '....': gt 'qwbereg2'
act 'Remove the mouth.':
set tiprand = RAND(0,1)
if tiprand = 1:
'You remove a member from his mouth and Vladimir finished you in the palm.'
if tiprand = 0:
set facial += 1
set cumface += 1
'You took out a member and at this point Vladimir discharged directly on your face, covering it with warm and sticky cum.'
act '....': gt 'qwbereg2'
minut += 30
gs 'stat'
The boat
'Boat moored to the bank and Glory jumping from a boat tethered moorings. Everyone began to descend from the boat to shore. Vladimir said "Thank you now razvezet home and then pick me up and light."'
'Nikolai, Vitaliy and Isolde said goodbye and got into the car. Glory sat behind the wheel and drove off. You stayed near the boat together with Vladimir.'
'Vladimir gathered the remnants of food in a bag and threw it in the trash. Boxes with untouched food delivered to the deck until you wiped with a damp cloth table on the deck.'
'Finally with the cleaning has been completed and Vladimir sat on the sofa to rest on deck.'
act 'To sit next to.':
'You sat next to Vladimir, and he hugged you by the shoulders. "Well, how do you walk?"'
act 'It was not bad. Great boat.':
'(You) - It was not bad. Great you have a boat.'
'(Vladimir) - not my boat. Lent one friend pokatatsya. Absolutely no time to rest, so you have to combine business meetings with the rest.'
'Vladimir leaned to your face trying to kiss him.'
act 'Tselovatsya.':
minut += 5
horny += 10
VladimirSex += 1
guy += 1
gs 'stat'
'You started with Vladimir tselovatsya sitting on the couch. His hands slid to your chest and began to knead her through clothing.'
dynamic $qwvlsexhjdy
act 'Savoury.':
minut += 5
horny += 15
gs 'stat'
'Vladimir lifted your shirt and began to lick and suck your breasts. Gentle warmth pierced you and you become very good caresses Vladimir.'
dynamic $qwvlsexhjdy
act 'Savoury.':
minut += 5
horny += 15
DOM += 1
kuni += 1
gs 'stat'
'Vladimir started to remove your clothes that would get here before your pussy. He began to caress your tongue pussy.'
if horny >= 90:
set horny = 0
set manna += 15
set willpower += 15
set orgasm += 1
'Skillful actions of Vladimir orgasm you covered.'
'Actions Vladimir though they were exciting, but they started to bore you.'
dynamic $qwvlsexhjdy
act 'Give him.':
set sex += 1
set minut += 30
set pose = 0
set $nameV = 'Vladimir'
set dick = 16
set silavag = 1
'<<$nameV>> spread your legs and began to fondle her fingers pussy.'
gs 'orgazm','start'
act '....': gt 'qwbereg2'
--- qwbereg ---------------------------------