# trashplace
$bomzstartqwestdi = {
'-Okay. I see you''re a good man, but with finance problems. I here you have several times seen and heard said about you. I know one part time. Work is not dusty, but a bit risky. Now all I will not tell, just ask:Do you bring your passport with residence permit local there?'
act 'Yes, there is.':
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
gs 'time'
'Yes, there is. So when you tell about the job?'
'-Not here. Drove into the center, where you will explain everything.'
'One of the ways the center passes near an abandoned construction site, and you''ve decided that if a man will go through it, you immediately use the excuse of iron and hurriedly removed.'
'But to your surprise, the man walked toward the subway. You reminded him about his financial problems, but he just waved. In the subway he went to the checkout, the cashier and start a conversation'
'-Hi, Uncle Nick, decided to go - she asked, holding out his badge.'
'-Yes, you know, do, do. Here, people help - Uncle Nick nodded at you - you can throw another zhetonchik?'
'-No problem, just a word to anyone - she said, winking.'
'-Well, well, good luck, Nastya, hello Barbara Anikeevne.'
'Yes, give at the meeting.'
act 'In the subway.':
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
'You descended into the subway and got to the center. You got to walk the porn studio.'
if film > 0 and pfilmNO = 0:
'And because of this I already know earnings'
'-Do you think the porn studio only by a pussy you can trade? - Said with a grin Uncle Nick - there are other ways to earn there.'
elseif pfilmNO = 1:
'I have come here, but I was denied'
'-Do you think the porn studio only by a pussy you can trade? - Said with a grin Uncle Nick - there are other ways to earn there. You''re only as an actress ask for?'
'Not the porn studio I''m not going look for another rabotuI have come here, but I was denied'
'-Do you think the porn studio only by a pussy you can trade? - Said with a grin Uncle Nick - there are other ways to earn there. You''re only as an actress ask for?'
act 'Log in to the manager.':
minut += 15
if pornstudio = 0:pornstudio = 1
gs 'stat'
if film > 0:
'Hi <<$pfname>>.'
'You on any issue?'
'Here in the dialogue interrupted Uncle Kolya'
'-I remember you there were problems with delivery'
'-Yes, they were - said the manager - and we will still not settled. Tax presses, the majority of our people to engage in risky delivery.'
'-So, this girl has led, I think, be able to help you with this problem.'
'-What kind of warranty?'
'-So, it is with a passport, and no one bothers you inquire.'
act 'So what kind of work?':
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
'-Transportation of the goods and pay for it. Show your passport and come next Thursday. If all goes well, we shall discuss the details.'
act 'Show your passport.':
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
if podozrenie > 0:
'Uncle Nick comes to the manager and whispers something in his ear.'
if film > 0:
'The manager laughed and said, '
'-What do you mean, everything has already been verified. Normally she''s all there.'
'The manager looked at you and said, '
'-We got one question arose. Suspicions have that you do not quite ... Girl. Single bearer evidence.'
act 'How dare you? (To leave).':gt 'down'
act 'Show pussy':
SUB += 1
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
if ski > 0 or glamur > 0:
'You raised her skirt and showed her pussy.'
'You lowered his pants and showed her pussy.'
if tatvag = 3:
'Loves black dicks, I see.'
if lobok <= 0:
if ski > 0 or glamur > 0:
'How Schoolgirl - All-manager noticed, checked, do not forget to come on Thursday.'
elseif lobok > 0 and lobok <= 2:
if ski > 0 or glamur > 0:
'-Hedgehog, neither head nor feet - noticed Manager-Everything checked out, do not forget to come on Thursday.'
elseif lobok > 2:
if ski > 0 or glamur > 0:
'Jungle name - noticed Manager-Everything checked out, do not forget to come on Thursday.'
act 'Leave.':bomzQW = 1 & gt 'down'
'Manager rewrote your data and put your passport. All waiting for you on Thursday.'
act 'Leave.':bomzQW = 1 & gt 'down'
act 'Thanks, but I refuse (to leave).':bomzQW = -1 & gt 'down'
act 'Uh, better not, she can handle it.':bomzQW = -1 & gt 'street'
$workbomzdi = {
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
'-We made inquiries about you, and have decided that you come to us. The essence is this:We give you a couple of drives, and deliver them to you in the sauna, where you are given an envelope, you bring it to us immediately. Upon return now 5000. Shuttling need every Friday after opening the studio. If you agree, then passes on Friday unacceptable, choose safe mode of transport.'
act 'No, I do not fit (to leave).':bomzQW = -1 & gt 'down'
act 'Agree to work.':
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
'Today, it will take you to our people. In the future, will get themselves because Fridays control us increase, but watch out for each lonely girl coming from us - too costly for them.'
act 'Well, show.':
workDisk = 1
minut += 15
gs 'stat'
'You slipped into a jeep standing at the entrance, and you have brought to the sauna.'
if saunasex = 1:
'You recall how you were brought into the sauna, but then you were so excited that they could not remember anything sensible.'
elseif sauna > 0:
'A sauna, you recall it, it close to your home.'
'This sauna is located near your home, it is strange that you did not notice it before.'
'You went to the sauna, you have presented to local managers. Lucidly explained to you who need to deliver, and that it is necessary to return the envelope on the same day when you gave him. Do not forget to remind about the use of secure transport. On this with you goodbye until tomorrow.'
act 'Leave.':bomzQW = 2 & gt 'street'
gs 'stat'
gs 'time'
'A long string of garbage bins from which carries per kilometer shamefully hidden small iron fence.'
if bumtolik = 2:bumtrand = rand(0, 100)
if bumtolik = 2 and bumtrand >= 50:
gs 'stat'
gs 'time'
'You see a homeless person who gave the last time money. He smiles, hand making the gesture did not escape and goes to you to say something.'
'-Girl, you''ll excuse me, do not be afraid, hear what I say?'
act 'Hear out':gt 'musorkaexh', 'pos8'
if bumtolik = 3:temp = rand(0, 100)
if bumtolik = 3 and hour >= 6 and hour <= 20 and temp >= 50:
gs 'stat'
gs 'time'
'You see a girl feed the homeless.'
'Stranger:- Girl, I''m sorry, please take a picture for the record, as I help this unhappy.'
'You were uncomfortable and you refuse photographed girl on her camera.'
act 'Ask for what she need':gt 'musorkaexh', 'pos9'
if musor > 0:
act 'Throw garbage':
musor = 0
'You throw trash in the trash.'
if bumtolik = 0:
'"Oh, what!" - Was heard because of tanks.'
'You scared of surprises.'
act 'See who is said':gt 'musorkaexh', 'pos2'
elseif bumtolik = 1:
'"Hey, babe, come here, do me a favor to the old man!" - Heard you cheeky wheeze.'
'This is the old bum you saw last time.'
act 'Look at the homeless':gt 'musorkaexh', 'pos3'
act 'Move away from the tank':gt $CURLOC
if bomzQW = 0:bomzrand = rand(0, 100)
if bomzrand >= 80 and hour <= 16 and bomzQW = 0 and week ! 4:
gs 'stat'
gs 'time'
'When did you start to move away from the tanks, the man came up to you and kind bomzhevatogo croaked.'
'-Girl, 300 rubles for a cultural holiday not will throw?'
if money >= 300:
act 'Yes, keep':
money -= 300
gs 'stat'
'You gave money to the homeless, and he walked away from thanking you.'
act 'Leave':gt 'street'
act 'No':
gs 'stat'
gs 'time'
if daystart < 10 or sex <= 2:
'I''d love to, but the money and most do not. Hell, like already accustomed to the new body, but watch your tongue with difficulty. -Himself? Are you pidorok?'
act 'No':
gs 'stat'
podozrenie += 1
'No, you just ogovorilas.Muzhik looked at you with suspicion.'
dynamic $bomzstartqwestdi
'I''d love to, but that kind of money and most do not.'
dynamic $bomzstartqwestdi
act 'Get lost':
bomzQW = -10
gs 'stat'
'-You should not so rude to me. I did a lot of where I go, and I know a lot of things. May come back to haunt you so unresponsive.'
'With these words, the man withdrew.'
act 'Leave':gt 'street'
act 'Leave':gt 'street'
--- trashplace ---------------------------------